By the time the meal was finished, Qingfeng and Mingyue could no longer remain silent.

Qingfeng glanced at Mingyue and motioned for him to speak first.

Because he was opposed to this matter at first.

Mingyue said that the list of gods written by Xi Yu was indeed very good, which proved that he had a talent for making up stories.

If Xi Yu didn't become a prince, but instead became a book writer, he would be famous after all.

Xi Yu just smiled, hearing that he deliberately didn't talk about the topic, but he felt a little angry in his heart.

This old Taoist priest is too cunning.

Qingfeng coughed slightly.

"Mingyue, the meaning of the opera singer's offer is very obvious, that is, let us go down the mountain to help. We must consider the suffering of the people. Think about it carefully. We also lived through hard times when we were young."

Mingyue nodded. The reason why they became monks was actually to avoid some taxes.

Because after coming here, you can no longer care about worldly disputes.

It’s just that decades have passed.

After these times passed, the world was not at peace, and the Central Plains was constantly in dispute.

Mingyue also thought that maybe it was wrong for her to escape like this.

In the end, he decided to help Xiyu go down the mountain with Qingfeng.

Xi Yu has been waiting for this sentence for several days.

I always feel that my hard work has not been in vain.

He stood up and saluted the two of them respectfully.

"Two Taoist priests, thank you very much."

Qingfeng said it was getting late today and they would go down the mountain early tomorrow morning.

Xi Yu finally returned to the guest room with Chunyutian with peace of mind.

Chun Yutian said: "Player, your efforts are not in vain, but have you ever thought about it? What if you give everything and people still don't agree to you?"

Xi Yu said that even if he tried his best and others refused to agree, then he would have no choice.

In short, as long as you try your best, there will be no regrets.

On the other side, in Luoyang.

After Cao Pi was angered by Zhang Lu's letter that day, he coughed even more violently.

He has been bedridden, and many people feel that Zhang Lu is really crazy.

But without Cao Pi's order, none of them said anything.

Sima Yi also wanted to ask when exactly he would send troops.

But seeing Cao Pi like this, he finally didn't ask anything.

When Sima Yi came to visit Cao Pi, Xi Zhicai happened to be here too.

Because of Xi Yu, Sima Yi doesn't like Xi Zhicai now.

Xi Zhicai only said hello to him.

Sima Yi asked how Cao Pi was doing.

"It's almost healed. Don't worry. The doctor said you'll be fine in a few days. Zhongda, why do I see that your face looks a little ugly?"

Sima Yi said there was nothing wrong.

"What else do you have to hide from me? Tell me what's going on."

Sima Yi then told the story about how Master Sima had been kidnapped.

But he did not say that Master Sima was going to Kunlun Mountain.

It’s just that they were beaten while doing business outside, but now they have sent troops to exterminate them.

"It's really unreasonable. Now even some petty thieves are lawless."

Sima Yi finally couldn't help but ask.

Regarding Zhang Lu, how to solve it.

Cao Pi escaped and said that he would kill it himself after he recovered.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Cao, how can I let you fight in person?"

Cao Pi believed that only in this way could morale be better boosted.

"I have decided that you don't want to say anything."

After that, there was another coughing sound.

Zhang Lu's letter has been sent, but there has been no response yet.

That night, he and Ma Wenbin had wine together.

Ma Wenbin saw his unhappy look and knew it must be because of the letter.

Zhang Lu cursed and said that Cao Pi didn't even reply to him.

"Then I will no longer be polite tomorrow. I must kill all those people."

He also said to Ma Wenbin: "You must not persuade me. It is of no use to persuade me. In short, I have to do it."

In the early morning of the next day, Zhang Lu asked Ma Wenbin to gather all the prisoners.

And at the same time, the number of people must be counted.

These prisoners have been frightened for the past few days.

They even considered how to escape, but Zhang Lu had already anticipated this, so he stipulated that no one could leave.

If you escape privately, the punishment will be more severe.

In the end, some people actually left without permission, were eventually caught, and then tortured.

These soldiers were a little scared at the moment, just like the pigs in the butcher shop who were slowly taken away after seeing their companions and realized their fate.

Soon, Zhang Lu appeared in front of them and asked Ma Wenbin if the number of people was correct.

Did anyone escape?

Ma Wenbin said: "No one escaped, the numbers are correct."

But Zhang Lu was worried and ordered it again.

"I tell you, today is the day of your death. You are in the same team. You can continue to be together after you reach the underworld. I am doing this for your sake."

"I have written the letter to Cao Pi, but it has been several days, and he has not responded, which proves that he does not take you to heart, so if you die, don't blame me, everything is to blame on him. .”

Zhang Lu also said that even if Cao Pi knelt down to beg him now, he would not agree.

So, he said to Ma Wenbin: "Okay, we can start now."

Ma Wenbin always felt that this was a cruel thing.

After all, they are now powerless, so why must they kill them all? But he still had to obey Zhang Lu's orders.

At this moment, a prisoner suddenly shouted: "Zhang Lu, you can't do this."

Zhang Lu sneered.

"Give me a reason why I can't do this?"

The soldier had thought of such a reason last night, and he didn't know whether he could succeed.

He said: "Because you don't believe in the Five Pecks of Rice Cult? If you do this, the leader will punish you. You have to work hard to do good deeds to gain the leader's approval."

When he said these words, many prisoners felt their eyes light up.

Yes, the other party is so obsessed with the Five Dou Rice Cult. Using this method, maybe he can really prevent Zhang Lu from killing.

Why didn't they think of this? Ma Wenbin was also pleasantly surprised. Maybe this condition really allowed Zhang Lu to give up.

But Zhang Lu remembered the last time he was plotted.

Someone pretended to be the Patriarch and deceived him, almost causing him harm, and now someone actually dared to speak to him under such a banner.

He smiled and said, "Come out for a moment. What you said seems to make sense."

The soldier was overjoyed and immediately came out.

Many soldiers felt that they no longer had to die.

They all thanked the soldier.

When the soldier came to Zhang Lu, Zhang Lu immediately grabbed his ears.

"Who gave you this idea?"

"No one gave me any advice. I came up with it myself."

Zhang Lu suddenly grabbed his neck.

"You are too brave to use this method to make me change my mind."

At this time, people discovered that this method was also ineffective for Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu asked Ma Wenbin to be harsher when punishing this beast.

Because he actually dared to threaten himself.

Ma Wenbin looked at all the prisoners very apologetically.

Today they cannot escape this fate.

They had no choice but to accept their fate.

Ma Wenbin had no choice but to order the soldiers to take action quickly.

So, immediately, the screams appeared.

The smell of blood filled the air.

When Zhang Lu saw this scene, he felt very happy.

Ma Wenbin sighed.

In the end, the bodies of the prisoners were also cleaned up and thrown into the back mountain.

The scene was immediately cleaned as if nothing had happened.

Early that morning, Xi Yu, Chun Yutian and two Taoist priests finally came down the mountain.

Xi Yu asked Chunyutian to go down first, and then go to find Jinchang.

His home is not far from the village, and you can find out by asking.

Jinchang was eating breakfast when he heard footsteps and walked out quickly.

Seeing that Chun Yutian had arrived, Jinchang quickly packed his things.

"Let's go, the actor is leaving now."

Jinchang said that he had already packed up and was just waiting for them to come down the mountain before setting off together.

After that, he knelt down to the two old people and said goodbye to them.

Although he really wanted to continue to stay with the two old people and fulfill his filial piety, he must now return to Xi Yu and make contributions.

"Okay, son, men have ambitions in all directions. Don't say anything anymore and just leave quickly."

Although Jin's father was reluctant to part with his son. But he immediately helped his son up.

The old couple sent their son away.

After a while, Xi Yu and the two Taoist priests went down the mountain.

At this moment, Jinchang had also learned that Xi Yu had impressed the two Taoist priests by writing a book.

He sighed that Xi Yu really had a way.

But he was a little worried. Even if the two Taoist priests came down the mountain, could they really deal with the so-called ninja?

Chunyutian told him not to worry. In short, it would be good if the two Taoist priests were willing to go.

Xi Yu also came over to talk to Jin’s father and Jin’s mother.

Finally, a few people rode forward.

Watching their figures go away, Jin's father and Jin's mother returned home.

After Old Man Huang apologized, the status of the old couple in the village also increased.

It seemed that no villager dared to bully them at this time.

While walking on the road, Xi Yu asked Jinchang if he would like to be a farmer next.

Jinchang was shocked and didn't understand why Xi Yu suddenly had such an idea.

Xi Yu said: "It was because of your bet with that old man Huang that I came up with this idea."

But he must respect Jinchang's opinion.

If he is willing to return to the camp and serve as a soldier, then he must be satisfied.

Chunyutian quickly interrupted.

"Asshole, this is a good opportunity. You must seize it, because as a soldier, you may not have much success in your life, but as a farmer, it is different."

The reason why Xiyu was willing to let Jinchang do it was that it was also this time that he came out with Jinchang.

Got a comprehensive understanding of him.

Otherwise, others may not have such an opportunity.

Jinchang also understood the reason, so he agreed.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, I will definitely live up to your expectations."

Xiyu nodded.

"Okay, you go to the military camp now and I will tell you after I have thought about it. But this matter is a secret, so don't tell others now."

Since Xi Yu invited two Taoist priests this time, he was in a particularly good mood and saw a lot of beautiful scenery along the way.

And the weather is about to get warmer, which makes people feel particularly happy.

On this day, Guitian Jun finally returned to Japan.

He met Okawa.

Okawa asked: "How is it? Have you already obtained this medicine?"

He immediately took out the medicine and recounted his experiences along the way.

When Okawa saw those medicines, he smiled.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly, but can you ensure that this medicine is effective?"

Mr. Guitian nodded and said that he had done experiments and that only a little bit would be effective.

Now this packet of medicine is enough to last a long time.

"Very good. Next we have to consider how to give Xi Yu this medicine. In this case, we should go to the Central Plains area now."

But today a celebration banquet must be held to celebrate Guitian Jun's successful return.

At the same time, Okawa also wanted to beat the other ninjas.

Why can't they do things that Guitian Jun can do well?

Sure enough, after the banquet was held, Mr. Guitian was praised.

Okawa scolded the other ninjas, causing many ninjas to feel particularly uncomfortable.

They thought Guitian Jun had robbed them of their achievements.

Why is he so competitive?

As long as there is no credit, everyone will lose it.

But why is he becoming more and more favored now?

Several people were even discussing whether to kill Guitian Lord?

Dachuan stipulated that they would start heading to the Central Plains tomorrow.

But Cao Pi's illness improved slightly that night.

Only then did he realize that he had not contacted Ninja for a long time.

It is said that they went back years ago. Have they not come back yet?

In the early morning of the next day, someone came and delivered a box to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi asked the soldiers accompanying him to open it and take a look.

After the soldier opened it, he shouted loudly.

Cao Pi asked what was going on. At this time, he also looked at the table and saw that there were several heads inside.

And these were the soldiers sent out by Cao Pi.

The guard recognized him just now, which proved that Zhang Lu had killed all these people.

"It's too much to bully others. It's simply too much to bully others."

Originally, Cao Pi was about to recover, but now he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Cao Pi immediately passed out again.

The soldier had no choice but to go and ask for the doctor.

The doctor was still the same one as last time. When he learned that Cao Pi was stimulated by receiving something, he reprimanded him.

Why did the soldier insist on letting Cao Pi see such a scene?

The soldier felt very aggrieved.

If someone insisted on letting Cao Pi see it, how could he not hand it over?

What should I do if things are delayed?

The incident slowly spread.

Sima Yi soon heard about this.

Sima Yi decided to lead his troops to attack Sichuan and Shu first.

This matter was immediately known to Sima Yi.

"Dad, my son doesn't think it's appropriate for you to go directly."

"Why is this? They are bullying me so much. Shouldn't I go there?"

"Dad, think about it, since Zhang Lu is so arrogant, he must have a way out, and since he has returned to Xiyu now, then maybe Xiyu has already sent troops to guard there, why would you go there so rashly? If you haven’t fallen into someone else’s trap, let’s wait until Mr. Cao wakes up.”

He said that after Yun Feiyang died, he also felt very sad.

But grief does not mean loss of reason.

Moreover, my father is usually a wise man, but he must not be confused about this matter.

After Sima Master did this, Sima Yi finally understood.

He nodded, reminding himself that he was still his son at the critical moment.

Master Sima said that he would continue to Kunlun Mountain tomorrow.

"Son, why don't you go, in case it happens like last time..."

"Dad, the last time was just an accident, and my son must face it again."

"Well, if that's the case, just go ahead. Dad puts all his hopes in you."

At this moment, Sima Zhao came to Sima Yi's side.

He came to report his situation to Sima Yi. He had a particularly successful sword practice today.

"Very good, my son, you are great." Sima Yi touched his head.

Sima Yi thought of Sima Zhao again when he was very young.

He once asked someone to tell the fortunes of his two sons.

At that time, the fortune teller only gave a rough idea, and did not go into details on the grounds that the secret could not be leaked.

But it expresses a meaning, that is, Sima Zhao will be more accomplished than Sima Shi in the future.

So later, when Sima Yi proposed to do business, he did not object.

Because he wanted to put all his energy on Sima Zhao.

So Sima Zhao was asked to start practicing swordsmanship and learn the art of war since he was a child.

There happened to be some candies, so Sima Yi gave them to Sima Zhao.

Let him play outside.

After Sima Zhao left, Sima Yi saw Master Sima looking calm.

"Son, do you blame dad for being partial?"

"Dad, I have never had this idea before. I don't know why you would ask that?"

"That's good. In fact, among the people as well, many parents like their younger sons. After all, when their older sons were born, they didn't know how to be parents."

"Dad, you don't need to explain so much to me. My brother is quite cute and I like him very much. He is indeed a good young man and will surely become something great in the future."

"Oh, even you said that."

"Yes, Dad, because I once asked a fortune teller to tell my fortune."

This time Sima Yi felt even more surprised.

"There is such a thing, so what did the fortune teller say?"

"The fortune teller said that he will be stronger than me in the future, at least in terms of life span."

Master Sima told him roughly what the fortune teller told him.

Sima Yi was surprised. This was almost exactly what the fortune teller he found said. (End of chapter)

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