After Xi Yu made this announcement, many people insulted Cao Pi, and the incident slowly spread to Luoyang.

Cao Pi was very angry when he learned about this, because there were many people here who didn't know about what he had conspired with the ninjas.

He kept pacing in the room and soon found someone to bring Sima Yi.

Then discuss it carefully.

Sima Yi hurriedly came to Cao Pi's side.

Cao Pi asked: "Zhongda, do you already know about what is happening now?"

Sima Yi said that he had a clearer understanding, and now everyone in the city was talking about it.

Now that it has reached this point, he has nothing to hide.

He knew that after he finished speaking, Cao Pi's face would definitely turn livid.

And this is indeed the case.

Cao Pi said that he met Mr. Dachuan early this morning, and of course Dachuan came to see him.

And the fact that Dachuan came to him on his own initiative proved that the matter was very urgent and serious.

Okawa scolded Cao Pi, because none of the ninjas sent out this time and Cao Pi's nephew survived.

Dachuan originally thought that their efficiency was particularly slow, but he found someone to investigate the scene and found that the two people were really dead.

Cao Pi believed that his relationship with his nephew was not very deep, so he should just die.

What pained him was that this matter could not be completed.

But at this moment, I learned that something big had happened, and everyone knew that they were colluding with foreign enemies.

This is written into the pillar of shame.

When my father was still alive, he once told himself that colluding with foreign enemies was a very serious matter.

Never do such a thing.

Now that this matter was revealed, how could he feel embarrassed?

He then asked Sima Yi what to do next.

Sima Yi said that this was easy to handle, so he said that Xi Yu was a mouthful and would do anything to arrange Cao Pi.

Cao Pi asked: "Is this method feasible?"

He had thought about it himself, but what if many people didn't believe it?

Sima Yi said that no matter whether it is possible or not, it can only be like this now.

Because other than that, there is really no other way.

Cao Pi said: "In that case, I'll leave this matter to you."

Sima Yi nodded, quickly found some scribes, and then began to write some rebuttal articles.

Prove that this matter is false.

The scribes who were called also knew it well, and estimated that this matter must be true.

So they were a little ashamed of Cao Pi's character.

However, the writing level of these scribes is still very high.

They wrote a rebuttal article eloquently, which made Sima Yi's blood boil after reading it.

Now I want to spread this article everywhere.

Then, Sima Yi reported to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi asked: "How did these people react?"

Sima Yi also told the truth. Although several people did not dare to say it openly, it could be seen from their expressions that they believed that this matter was true.

No matter how angry Cao Pi was, he felt that Xi Yu was really too insidious in this regard.

At this time, all he could think about was the bad things about Xi Yu.

But he had long forgotten that he was the first to feel sorry for Xi Yu.

When these manuscripts appeared in Luoyang City, they attracted a lot of attention.

Some people think that the legend seems to be false and that someone is deliberately trying to discredit Cao Pi.

But some people think that Xi Yu's statement is correct, and Cao Pi is defending himself.

In short, there is nothing to say.

And Cao Pi also specially sent people to the posting area to keep an eye on everyone's reaction.

On the other side, Xi Yu has been waiting for Song Shuwen's return.

He is still in Ouyang Linlin's room.

Xiaohong asked, did he send secret guards to follow Song Shuwen to prevent Song Shuwen from encountering any accidents?

Xi Yu nodded, indeed looking for someone to follow him secretly.

Xiao Hong said: "In this case, Song Shuwen should be fine. Otherwise, the secret guard would have come back to report long ago."

Naturally, she said this to comfort Xi Yu.

In fact, if the secret guard cannot come back, it may prove that something really happened.

Xi Yu sighed and stared at Ouyang Linlin's face carefully.

Just looking at her face, it looked like she was asleep.

There were no signs of poisoning at all.

And Song Shuwen also said that this poison is really different.

Xiaohong suddenly complained.

She mentioned that the actor had several wives, so why did something happen to his own lady?

If I had known this, I shouldn't have gone to worship the Buddha with the lady.

Xi Yu immediately glared at her.

"You mean to say that it's impossible for your lady to have something happen to you, but it's okay if someone else has something to do?"

Only then did Xiaohong realize that she had said the wrong thing.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xi, all slaves and slaves are talking nonsense."

Xi Yu said: "I understand that you protect the interests of your young lady, but you should not vent your grievances on others."

Speaking of this, it seemed like I suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, does Mrs. Gan know about this?"

Xiaohong shook her head, she probably didn't know yet, after all, Mrs. Gan was getting closer and closer to giving birth.

So we can't affect her emotions and won't tell her.

Xi Yu also breathed a sigh of relief, but he decided to take a look for himself.

So I went to Ganmei's room, and Ganmei really didn't know about it.

"Husband, why did you come to my room?"

"Isn't it been a long time since I came here? So I missed you a lot, so I came over to see if our children are naughty."

While saying this, Xi Yu also touched Ganmei's belly.

Xi Yu just touched it casually, and he really felt that the little guy started to move in Ganmei's belly, which made him even more excited.

"Great, my baby moved."

Ganmei also said that the children have been particularly naughty recently.

I can often feel my child's movements.

Xi Yu smiled and said, "This child can't wait to be born."

Then, Xi Yu said to the girls, "Come outside with me, and I'll tell you some things about how to take better care of my wife."

Ganmei felt strange, why did they get them outside? Is it the same to say no here?

Several girls quickly followed Xi Yu to a corner outside.

Xi Yu asked in a low voice: "About Mrs. Ouyang, doesn't she know?"

One girl said, Madam doesn’t know.

"In that case, it's best not to let her know about this."

Several people nodded, Xi Yu let them in, and finally walked in himself.

Said he was going back.

"Okay, husband is busy with a lot of things, so there is no need to make a special trip to see me."

After Xiyu left, Ganmei asked several girls why Xiyu had called them out just now.

A clever girl said that Xi Yu was telling them to take good care of their wife and raise the baby well, and never make any mistakes.

But Ganmei still felt something was wrong.

"What exactly did I say to you? Can you tell me?"

She really felt strange, why couldn't she say it in the room?

"Madam, don't overthink it. You just told us some things about how to take care of you."

Ganmei simply stopped asking.

Ganmei had no choice but to stop asking.

The news about Cao Pi finally reached Chang'an.

Liu Xie was in the palace and was furious when he heard about this.

In the morning of this day, he said this to the ministers.

Liu Xie gave Cao Pi a bloody blow.

Ever since I came here, I seem to be living an ignoble existence.

It can be said that Liu Xie has not been so heroic for a long time.

It can be seen that this incident really made him angry.

He said that even if many people are fighting for territory, he can understand it.

But it is absolutely not allowed to harm people in such a dirty way.

At the same time, Liu Xie planned to send some imperial doctors to Youzhou to treat Ouyang Linlin, and then asked these imperial doctors who was willing to go.

Many imperial doctors were shocked when they heard this.

Not to mention whether this disease is a thorny issue, wouldn't this offend Cao Pi, and he might die without a burial place? Seeing their expressions of embarrassment, Liu Xie was very angry.

"What's going on? Aren't you willing to go? Can't you share my worries?"

Many imperial doctors lowered their heads.

Liu Xie said that now that they are being used, they are pushing back and forth. What is going on?

Finally, an imperial doctor said boldly: "Your Majesty, this may have been directed and acted by Xi Yu. Mrs. Ouyang may not have anything wrong with her at all."

So there was no need for them to go there.

After hearing this, Liu Xie was very angry.

"Who do you think my uncle is? How could he do such a thing? If he dares to say such things again, he will be taken out and beheaded."

At this time, many imperial doctors stopped talking.

Liu Xie also said that if no one signed up, then lots would be drawn.

Having already spoken up to this point, the imperial doctors could no longer rely on him, so the young eunuchs quickly wrote a few notes.

There were about ten imperial physicians present, and Liu Xie decided to send three of them.

So there are three notes with words written on them. Anyone who catches them can go directly without any complaints.

Several imperial doctors prayed not to let themselves be caught.

Seeing their expressions, Liu Xie became even more angry.

But now the power of the imperial power is really weak, so these imperial doctors dare to ride on their heads.

Recently, Liu Xie has also been reading history books, especially Sima Qian's Historical Records.

When he saw that during the founding of the Western Han Dynasty and the rule of Wen and Jing, several emperors were full of courage, he felt very happy.

He felt that he really felt sorry for his ancestors.

Of course, today's situation is not caused by myself, but I still feel special pain.

He recalled what Xi Yu told him about the constitutional monarchy.

His mood is very complicated, and it would be a good choice to actually implement this system.

But at the same time, he was a little unwilling to do so, because he had completely become a puppet.

Starting from yourself, then every emperor who succeeds in the future will have descendants, won't he be humiliated forever?

In the end, three imperial doctors got it, and their faces were very frustrated.

Others felt very honored.

Liu Xie said, in this case, the three imperial doctors immediately packed their things and set off immediately.

Afterwards, Liu Xie returned to his palace.

There was a young eunuch who saw that he was very angry. After he sat down, he quickly beat his back.

"It's really unreasonable. I didn't expect that even the imperial doctors wouldn't listen to me."

Liu Xie felt that he was really ill-fated, and now even the imperial doctor was bullying him.

The little eunuch quickly went to comfort him, saying that everyone had the mentality of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, and told him not to pay too much attention.

On the other side, in Cao Pi's prison, Zhao Yun was tortured every day.

He has now been secretly moved to a place.

Moreover, the distance between him and the adjacent cell is also very large, and the people who deliver meals to him every day are some special people. Because your own existence is a secret. If you can't let others know, don't let others know.

However, he also became familiar with the soldier who brought him food, and learned that this soldier was a close confidant of Cao Pi.

He was also a member of Cao Pi's clan, named Cao Wenshuang.

In order to torture him, Cao Pi never gave him enough food every time.

This time, Zhao Yun finally became ill, and his limbs were weak and he had a slight fever.

He was lying in the cell, his consciousness seemed to be a little blurry.

When Cao Wenshuang saw him like this, he immediately put his hand on his forehead.

He knew that Cao Pi would never want Zhao Yun to die.

Because Zhao Yun must be returned to his command in the future.

In fact, Cao Wenshuang also felt strange that no matter how powerful Zhao Yun was, it was difficult to control someone like him.

Why must we win over him? It would be better to kill him directly.

But I am a servant after all, and there are some things that I cannot have the final say on.

Cao Wenshuang left the cell and reported the news to Cao Pi.

"What? He's actually sick? Is he pretending to be sick or is he really sick?"

Cao Wushuang said that based on his own observations, Zhao Yun was indeed sick and talking nonsense.

Cao Pi suddenly felt a little sad. Under such circumstances, he had to ask the doctor to enter the cell.

But in this way, wouldn't Zhao Yun's secret be slowly revealed?

He felt so restless, and this matter was hidden from the ninja.

After the recent incident, Ninja has become more and more concerned about himself.

He absolutely could not let Zhao Yun die like this, so he kept pacing in the room.

Cao Wenshuang felt very painful because he could not share anything for Cao Pi.

After a while, Cao Pi thought of a way.

He said that there was a secret passage in the basement, so why not let Zhao Yun out of the secret passage.

To do this late at night today, he needed Cao Wenshuang's cooperation.

Regarding this matter, Cao Wenshuang felt very strange. He did not expect that there was a secret passage.

"Okay, Mr. Cao, in that case, I must do this tonight."

Cao Pi said that it was inconvenient for him to go there, and then told him the location of the secret passage, and also told him how to open it.

Finally, he sent someone to ask Sima Yi to come over, because now Sima Yi was his confidant, and he would not be at ease if he asked others to do such a thing.

Soon, Sima Yi came to this side and asked, "Mr. Cao, what can I do for you?"

Cao Pi told him the relevant situation.

Now we need to take Zhao Yun out through the secret passage. The exit is a cave. Let Sima Yi send people to greet him in the cave.

After that, Zhao Yun was asked to go to Sima Yi's home temporarily and asked Sima Yi to find a doctor to treat Zhao Yun.

Cao Pi grabbed Sima Yi's hand.

"Zhongda, I have put this important task in your hands, and I hope you will complete it."

"Don't worry, Duke Cao, my subordinates will do their best. I will never let down Duke Cao's love."

So late at night, two people were asked to do this immediately.

At this time, Zhao Yun was completely unconscious and kept talking nonsense.

He missed Xi Yu very much, so the content of his conversation was all about Xi Yu.

Sima Yi sighed with emotion, Zhao Yun was considered particularly loyal.

Cao Wenshuang came to the wall and counted the bricks, because Cao Pi had already told him how to open the mechanism.

Finally, the mechanism was opened.

The two people were overjoyed and immediately took Zhao Yun out through the secret passage.

But there was no one else around, so the two people had no choice but to carry Zhao Yun.

Sima Yi started to sweat after walking for a while. He felt very unhappy, but in order to complete Cao Pi's mission, he could only do this now.

More than an hour later, the two finally arrived at the cave Cao Pi mentioned.

At this moment, the moon and stars were sparse, and both of them were covered in sweat.

A breeze blew from the entrance of the cave, cooling their temples.

Sima Yi said to Cao Wushuang. You must pay attention to your health and don't catch a cold.

Just like now, they may have been infected by Zhao Yun.

On the other side, Sima Yi had already arranged for Master Sima to invite the doctor to his home.

Master Sima was a little restless because his father had told him not to ask anything.

He also understood that the identity of the person to be healed might be particularly noble, otherwise he would not even tell his father.

As for the doctor, he was also waiting anxiously.

"Master Sima, I wonder when your father will come back and who will he be treating?"

"I don't know either. You'd better wait slowly."

While the two people were talking, they suddenly heard something moving outside.

It was Sima Yi and Cao Wenshuang who brought Zhao Yun over.

Sima Yi said to Master Sima: "Come help me and take him to the guest room quickly."

Master Sima immediately did the same. The doctor followed him in and found that this man just had a common cold.

At first, the doctor thought he was seriously ill.

I really don’t know why we need to mobilize troops and mobilize people like this.

"Okay, doctor, I'll leave the rest to you."

Sima Yi bowed respectfully to the doctor. (End of chapter)

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