Xinxin ate immediately and then asked the old lady to prepare some clothes for him.

The old woman didn't know what to do with preparing clothes.

She did have her son's clothes at home, but she had to figure out what they were for.

"I just want to dress up so that no one can see it. Old man, please do it for your convenience."

He thought that if it didn't work, he would kill the old lady himself.

Anyway, he has already harmed Xiyu's wife, and even if he harms others again, he is no longer afraid.

The old lady said she was willing to find some for him.

After a while, the old woman took out some clothes for him and said that they were all worn by her son and she didn't know if they were suitable.

He said it was appropriate, and then asked the old woman to get him a kitchen knife for self-defense. In fact, he mainly wanted it to deal with others when he could escape.

He also wanted to leave Youzhou secretly, but now he didn't know which way was suitable.

If you really want to conflict with soldiers, you must have weapons at that time.

The old woman also provided him with something. At this time, there was a sound of footsteps, and it was the old woman's son who came home.

He was wearing native clothes, and when he saw a stranger at home, he suddenly felt puzzled.

So he asked the old woman what was going on?

Quanxin told him this lie again.

The old woman's son Yuan Dagang looked at Xin Xin carefully.

I always felt that the other person didn't seem like a good person, so I said, "Mom, come outside, I have something to say to you."

The old woman said oh, and then followed him outside.

Quanxin knew that this young man was a little worried about him, so he secretly came to the door to eavesdrop.

The old woman asked her son Yuan Dagang what happened.

"Mom, who is this person? Just kidnap him and take him home. Maybe he is not a good person."

"Son, I don't think he is a bad person."

"You, you just have a kind heart. I advise you to let him leave as soon as possible."

The old woman then told her about borrowing the other person's clothes.

Yuan Dagang suddenly stopped talking, and the old woman asked him what was going on.

"No wonder, no wonder I felt familiar when I first saw him. This man is a wanted criminal, and now the whole city is trying to catch him."

The old woman was startled when she heard this, and Yuan Dagang came to the gate immediately, but happened to see Xinxin sneaking around in the yard.

So he said: "Did you harm the opera master's wife?"

The old woman also knew about Xi Yu. Xi Yu was a good person. His wife was killed. What should he do?

Brand New said: "What are you talking about? Why don't I understand what you mean?"

Yuan Dagang said coldly: "If you are still pretending to be stupid here, you must have harmed Xi Yu's wife."

"I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

At this time, Xinxin had already started murdering.

I didn't plan to do this originally, but this son's information didn't know what was good or bad.

Then don't blame yourself for being rude.

At this time, the old woman was so frightened that she quickly held her son's hand, because he had seen that his new face turned very ugly.

Brand New sneered.

"Yes, it's me. Since you know this, you must die."

The old woman had also prepared a weapon for him just now, which was a big knife, so he quickly rushed towards Yuan Dagang.

The old woman shouted: "You can't do this, don't hurt my son."

"Old woman, you can't blame me for this. We had a good conversation, but he insists on meddling in other people's affairs. Should I keep him to report to the government?"

He is now desperate to deal with this mother and son.

Yuan Dagang said: "In that case, I will give you a good fight."

The old woman advised them not to fight, but at this time neither of them would listen to him.

Quanxin was already red-eyed at this time and had to kill them.

So he suddenly took the big knife and was about to chop off Yuan Dagang's body.

In order to protect her son, the old woman yelled and ran over quickly.

As a result, she blocked the knife for her son and died on the spot.

Blood also sprayed on the two people. Yuan Dagang was very shocked, angry and painful, and loudly greeted the brand new eighteenth generation ancestor.

At this moment, Xinxin was also a little scared, because this was his first time to kill someone.

He had never done this before. Although he harmed Ouyang Linlin, it was still a piece of cake compared to killing someone.

He really doesn't know what to do now.

However, Yuan Dagang grabbed his neck viciously and cursed at him again.

Brand-new reacted and said: "You want to deal with me, how is this possible? Don't forget that I still have weapons in my hands."

He thought that even if he was imprisoned, killing one would be death, killing two would be death, and he would still make money by killing two, so he became even more arrogant.

In the end, Yuan Dagang also died under his knife.

He was going crazy now, and hurried to the house to see if there was anything else he needed.

Finally, he put on Yuan Dagang's clothes, and then tied another piece of clothing on his head as a hat.

I saw some dirt in the yard again, so I smeared it on my face, hoping that others wouldn't recognize it.

Finally, he took some weapons and prepared to leave, but felt unwilling to do so. He looked back to see if there was anything valuable in his house.

In the end, nothing was found.

Xi Yu and others were still in the grove. It was already late at night, the moon was dim, and some unknown sounds could be heard in the grove.

The breeze kept blowing, but several people were unconscious, so no one felt a little cold.

It wasn't until the moon moved slowly for a while that Xi Yu finally woke up.

Xi Yu suddenly remembered everything that happened to him.

He stood up with difficulty and saw that Qingfeng and Mingyue were still unconscious. As for the mysterious man, he was already dead.

The ninja also suffered severe trauma.

He came to Qingfeng and Mingyue, shaking their bodies, hoping that they would get up quickly.

However, the two of them slept very deeply. Xi Yu thought that something might have happened to them.

If something happens to the two of them, then I will really be in special pain, because after all, they are here for me.

You two, you must wake up. I yelled for a while, but they still didn't wake up.

Xi Yu came to Ninja's side again, and he used his hand to detect his breathing.

It was discovered that he was not dead, but also unconscious.

He thought it would be better to kill this ninja quickly, because he wanted to learn the secret of the ninja by prying his mouth open. This problem was probably difficult to solve.

Seeing a small stone on the ground, Xi Yu picked it up, then put it hard on the ninja's head and hit it.

The ninja didn't wake up because he was unconscious.

After a while, Xi Yu continued to smash, but at this moment, Xi Yu just found that he didn't seem to have much strength to move the stone.

Finally, he hit the opponent's head with a stone and explored the opponent's breath.

No one threatens them now, so even if Qingfeng and Mingyue can't wake up temporarily, it doesn't matter.

And he immediately passed out again, this time because he was too tired.

Quanxin finally arrived at the city gate. He had already thought of a reason, saying that an enemy was coming to harm him today.

Now that he had run away, he had to catch up.

Naturally, the soldiers guarding the gate would not believe what he said.

He must wash his face and see who he looks like, because these are extraordinary times.

Xinxin said: "I beg you, can you chase him so quickly? I clearly saw him leave from here."

Several soldiers didn't listen to him at all, so he had no choice but to quickly take out his weapon and knife from his arms.

"Since you are worried, I can only be rude to you."

"Okay, you beast, it turns out there is something wrong with you." So a few soldiers started fighting with Xinxin.

After all, Xinxin didn't have much experience, so he was quickly captured by a few soldiers.

Several soldiers tied him up, then brought him water and forced him to wash his face.

In the end, his true face was revealed, and several soldiers were overjoyed. It turned out that he was indeed the wanted criminal.

In this way, they have made great achievements. Seeing them like this, Xinxin feels very painful.

One soldier started taunting him. Even if he wanted to escape, he could just think of a good way.

"The method you came up with is so clumsy now, it really makes me laugh out loud."

Without saying anything, a few soldiers locked him up.

By tomorrow, they will be able to make meritorious deeds.

In the early morning of the next day, several soldiers came to see Guan Yu with brand new clothes that had been tied into the shape of rice dumplings.

Guan Yu was practicing calligraphy when he heard that someone had come to report that the murderer of the opera's wife had been caught.

Guan Yu was overjoyed and immediately put down his pen and asked people to take him to the court.

Soon in the court, Guan Yu saw that Xinxin was exactly the same as the portrait, so he asked: "Why did you harm Mrs. Xi Gong?"

Brand new but says nothing.

"You won't say anything, right? If that's the case, then I'm going to be tempted."

Quan Xin said that he did not do this, and he did not know why someone would have his own portrait.

It's just a frame-up. The painter must have been unable to find anyone, so he deliberately painted an image to get through.

Guan Yu sneered.

"I didn't expect you to be so cunning. If that's the case, then I won't be polite to you."

Finally, Guan Yu ordered people to come and beat him quickly. Under severe torture, Xinxin finally told the truth.

He said that he did so, but he did not have the antidote and hoped that Guan Yu would let him go.

"Let you go, do you think it's possible?"

Guan Yu asked the soldiers to keep an eye on him first. He wanted to go to Xi Yu to claim credit. However, when he arrived at the Xi Mansion, he learned that Xi Yu had not returned yet.

Could it be that there has been no response since meeting the mysterious man yesterday?

At this moment, the secret guard came to Ouyang Linlin's room again. Xiaohong was very sad when she learned that Xi Yu had not come back yet. Could it be that something really happened to Xi Yu?

Xiaohong said that if Ouyang Linlin wakes up and learns that something happened to Xiyu, he will be particularly sad.

The secret guard thought that in this situation, Ouyang Linlin might not wake up, but he did not tell the other party this, for fear that she would be irritated.

Guan Yu learned that Xi Yu had not returned, so he had to go back temporarily and let the soldiers imprison Xinxin first.

On the other side, the early morning sunlight shone in the woods again, and Xi Yu had already woken up.

He shook the bodies of the two Taoist priests again, and this time the breeze revived slightly.

He slowly opened his eyes, but Mingyue still didn't wake up.

When Qingfeng saw that he was still alive, he felt very excited.

He originally thought he had entered the gate of hell.

"Master Xi, what's going on?"

Xi Yu told him the relevant situation, and he had already killed the ninja.

"Master Xiu, you shouldn't kill him. You should get some secrets out of his mouth."

Xi Yu said that he had thought about such a problem, but it was still inappropriate after considering it.

Because this ninja's methods are not something they can figure out. If he escapes midway, it will be troublesome.

"But in this case, where is the antidote?"

Xi Yu said painfully that he had searched the man's body but did not find any antidote on him.

I also thought about having the two Taoist priests tortured after they woke up.

But I was afraid that the two Taoist priests would not be able to survive the ninja, what if the ninja woke up first.

Everyone might be in trouble by then, Qingfeng sighed.

"Now it seems that we can only find antidotes through other means."

Xiyu felt helpless, this trip was really in vain.

But Qingfeng comforted him, leaving the green hills and not worrying about running out of firewood.

Xi Yu said that he still has some strength now, so he should go to other places to find some food.

Then they can leave after the bright moon rises together.

Qingfeng nodded feebly, and then came to the village to look for food, and finally got some original food.

No one would have thought that he was a famous actor.

Xi Yu also knew that he couldn't go back, so Xiao Hong and others would probably be particularly anxious.

So after eating, they regained their strength, and it was best to move forward quickly.

If Mingyue still can't wake up, she will carry him on her back.

Soon, Xi Yu and Qing Feng finished eating.

The two of them also gained strength, but Mingyue still didn't wake up.

Xi Yu said that he had harmed them.

"Master Xi, please don't say that. I still remember the story in the list of gods you wrote. It's because we want to come to the world to help more people. Don't say anything else."

Xi Yu finally decided to carry Mingyue on his back, with Qingfeng following behind.

Soon, they came to a street. Xi Yu saw a carriage driver approaching and quickly stopped him.

They can return home smoothly.

After returning, Qingfeng took Mingyue to the room to rest.

Xiyu changed clothes and immediately came to Ouyang Linlin's room. When she saw him coming back, Xiaohong couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Master Xiu, you are finally back."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Then Xiaohong wiped her tears and asked Xiyu what happened.

Xi Yu sighed, as if this trip was in vain.

He told Xiaohong the thrilling thing.

Although Xiao Hong did not clean up the scene, she seemed to be able to feel how intense the scene was at that time.

At this time, Xiaohong fell into a deep loss. In this way, her young lady still could not get better.

Xiaohong suddenly said: "By the way, Guan Yu is here."

Xi Yu felt strange and didn't know what Guan Yu was doing, so Xiao Hong explained the relevant situation.

"Oh, so, can the antidote be taken from that person?"

Xiaohong shook her head, because Guan Yu went back immediately when he learned that Xi Yu was not there.

Xi Yu returned to his room to rest for the time being, and then sent someone to find Guan Yu.

At this moment, Guan Yu's ambivalence rose again in the room.

On the one hand, he was worried about Xiyu, but on the other hand, he seemed to really hope that Xiyu would never come back.

He even hopes to go to Fang County to see his elder brother now and discuss with him what should be done next.

So he kept pacing in the room, feeling a little sorry for Xi Yu.

But he also knew that he was loyal to Liu Bei. He stayed here for a long time, and finally heard some footsteps. It was the soldiers guarding the door who came, saying that they were joking with Yu.

He was stunned for a moment. Could it be that Xi Yu woke up? Finally, he said that he would go there immediately.

He was very worried along the way, so he walked very slowly.

When he saw Xi Yu, Xiyu asked, "What's wrong? Is there anything wrong? Why are you here so late?"

Guan Yu said he had diarrhea.

"Oh, I'm not feeling well, so I need to see the doctor."

"It's not a big deal, it's just a small thing." Xi Yu then got straight to the point.

Guan Yu told some soldiers about catching each other.

"Oh, this person is trying to escape? But his thinking is too simple."

Guan Yu said that he has been put in a cell now.

I had already interrogated him just now, but the other party said that there was no antidote at all.

Xi Yu sighed.

"It's right that there is no antidote, because he is also controlled by others."

"But Mr. Xi, what should we do next? Since the person is there, then you can continue to interrogate him. Regardless of whether he knows it or not, the punishment must not be left alone."

Guan Yu nodded, and at the same time asked Xi Yu what happened after meeting the masked man.

Can you share it with yourself? Xi Yu also agreed.

Xi Yu told the relevant things, and Guan Yu also felt very thrilling.

"Okay, you go back first, I'm a little tired."

After Guan Yu returned, Xi Yu sighed, and now he could only place all his hopes on Song Shuwen.

His heartbeat also became stronger, and he didn't know if something happened to Song Shuwen now.

He had never believed in ghosts and gods, but at this moment, he immediately began to worship the ghosts and gods, hoping that they would keep Song Shuwen safe and sound. (End of chapter)

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