Master Sima also agreed to come down.

That night I stayed at Jin's house.

Jinchang naturally had nothing to do with this matter. Tonight, Jinchang drank with several soldiers.

It was a small gathering to treat a guest, so many people came.

In addition, there are several business leaders who want to donate some funds.

Their purpose is to promote them.

And in the meantime there was a soldier called Brand New.

After drinking, I became particularly rude. At first I could talk okay, but then I started talking drunkenly.

It was Jinchang and another soldier who brought him back.

Even now, Jinchang's body still smells of alcohol, all because of Xinxin.

So I can't sleep now.

Jinchang thought about what Xi Yu said about setting up a farm again, which made him feel very excited.

But he told no one about this.

In fact, he drank a lot tonight, and he was a little dizzy.

But after he got drunk, he just wanted to lie down and sleep quickly, but he couldn't fall asleep tonight.

He wanted to avoid misunderstanding something important by drinking.

Fortunately, he was not by Xi Yu's side. If some of Xi Yu's secrets were leaked, it would be troublesome.

On the next day, Chunyutian came to the military camp to look for him.

However, today, Jinchang got up very late.

Because he didn't fall asleep until late at night, he violated military regulations.

Similarly, Xinxin also woke up very late.

As a result, both men were punished by a general.

In the end, they were hit with ten big boards.

Xinxin was very angry and claimed to quit immediately.

The general said: "Whether you want to do it or not, get out of here if you don't."

That brand-new one really waved his sleeves and left.

As for Jinchang, he accepted it honestly.

After a while, Jinchang knew that Chunyutian came to see him.

Chun Yutian also knew what happened, so he said: "In fact, now you are very familiar with the actor. You can talk about this relationship just now, maybe the general will be lenient to you."

Jinchang shook his head. He was indeed violating military regulations and could never avoid this disaster.

Whatever you should do, just accept it.

Chunyutian smiled and patted his shoulder.

"Actually, I was just testing you just now. Even if you really did that, the actor wouldn't agree."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense and tell me what's wrong."

"It was the actor who asked me to come to you. Don't worry, he has already said hello to the general. It's probably about opening a farm."

Chunyutian followed him.

As soon as they walked out of the military camp, the general came over immediately.

"I'm sorry, Jinchang, what I just did was a little too much. Please don't tell the actor."

A look of horror came over his face.

Jin Chang smiled: "So what if I tell the actor, you didn't do anything wrong."

The more the general heard this, the more frightened he became.

"If you have been favored by the actor now, if he knows that I am going to do this, he will definitely beat me to death."

Jinchang comforted him and said, "You didn't do anything wrong. The two of us discussed this issue just now."

Chun Yutian said that although he had not been in contact with Xi Yu for a long time, he seemed to know Xi Yu very well.

"Are you telling the truth? Are you really not going to punish me?"

"Don't worry, you won't be punished."

The general finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the two of them went to see Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said: "Chun Yutian, you don't need to protect me now."

Chunyutian was taken aback and asked quickly: "Master Xiu, what's going on? Did I do something wrong? I've only given you a week, have I done anything?"

Seeing the nervous look on his face, Xi Yu burst out laughing.

"Look at you, when did I tell you to leave?"

Hearing what Xi Yu said, Chunyutian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Xi, what did you mean just now?"

"I want to give you a more important task. He wants to rent a farm, and you want to build a road for me."

Chunyutian felt even more puzzled.

Xi Yu then took out the map and asked the other party to point out where Youzhou was.

Chunyutian immediately found Youzhou.

Xi Yu then made a mark and asked him to find Pizhou.

He also made a mark.

Finally, there is Qingzhou.

"This is too simple, Mr. Xi, what exactly do you want to say?"

"I want to connect all the areas I manage and then build a road."

Just like Qin Shihuang built the Great Wall, but he did it to resist enemy aggression.

We build our own roads for the convenience of the people.

He remembered some national roads in his previous life, from north to south. From east to west, there are even overpasses and the like.

However, it seems that building overpasses is still a bit avant-garde now, so there is no need to consider it.

In short, after a big highway is built, transportation will be very convenient.

"You have to understand one thing. If you want to get rich, you must first build roads."

These six short words were like the sound of nature to two people.

They had never heard this sentence before, and it sounded so smooth.

Chunyutian immediately said: "Player," are you saying that you want to give me the task of building the road? "

Xiyu nodded, that's right.

"Player, I'm afraid I'm not qualified. As far as I know, you have read a lot of books, so for you, there is no problem."

In addition, Xi Yu asked Jinchang if he went drinking with someone yesterday.

Jinchang nodded shamefully.

"Hey, I'm asking you a question. I'm not accusing you. Why are you keeping your head down?"

Jinchang nodded and said it was indeed the case.

"And many businessmen came to invite you yesterday, but is this so?"

Jinchang knew that Xi Yu already knew everything, so he had no need to hide it.

"And Chunyutian, you just call all these businessmen together to do this with you."

Chunyutian was even more puzzled. What could these businessmen understand?

Xi Yu explained that the reason why these businessmen did this was because their products could not be sold and they needed to be publicized.

Although they also joined the Youzhou Business Association, their business did not improve.

Several people even had the idea of ​​withdrawing from the membership.

If we build roads, we will get a lot of subsidies from ourselves.

This is also beneficial to their entire business.

In addition, they can also promote their agricultural products along the way, because these agricultural products are very useful to the people. This will also help them open branches.

So Chunyutian was asked to contact this merchant immediately.

Of course, this must adhere to the voluntary principle. If some businesses are not willing to do this, it does not matter.

"What the actor said made my blood boil, but this road construction project cannot be completed in one or two years." Chunyutian said.

"Yes, it's just an experiment for now. When I get the entire Central Plains in the future, there will be road construction projects everywhere."

This sentence was very domineering. In the past, Xi Yu was always a little shy when he talked about unifying the Central Plains.

But now he is going to talk about it, because he must complete this task this year.

Chunyutian promised that this matter would be completed.

If this one is actually done. Then in the future, I can also be famous in history.

Thinking of this, he was naturally very excited.

Soon, Chunyutian went to contact several businesses with Jinchang.

Ask them what their opinion is.

There were a total of five merchants who treated us yesterday, and in the end, three merchants were willing to do this.

The other two merchants felt that this project was too big and would waste people and money, and they did not have so much energy to cooperate.

In this case, the two people would naturally not force it, so these three merchants were waiting. Whenever necessary, we will contact them at any time.

He turned around and told Xi Yu about the incident.

Xi Yu told Jinchang that as for the address of the farm, he would find someone to check it out tomorrow. It would be best to secure a barren mountain area where some plants cannot be grown, and then hire people to work on it.

Jinchang was immediately puzzled.

Since it was some barren land and no good food could be grown at all, why did Xi Yu want to wrap it up?

Although he didn't say it explicitly, Xi Yu knew the questions in his heart.

"Don't worry, since I said that, I must have my own thoughts."

Because this involves some knowledge from previous lives, it is naturally impossible to explain it clearly to them.

On the other side, Quanxin felt very depressed after being fired.

Unexpectedly, the New Year has just passed and the first month has not yet come out, and something like this has happened to me.

During the Chinese New Year, when he returned to his hometown, his sister was still proud of him, and everyone in the village praised him for his future.

He even promised that he would do better this year and maybe get promoted in the future.

But all this, unexpectedly, became history.

Originally, a friend entrusted me with something and asked me to do something.

But if people know that he has been fired, who will come looking for him?

He also suddenly found that he was a little impulsive. We should have a good talk with that general.

But now there is no way to end it.

Of course, if he could go back and have a good talk with the general at this time, maybe it would be okay.

But his character dictates that he will not do this.

So, he came alone to drink.

On the other side, Lu Yong, the servant sent by Sima Yi, also came to Youzhou.

He also came to this store, and after a while, he saw Xinxin drinking wine.

And he was mumbling something.

After a while, the waiter came to Xinxin and said, "Sir, how can you just drink wine and not eat food?"

"I just like drinking and don't like eating vegetables. Can you care?"

His eyes widened and his face turned extremely red.

The waiter in the shop quickly said, "I'm doing all this for your own good. Look, you've already drunk so much."

"Why are there so many problems? Do you think I can't afford the drink?" He immediately grabbed the waiter's collar.

The waiter also got angry at this time, because there were indeed many people eating Bawang meals in the past.

There are also some people who are crazy about drinking and then refuse to pay.

So, the waiter said coldly: "In that case, you should pay the money first."

"You little bastard, you actually think I can't pay."

Quanxin beat him hard.

"What are you doing? Why do you hit someone?"

"Why? I'm just going to beat you today to see what you can do."

At this time, several other waiters came over quickly, forced him away, and said to the waiter just now: "If he wants to drink, just drink it. Leave him alone."

The waiter said aggrievedly: "What if he doesn't pay?"

"If this is really the case, then secretly tell the shopkeeper and ask him not to do this first."

The waiter had no choice but to leave it like this.

Xinxin cursed loudly: "I originally followed Xi Yu and thought I was so powerful, but now I'm a pauper."

Lu Yong was surprised when he heard the name Xi Yu.

No, he had to know the truth of the matter immediately, so he had to get in touch with this person for a while.

So, he immediately came to a completely new front.

"Brother, can you let me drink with you?"

"Who are you? Why do you want to drink with me?"

"I am a miserable person, and I am very upset like you, so you came here, do you want me to accompany you?"

Afterwards, he told the waiter in the store that he didn't have to worry about the man not being able to pay. If he didn't pay, he would pay for it himself.

And he took the initiative to pay the money first, which made the waiter very happy.

"My guest, you are really kind and generous."

Lu Yong waved his hand and told him to retreat for now.

Quanxin suddenly burst out laughing, and then said that he was once a soldier, but now he has been fired.

"Are you serving as a soldier at the Opera House?"

But at this time, Xinxin was suddenly so drunk that he just lay down on the table and couldn't get up.

Lu Yong suddenly felt depressed and wanted to get some news.

Unexpectedly, I got nothing. If someone sobers up, will they still talk to me?

But I had no choice but to drink with him.

The waiter thought to himself, luckily this person had paid them earlier, otherwise, with this drunkard lying on the table, they really wouldn’t know who to pay.

Lu Yong learned that there was a guest room here, so he stayed there, and asked the waiter to help Xinxin walk into the guest room with him.

Fortunately, the bed inside is very large, so it is perfectly possible for two people to sleep.

But the waiter wanted him to have a separate room.

Will the other party's influence affect the use of rest?

Jinchang knew that the waiter was just trying to make him spend more money.

He shook his head: "It's not necessary. I can take care of him even if I'm with him. It would be bad if something happens."

"Sir, you are so kind. I'm afraid you and he are not related to each other. I don't know why you would do this."

Lu Yong tried his best to appear gentle and polite.

"Everyone has their own time, and I miss him. He will definitely be particularly depressed."

The waiter smiled and said: "In that case, I won't disturb the guest's rest. If you need anything, just come to me at any time."

After the waiter left, Lu Yong felt that he was smiling. In any case, he was close to a clue.

On the other side, in the early morning of the next day, Sima Yi woke up from his sleep and saw an old couple killing chickens in the yard.

The old couple were very happy when they saw him waking up.

Master Sima then knew that the chicken was being killed for himself.

"Don't be so polite. I should go now."

"No, we must have good hospitality. Judging from your accent, you are not from here. It's a long way to go. It's not too late to leave after eating chicken."

Master Sima also thanked them, but at the same time he felt particularly ashamed because all the money he had brought had been destroyed.

"Don't say anything. It's not easy when you're away from home."

After a while, the chicken soup was stewed, and the three of them ate together.

Golden Mother suddenly sighed, it would be great if her son was at home. He especially likes to drink chicken soup.

Jin's father scolded him: "A man has ambitions everywhere. If you keep him at home all his life, what future will he have? Really."

Master Sima took the opportunity to ask about their son.

The couple told the truth that they were soldiers at Meng Huo's place.

Later he joined Xi Yu.

Moreover, I met Xi Yu by chance, and I had even been to their home.

Every time the couple said this, they felt it was an endless glory.

Moreover, Jin's father also specifically mentioned his son's bet with Old Man Huang, not to mention that now he has an extra piece of land.

And it also raised its head in the village.

Many people know that their son is serving as a soldier under Xi Yu, so they always think highly of them.

"By the way, uncle, you are talking about Xi Yu, who is the Taoist who invited Kunlun Mountain?"

Father Jin said that they only knew they were two Taoists, but they didn't know their names either.

"Then why did they invite these two experts?"

"I don't even know about this. It must be to deal with the enemy."

Jin's father said that now the opera master's biggest enemy is Cao Pi.

By destroying Cao Pi, we can basically unify the Central Plains.

Because the other small princes can be said to be completely dispensable.

Master Sima said deliberately: "But as far as I know, Cao Pi is also very powerful."

"Yes, but in front of the actor, he is nothing. I believe that it is Xi Gong who will compete for the world in the end."

Master Sima asked him, how could he see it?

"Anyway, that's how I feel, and I think it's a good thing that the actor has won the world. Because for so many years, the people have been living in pain. The actor is the savior and hero."

In the past, Master Sima was just doing business and didn't pay much attention to external matters.

I just discovered it today. I never expected that Xi Yu was so good in people's impressions.

And this place is not managed by Xi Yu at all, everyone is so kind to him.

So in the place that Xi Yu manages, isn't it even more praised by the people?

At this moment, he frowned.

Father Jin was suddenly stunned.

"Young man, what's wrong with you? Are you thinking about something?"

"Ah, it's nothing, it's nothing. I was just thinking, why is Xiyu so powerful when he is so young?" (End of Chapter)

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