After a while, Xi Yu heard a report from a soldier, saying that Lei Shigui had arrived.

It turns out that Lei Shigui had already been here yesterday, but something happened to Xi Yu after all.

Lei Shigui thought that Xi Yu didn't want to face him, so he left directly.

Only then did Xi Yu remember that this happened, but now that Ouyang Linlin was like this, he seemed to be in no mood to do anything else.

Xi Yu asked someone to call Lei Shigui in.

When Lei Shigui came in and saw Xi Yu looking very haggard, he suddenly felt very strange.

"Drama Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Okay, let's talk about your business first."

Lei Shigui said that he repeatedly did ideological work for them, but everyone insisted on asking for so much money even if they wanted to open their mouths.

They believe that there is a treasure in that place anyway, so Xiyu will definitely pay a high price when the time comes.

At this time, Xi Yu clenched his fists.

"Master Xiu, I also know that what they did was rude. In this case, you'd better not worry about it."

Xi Yu nodded, and finally sent him to leave immediately.

After Lei Shigui returned to his hometown, some villagers immediately came to him and asked him what was going on.

Yesterday, he went to see Xi Yu, wasn't Xi Yu not there?

Xi Yu must have deliberately titillated people's appetites, just to avoid seeing him.

When they saw Lei Shigui's face looking very ugly, they probably already understood what was going on.

So Lei Shigui told Xi Yu's situation.

"Since you don't want to, the actor has already given up."

"What did you say? Master Li Zheng, did Xi Yu really say that?"

"Isn't he scaring us, but really"?

"What should we do now? Otherwise, let's lower our requirements a little bit."

Everyone was talking about it, making Lei Shigui even more disgusted.

"You can do whatever you like. Anyway, I've tried my best."

Lei Shi is so noble that he doesn't care.

Usually these people often make themselves angry.

He was so worried about them that he didn't even plant his own land. He just waved his sleeves and left.

This time he was considered a hero and stopped talking to them.

Many people began to whisper about all this, and some regretted it.

So they started blaming the first person who came up with the idea.

It's all his fault, otherwise, everyone wouldn't be so passive now.

The old man who first came up with an idea was like a rat crossing the street.

He was insulted by everyone.

He said: "I'm doing this for your own good, isn't it? I'm also doing it to get more benefits, how can you blame me?"

But many people still don't buy his account.

He continued to curse at him and even tried to move his hands.

Xi Yu was very angry and planned to go to the Governor's Mansion personally to see the brand new man.

When Guan Yu learned that Xi Yu was coming, he immediately received him.

"I wonder if the actor is here for Xin?"

Xi Yu said: "Yes, where is he? Take me to see him quickly."

Today's brand new has been locked up in a cell.

Now Xinxin has some regrets. He really shouldn't have done such a thing for the sake of temporary wealth.

But now, what's the use of regretting it?

When he heard the footsteps, he knew that it was Guan Yu who had arrived. He seemed to feel that Guan Yu's footsteps were a little different from others.

However, he suddenly saw Xi Yu arriving, and Xi Yu's face was very haggard.

He understood that Xiyu must have been embarrassed by others.

However, it is good that Xi Yu can return safely.

Guan Yu said: "The actor is this beast."

Guan Yu also asked the soldiers to open the cell door.

Xi Yu came to a new front.

Guan Yu said: "Master Xiu, don't get close to him. What if he harms you?"

But Xi Yu seemed not to hear, and then put his hands on the other person's neck.

"Say, why do you do this?"

"Drama Master, I did something wrong, please kill me."

He said he already regretted it a bit now.

This is all because of obsession and in order to make the people in my hometown think highly of me, I did this.

But he didn't expect that his life would be at stake now. After he finished speaking, he was still crying in pain.

Guan Yu sneered.

"Do you think the actor will forgive you if you say this?"

The other party shook his head and said that he did not do all this to beg Xiyu for forgiveness.

Now, he is sincerely repentant.

But no matter how painful and weeping he was, Xi Yu would never forgive him.

"Let me ask you, do you have an antidote?"

Xinxin said, he has said it many times, there is absolutely no antidote.

Xi Yu told Guan Yu that if this was the case, he would be punished.

Xinxin shouted: "Even if you torture me, I don't have an antidote."

"Now whether you have an antidote or not, I just want to see you suffer. Do you understand what I mean?"

Guan Yu immediately said that he would definitely make the other party very satisfied.

The torture will begin immediately, and the torture must be thorough.

Xinxin shouted: "Drama Master, you can't do this."

How is it okay to treat yourself like this even though you know you have no antidote?

Xi Yu has always loved the people so much. He should be very kind. How could he do this?

Xi Yu seemed to understand his mentality and said, "What? Do you think I am very kind, so I won't do this to you?"

Guan Yu told Xi Yu not to talk nonsense to him.

Immediately there was a scream, and many punishments were imposed on him.

When Xi Yu saw this scene, he felt very happy.

Just to let him be tortured, he suddenly felt that he was a little psychopathic.

No, I am not a psychopath. Because I have to do this.

After a while, the brand new fingernails were also clipped.

There was snow all over my hands.

Xi Yu told Guan Yu that Quan Quan should be tortured every day, but he could not let Quan Quan die.

Guan Yu said that he would definitely do it.

It turns out that when Xiyu came, he originally hoped to kill Xinxin.

But it was better to torture him.

When Xiyu returned home, he suddenly saw Wenxuan standing at his door.

He felt very strange.

"How did you get here?"

"I have been doing prenatal care in your house. Isn't this normal?"

"I'm talking about why are you at the door of my room?"

Wenxuan did not answer, but saw that Xi Yu's eyes were particularly haggard.

"Are you worried about Mrs. Ouyang?"

Xi Yu was stunned for a moment, then asked: "Do you already know about Ouyang Linlin?"

Wenxuan said that when she went to the toilet just now, she happened to see Xiaohong.

Xiaohong's face looked ugly, so he asked Xiaohong what was going on.

At first, Xiaohong didn't say anything. But she tried her best to ask, and finally got Xiaohong to tell her what was going on.

He also knew that Xi Yu was sad about this incident, so he came here quickly.

Xi Yu let him in, poured him a cup of tea, and told him everything that had happened in the past few days.

He was nagging here as if he was complaining to a friend.

From beginning to end, Wenxuan did not speak.

She knew not to interrupt, but to just listen quietly.

When Xiyu said the last word, tears burst down his face, and then he grabbed Wenxuan's hand.

At this time, he was no longer a prince.

But he is a very ordinary man who needs comfort and care.

Wenxuan immediately held him in his arms.

Then he patted Xi Yu on the back, although it looked a bit ambiguous.

But Wenxuan didn't think that much.

Because the other person needs comfort very much at this moment.

After a while, Xi Yu realized that he had lost his composure.

Then he quickly stood up and said sorry to Wenxuan.

Wenxuan said: "You don't need to say that, you are in need of comfort now."

Xi Yu sighed, now he could only place his hope on Song Shuwen.

"Isn't there an old saying that says good luck people have their own destiny, I believe nothing will happen to them."

Xi Yu said painfully that he understood this truth, but when the real thing happened to him, he simply couldn't be so calm.

Wenxuan said that since it has now been confirmed that it is Cao Pi and the Ninjas, this matter must be spread widely.

Xi Yu nodded, saying that he was too kind before and did not do this.

Wenxuan said that he could ask Dongfanghong to help with this matter and ask him to write some proclamations.

In this way, the matter can be spread widely.

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you."

Xiyu is now weak and doesn't want to do anything.

Wenxuan left immediately, and then found Dongfanghong immediately. Dongfanghong was writing a book. When he saw Wenxuan coming, he was very happy.

He immediately showed a smile on his face, and Wenxuan blushed a little.

I really want to tell him that I don't like him at all.

But if you say this, you will be particularly ashamed.

"Okay, I'm here to talk to you about business." Wenxuan said impatiently.

Dongfanghong asked her what happened.

Wenxuan explained the relevant situation.

Dongfanghong was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Xi Yu would experience such a thing.

"Oh my God, Xiyu has been through so much."

"You only know how to write books, so it's normal that you don't know anything else."

Dongfanghong felt that the other party was mocking her.

But he didn't know why Wenxuan came to him.

What can I do to help?

Wenxuan explained the relevant situation.

"Oh, let me write a manuscript. This is very simple. In that case, I will start writing now."

After that, he immediately found paper and pen, wrote an article eloquently, and then gave it to Wenxuan to read.

Wenxuan was particularly surprised when he saw it.

"My God, your literary skills are really good."

He felt very happy when he was praised by Wenxuan, and said with a smile that he still had many abilities.

In his previous life, although he was not particularly outstanding, when he came here, he was a general among the dwarves.

Wenxuan said: "Okay, I'll praise you and it will reach heaven. I really don't know how high the sky is."

The other person patted his chest and said, "Anyway, what I wrote in this article is impassioned, as if I had experienced it myself."

Wenxuan nodded and had no choice but to admit this.

He said that if Xi Yu saw it, he would probably be very happy.

Dongfanghong said that although she could write, she could also expose Cao Pi.

It is impossible to work for Xiyu in other aspects.

Wenxuan said: "You helped Xi Yu. What should you do if Cao Pi takes revenge on you in the future? With Cao Pi's ability, it was finally found out that you wrote this article. You have to consider the consequences."

Dongfanghong was very angry after hearing this.

"Wenxuan, are you testing me on purpose or something? Am I someone who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

He said that after coming here and meeting Xi Yu, he felt very friendly.

So it's normal to be willing to do things for him.

Wenxuan was immediately moved by him.

"Okay, I was just joking. I didn't expect you to be so upright and upright. I will make you my friend."

Wenxuan also emphasized that he regarded the other party as a friend, just an ordinary friend.

Let the other person not think too much.

After hearing this, the other party felt a chill in his heart and quickly changed the topic.

He said that he was really not afraid of death. After death, he might be able to travel to another world better.

He might become emperor.

Just like some novels I read before, people become emperors after traveling through time.

But after he traveled through time, he was just a very ordinary person. This is so funny.

Wenxuan said: "I feel that the two of us are here to accompany Xi Yu, and he is the real protagonist."

"What you say makes sense, but I still feel aggrieved. Why are we not the protagonists?"

Wenxuan felt that the other person was a jerk and stopped talking to him at all.

"Okay, I have some things to do so I'll go back first. I'll give this article to Xi Yu."

When Wenxuan showed the article to Xi Yu again, Xi Yu felt his blood boiling after reading it.

"I didn't expect this guy's literary talent to be so good."

"Don't praise him anymore. If he finds out, he will be very proud."

So, Wenxuan recounted the conversation he had just had with the other party.

"I felt like immediately having people copy it and then spreading it all over the place."

Xi Yu said that he would let everyone read this article first, and then go to the tower to explain the situation to everyone.

"Thank you so much, Wenxuan."

"What you said is too much. We are all friends. Stop talking nonsense and get down to business. It's time for me to go back."

After that, Wenxuan left immediately.

Xiyu will do this immediately.

Someone immediately wrote this article.

Then, the soldiers began to post them in the city.

Many people were shocked when they heard the news. They did not expect that Cao Pi would defect to a foreign enemy.

This is really unreasonable, and it is shameful to everyone in the world.

So, everyone started talking about it.

Many teahouses and wine shops are discussing this matter.

And Xiyu was going to the tower as well.

He originally wanted to dress up properly.

He looked in the mirror and saw that he was also very haggard.

However, I suddenly felt that this was not bad, because in this way, it would make everyone see that I was worried about this matter.

Xi Yu quickly arrived at the city tower and had already released the news, so many people knew about it and gathered under the city tower.

When they saw Xi Yu arriving, it was like welcoming a god.

They immediately knelt down and worshiped.

"Okay, everyone, let's get up."

Xi Yu also coughed. It was not because he was pretending to be pitiful, but because he was really feeling unwell because of his anger.

At this time, many people discovered that Xi Yu seemed to be different from usual.

"Player, what's wrong with you?"

someone shouted.

Xi Yu thought to himself that it was just the right time for this person to ask this question.

So he said: "I guess you should have seen the announcement, right? It's because my wife was killed by someone, that's why I'm so sad and haggard."

As a result, people lost their order and started talking again.

Many people are filled with righteous indignation and are aggrieved by teasing Yu.

"Master Xi, we really didn't expect Cao Pi to be this kind of person. It's so abominable."

"Do you just believe me that much? Do you think I'm setting up Cao Pi on purpose?" Xi Yu asked quickly.

Because if you want to arrange the other party, it is entirely possible, and many people should even be able to remember that they might do this.

But now it seems that everyone has special trust in me, which really makes me particularly touched.

"Master Xiu, how could we not believe in your character? Why do you want to arrange things for others? Your strength is on par with others, or even surpasses them."

Xi Yu immediately began to bow to them and thank them for their trust in him.

"Player, I don't know if we can help you. Let's spread the news outside Youzhou."

An old man shouted, saying that he had relatives in other places.

Xi Yu said that they didn't need to worry, he would send soldiers to spread the news outside.

Try to let the entire Central Plains region know about this within three days.

And the reason why Xi Yu told everyone this matter today.

Just to complain. Just to hope that everyone can understand.

Many people also considered Ouyang Linlin's problem.

They said they were willing to pray for Ouyang Linlin and hoped that she would wake up soon.

"I feel a lot happier after telling you these words."

After that, Xi Yu coughed again, and then got off the tower with the help of several soldiers.

At this moment, he looked like a dying old man.

But this one caused a very good effect and made many people filled with indignation.

After Xi Yu returned to his house, he came to Ouyang Linlin's room again.

"Don't worry. According to the schedule, Song Shuwen should go home now. He will probably arrive the day after tomorrow." Xi Yu saw Xiao Hong looking unhappy and quickly comforted her. (End of chapter)

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