Sima Yi also heard that the eldest son may not live as long as the younger son.

He laughed when he saw how calm his son was.

"Actually, sometimes, what the fortune teller says is not accurate. We still have to be good people."

Master Sima shook his head, he believed this very much.

What he means is that he hopes his father can take his brother seriously.

As for myself, there is absolutely no need to take it to heart.

Sima Yi decided to continue tomorrow.

While Xi Yu and others were walking on the road, they also asked Qingfeng and Mingyue whether they had the ability to deal with ninjas.

The two people shook their heads because they didn't know and had never been in contact with each other.

But since Xi Yu doesn't feel the power of cognition now, maybe nothing will happen for the time being.

It's better to go back and talk slowly later.

Anyway, the two Taoist priests following him made Xi Yu feel warm.

In the past few days, Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong went to worship Buddha.

Ouyang Linlin was very worried and didn't know if anything would happen during this trip to Kunlun Mountain.

Why haven't I come back even though it's been several days?

Xiaohong comforted her.

"Miss, there's nothing wrong, so you don't have to worry."

However, Ouyang Linlin said that she had a dream about a bad scene.

So she felt very scared, and now she was particularly panicked.

On this day, Cao Pi woke up.

He found Sima Yi and Xi Zhicai sitting next to him.

When the two of them saw him getting up, they were very happy and greeted him immediately.

And they found that Cao Pi seemed to have aged several years, and Cao Pi seemed to be very strange when he saw the two of them.

It took a long time to calm down.

He said: "I just saw my dad."

The two of them were stunned for a moment. Was Cao Pi having a nightmare? Or is he hallucinating?

But Cao Pi said that this seemed to be a very real experience.

Just when he was unconscious, it seemed that his scalp was constantly numb and his hair began to grow wildly.

He felt like he was in a ghost gate. He really saw Cao Cao.

Cao Cao scolded him for not doing things well.

Cao Cao once said that he wanted to be King Wen of Zhou, hoping that Cao Pi could become King Wu of Zhou and overthrow the rule of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

But now he has made no progress at all.

And he also knew that when Cao Pi was dying, he actually didn't want to pass the throne to him.

It's not that I am very capable.

As for Wen Cai, he is no match for Cao Zhi.

In terms of powerlessness, he does not have Cao Zhang's interests.

But the reason why I passed it to him was because I liked his tough methods.

He thought that many people supported him, so he was lucky enough to get this position.

He sighed: "Am I going to go? I feel that my time is running out."

The two people advised him not to think nonsense.

Cao Pi asked Xi Zhicai to go out first. He had something to say to Sima Yi alone.

Sima Yi felt very happy, which proved that Cao Pi trusted him more than the other party.

Sima Yi thought to himself, is this Tuogu?

No, it was too unlucky to think this to myself. He was just sick, and nothing really happened.

As for what Cao Pi said to Sima Yi, Xi Zhicai had no idea.

He kept waiting outside because Cao Pi would definitely call him in.

After a while, Sima Yi came out.

He was looking forward to Sima Yi telling him that Duke Cao called you.

However, Sima Yi told him: "Okay, you can go, because Cao Gong said that he doesn't want to see anyone now, he is very tired."

Xi Zhicai had no choice but to go back. After returning home, he started drinking. Drinking continued, and after a while, an old servant couldn't stand it anymore.

Just ask him what is so depressed about.

"Sir, we have a humble status and may not be qualified to ask you, but if you continue like this, it will be bad for your health."

Xi Zhicai told them it was okay.

However, after a while, I drank too much and started talking drunkenly.

He felt that he was excluded by Cao Pi and treated unfairly by many people.

After he lay down on the table, the old servant asked several servants to quickly help Xi Zhi into the room.

After a few hours, Xi Zhi stood up, and the old lady stood by.

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that he had drunk too much.

The old servant sighed.

"Sir, why don't you go and vote for Xi Gong? You are his biological brother, so it is justifiable for you to vote for him."

Xi Zhicai was very angry after hearing this.

The old servant said that he knew that after he said these words, the other party would be angry.

But he is extremely loyal to the other party.

He said that when Xi Zhicai said something drunk, it showed that everyone was particularly dissatisfied with him.

I always suspected that he had contact with Xi Yu.

"Master, although you are innocent, you can't avoid people saying this. If you really want to join Xi Yu, you can't say no."

The servant quickly knelt down in front of Xi Zhicai. He really didn't want to see the master depressed like this.

Although he felt relieved today, in fact he had been unhappy for a while.

Just when Xi Zhicai was about to reprimand him, he suddenly calmed down again.

"Okay, let's not talk about it yet. I will think about it."

Hearing Cao Pi say that he needed to think about it, the old servant breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, please step back first."

The old servant said that he would invite a doctor to come over.

Xi Zhicai shook his head, he was just drunk, and he wasn't sick, so why did he go to the doctor?

The old lady had no choice but to retreat.

That night, while staying in the inn, Xi Yu suddenly remembered Zhang Lu's problem.

He then asked the two Taoist priests whether the Five Dou Rice Cult had anything to do with them.

The two Taoist priests also told them seriously that it was a branch of theirs, but it was not completely the same.

These two people had never heard of Zhang Lu at all.

Xi Yu felt that they had always been aloof from the world, and it was completely normal not to know some things.

He then introduced them to Zhang Lu.

Xi Yu was talking to the two Taoist priests, and it was late at night before he knew it.

Only then did Xi Yu propose to leave.

"Okay, I hope you two can rest early and we'll hit the road again tomorrow."

Xiyu has a room by himself.

The two Taoist priests shared a room, and Chunyutian and Jinchang shared a room.

In the middle of the night, Xi Yu was suddenly awakened by the movement outside.

He opened his eyes and felt footsteps outside.

I thought I was hallucinating, but after listening carefully, it turned out to be true.

Is someone causing trouble?

He stood up quietly, and suddenly felt someone outside punctured the window paper, and then started spraying the inside.

It seems that he wants to charm himself and then take away his things.

Xi Yu stood up quietly. Fortunately, the room was extremely dark, so his tiptoeing movements would not attract anyone's attention.

But the people outside really didn't notice it and kept blowing it.

Xi Yu has arrived at the door now.

And he opened the door violently, and then immediately kicked one of the men.

At this time, several men felt particularly surprised.

At this moment, the secret guards were dispatched and began to deal with the other men.

He also apologized to Xi Yu, saying that his movements were too slow.

Xi Yu said it didn't matter and immediately packed up these people.

The two Taoist priests also immediately heard the news. They looked at each other and then stood up immediately.

In the other room, Chun Yutian and the other two had also woken up.

They also started dressing immediately and then went out immediately.

This time, several men were caught, five in total.

Xi Yu asked the secret guards to lock them in the woodshed.

Let’s talk about it tomorrow.

Don't disturb everyone's rest.

The secret guard immediately did the same.

Chunyutian came to help and said he should do the same.

Xi Yu immediately agreed.

But then, Xi Yu couldn't sleep, and she didn't know who it was.

Are they just some petty thieves, or do they know their true identities?

Forget it, let’s talk about it tomorrow.

Next, he thought of a few more ladies, and then he thought of Xi Shi and Song Meijiao, who he was about to get.

Suddenly, he had some psychological itch.

He was looking forward to getting two women quickly.

Tomorrow comes, Xi Yu wakes up very early.

He immediately appeared in the hall, waiting for several people to eat.

After a while, people came down one after another.

After seeing that everyone had arrived, Xi Yu said: "Eat first, and then go to judge those people after eating."

And the two of them have already come to the interview and started the trial.

Let them go to Xi Yu immediately to apologize.

So, when Xiyu and others had just finished eating, the men arrived.

At this moment, they all knew Xi Yu's true identity, and then they all knelt down in front of Xi Yu.

"Master Xiu, we didn't know it was you. I hope you don't mind if we offend you."

Several people kowtowed while crackling.

At this time, the boss also knew Xi Yu’s true identity.

He didn't expect that such a big shot would come to his shop.

I am still very excited now. If I tell others about it in the future, won’t it also be a special honor?

Xi Yu went to ask them what was going on. He knew that the secret guards must have judged them.

But I still need to know it.

A few thieves said that they came up with such an idea because they lived in extreme poverty.

Because in the afternoon, I saw a few people who were a bit out of the ordinary.

I thought they must be rich people, so I wanted to rob them of their things.

Before, it was so simple.

Several of them swore they never lied.

Xi Yu then asked them where they were from, and several of them told them.

"I don't think it's as bad as you said. I must think you are lazy and don't want to work."

Xi Yu deliberately scolded them.

They said there was absolutely no such thing.

They really encountered misfortune and this happened.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, I understand. The place you live in is indeed a barren land, and natural and man-made disasters are also normal. If you can, just follow me and become a soldier. I don't know. Are you happy?"

Several people looked at each other.

They suddenly felt that this was a good welfare package.

For them, it is a dream come true.

They all agreed immediately, but one of the men said that he still wanted to go home and take care of his old mother.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, I won't force you."

Several other people also testified that this person was indeed an old mother who was ill in bed.

He really needs someone to take care of him, so he really can't go there.

Xi Yu saw that they were all injured and knew that they had all suffered.

So what I said must be the truth, and I don’t want to argue anymore.

The man left immediately.

The remaining four men kowtowed even more fiercely.

They didn't expect that Xi Yu would repay evil with kindness.

They offended Xi Yu, which can be said to have committed a capital crime.

Xi Yu not only did not blame them, but also asked them to serve as soldiers and gave them a bite to eat.

What a grace this is.

They suddenly felt that they were nothing.

Xi Yu said: "I don't care what you were like in the past. From now on, you must behave well for me. You are also considered guilty, and you must make contributions. If you can't make contributions, then I will You're welcome."

Xi Yu also knew that in this case, they would be more loyal to him.

In fact, Xi Yu's judgment was also correct, and several people really made great achievements later on.

But that’s all for later.

Chun Yutian felt that it was inappropriate for the opera master to handle this.

Because they are all sinners, they should be punished.

Now not only are they not guilty, but they are allowed to serve as soldiers.

How could a few of them take advantage of all the good things in the world?

He then expressed his proposal indignantly.

Xi Yu said, "This is my decision, so don't say anything."

Chunyutian wanted to say something else, but Jinchang pulled his arm.

Chunyutian sighed.

"Master Xi, I am a very straightforward person. I hope you won't be angry."

Xi Yu said he didn't mind, which was as it should be, because he didn't want to make a fuss.

Making suggestions is a must.

Chunyutian was still a little unhappy.

Since I asked you to make suggestions, but I made them for you, why didn’t you agree?

Next, the four people asked them to go home now.

Then say goodbye to your family.

After that, follow Xi Yu forward.

Xiyu waved his hand.

"If that's the case, you can go home directly and don't have to come here. You can't give up some and follow me, so what's the point of following me?"

At this moment, several people looked embarrassed.

Jinchang said: "If you are in trouble, there is no need to follow."

Several people had no choice but to stop talking.

Two more days later, Xi Yu finally returned to Youzhou.

It was already dusk.

Finally back on his own territory, Xi Yu felt a little happier.

The two Taoist priests also saw the prosperity of Youzhou.

It turns out that they thought the world was withering.

Many places are particularly bleak.

It was only when they got here that they completely changed their minds.

They immediately knew that all this was due to Xi Yu, which made them admire Xi Yu even more.

They are also curious about why a young man is so capable of running this place so well.

When Xi Yu returned to the mansion, he immediately arranged guest rooms for everyone.

Ouyang Linlin was very excited to have him back.

Then he hurriedly came to see him with Sun Shangxiang.

"Husband, you are finally back."

The two people quickly knelt down and saluted.

"Why are you so polite? We just haven't seen each other for a few days. Get up quickly."

Ouyang Linlin specifically talked about the dream she had.

And it has been a nightmare these past few days.

I always dream that something happened to Xiyu.

Sun Shangxiang felt ashamed.

She said that Sister Ouyang had the dream because she was worried about the actor. She didn't dream about it. Was she a little heartless?

"It's good that you were very honest and didn't dream it up, just didn't do it, didn't make it up."

Next, Xi Yu spoke to the two ladies and said that he would soon begin to occupy the entire Central Plains again.

Because I met a few thieves today and have now become soldiers.

It is because they are uncomfortable that they do bad things.

Although it is wrong to do bad things, there are still many people like them in this world.

You must make every place live a good life.

So let the two ladies understand next.

"It's a life-and-death battle on the battlefield. Maybe something will happen to me, so you have to be mentally prepared."

After hearing this, the two women really shivered for a while.

In their impression, Xi Yu has always been invincible, and they never thought that something would happen to Xi Yu.

So at this moment, when Xi Yu raised a topic, they felt particularly strange and shocked.

"Looking at your surprised looks, do you think bad things will never happen to me?"

Ouyang Linlin said firmly that she believed Xi Yu would be fine.

"Generally speaking, it doesn't matter, but nothing can be said with absolute certainty."

Next, Ouyang Linlin started to ask the real question, how are things going on Kunlun Mountain? Have you invited the Taoist priest back?

"I invited the two Taoist priests Qingfeng and Mingyue back. They helped me deal with Ouyang Qing last time."

Xi Yu talked about his experience in Kunlun Mountain.

When they learned that Xi Yu had knelt down, both ladies felt very sad.

"You don't have to be in such pain. Think about it, it's normal for me to kneel down for the sake of the people in the world. As long as I can let the people live a good life without any grievances, it doesn't matter."

Next, Ouyang Linlin changed the topic to a lighter topic and asked Xi Yu when she would marry Xi Shi and Song Meijiao.

Now you can write it by hand.

"That's almost it. Let's find a good day when spring comes and the flowers bloom."

Xi Yu also understood that having one more woman would make them jealous.

But the matter of Luo's wedding will ultimately fall on the two of them. (End of chapter)

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