The two Taoist priests felt that they might have something to do with the ninja, so they told Xi Yu not to be impulsive and not to go there alone, but Xi Yu said that he couldn't take risks.

Qingfeng then said: "Player, since you have made up your mind, then discuss with us what to do. We told you but you didn't listen, so what should we do?"

Xi Yu shook his head. He also felt confused and really didn't know what to do.

Mingyue said to Xi Yu: "She is just a woman, so what does it matter if something happens to her?"

Considering Xiyu's situation, how could he not find a wife?

Xi Yu was very angry after hearing this.

"Taoist Priest Mingyue, how can you say this? Am I this kind of person? I originally invited you to work for me. If you can't help me, I won't blame you. But if you say this, I will never agree."

Mingyue suddenly burst out laughing. He said that he just said this just to test Xi Yu. How could he really think so?

Xi Yu was relieved when he saw Mingyue like this.

Mingyue said that there was actually a way, that is, the two of them dressed up as ordinary people and pretended to be passing by, so that they could help Xi Yu.

Qingfeng said: "Yes, this is the best way at present."

If Xi Yu doesn't agree, there is really nothing he can do.

Xi Yu nodded, it seemed that this was all he could do.

The deadline given to him by the other party was to go to a certain place tomorrow, so Xi Yu said goodbye to the two Taoist priests for the time being.

When he returned to Ouyang Linlin's room again, Xiaohong saw that he was quite haggard, so she advised him to go back to his room and rest quickly.

"Master Xi, you are of no use guarding here now. You might as well go back and rest first."

But Xi Yu still insisted.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Drama Master. If you are still like this, if the young lady wakes up, she will also be very sad."

Helpless, Xi Yu had to go back to the room temporarily.

On the other side, Cao Pi led his army back to Luoyang.

I was already very tired at this moment, and it was already getting late. Many people have complaints mentally.

They came to a barren mountain and there was no place to stay.

Fortunately, a soldier discovered an empty house in a village ahead.

For some reason, no one lived there anymore, so the soldiers went there to rest.

He returned to Luoyang early the next morning.

Cao Pi once again felt deeply insulted.

However, Sima Yi brought good news.

Just last night, Lu Yong returned to Sima Yi's home in Luoyang.

He told Sima Yi the relevant situation and just reassured Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's face lit up with joy, and he told Lu Yong to stay at home for a while first, and he would immediately let him go after confirming that something happened to Xi Yu.

At the same time, he was given another silver reward this time, and Lu Yong was very happy.

"Master, thank you very much."

"You don't have to thank me. You earned this for yourself."

So the next day, Sima Yi planned to tell Cao Pi the good news, but only to hear that Cao Pi had returned from a defeat.

He was very angry. Is Zhang Lu's power really so powerful?

Therefore, when he met Cao Pi, he told himself to be cautious.

Cao Pi originally didn't want to see anyone, but Sima Yi still had some face after all.

"Zhongda, what can you do?"

A smile appeared on Sima Yi's face, and Cao Pi was particularly angry. He had already been defeated, and he was still smiling. What did it mean?

Sima Yi then said congratulations to Duke Cao.

"What a joy, you're not here to ridicule me, are you?"

"No, I'm here to tell you some good news."

He then told the story about Mrs. Xiyu's poisoning.

"Everything went according to our plan."

But Cao Pi suddenly shook his head again. It's not like Xi Yu was injured. This is his wife, so what's the use?

Sima Yi then analyzed that it was because his wife had no one to protect her.

Xi Yu was protected by secret guards, so it was very difficult to get close to him and poison him.

Cao Pi nodded weakly.

"That's good news, right?"

Sima Yi advised Cao Pi not to be sad about the defeat. After all, victory or defeat is a normal thing for military strategists.

"Having said that, losing at the hands of Zhang Lu really makes me feel very useless."

Cao Pi asked Sima Yi to step aside for the time being, as he wanted to have some peace and quiet.

On the second day, it was time to go to the Western Region to meet the mysterious figure.

The location is a very dense grove on the outskirts of Youzhou. Xi Yu has been to this place before, so it's not particularly unfamiliar.

When Xi Yu arrived there, he saw a masked man next to a stone house.

The masked man only had one pair of eyes exposed, and his body was all black.

It can only be vaguely seen that he is a man, but other than that, there seems to be no other information.

The mysterious man said coldly: "Xi Yu, you are here."

Xi Yu said: "Who are you?"

Mysterious figure: "You don't need to know who I am, but you were still obedient and didn't ask anyone else to come. Kneel down and use your arms."

In the small woods, there are a few lonely tree shadows swaying.

A gentle breeze rustled the leaves.

Sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

The surrounding air seemed to be frozen, and only the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of insects broke the silence.

At this moment, Xi Yu felt very lonely.

But the mysterious man suddenly burst out laughing and said that Xiyu was just a kind of love.

If he didn't care about his wife, he would never come here.

However, they also knew that Xi Yu would never ignore his wife.

Therefore, they successfully captured Xi Yu's weakness.

"Xi Yu, didn't you hear? I asked you to destroy your arms?"

Xi Yu looked at the other party coldly.

"Why, is there any way out for you?"

"Who asked you to do this? I hope to see him."

At this moment, Xi Yu felt the aura of ninja again.

It was the same aura that he felt when he saw Song Datian in the military camp.

Unexpectedly, my guess was correct. It was indeed a ninja behind this.

At this moment, something in the shape of black smoke quickly appeared in front of Xi Yu. It was the ninja. He was also wearing black clothes.

"Xi Yu, is it okay if I come out? It's better to kneel down and help yourself. I will take out the antidote immediately."

However, Xi Yu insulted the other party, saying that they were ambitious and so on, but he did not expect that they would go to any lengths to deal with him.

The ninja seemed to have expected that he would say something like this.

"It's useless for you to say such things. Since ancient times, the strong will have the right to speak."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the woods.

"You beast, stop here."

This is exactly what Qingfeng and Mingyue are doing, with Mingyue running in front and Qingfeng chasing behind.

The two people were now dressed as two ordinary old men.

Both the ninja and the mysterious man were very unhappy, feeling that Xi Yu had brought them here.

But Xi Yu glanced at them and quickly turned around, as if he didn't know them at all.

Mingyue hurriedly ran towards the two ninjas and said that she hoped they could help. The one behind was her eldest brother.

The old man left his property to himself and gave himself an antique.

The eldest brother is now so angry that he wants to kill himself.

The mysterious man said: "You bastard, why should I help you? Get out of here and don't ruin our good deeds."

And Qingfeng rushed over quickly with a cane.

The bright moon revolves around the two mysterious figures.

And Qingfeng just circled with him, as if the two of them were grinding at a rapid pace.

The ninja finally couldn't help but took action and punched Mingyue to the ground.

At this moment, Qingfeng and Mingyue roughly knew the power of this ninja.

Of course, the opponent's invisibility is beyond his control.

At this moment, Qingfeng and Mingyue stood up at the same time.

Because they have always been together.

So over time, we have become quite cooperative.

Ninjas and mysterious figures started a fierce battle with Qingfeng and Mingyue.

The ninja cursed loudly: "Xiyu, you beast, you are the one who attracted this man."

Qingfeng asked Xiyu to get away quickly.

Mingyue also said: "Hmph, you are such a timid guy, so sneaky, what are you? But now that you have shown up, I will naturally have to compete with you."

The two sides were going back and forth, and it was hard to tell the difference for a while.

The ninja and the mysterious figure clashed at the front, while Qingfeng and Mingyue flanked them from both sides.

At this moment, Xi Yu suddenly rushed over and blocked the mysterious figure's attack with his body.

The mysterious figure was shocked by Xi Yu's courage and was stunned for a moment.

Qingfeng shouted loudly: "Player, what are you doing?"

Xi Yu said painfully: "I won't let them succeed! You did it for me, how could I ignore you?"

Mingyue shouted: "We are not here to die! We are going to fight together until the end!"

The battle became more intense, the surrounding leaves were torn by ki, and the ground was littered with ninja weapons.

The figures of the three people on the moon were dancing among the shadows of the trees, flashing with cold light.

There is tension and danger in the air.

After a fierce battle, although Qingfeng and Mingyue successfully prevented the attacks of the mysterious figures and ninjas, they were also injured.

Xi Yu also fainted and fell to the ground because he forcibly blocked the attack of the mysterious figure.

The mysterious figure and the ninja were also injured. They were touching their chests, especially the ninja, who had blood flowing from his mouth.

He looked at Qingfeng and Mingyue fiercely.

"Who are you two?"

At this moment, Qingfeng and Mingyue were also lying on the ground, and it was extremely difficult to get up.

"We are the ones who want to crush your conspiracy. You Japanese people came to our Central Plains region to run rampant."

The ninja said: "Since when have we become overbearing? Please stop spitting."

"I'm slanderous, what you said is too funny. If you are not domineering in the Central Plains, why are you helping Cao Pi?"

Now that things have happened, there is no need to reserve any words.

The mysterious figure kept coughing.

At this moment, the distance between them was not far, but Shi could not get up.

If anyone can get up now, he can give the opponent a fatal blow.

Qingfeng said to Mingyue: "Don't you regret it later?"

Mingyue said that she didn't regret coming to help Xi Yu, but she just lost in their hands and felt particularly useless.

On the other side, Xiaohong still stayed by Ouyang Linlin's side.

She had already heard that Xi Yu went to meet a mysterious person today. It turned out that he received a letter and the matter was related to the lady.

This time, Xi Yu's life was uncertain before she left, and she suddenly felt anxious.

Originally, Xi Yu didn't tell anyone about this matter, except Qingfeng and Mingyue, but a secret guard came to Xiaohong and told her about it.

Xiaohong didn't wonder why the secret guard didn't follow.

The secret guard then told the reason for the incident.

Now, Xiaohong kept pacing in the room, and she thought of the dead Ouyang Fu again.

The master has passed away. If he were still alive, seeing his daughter in this scene, he would probably be even more broken and uncomfortable.

On the other side, Quanxin also left the old man's home since the accident.

He also already knew that he was now a wanted person.

Youzhou is no longer safe. He must find a way to leave now.

He also knew that Lu Yong had left now, and he was particularly angry. This guy didn't call him when he left. Was he just trying to make him a scapegoat?

When he left the old man's house, he still had some troubles and took some food with him.

He hid in the cave for the time being, but now the food was gone.

You must leave quietly late at night.

But he knew that the whole city was now heavily guarded, and it was impossible for him to leave in such an honest way, so he had to dress up.

Qingfeng and Mingyue felt traumatized, and after a while they both passed out.

They also understand that if they succeed in passing out and letting the other party recharge their batteries, it will definitely be a fatal blow to them.

But now they really don't have the energy.

However, not long after they fell unconscious, the mysterious man spit out a mouthful of blood and died on the spot.

Ninja was particularly anxious.

He doesn't care if the other person dies.

But in this situation, it seems that I have lost a helper.

This mysterious figure is a nephew of Cao Pi named Cao Wangwang.

He had been away from home, and when he came back this time, he wanted to make great achievements, so Cao Pi told him about the ninja.

He was the only one who was willing to come over to cooperate, and he had learned some spells from some of them in the mountains when he was a child.

The ninja was already a little weak at this moment.

He felt that the whole world was shaking again. He knew that he would not die, but he was probably not far from coma.

He regretted a little. It shouldn't have been just the two of them coming. That was because he underestimated the enemy.

They also overestimated Xi Yu, thinking that Xi Yu would definitely be controlled by others for the sake of his wife.

I just didn't expect the two masters Qingfeng and Mingyue to appear, but what's the use of talking about it now?

Next, he felt his body trembling. The sun was bright and bright, but in his opinion, it seemed to be cast a shadow.

Finally, he passed out due to exhaustion.

After a while, the sunlight became very weak.

This forest is full of strange smells.

Fortunately, no outsiders came here, so they couldn't see the scene inside.

It was gradually getting dusk, and Xiaohong kept asking if Xiyu was back, but the results she got made her very disappointed.

She returned to the room and looked at the unconscious young lady. Her heart felt as if a knife had been cut through her.

Why? Why is it like this? She kept questioning.

Now, Guan Yu is constantly inquiring about Xi Yu in his mansion.

He knew that Xi Yu was going to meet the mysterious man today, but he didn't know where he was going.

It was already dark, and knowing that Xi Yu hadn't come back either, the situation was probably more dire.

Guan Yu was still loyal to Liu Bei in his heart.

It seems that no one can replace Liu Bei's place in his heart.

It seems that there is no room for other people in his heart.

Although he is willing to be loyal and playful as much as possible.

He is also willing to do good things for Xi Yu, but he has never been able to transfer his feelings for Liu Bei to Xi Yu.

Although he was a little worried about Xi Yu.

But then I suddenly thought, if something happened to Xi Yu, would it be a good thing?

There was a hint of joy in his heart, but after a while he denied the idea.

Even if Xiyu leaves, it doesn't mean that he can cooperate with his elder brother inside and outside.

Now it seems that the eldest brother has no possibility of making a comeback.

Being able to defend Fangjun and serve as a local governor is already the greatest benefit.

Moreover, since the death of their third brother, both of them have been depressed, and they have just recovered from the pain.

I guess the same is true for my eldest brother.

Forget it, it’s better not to think too much about it.

Seeing that it was already getting late, Xin Xin finally felt happy.

He could already hear his stomach growling.

He immediately came to a very remote village and wanted to borrow some clothes and dress up to see if he could leave quickly.

Although he is wanted everywhere, in some remote places, it is estimated that no one knows him.

At the same time, he scolded Lu Yong again in his heart.

It's simply worse than a beast. He ran away and left himself here. This is really unreasonable.

Finally, he came to a house.

There were some chickens eating in the yard, and a puppy barked.

An old woman with a slight hunchback walked out of the house, leaning on a cane and asked, "Who are you?"

He lied that he had been hungry all day, was being hunted by others, was hiding in a place, and now wanted to eat something.

The old lady believed what he said and said, "In that case, come in and have something to eat."

A brand new joy. (End of chapter)

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