Jinchang was in high spirits when he went down the mountain.

Old Man Huang was so angry that he kept coughing, and the other villagers also felt very painful.

Old Man Huang kept begging for mercy along the way, saying that Jinchang should not kill everyone for the sake of everyone being a village.

Jinchang said: "I didn't kill them all. It's all your own fault. Why don't you believe what I say?"

Old Man Huang said that it would be fine if the land was given to him, but if he asked himself to apologize, he really couldn't afford to embarrass this person.

After all, he is older.

Jinchang looked at him as if he were a fool.

"What if I lose this time, will you still talk so easily?"

Old Man Huang's face looked as ugly as possible.

The way down the mountain is much easier than the way up.

But for Old Man Huang, it was like experiencing a low point in life, like taking a bumpy road that was difficult to overcome.

Therefore, they could have gone down the mountain in a while, but it took them about half an hour to reach the bottom of the mountain.

Father Jin and Mother Jin were waiting at the scene.

However, several villagers have already left.

Because they felt that this thing must be fake, it was better not to waste time.

They still have to go to work.

However, although they were not at the scene, they were scattered in the surrounding fields.

You can see others every few dozen meters away.

Therefore, someone soon saw Jinchang and others coming down the mountain.

Jinchang even sang a song specially to attract everyone's attention.

So at this time, everyone put down what they were doing and started to go to the fields in Jinchang.

Father Tian and Mother Tian looked at each other.

The answer was already obvious, seeing his son so happy again.

Besides, they had also met Xi Yu before.

In fact, they have also started to murmur since their son went up the mountain.

Is that person really Xi Yu?

Could it be that he was also a fake and his son was also fooled?

But later I thought it was impossible.

His son had already been in a military camp, how could he be fooled?

This time, the old couple finally felt proud.

They were not willing to confront this old man Huang.

But this old man Huang insists on seeking death himself, what can they do?

Then, everyone saw that Jinchang was in high spirits, while Old Man Huang looked dejected.

They felt something strange.

It seems the answer is obvious.

Jinchang glanced at Old Man Huang and indicated that he should do what he should do.

And he said in a low voice: "If the actor knows that you have not fulfilled the bet to me, the consequences will be very serious."

Old Man Huang yelled, and then he knelt down with a plop.

He knew that from today on he was completely ruined.

The few villagers who accompanied him also quickly turned their faces away.

Everyone was surprised except Jin Fu and Jin Mu.

Old Man Huang kowtowed and apologized, saying that he was short-sighted.

This once again surprised everyone.

It turns out that this thing is actually true.

As expected, Jinchang followed Xi Yu.

Sure enough, they saw Xi Yu on the mountain.

Jin's mother seemed a little bit upset. When she was about to speak, Jin's father took her arm.

The son finally felt proud and proud, and in order to make the whole village look up to them, he told her to leave them alone.

The Golden Mother had no choice but to stop taking care of it.

Jinchang said: "It is a simple matter originally, but you have to make it so complicated."

Finally, Old Man Huang finished kowtowing.

He also promised that his land would belong to Jinchang from now on.

He quickly left in disgrace.

Those who were with Old Man Huang also looked a little ugly at this time.

And some people began to adapt to the situation and began to praise Jinchang.

I have long seen that he is different, and now he is really promising.

It turns out that many people know that Jinchang followed Meng Huo.

But the news here is very closed after all, and many people think Meng Huo is dead.

As for Jinchang, he became a deserter.

But who would have thought that others would actually follow Xi Yu?

Jinchang also said: "Fellow folks, I don't want to embarrass anyone, but some people really step on their noses and get in the face, so from now on, if anyone dares to bully my parents, please be careful, even if I'm not with them. , but I won’t let you go.”

This time, no one doubted his words.

Everyone said one after another that they must be good to his parents.

At this time, everyone returned to their respective fields.

On the other side, several kidnappers who kidnapped Sima Shi felt incredible.

"What on earth is going on? Why did Master Sima leave inexplicably?"

They sent people to look for it, but they couldn't find it in the end.

They suddenly discovered that one of them, Ah Qing, was missing. Could it be that this Ah Qing had let Master Sima go?

And this is indeed the case.

The man named A Qing came to Sima Yi's house.

He arrived on a fast horse.

When he arrived at the concierge, he told the concierge that he needed to see Sima Yi.

Let’s discuss things about Master Sima.

The concierge felt incredible.

Don't know what he wanted to say.

Axing said, if you don't see me, you will regret it.

"In that case, I'll leave first."

After that, he pretended to be riding away.

At this time, the concierge immediately stopped him and asked him to wait a moment, and he would report back to the master immediately.

Soon, Sima Yi was surprised when he heard the news about his son from the concierge and asked him to call someone quickly.

In this way, Ah Qing quickly met Sima Yi and told Sima Yi that he would only talk alone.

I hope the other party will let all the servants out.

So Sima Yi did the same.

Sima Yi looked at Ah Qing and saw that he was very handsome.

"Okay, there are no outsiders now. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly."

Ah Qing said with a smile: "Your son is in my hands now. I am one of the kidnappers. I rescued your son."

Sima Yi heard the whereabouts of his son and breathed a sigh of relief.

He said to the other party respectfully, thanking the other party for sending his son back.

The smile on Ah Qing's face became even brighter.

"After a long time of fussing, you still understand what I mean."

Sima Yi was immediately confused.

Ah Qing said that he had also learned about Sima Yi's situation in the past.

He is also very smart, so why did he get so confused on this matter?

"What do you mean by that?"

At this moment, Sima Yi finally understood what was going on.

It seems that he is going to blackmail himself again.

"You released my son privately, right? Just to blackmail me, right?"

Ah Qing nodded, this should be right.

To say that Sima Yi is smart is not false at all.

He just didn't react.

"In that case, I don't need to say more."

Sima Yi accused this man, he had already paid the money, why did he have to pay it a second time?

"There's nothing we can do about it. Anyway, your son is in my hands now."

Sima Yi frowned and kept pacing in the room.

Ah Qing is not anxious at all, he believes that the other party will eventually agree to his request.

Finally, Sima Yi sat down.

He told himself to stay calm.

He then asked Ah Qing coldly.

"Is what you told me true? If you lie to me, the consequences will be disastrous."

Ah Qing said, unlike the kidnapper, he just asked Sima Yi to follow him this time.

Promise that he will bring Master Sima back.

Sima Yi then asked him how much he wanted, and he told him a number. Sima Yi found that it was within the acceptable range.

He said again: "But you must tell me, who was it that kidnapped him before?"

Ah Qing smiled.

"I knew you would ask, and I would tell you the place."

And his quick reaction made Sima Yi feel incredible.

So he looked at him suspiciously.

"You don't have to look at me like this, because I don't agree with them and I want to deal with them."

Sima Yi nodded, it turned out that there was an internal dispute.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I promise you, take the money and go with you."

"Lord Sima is still happy."

On the other side, Xi Yu was writing the list of gods without sleep or food, and his hands were already sore at this moment.

He wrote a total of more than 100,000 words, and he finally finished it.

At noon that day, he felt a little dizzy.

Soon he went out for a walk.

Chunyutian saw him immediately and asked, "Master Xiu, it's rare for you to come out and take a rest."

"I have finished writing it and will give it to Qingfeng and Mingyue to read in a moment."

Chunyutian felt very surprised.

What book did Xi Yu write? Why was it finished so quickly?

After a while, Xi Yu gave the manuscript to Qingfeng and Mingyue.

The two Taoist priests happened to be together.

"This is the fruit of my labor these days. I hope you can take a good look at it."

"Okay, since it is a work written by an actor, we must read it carefully."

After that, Xi Yu walked out.

Chunyutian finally couldn't help but asked: "Drama Master, you should tell me now, why on earth did you do this?"

"Obviously, I just hope to impress them with this book."

However, Chun Yutian still didn't understand.

On the other side, Sima Yi followed A Qing to a remote village.

"Why did you bring me here? Is my son here?"

Sima Yi asked.

Ah Qing nodded, and then led him into a very ordinary household.

There was an old man living in the yard, who looked extremely ordinary.

But in fact, he is excellent in martial arts.

The old man nodded to Ah Qing, and then let the two of them enter the south room.

Sima Yi was currently tied with a rope and sitting on a seat.

There was a cloth stuffed in his mouth.

When Master Sima saw Sima Yi, tears immediately flowed down.

Sima Yi felt very heartbroken when he saw his son.

"How's it going? I'm not lying, right? You can leave now." Ah Qing said.

Sima Yi told Ah Qing that he was going to destroy the kidnapper's organization now.

And I also learned from Ah Qing’s mouth that this was his son’s business competitor.

I hope Ah Qing won’t let anyone know.

Ah Qing laughed.

"I wish I could borrow your hand to kill him. How could I possibly tip him off?"

Ah Qing quickly untied Sima Shi and asked the father and son to leave quickly.

The look in Sima Master's eyes told Sima Yi that he wanted to take revenge on Ah Qing.

But Sima Yi also shook his head. He had already seen that the old man in the yard was not a simple man.

After walking far away, Sima Yi also breathed a sigh of relief.

He told his son that he would now send troops to destroy the place.

On the other side, Qingfeng and Mingyue looked at Xi Yu's manuscript. The more they read, the more addicted they became, because many of the Yuanshi Tianzun Taishang Laojun mentioned in it was the god in their Taoism.

And this story is also particularly exciting. Both Chanjiao and Jiejiao went down the mountain to manage the affairs of the world.

There is also suspense in it, because when Xi Yu wrote this book, he did not follow a straightforward narrative method.

It is based on the original manuscript and once again set up some techniques.

He believed that two people would be deeply attracted.

The more they watch, the more addicted they become. However, when two people watch together, one has to wait for the other because the speed is different.

They were completely immersed in his books.

"Oh my gosh, it's so wonderfully written. Not only is this actor's military skills superb, but his literary talent is also exceptionally good."

After all, at this time, there was no systematic novel.

There aren’t even many storytellers.

Therefore, Xi Yu has every reason to believe that this book will attract them.

In the guest room, Xi Yu said to Chunyutian: "I believe they will applaud my book now."

Chunyutian asked: "Can you tell me?"

"Of course, I'll tell you the content."

Chunyutian heard a rough idea.

He finally understood what Xiyu meant.

"You mean to tell them that as a Taoist priest, you should not confine yourself here, but should go down the mountain to save others?"

"Yes, that's what happened. Just like their ancestor Yuanshi Tianzun Taishang Laojun, even though the Tongtian leader is causing trouble, they also go down the mountain to participate in human affairs."

It took more than an hour for Qingfeng and Mingyue to finish reading the book.

They looked at each other.

Qingfeng said: "Mingyue, do you understand what the actor means?"

Mingyue nodded.

"Of course I understand. He means to tell us that we should also go down the mountain to help him."

Originally, the two people thought that they should stick to their own ideas.

But they didn't expect that Xi Yu would influence them in such a way.

At this time, both of them were a little shaken.

Qingfeng originally wanted to agree.

It's just that Mingyue's attitude is very determined.

Qingfeng then asked Mingyue.

"What did you think about it?"

Mingyue was silent for a while, and finally said: "This is just a story he made up, and it didn't really happen, and..."

"And what?"

"And I feel that he is disrespecting the Supreme Lord. He can make up stories at will. How can he convince the public?"

Qingfeng said that Yue thought too much.

Although the story is false, it illustrates a truth.

Moreover, Xi Yu came to them with complete sincerity.

He traveled thousands of miles to come here, and he did not hesitate to kneel down in order to save two compatriots.

Mingyue also seemed a little moved.

But he said that he still had to think about it carefully and couldn't agree so quickly.

On the other side, Sima Yi sent hundreds of soldiers to destroy the kidnapper's organization.

Several people were drinking tea in the room.

They are discussing a problem.

Since Master Sima is gone, will Sima Yi come to deal with them?

One person said: "He has no idea where we are, so how can he deal with us? Aren't our worries groundless?"

"That's right. Why should we scare ourselves?"

At this moment, they suddenly heard a rumbling sound coming from outside.

Several people were shocked. One person looked from the door and found that many soldiers had arrived.

They suddenly felt confused.

And riding at the forefront was Sima Yi.

Wearing armor, he dismounted quickly and asked, "Did you kidnap my son Sima Shi?"

When he said this, it was equivalent to revealing his identity.

After several men walked out, their expressions changed drastically.

How did Sima Yi find himself?

Several people suddenly thought of an important link.

Ah Qing.

It must have been Ah Qing who snitched.

Yes, that must be the case.

Seeing the panic of several people, Sima Yi knew that this was indeed their stronghold.

So he told the soldiers, don't say anything, just take action.

Several men quickly returned to the house to prepare weapons.

But how can they be as fast as these soldiers?

They are battle-hardened, and dealing with a few people is like dealing with ants.

After a while, screams came.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

Sima Yi finally took revenge.

Afterwards, he led the soldiers away.

On the other side, on the Kunlun Mountains.

At night, Qingfeng, Mingyue and Xiyu ate together.

The two Taoist priests thought that Xi Yu would definitely mention the matter of the list of gods.

But Xi Yu said nothing.

Xi Yu and Chun Yutian have already discussed this.

Neither of the two people wanted to talk about this matter, just waiting for the two Taoist priests to speak.

Let's see if they say anything about it.

Therefore, when we first came up, the scene was very embarrassing.

This was the first time that the four of us only ate and said nothing.

Xi Yu thought to himself, let's see if they can keep their composure, but he just didn't say anything.

After a while, Qingfeng and Mingyue looked at each other halfway.

They also hoped that Xiyu would speak first.

But it seemed that Xi Yu wanted them to speak first.

Chunyutian was on the side and almost couldn't help laughing.

"Two Taoist priests, didn't you say anything? This meal was so interesting."

Qingfeng said awkwardly: "Actually, talking while eating is not a good habit. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it later."

Xi Yu nodded and said the same thing.

Mingyue was thinking, should she really agree to Xi Yu's request? (End of chapter)

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