After returning to the room, Song Shuwen began to think hard. He had never seen anything like this before, and he had already concluded that he was poisoned.

But I really don’t know how to cure this poison.

After a while, he came to Ouyang Linlin's room again and saw Xi Yu looking particularly haggard.

The other two people didn't speak.

Xi Yu asked Song Shuwen if he had found out everything?

Even though he looked at Song Shuwen like this, he knew that Song Shuwen didn't find out clearly at all.

Song Shuwen said that he had to go back to his hometown because many of his medical books were still there.

Since my medical skills are considered superb, I haven't read any books at all in these years.

But this time, he had to watch it.

Xi Yu thought to himself, if he comes back again and again, will something happen again?

So at this moment he was a little hesitant and didn't know what to do.

Song Shuwen also said that even reading medical books may not have good results, and he must put his ugly words first.

At this moment, Xiaohong cried again.

"Why is it like this?"

"Little Hong girl, don't cry either. Sometimes life and death are decided by fate, but wealth and honor are in heaven."

Hearing him say this, Xiaohong cried even harder.

Song Shuwen said that if this person intentionally poisoned him, he would definitely do it to him as well.

So this time, I will definitely not be safe.

But he also had to figure it out.

Xi Yu asked him not to go back yet, and then gathered all the doctors in the city to study countermeasures together.

Xiaohong said: "Drama Master, this is not appropriate. Let the miracle doctor go back. Otherwise, wouldn't it be delayed?"

Suddenly, I felt a little confused and didn't know what to do.

After a moment of silence, he finally decided to send soldiers to escort Song Shuwen back.

And personally sent Song Shuwen away.

He even felt that Song Shuwen might really be in danger and might never see him again.

Song Shuwen saw that the atmosphere was particularly tense, so he hurriedly said: "Master Xiu, what we just said went too far. Who would attack an old man like me?"

Eventually, he left with the soldiers.

Xi Yu returned to the room, feeling like his heart had been drained out.

He remembered the process of getting along with Ouyang Linlin.

At first, the other party was a little unacceptable to me, but in the end, he accepted me.

Thinking of this, it's like having a dream.

Unexpectedly, we encountered such a situation now.

Xiaohong was still crying, and her whole cheeks were already like a little cat.

And slowly, this matter spread, and Sun Shangxiang also came to visit.

After Sun Shangxiang learned what happened, he asked Xiyu to ask Xiaohong to describe it again, and then find a painter to draw the man's portrait.

Xi Yu was also stunned immediately.

Yes, why didn't you think of this?

So, he hurriedly asked someone to hire a painter and asked Xiaohong to describe it in detail.

Xi Yu told Xiao Hong that she must describe it carefully.

Because this will involve Ouyang Linlin's affairs, I hope she will not miss anything.

After Xiaohong described it, the studio started painting, and then asked Xiaohong to see if it looked good.

But Xiaohong was not particularly satisfied, which made her fall into pain.

Xi Yu told him not to be anxious, and also told the painters not to be anxious.

After struggling until late at night, the artist finally painted a work that made Xiao Hong somewhat satisfied.

Xi Yu said that he must start a wanted search by tomorrow. Maybe this person has already run away, but he always has to try.

On the other side, Cao Pi led the team to Sichuan.

Zhang Lu had long expected that Cao Pi would definitely come, so he had sent sentries to stand guard at every intersection entering the city in case of emergency.

When a sentry saw the enemy coming, he immediately reported it to Zhang Lu, who sneered.

"Humph, I knew he was coming soon."

Zhang Lu immediately looked at Ma Wenbin and said, "Didn't you take the initiative to invite the enemy last time? Why don't you invite the enemy?"

Ma Wenbin nodded.

So Ma Wenbin led the enemy to greet Cao Pi.

He also didn't expect that Cao Pi would come in person this time, not because there were no troops available, but to boost morale.

When Cao Pi saw Ma Wenbin leading people quickly, both sides stopped immediately.

Cao Pi looked at Ma Wenbin fiercely.

"Ma Wenbin, what do you mean?"

The last time Ma Wenbin came to borrow troops from him, he was so polite, but now he is glaring at him. How can he not be angry?

"Mr. Cao, it is normal for good birds to choose trees to roost in. Therefore, General Zhang should not blame him if he chooses to submit to the actor."

After that, Ma Wenbin used his eloquence to engage in a war of words with Cao Pi.

Cao Pi blushed angrily, not expecting him to be so shameless.

"You are clearly betraying, but you actually say such high-sounding words, which is simply unreasonable"!

Cao Pi looked at Ma Wenbin fiercely and said, there is no need to be polite to them anymore, the two sides should start fighting directly.

"In that case, let's do it."

As a result, the two sides began to fight fiercely.

However, Zhang Lu has told these soldiers that they can only win this time and must not fail, and they have even conducted drills before.

However, people on Cao Pi's side were also brainwashed.

They said they would never forgive the traitors.

So this time when they took action, they naturally gritted their teeth.

The two sides fought a bloody battle, and many people were soon knocked off their horses.

There was a lot of blood flowing on the ground.

This time, Cao Pi's losses were particularly heavy.

They had no choice but to go back in disgrace. Ma Wenbin laughed, but did not pursue them.

Because I was worried about being ambushed at the meeting.

Ma Wenbin will report the news after he returns.

Zhang Lu also laughed when he learned what happened.

It would be best if Cao Pi could be killed this time.

Ma Wenbin said that it was really not suitable to pursue him because his own side was also seriously injured.

In addition, I might be worried about an ambush, so I didn't pursue him in the end.

"It doesn't matter. They suffered heavy losses this time. They should be more honest. The key is to fight until they can't come to us."

On the other side, Song Datian came to Song Meijiao's room. He didn't know what was happening to Ouyang Linlin.

"Dad, why are you here? What can you do?"

Song Datian said that he had something to discuss with his daughter, but he didn't know whether he should say this.

"Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it quickly. Why are you so hesitant with me?"

Song Datian said that he would discuss it with his daughter first and then talk to Xiyu after it was done.

"Dad hopes that your identity will be revealed. You are a descendant of the royal family."

Song Meijiao felt really incredible. She didn't know why her father suddenly raised this topic.

Song Datian analyzed that it was because Xi Yu had to complete the plan to unify the Central Plains this year.

If he reveals Song Meijiao's identity after marrying Song Meijiao, he can become famous.

Let people know that he has to do all this.

But Song Meijiao has a different opinion. She thinks it is not necessary.

Song Datian thinks this is very necessary from the perspective of a scholar, otherwise the people of the world may be dissatisfied. Although Xi Yu is doing very well now, many people hope that he can lead everyone to live a good life. But there are some things that must be paid attention to.

Song Meijiao said that if Xi Yu agrees, she doesn't care, as long as she doesn't cause trouble to Xi Yu.

"Okay, daughter, since you said so, I'll tell the actor later."

Next, they heard a bustling sound outside. The two of them felt strange, so Song Meijiao went out to investigate and found out that something had happened to Ouyang Linlin.

She quickly told Song Datian about the matter, and Song Datian said that in this case, Song Meijiao should go and visit as soon as possible.

As for Song Datian, he returned to his room to rest for the time being.

Su Meijiao hurriedly came to Ouyang Linlin's room.

Many visitors have left, but Xi Yu and Xiao Hong are still here to watch.

Song Meijiao said that she had just heard about this incident, so she was a little ashamed. As for what her father said to her, there was no need to say it again, otherwise wouldn't it just cause trouble for Xi Yu?

"None of you need to come to visit. It's getting late. You'd better go back and rest quickly."

Xi Yu waved his hand and told him to leave quickly, but he still wanted to understand what was going on.

Xi Yu also briefly explained the matter.

"Who on earth is so vicious? It's so unreasonable. If we find out, he should be cut into pieces!"

Xi Yu told her that she might face this kind of situation after becoming his wife, and if she regretted it now, it would still be too late.

Things about the wedding can be put on hold.

"Master Xiu, who do you think the little girl is? If the little girl wants to get married, no one can stop her."

Xi Yu felt a little relieved when he heard what she said.

"Okay, if that's the case, let's face everything bravely."

After a while, she left, and the night was getting deeper and deeper.

Xiao Hong told Xi Yu that there was no need to stay here, and that he should wait until Song Shuwen came back. He could only watch here.

But Xi Yu said that he had to stay here. He would just let Xiao Hong rest. He would lie on the bed and would never do anything to Xiao Hong.

"Master Xi, of course I believe in your character, but there is really no need for you to be here."

"I've decided, you don't have to say anything."

Seeing Xi Yu speaking so firmly, Xiao Hong said nothing more.

In the early morning of the next day, Xi Yu quickly asked the soldiers to draw a portrait based on the artist's portrait, and then began to search outside.

Lu Yong, who was staying in the inn, finally discovered this scene. He has now confirmed that Ouyang Linlin was indeed poisoned.

He came to the street and read the announcement.

What he didn't expect was that the portrait above was so similar to the new one.

Song Datian happened to go out to buy something. He was surprised when he saw this announcement. He felt that the person above him was particularly familiar.

He seemed to have seen this person when he was working in the military camp, so he quickly returned to the theater and told Xi Yu about it.

"Master Xiu, I feel that it must be a soldier."

Xi Yu was shocked, and then asked Song Datian to go to the military camp to find a few important people, and he wanted to interrogate them carefully.

"By the way, when you get to the military camp, tell them about this and ask them to go to the street to see the portrait and then come see me."

"Okay, old man, I understand, I'll do it right now."

Song Tian immediately came to the military camp, and he quickly told one of the generals that the general's surname was Niu, and that it was that day that he defeated Quanxin and Jinchang.

When General Niu came to the street and saw the portrait, he recognized that it was brand new. The painter was really good.

So he hurried to the theater house, found Ouyang Linlin's room, and saw Xi Yu.

"Drama Master, that person is the brand new person who has left."

At the same time, he also told everything about the day he beat up Quanxin. Quanxin must have had a grudge, so he did such a thing.

"This is unreasonable, this is simply worse than an animal!"

General Niu knelt down in front of Xi Yu. He was also responsible for this matter. If he had not beaten the other party that day, he might not have made the other party hold a grudge.

"Get up. Why do you have to blame yourself? This matter has nothing to do with you. He violated military discipline and was punished. This is what he deserves."

Xi Yu also analyzed that it was because criminals found him.

Even if he can't be found, he will find someone else to do it.

General Niu said he would send someone to catch this beast.

Xi Yu nodded and asked him to do this, although he knew that the possibility of success was not very high.

Now, Xi Yu hopes that Song Shuwen can go home smoothly, check the relevant situation, and then quickly prepare an antidote to detoxify.

Although poisoning people is a very dirty method, sometimes the enemy just wants to use it to disgust you.

Sometimes, there's really nothing you can do.

After a while, Guan Yu came to ask for an audience.

Only then did Xi Yu remember that he had not contacted Guan Yu for a long time.

The same is true for Liu Bei in Fang State.

But he said that he is in a bad mood now, there is nothing special and he doesn’t see anyone.

The soldier who reported the letter said that Guan Yu received a letter from a masked man, asking Guan Yu to deliver it to Xi Yu.

Xiao Hong quickly said: "Drama Master, you'd better meet me. Maybe the content of this letter has something to do with the lady."

Only then did Xi Yu understand what was going on. Yes, he was really anxious and confused, so he didn't think about it?

So he immediately returned to the room temporarily and asked Guan Yu to wait there.

When he just returned to the room, Guan Yu happened to arrive.

Guan Yu bowed first.

Xi Yu told him that there was no need and he should hurry up and talk about anything.

Guan Guanyu said that it was early in the morning when a masked man suddenly broke into the home and dropped a letter.

At that time, many soldiers guarding the gate were injured.

He just requested that this letter be given to Xi Yu, otherwise, Xi Yu would regret it for the rest of his life.

For safety reasons, Guan Yu planned to deliver the letter himself.

At the same time, I saw the announcement again on the street.

Suddenly, I felt that it might have something to do with this letter.

Guan Yu handed over the letter respectfully, and Xi Yu immediately began to open it.

Guan Yu reminded him that it might be poisonous, so he should find someone to test it.

"There's no need, I'd better take a look."

After Xi Yu opened the letter, he thought that if the other party really sent him a message, it would be impossible for him to be poisoned.

It must be just a threat to yourself to do something.

When I opened the letter, I found that it was really normal.

The handwriting on it was crooked, but he could barely read it clearly, and Xi Yu believed that the other party had written it like this on purpose, just to confuse him.

Guan Yu was also very curious, but he couldn't go over to see it without Xi Yu's permission.

Xiyu was already very calm, but he was still a little angry when he saw the content of the letter.

The other party told him a location and asked him to go there, and he was not allowed to bring anyone with him, including secret guards. Obviously, the other party knew that he had secret guards.

Because only in this way, the other party can give the antidote to Ouyang Linlin's poison.

If you think about letting other people deal with Ouyang Linlin, it is impossible to succeed.

Let Xiyu better not have such bad thoughts.

As for what Xi Yu would do after leaving, he would have to follow the other party's arrangements. The letter didn't say it, but Xi Yu could imagine that it would definitely not be a good thing.

After you go there, you might be asked to kneel down or even lose your arm. This is all possible.

Xi Yu immediately put the letter away, but Guan Yu couldn't help but asked: "Xi Yu, I don't know if I can ask what's in it."

Xi Yu also told him the relevant things.

Guan Yu told Xi Yu that it would be better to ask the secret guard for help.

Just let the secret guard hide well. If you go alone, you will definitely be controlled by others.

Xi Yu was a little at a loss.

"Okay, you can go back first. This matter has nothing to do with you. Let me think about it carefully."

Guan Yu became even more worried, and Xi Yu said that he couldn't help here.

It's better to leave quickly.

Guan Yu had no choice but to leave.

Xi Yu thought to himself that the mastermind behind this might have something to do with ninjas.

If you bring a secret guard, they can find it.

By the way, I should go find Qingfeng and Mingyue and call them over. I haven't communicated with them in depth yet.

He quickly went to the guest room where the two Taoist priests were. The two Taoist priests were a little bored and were playing chess.

After Xi Yu knocked on the door, the two people asked him to go in quickly.

The two of them immediately stood up and saluted Xi Yu.

"You two are highly qualified people. Please don't salute like me, otherwise I will feel sorry for you."

The two Taoist priests saw his angry look and asked him what was going on.

Xi Yu told the relevant situation. The two of them were shocked and asked, why didn't Xi Yu come and tell him last night?

"I was really confused last night. So I forgot to communicate with you two." (End of Chapter)

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