Ouyang Linlin said: "Husband, I am just asking casually. Do you really want to consider this matter now?"

Xiyu nodded. Just let Ouyang Linlin and Sun Shangxiang prepare.

Both women had unhappy looks on their faces.

Xi Yu said: "I know you are not willing to share a husband with others."

The two women remained silent because nothing seemed appropriate at this time.

After a while, Sun Shangcai said: "I have been in contact with Wenxuan. He said that he likes monogamy. I don't know why she has such an idea. In fact, to be honest, I really envy this way. "

He felt that after saying these words, he would definitely be reprimanded by Xi Yu, but he found that Xi Yu just smiled.

"Actually, the system he mentioned is indeed good."

When they heard Xi Yu's words, the two women were stunned. They didn't expect that he would say the same thing.

Xi Yu said that in that case, everything would be equal between husband and wife.

The woman wanted to ask him next, why don't you do this?

But no one asked.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, you go and do your work quickly, I'll go and be quiet for a while."

The two women had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

On the other side, this day, Cao Pi finally got better.

At dusk, he drank some wine and felt dizzy in his head.

This was what someone else had just sent to him. He felt a little superior, so he was about to take a rest. Suddenly, a ninja appeared in front of him.

When the ninja spoke to him, he was startled at first and then happy at the end.

Because there is no news from the other party for a long time, this time there is finally news.

"Sir, you are finally here."

And this ninja is Guitian-kun.

He really told Cao Pi about his trip to Persia.

"Sir, I wonder why you went to Persia"?

Guitian Jun told him the relevant situation.

Cao Pi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What are you talking about? Is it true that I can murder Xi Yu if I get a drug?"

"Of course it's true. How could I tell you if I didn't have concrete assurance?"

Guitian Jun said it very confidently. Although Cao Pi was a little depressed at first, he felt like he had been given a shot of blood at this moment.

Lord Guitian told Cao Pi that he would give the medicine to him and hoped that he could make good use of it.

Cao Pi felt puzzled, why didn't the ninja come to help him?

It seems a bit difficult to poison yourself.

"What's wrong? Do you want me to do this for you? I tell you, this is impossible."

Cao Pi said that he would have to find a way.

After that, Guitian Jun gave him the medicine and left.

Cao Pi looked at these medicines, but didn't know how to complete the task.

It’s better to get it first and then talk about it. As for how to complete it, we will talk about it tomorrow or discuss it with Sima Yi.

On the other side, Master Sima was riding a horse. On this day, he finally arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

He did not rush to Kunlun Mountain, but first inquired.

As a result, some villagers told him.

This Kunlun Mountain is not a place that anyone can just go up to.

Because those who go there will probably not survive.

He was asking about an old man, and he happened to be from Jinchang Village.

Unfortunately, this old man didn't know what happened in Jinchang recently.

So his thoughts are still stuck in the past.

Master Sima couldn't understand, so he asked him what was going on.

The old man gave a general summary of the cases that had happened before.

Master Sima frowned, not expecting it to be such a troublesome thing.

Now that you are here, you must not give up.

So no matter how difficult it is, he has to climb up.

Master Sima also knew that if he was really blocked by others, he would really not be able to go up.

But he couldn't just go back in disgrace.

Finally, when he reached the mountainside, a Taoist boy saw him and asked him why he came here.

"I'm here to ask for help from an expert."

Master Sima directly explained his intention.

The little Taoist boy told him to leave quickly, as individual visitors were not accepted here at all.

Only those who are related to the Taoist priest can enter the mountain.

The little Taotong thought that if he found out that Xiyu could go up the mountain, he would be able to handle it.

But the other party obviously didn't say that. It seemed that he didn't know about it.

"I really need to see the Taoist priest for something."

But the little Taoist boy was still not happy. He said that if he needed a Taoist priest to do something, he should go to another Taoist temple and they would not accept it here.

Master Sima thought to himself that at the critical moment, he should explain his true identity.

So he finally told the real situation.

"It turns out you are also an important person."

The little Taoist murmured.

Sima Yi suddenly heard a message.

What do you mean by that? Could it be that important people have been here before?

"Okay, no matter who you are, we won't accept you."

But Master Sima still didn't give up, so he continued to chatter.

The little Taoist boy was really unhappy, so he started to quarrel with him.

In the end, Xiao Daotong took action.

Master Sima was quickly knocked to the ground by the little Taoist boy, and his body rolled several times.

The little Taoist boy told him to get down the mountain quickly, otherwise the punishment would be even more severe.

But Master Sima still didn't give up. He couldn't just leave in disgrace.

Because he had already made a promise to his father and just left like this, what was going on?

"Does it mean that if I defeat you, you can let me go up the mountain?"

The little Taoist boy shook his head.

"It doesn't matter if you defeat me. Besides, you can't defeat me."

The Sima Master was like a wild beast, rushing towards the little Taoist boy crazily.

"Really, it's simply too overestimating one's abilities."

This time, his fate was even worse. He was almost kicked to the foot of the mountain, and his body was also extremely sore.

In the end, he passed out directly.

After Cao Pi got the medicine, he felt very excited.

He sent people to find Sima Yi.

Sima Yi has been thinking about his son going to Kunlun Mountain, and he doesn't know what progress he has made.

Suddenly he heard that Cao Pi came to call him, and he felt very strange.

When he saw Cao Pi, he saw Cao Pi looking excited.

"Mr. Cao, are you healed now?"

Cao Pi nodded and finally told him about the ninja.

Then he took out the packet of medicine.

"The ninja said. Let us poison ourselves. Please tell me how we can do this."

Sima Yi shook his head, he couldn't think of it for a while.

"Zhongda, I asked you to come here to come up with an idea. If you can't think of it, how can you do it?"

"But there are secret guards around Xi Yu. We can't act rashly."

Sima Yi said he was not in a hurry and asked him to think about it carefully first, and it would not be too late to discuss it in a few days.

Sima Yi's mouth seemed to be moving too.

Cao Pi asked him.

"Do you have something to say to me?"

"Yes, Mr. Cao, it's about my son Sima Shi."

Cao Pi felt particularly strange.

What about his son Sima Yi? Haven't you heard that you often do business?

"What do you want to say to me? Just tell me quickly."

So, Sima Yi told the relevant situation.

"Oh, your son said that there is a Taoist on Kunlun Mountain who is very powerful. Is this true?"

"It is impossible for my son to lie. If he can really accomplish this, it will be a great achievement."

Cao Pi touched the beard on his chin and nodded.

"In this case, I hope he can succeed smoothly."

Cao Pi thought of Meng Huo. Didn't he also use an expert when he dealt with Xi Yu?

At that time, Xi Yu hired experts from Kunlun Mountain to resolve the crisis.

"But if there really was such an expert, would he be invited by Xi Yu?"

Cao Pi asked quickly.

Sima Yi said that he didn't know, but the possibility should be very small.

"Okay, you go back first and think about how to poison Xi Yu."

Sima Yi went back temporarily. He felt that this was really a problem.

After returning home, he kept thinking hard.

But he felt that it might be difficult to poison Xi Yu, so it would be better to attack the people around him, such as his wife.

This is easier to operate after all.

So that night, Xi Yu came to Cao Pi again and told the matter.

"Start with the people around him, you said his wife?"

"Yes, as far as Shuxia knows, the secret guard only protects Xi Yu. Without Xi Yu's permission, his wife will not be protected."

Cao Pi also nodded, so he asked Sima Yi to continue to think of ways to see who could get in touch with Xi Yu's wife.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, I will definitely investigate the people around Xi Yu."

He said that he could ask people in his house to go to Youzhou to investigate the matter.

After Sima Yi returned home, he found a warrior at home.

The warrior's name was Lu Yong, and he was a sturdy man.

"Master, I wonder what you have to do with your subordinates?"

"The deed of sale you signed here is a death contract, right?"

Lu Yong nodded, but he didn't know why the other party said this.

He promised that he would be absolutely loyal to each other in the future.

"If you can do one thing for me, I will change your death contract and let you be free."

Lu Yong was very happy after hearing this.

Of course he hopes to change the contract soon.

But he believed in the other party, and the matter he was asked to do must be particularly troublesome.

When Sima Yi told this matter, Lu Yong felt a little uneasy about his conscience.

"What? I see you are hesitant? Don't you want to do this?"

"No, I am willing to do it." Lu Yong thought to himself that he must seize this opportunity.

Otherwise, once you pass this village, there will be no such store.

"Very good, I believe in your ability and you will definitely do this well. In that case, let's set off tomorrow morning."

Lu Yong also agreed.

On the other side, Xi Yu came to Song Meijiao's room.

"Drama Master, why are you here? Is there something wrong?"

"What I want to tell you is that I will marry you after a while. I hope you can have an idea."

Song Meijiao's heart pounded.

"I guess this is what you've been hoping for, right?"

This made the other party blush immediately. Why did he speak like this?

At this moment, they heard footsteps outside the door, and it was Song Datian who came over.

The punishment for Song Datian has ended, and now he is also in the guest room, and in order to make it convenient for him to take care of his daughter, the two of them live not far away.

Song Datian came to find Song Meijiao, hoping that she could curry favor with Xi Yu.

Let Xiyu come and marry her as soon as possible.

But he never expected that Xi Yu was actually here.

"Hey, Mr. Xi, you are here too."

Xi Yu nodded and asked the two of them what they wanted.

Song Datian said, let the two of them chat first, and he would leave for the time being.

Xi Yu called him back.

"Uncle Song, don't leave in a hurry. I have something to discuss with you."

Song Datian then asked him what was going on, and Xi Yu brought up the topic just now.

"And I don't need to introduce anything new here. I don't want those red tapes. I don't know if you can accept it."

Song Datian was happy. He himself came to talk about this matter. Unexpectedly, Xi Yu had already thought about it.

"That's great. As for the red tape, it's really not very important. Just ask the craftsman to choose an auspicious day."

Xiyu laughed.

"In that case, I'll leave first."

After Xi Yu left, Song Meijiao asked Song Datian what he was doing.

"Actually, dad also came here for this matter. Since the actor has already said it, dad has nothing to say."

Immediately afterwards, Xi Yu came to Xi Shi's room again.

Xi Yu was talking to the little girl when he heard footsteps coming from outside.

The little girl opened the door and saw that Xi Yu was here.

Xiyu just asked her to go out, he had something to say.

After the little girl left, Xishi asked directly: "Are you talking about marrying me?"

Xiyu laughed.

"Yes, you have already guessed it."

Xi Yu said he wanted to marry her and Song Meijiao at the same time, but he didn't know what she was thinking.

"Master Xi, since you have already decided. Why do you still come to ask me?"

Xi Yu understood that she was orchestrating herself in disguise.

"After all, you are a man, and I am just a weak woman. How can I oppose you?"

Xi Shi no longer rejects Xi Yu, and she is willing to marry Xi Yu.

But she hopes to marry Xi Yu alone, not with someone else.

"If you are really not happy, then I can change your life so that you don't get married together."

Xi Shi looked at Xi Yu in surprise. Can he really change for himself?

She looked at Xi Yu's eyes carefully and felt that he was not lying.

"Okay, thank you. Actually, it's not bad that I can be reborn."

So in this case, I shouldn't have any more extravagant expectations.

"In that case, it's settled."

Soon, Xi Yu returned to the room. He closed his eyes and kept thinking.

Thinking of the beauty of the two people, he seemed to be unable to bear it anymore.

He looked forward to this day coming soon.

It was already night on the other side, and Master Sima finally woke up.

Only then did he realize that he had been kicked almost to the foot of the mountain by the little Taoist priest.

He felt extremely sore in the bones of his body.

And I was carrying a bag with some dry food in it.

But now the dry food has been completely destroyed.

This damn little Taoist priest is so unreasonable!

He was now hungry, his luggage was gone, and he had to rely on begging to survive.

I had promised my father so much, but how could I have imagined that something like this would happen?

If you just go back like this, that would be too embarrassing, right?

He felt that his body was still a little sore and he was limping when he walked.

After a lot of hard work, we finally reached the foot of the mountain and entered the village.

He now wanted to go begging to a certain house in the village.

And the home he went to was Jinchang's home.

Father Jin and Mother Jin came home after working outside for a long time today.

At this moment, they were stewing a pot of cabbage and eating it.

Suddenly, they saw a person coming in from the door, and the person almost fell down.

Father Jin felt that the situation was strange, so he quickly walked over and asked what happened.

"Can you give me a bite to eat?"

Master Sima said weakly.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you right away."

Soon, he took out a few wowotou.

But the golden mother blamed him. She looked at the man and saw that he was injured. Why did he send him away with a few croquettes?

It's time to stew cabbage. Let's let people come in and eat some.

At this time, Jin Fu felt a little embarrassed.

You don't even know the details of this person, how can you let him come in rashly?

"Everyone encounters difficulties. Let this brother come in." Jin Mu insisted.

Helpless, Jin's father let Master Sima in.

Master Sima expressed special thanks to them.

After coming in, the couple let him eat, but they didn't ask him why he came to such a field.

It wasn't until he was full that Father Jin asked.

"Don't mention it. I wanted to find the masters on Kunlun Mountain, but I didn't expect them to beat me out."

Master Sima still felt a little frightened when he thought of this experience.

"Yeah, it's usually hard for them to talk, but my son is particularly lucky." Father Jin stroked the beard on his chin and said with a smile.

Master Sima asked him what was going on and why his son was so proud?

If this is the case, can he ask his son to help him go up the mountain?

"You don't know, my son is now serving as a soldier with Xi Yu."

Sima Yi was shocked when he heard Xi Yu's name.

"What? Your son is actually at Xiyu's place?"

Father Jin felt particularly proud.

Only then did Master Sima find out that Xi Yu also invited an expert.

"You'd better go back. You don't have the dignity of my son. My son is not at home, so he can't take you there," Jin's father said.

Master Sima nodded.

Although he didn't succeed, he got some news.

It can be considered that this time it was not in vain.

"We also have a south room at home. You can stay here tonight." (End of Chapter)

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