Xi Yu said that although he liked that place, he also had principles.

It's not that there is no other place besides that place.

Therefore, Lei Shigui was asked to convey to the people that he must act in accordance with principles and rules.

I have already found out how much that land is worth.

If they want the lion to open its mouth, this is impossible.

"In this case, you go back and tell me what they think about it tomorrow. Anyway, the situation has been explained clearly. If they can do it, let's make a deal with them. If not, forget it."

"If you put forward any conditions and I agree, then I will be taken advantage of. This is simply impossible."

This result was already expected by Lei Shigui.

Lei Shigui also nodded.

"In that case, let's not disturb the actor."

Xi Yu said that he happened to buy some fruit today and asked the other party to take some back.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no reward, no merit, no reward, how can I take these back?"

"It's just some fruit. What's the big deal? Just hold it for you."

Lei Shigui had no choice but to leave.

On the other side, Ouyang Linlin left the temple with Xiaohong's support.

Xiaohong said: "Miss, in fact, the Buddha will know what you want to do. Why do you have to hurt yourself like this? You have been kneeling for such a long time. It will be bad if something goes wrong."

"How could something happen to kneeling down? You must be making too much of a fuss."

A new decision is coming.

He deliberately walked towards the two women and suddenly pretended to fall.

His hand immediately grabbed Ouyang Linlin's arm, and then stood firm again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, miss."

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong were both shocked.

He apologized again, and Ouyang Linlin realized that she had misunderstood him. She originally thought he was a bad person.

"Hey, can you be more careful when walking next time?"

Xiaohong was very angry.

"Look, you scared my young lady."

"sorry Sorry". And Brand New left right away.

Ouyang Lingling blamed Xiaohong, why should she blame others? Maybe she really had something important, so she was very anxious.

Therefore, in this case, it is forgiven to think about something while walking.

Xinxin immediately came to the inn and told Lu Yong about the incident.

"What you said is true. Is the matter really finished?"

So Xinxin talked about the relevant things.

He said that he did not expect that Ouyang Linlin would go to worship Buddha today, which gave him an opportunity.

"I have been exposed to poison now, can you give me the antidote?"

"Of course." Lu Yong then took out a pill and asked the other party to take it quickly.

At this moment, Brand New finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He asked Lu Yong to give him the remaining money quickly.

But Lu Yong shook his head.

"Hey, didn't we agree? Have you changed your mind again?"

A new and special anger, how can a person be so untrustworthy?

Seeing how angry he was, Lu Yong patted him on the shoulder, and then said with a smile: "Am I that kind of person? I have to see that something really happened to her before I give you money. .”

Xinxin said: "But that's not what I said beforehand."

Lu Yong said: "On the other hand, if I come to you, do you think I will give you the money immediately?"

Xinxin had no choice but to return to the village temporarily and wait.

Lu Yong really wanted to write a letter to Sima Yi and tell him the passage of time.

But I was afraid that the letter would be intercepted, so I decided to wait.

Sima Yi went to see Cao Pi again that day and told him that he had sent people to Youzhou.

Cao Pi was a little worried. Sima Yi asked Cao Pi what happened.

Cao Pi said, he suddenly felt a little uneasy about his conscience.

According to his seniority, he should still be called Uncle Cao Pi, but now he wants to harm his uncle.

Sima Yi looked down upon Cao Pi. How could he have such thoughts?

"Mr. Cao, this is an era where the weak are the strongest, and women cannot be kind."

Sima Yi explained the pros and cons to him. If he didn't deal with Xi Yu, Xi Yu would also deal with him.

At that time, their entire Cao camp will die without a burial place.

Although he knew this was true, Cao Pi still felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Cao, you should know why the late king passed the position to you."

Of course Cao Pi knew, he nodded, and Sima Yi hoped that he could say something.

Cao Pi felt a little embarrassed at this time and was speechless at all.

Sima Yi said: "Actually, Mr. Cao, your literary talent is not as good as Cao Zhi's. Your martial arts is not as good as Cao Zhang's. But you do have an ambition and a decisive spirit."

But how could Cao Pi be so hesitant now?

Like a woman?

Although Sima Yi did not say these words, the meaning was already expressed.

"Mr. Cao, I'm a bit rude, I hope you don't mind."

Cao Pi laughed, knowing of course that what the other party said was correct.

And he also knows that the other party is loyal to him, otherwise he would not say so.

"You are right. I shouldn't be so hesitant. I hope you can deliver good news."

And Sima Yi immediately asked if he wanted to continue attacking Zhang Lu.

Because he saw that Cao Pi looked much better now.

Cao Pi said, of course we will attack, and we will start deploying now.

And he definitely couldn't swallow this breath, he had to fight back.

So next, he began to send soldiers there immediately, and even led the troops himself.

He also specifically told the soldiers how irritating Zhang Lu was, just to make their emotions fluctuate.

Moreover, many soldiers were killed by Zhang Lu. They had all surrendered, but they could not escape the fate of being killed. This was simply abominable.

Sima Yi also stood up and spoke. He said that Yun Feiyang was his relative.

At first, when Yun Feiyang went to take command, everyone was a little dissatisfied.

And everyone may be dissatisfied with Yun Feiyang, but Yun Feiyang must have tried his best.

At this time, everyone should put aside their differences and never make fun of themselves for this reason.

In this case, they are actually making people laugh at them.

These words really boosted everyone’s morale.

Cao Pi said, now we must destroy Zhang Lu.

"But you have to understand that maybe someone will secretly help them this time. Are you afraid?"

Many soldiers said in unison that they would not be afraid.

Since they came to serve as soldiers, they had already put life and death aside.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's stop talking nonsense and get going."

So, the team began to set off in a mighty manner.

Xi Yu summoned Chun Yutian and said he was leaving today and quickly started building roads.

Because there was no cement at this time, it was impossible to build a cement road successfully.

But the road must be kept as smooth as possible.

But it is best to use stones, because it must be ensured that it can be walked on rainy days without mud or the like. Otherwise, the meaning of road construction will be lost.

As for the road construction workers, they have also been recruited.

Now Xi Yu wants to go to the tower, because the workers are waiting below the tower.

Soon, Xi Yu came to the tower.

He saw that many people were very enthusiastic because his salary was also very high.

Many people also have special trust in themselves.

When people saw the opera actor arriving on the tower, they were very enthusiastic and immediately started to clap their hands to welcome him.

Xi Yu felt happy and immediately made a gesture to ask everyone to stop.

"I believe everyone has heard about road construction, and now I want to tell you something again."

He then talked about the road construction project.

And this is for good now and for the good of future generations.

Many people applauded enthusiastically again.

Then, Xi Yu once again talked about the issue of work remuneration that everyone was concerned about.

Suddenly, Yu's playful eyes looked at one of the men.

"Is your name Wang Fengli?"

The man named Wang Fengli felt very strange.

He didn't expect Xi Yu to recognize him.

He felt really flattered, so he immediately raised his hand to show that he was indeed called by that name.

Xi Yu asked: "So is your brother Wang Fenglai next to you?"

The man next to him also felt very honored and nodded immediately.

"Are you all going to participate in road construction this time?"

The two brothers said that this was indeed the case, but Xi Yu was unhappy.

"If you two leave, who can take care of your parents? What will happen when you are busy?"

After all, this road construction project is extremely huge and there is no guarantee when it will be completed.

The two brothers said that it was okay and the land could be abandoned, but they really wanted to make more money, so Xi Yu gave them another lesson.

At present, it is still an agricultural society, and agriculture must still be the mainstay.

How can this be done if they give up farming? Their parents also need to be taken care of.

And Xi Yu reiterated once again that those who have parents at home must be taken care of by someone, and parents must not go with all the brothers.

If there are any that do not meet the conditions, call them back immediately.

There were quite a few such people in the field, so they had no choice but to retreat.

Many people also praised Xi Yu for being so considerate.

The two Wang Fengli brothers were also in a dilemma. It seemed impossible for both of them to go. He didn't expect Xi Yu to be able to recognize him.

After some discussion, the eldest son stayed at home and the second son went alone.

However, many people believe that Xi Yu's behavior has created conflicts in the family.

Because those who stay at home have no way to make money.

But no matter what, this was Xi Yu's request, and they had to obey, so nearly fifty people were removed on the spot.

Xi Yu expressed the hope that he would be conscious and if he was found out in the future, all wages would be cancelled.

Xi Yu said that everyone should be prepared and gather at the gate downstairs tomorrow and just follow Chun Yutian.

After Xi Yu made arrangements, he returned to his mansion.

When it was time to eat in the evening, Xiaohong hurried over.

"Drama Master, the master is in trouble."

Seeing her panic, Xi Yu was very unhappy and asked her what happened.

"The young lady passed out. I don't know what happened."

Xi Yu was shocked and asked the other party to tell him what was going on.

Xiaohong said that she fainted an hour ago.

At that time, I was shocked and hurried to find the doctor.

I thought it was just a common cold, so I didn't tell Xi Yu.

But after the doctor came, he was helpless and said that the other party must have been poisoned, but Xiaohong thought it was impossible to be poisoned, so he hurriedly came to Xiyu to discuss it.

"How could such a thing happen?"

Xiyu was shocked.

He then ran quickly to Ouyang Linlin's room.

Ouyang Linlin was unconscious at the moment, and a doctor was still guarding her.

There was nothing visible on Ouyang Linlin's face, as if she was asleep.

The doctor quickly apologized and said he was incompetent.

Xiyu asked Xiaohong, why not find Song Shuwen?

Only then did Xiaohong remember Song Shuwen.

At that time, I was confused.

Guang knew that he had gone outside to hire a doctor.

"Yes, yes, slave, I'll go right away."

Xiaohong left, Xiyu waved to the doctor and left directly.

Xi Yu sat beside the bed and looked at Ouyang Linlin quietly.

Xi Yu knew that someone must be trying to kill him, so he took revenge on his wife.

How unreasonable!

Why do people always hurt people?

Xiaohong found Song Shuwen and explained what happened.

"What, there is such a thing?"

Song Shuwen collected the bill and followed the other party.

Xiao Hong specially apologized to Song Shuwen. After all, she didn't think of him immediately. She found other doctors and hoped that he wouldn't mind.

"Okay, Miss Xiaohong, there's no need to talk so much nonsense. Let me read it and then talk about it."

Entering Ouyang Linlin's room, Song Shuwen had to salute.

Xi Yu quickly said: "It's not necessary, it's better to get down to business quickly."

Song Shuwen nodded and immediately felt Ouyang Linlin's pulse.

After a while, Song Shuwen frowned.

Xiyu was particularly nervous.

"Doctor Song, is the matter particularly difficult?"

Song Shuwen nodded.

"It's not optimistic. I'll have to check the medical books later."

Xi Yu sighed, Song Shuwen had said so, it seemed that it was really difficult to handle.

Xiaohong started to cry.

"What's going on? Miss, wake up quickly."

She immediately knelt down to Song Shuwen.

I hope he will make his lady better.

"Miss Xiaohong, don't be like this, I will do my best."

Xiyu also asked Xiaohong to get up quickly.

He wanted to ask carefully and let Song Shuwen go back first.

After Song Shuwen left, Xi Yu asked, "Don't cry yet. Let me ask you, who has Ouyang Linlin come into contact with?"

Xiaohong said that they had been together and had not been in contact with anyone, so how could they be poisoned?

There can't be anything wrong with the food either.

I and the lady eat the same food.

"Think carefully and don't miss a single detail."

But Xiaohong cried again.

"Don't just shed tears, tell me what's going on."

If I say I am sad, I am also sad.

But you have to solve the problem.

Xiaohong was even more painful because she really couldn't think of it.

Xi Yu sat beside the bed. He probably wouldn't leave until Ouyang Linlin woke up.

He told Xiaohong not to worry and think about it carefully.

And asked Xiaohong to sit down too.

He was also very happy to see Xiaohong so loyal.

Xiaohong sat down, but still couldn't remember, which made her feel particularly painful.

"If you can't remember it, think about it slowly. I won't force you. You have to remember it anyway."

At this moment, Xiaohong suddenly remembered going to the temple.

"Drama Master, a very strange thing happened when we were in the temple."

"Hurry up and tell me what's going on."

Xiaohong then told what happened when she left the temple gate.

"That person is very strange. From this, it seems that he deliberately wanted to get close to the lady."

Xi Yu also thought this was a very good clue and asked Xiao Hong to tell what happened in detail.

The more detailed it is, the better.

Xiaohong then told the real situation.

She knelt down at the same time and said that she was unprepared and it was all her fault.

"Master Xi, please punish me. I blamed my negligence at that time."

But Xi Yu didn't speak.

This time, Xiaohong became even more nervous.

"So, you are better than your lady. At least, you reprimanded that man. But he is even more ignorant than you."

Xiao Hong was particularly sad.

It is useless to say all this now.

And that person must have run away.

"Okay, get up. If someone poisons you, it will be impossible to prevent it."

Xiao Hong got up, but looked at Xi Yu with very resentful eyes.

Of course Xi Yu understood what she meant.

"Because they wanted to deal with me, that's why they did this to your lady. I know it was me who got him involved."

Xiaohong originally wanted to say this, but when Xiyu said it directly, she didn't know what to say.

"Yes, you, the young lady, did not get any benefits from marrying me. Instead, you were frightened everywhere."

"Okay, Mr. Xi, please don't say that. You don't want to be like this."

Xi Yu nodded painfully.

"Master Xi, what should we do next?" Xiao Hong asked.

"I don't know either". Xi Yu understood that what he said would make the other party feel particularly backless, but he really had no choice.

"If that person comes to me, he will definitely contact me."

Xi Yu said.

Therefore, the top priority now is to see what conclusion Song Shuwen comes to.

"I believe we can definitely work out a prescription."

Xiaohong said.

She asked Xiyu to go back temporarily. Xi Yu said that as long as Ouyang Linlin cannot wake up, she will always be here with her.

"Master Xiu, as long as the slaves are here to guard you, you'd better leave."

But Xi Yu still insisted on being here.

Xiaohong was touched again, Xiyu was really nice to the young lady. I also wrongly blamed Xi Yu.

"Well, in that case, the slave and the actor will keep watch until the young lady wakes up." (End of Chapter)

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