Xi Yu said that he was indeed unable to prove his identity.

A young man said that it was better to call Lei Shigui and let him distinguish it. Didn't they also want to find Lei Shigui?

The old man who originally wanted to insist no longer insisted.

So, someone went to find Lei Shigui.

Xi Yu immediately became happy. He originally wanted to find Lei Shigui, but now there is no need to bother.

However, everyone still looked at Xi Yu with very hostile eyes.

Xi Yu and Jinchang rested on a stone under a tree.

Jinchang was still a little aggrieved.

Xi Yu told him that there was no need to be angry, they didn't understand anything.

Why do we have to argue with them?

"Drama Master, you are such a kindhearted person."

The person who reported the news quickly told Lei Shigui about the incident. Lei Shigui was digging the ground at the moment. He was very happy when he heard that the opera master had arrived.

But the person who reported the news said it was better not to be happy too early.

Because this person may not be an actor.

But Lei Shigui still put down what he was doing and wanted to take a closer look.

Lei Shigui soon arrived at the entrance of the village.

Under the leadership of the messenger, he came to Xi Yu.

"Are you the actor?"

Xi Yu nodded, and many people were whispering at this time.

At the same time, someone pulled Lei Shigui's clothes, hoping that he would not be fooled.

How can this person just say what he says?

Lei Shigui looked at Xi Yu's temperament and felt that there was some similarity. When everyone continued to talk, he waved his hand to indicate not to say anything else.

He then bowed respectfully to Xi Yu.

Now I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it does not exist.

He asked Xiyu what he was doing here.

Xiyu then explained the matter of land parcels.

As a result, everyone was shocked.

I think these lands cannot be contracted out casually.

Xi Yu remembered what the old man who kept bees said, although a lot of land is not used by everyone, but when you really want to touch these things, everyone is still not happy.

Someone started shouting, no matter if you are joking or not, we will never agree to this matter.

Even if you are serious, you must not use your authority to oppress others.

"That's absolutely true. We will never agree to it."

Lei Shigui asked everyone to stop arguing, and everyone gradually became quiet.

"Drama Master, nothing can be grown on this piece of land you mentioned. I don't know why you want to occupy this piece of land?"

"Master Li Zheng, why do you call him an actor? He is not an actor at all, he is a liar."

Lei Shigui smiled and told Xi Yu to leave quickly.

Regardless of whether his identity is true or not, this matter cannot be passed.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, I will wait for you for another day. If you figure it out, you can go to my house to find me. If no one comes at this time tomorrow, it means that the matter cannot be discussed. .”

After that, Xi Yu left with Jinchang.

As a result, more people thought they were liars.

If it was really Xi Yu, he would have insisted, but everyone was wondering, why did Xi Yu insist on this land?

Is there anything fishy here?

"Is there any treasure buried underground?"

"Impossible, how could there be treasure here?"

Lei Shigui asked everyone to stop talking, but he still had to go back to dig the ground.

But several young people looked at each other.

They decided to follow Xi Yu secretly to see if he was real or fake.

If it is false, expose him when the time comes.

If it's true, or maybe it's just like what a few people said, there might be some treasure buried under the ground.

On the other side, Lu Yong and Quanxin have reached an agreement.

According to Lu Yong’s prompts.

He asked Xinxin to attack Xiyu's ladies.

I believe that he has a special understanding of Mrs. Xiyu's situation.

Xinxin said, now, Xi Yuyu’s eldest lady Ganmei should be giving birth soon.

I definitely have no chance to get close, so I can only start with Ouyang Linlin.

Because Ouyang Linlin often goes out to worship Buddha.

Lu Yong told him that since he had this clue, he should do it quickly.

In short, the sooner this is done, the better.

Lu Yong finally gave Xinxin three days. If the matter was completed within three days, he would come to him at that time.

I will give him a large amount of money again.

At this moment, Xinxin came to the temple where Ouyang Linlin often came.

He can only wait here.

He also told Lu Yong that these three days were too anxious.

Since Ouyang Linlin may not come out, it is naturally inconvenient for him to go to the theater.

After arriving at the temple, he specifically asked the host if Ouyang Linlin had been here before.

The host shook his head.

"Excuse me, do you not know about the host? Or has he never been here?"

The host replied that he did not know Ouyang Linlin at all.

Because even if the opera master's wife comes here, she never says hello to others.

Xinxin thought, then he would just wait here, but fortunately he knew Ouyang Linlin.

So unless she never comes, as long as she comes, she will notice it sooner or later.

He planned to stay here during the day and find a place to stay at night.

Yes, just do it.

Xi Yu and Jinchang walked not far away, and Xi Yu could already feel someone following them.

Apparently Jinchang didn't notice this.

And Xi Yu didn't tell him to avoid making him nervous.

But Xi Yu felt that the secret guards might be about to dispatch.

After a while, he had no choice but to say: "Don't worry about them, just let them follow."

He spoke in a low voice, and Jinchang thought Xi Yu was speaking to him.

So he quickly asked: "Player, what do you mean?"

Xi Yu had no choice but to tell him that someone was following him.

"But you don't have to be nervous. They don't have any malicious intentions. They just want to see if I am real or fake."

The two finally returned to the theater.

The soldiers at the door saluted Xi Yu respectfully.

At this moment, those who were following him realized that he was really the actor.

The two of them soon returned to the village to report the news.

Those in the village enjoying the shade are still there.

"What? It turns out he is really an actor, but why does he want this land?"

"It seems like there really is some kind of treasure underneath this land."

But some were quick to deny this.

"I heard that the opera master is a very upright man. He thinks about the people in everything. How could he keep the treasure privately?"

"Then it's even more strange. Why does he want to occupy this land?"

Some people mentioned that it might be used for military training, or it could be used as an arsenal or something like that.

"Hey, this statement may be correct."

Many villagers discussed it.

In this case, the land cannot be given away casually.

That would cost more money.

"Yes, if he is really an actor, we won't be able to keep this land in the end, but we will definitely ask for more money."

Soon, people told Li Zheng the news.

Lei Shigui said: "I have seen it a long time ago. He has extraordinary bearing, but you just don't believe it. Now you should believe it, right?"

"Lord Satsuma, we already believe it, but we have to ask for more money."

"But you have to think clearly, he is an actor after all. If you offend him, the consequences will be disastrous."

"We don't care who he is, we can't suffer a loss."

Lei Shigui then asked, are they willing to sell the land?

If he wished, he would go to the theater to explain the situation early tomorrow morning.

If it's not for sale, then there's no need for me to make this trip in vain.

Some people said they were willing, and Lei Shigui said angrily: "But didn't you say that? Aren't you willing to do it regardless of whether the person is an actor or not?"

"We were just talking angrily. If the money he offered was really suitable, we could sell it."

More and more people are expressing this opinion.

But Lei Shigui said that even so, everyone should discuss it together, and his own words do not count.

At least most people in the village must be willing.

After all, there are still many people outside who have not returned.

In the evening, he will gather everyone together and discuss how to deal with it.

On the other side, it was almost dark. When Xinxin saw that Ouyang Linlin had not arrived, he was already shivering from the cold.

He wanted to find an inn to stay, but found that the cost might be too high, so he might as well find a place to stay in a remote village.

Although it's a bit far, you still have to save some money.

In the evening, Lei Shigui summoned the villagers.

Some villagers believe that the land is theirs. It is full of spiritual energy and cannot be sold no matter how much money is spent.

Some people also said that they have to ask for a lot of money. If the price is right, they can sell it. Anyway, it is useless to panic.

These people even believe that there must be treasures underground, so in this case, it is okay even if Xiyu pays a high price.

But it must be made clear to Xi Yu that if anything is dug out from the ground in the future, it must belong to their village.

Lei Shigui was very angry after hearing this.

"Are you going too far in saying that?"

"It's nothing excessive, otherwise I would definitely disagree, and my family's ancestral grave is still up there. If Xi Yu wants to get here, I will be lying in the field then, so just walk over my head."

Speaking of ancestral tombs, many people also said that their ancestral tombs are indeed there, and the cost of moving the tombs must be paid to them more.

"Well, since your conditions are so unreasonable, I don't need to fight for your interests anymore. Let's keep the land."

Lei Shigui was actually quite angry.

These people don't farm themselves. Of course, although they can't grow anything, they still take advantage of it. What's going on?

But these people were unhappy and wanted Li Zheng to fight for their interests.

I have to tell Xi Yu that I want more money.

If Li Zheng doesn't go, then they will go.

Li Zheng was completely troubled by them.

But he also knew that these people could really do such a thing.

If these people really find Xi Yu to make trouble, then Xi Yu will find him and scold him.

So I can only be the bad guy.

"Okay, don't say anything anymore, just wait until I go tomorrow."

This time, everyone became happy.

But Lei Shigui also said that this was because most people agreed to this request, so he could only obey them.

But I may not be able to talk about this matter.

So let them have an idea.

"Don't worry, Lord Rizheng, as long as you try your best, even if you don't succeed, we won't say anything."

In the early morning of the next day, Li Zhenglei Shigui hurriedly rode there.

He had never been there before, so he was a little nervous at the moment.

He knew that no matter how talkative Xi Yu was.

But after hearing these unreasonable demands, wouldn’t my lungs be about to explode?

On the other side, Xinxin also got up early.

Sure enough, he found a farmer's home last night and hoped to stay here for a few days.

He just doesn't want to stay in a hotel and is afraid of staying in a dark hotel or something like that.

And there is only one old man in this family who is very kind and willing to take him in.

He was able to accompany the old man to relieve his boredom, and the old man was very happy.

Today he was going to experience the temple again.

However, I am probably very lucky.

And today is really the day when Ouyang Linlin prepares to worship Buddha.

Ouyang Linlin had a dream last night, dreaming that her father Ouyang Fu was crying to her.

Soon, she woke up from this dream, and Ouyang Linlin decided to go to the temple to burn incense.

Then worship my father.

So he asked Xiaohong to follow him quickly.

Xiaohong felt puzzled.

"Miss, it seems that it's not the day for us to go to worship Buddha. Didn't we just go there a few days ago?"

"Are you still too scared to worship the Buddha? I dreamed about my dad last night."

She told the relevant situation.

After Xiaohong had breakfast with her, she hurriedly prepared to go.

When Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong appeared at the door of the temple, Xinxin, who was hiding aside, was very happy.

Unexpectedly, the next day, he would be able to succeed in his conspiracy.

In this way, you can go to Lu Yong immediately.

Did Lu Yongyong promise to give himself three days?

The task was completed unexpectedly the next day, which was really great.

And Lu Yong had already told him how to poison him.

All he had to do was find a way to get in touch with Ouyang Linlin, it was that simple.

So Ouyang Linlin was asked to go to worship Buddha first.

Let’s talk about it after she comes out.

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong came to the Buddha and knelt down.

Ouyang Linlin muttered something, roughly asking Buddha to bless her father.

After a while, Xiaohong felt a little uncomfortable kneeling.

Ouyang Linlin just asked her to get up, but she had to be pious, so she still had to kneel.

"Miss, you don't have to kneel all the time. Buddha knows what you mean. She will listen to your pleas. All you need to do is take it seriously."

Ouyang Linlin was not happy.

And Xinxin was waiting impatiently outside.

Why haven't you come out for so long?

What are they doing?

But he knew that there was no back door to this temple.

Anyway, the master and the servant will appear from here sooner or later.

But at this moment, he was also a little worried. What would happen if Xi Yu found out about this matter?

Xi Yu didn’t skin himself alive?

But it shouldn't matter, just take Lu Yong's money and run away.

If he leaves Youzhou and finds a place to remain anonymous, Xi Yu probably won't be able to find him.

And if something happens, Lu Yong probably won't bear the responsibility for himself.

He will definitely run when the time comes.

But he still had some uneasy conscience. He only had a grudge against the general, not Xi Yu. Do he really want to do this?

And he already knew that Lu Yong was the person sent by Sima Yi on behalf of Cao Pi.

That is Xiyu's biggest enemy.

Moreover, he originally hoped that Xi Yu could save the people all over the world.

If Cao Pi's conspiracy was allowed to succeed, wouldn't more people suffer?

So he kept pacing at the gate, wondering if he really wanted to do this.

But after a while, I figured it out, why did he have to think about it so much? He still has to consider his own interests.

If you only think about others, who will think about yourself?

Finally, after an hour, Ouyang Linlin finally walked out.

At this moment, Lei Shigui finally arrived at the door of the theater.

He explained the situation to the two soldiers.

The two soldiers said: "Master Xiu, I have known you would come for a long time and have been waiting for you in the house. Now please come with me."

Lei Shigui felt very excited. He didn't expect Xi Yu to know that he would come.

Xiyu was already waiting in the room.

He really knew that Li Zheng would definitely come.

But he also understands that those unscrupulous people will definitely charge exorbitant prices.

Soon, the soldiers led Lei Shigui.

Lei Shigui immediately began to kneel down and salute.

Xi Yu said, "How about it. Now you know I'm real, right?"

Lei Shigui said that he always believed that the other party was true.

It's just that the people there don't believe it.

"Okay, you don't have to be polite, just get up quickly."

Lei Shigui got up immediately.

However, it was the first time he saw such a high-ranking official, so he was still a little nervous.

Xiyu made it unnecessary for him to be nervous.

"Tell me, have you already thought about it?"

So, he told everyone what they meant.

"I also feel that their extortionate prices are really inappropriate. So, Mr. Xi, I hope you can forgive them."

"It seems that you also have to listen to them. You, Mr. Satoshi, are not doing a good job."

After being criticized by Li Zheng, Lei Shigui felt very useless.

And what the other party said is also a fact.

He is indeed a very useless Li Zheng.

"Drama Master, if I don't come, they will come and they will harass you even more."

Xi Yu smiled and immediately understood what he meant.

"So it seems that you don't agree to their request and you still want to come for them. It's hard for you."

"Drama Master, I know you won't agree, so I'll tell them later."

"They are so unreasonable. They actually said that if anything is dug up in the future, it will belong to them. I think it's ridiculous."

What makes Xi Yu even more ridiculous is that these people are so imaginative that they actually think there is some treasure down there.

That's right, they use their thinking to think about it.

It's normal to think this way. (End of chapter)

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