The doctor said that treating patients is his own responsibility.

Seeing that Sima Yi was still in the room, he said that he didn't like to be watched by others when he was treating illnesses, and hoped that Sima Yi would leave as soon as possible.

Sima Yi nodded and then came to the hall.

Then just let Cao Wushuang go back temporarily.

After Cao Wushuang left, Sima Yi saw Master Sima looking at him with a pair of puzzled eyes.

Master Sima asked: "Dad, who is this person? Why did you bring this person here in this way?"

Sima Yi said that he should not ask any more questions that he should not ask.

Master Sima felt a little bored and then withdrew.

When he passed by his brother Sima Zhao's room, he saw that the lights were still on.

So I felt curious and went over to take a look.

But I heard the sound of reading coming from inside.

And it seems that what Sima Zhao studied was the Art of War.

Did you learn the art of war at a young age?

He then coughed, and Sima Zhao's reading stopped immediately.

"Is it brother?"

Master Sima said: "Yes, it's me. Can I go in and sit for a while?"

Sima Zhao opened the door immediately.

Master Sima asked: "Brother, it's so late, why are you still studying hard?"

Sima Zhao said that he felt that he was particularly bad, so the stupid bird flew first and he had to study hard.

"Brother, you are not stupid. You are much smarter than my brother, and my brother also supports you very much."

Sima Zhao said that his brother was better than him in business, and he felt that it was too late to learn, so he must seize the time to study now so that he can do things for his father in the future.

Master Sima felt very relieved and said at the same time: "Brother, after hearing what you said, I have to learn more from you. Your words really make me feel ashamed."

"By the way, brother, since you are here, why don't you have a nice talk with me? I wonder if you are sleepy?"

Master Sima said he was not sleepy. He was willing to talk to his younger brother. He was doing business outside all year round and rarely communicated with his younger brother.

Master Sima originally thought that Sima Zhao was talking to him about studying.

In this case, I may not be able to explain it clearly.

However, what he never expected was that what Sima Zhao told him turned out to be a major national event.

"Brother, why do you think Mr. Cao has so much trust in his father?"

Master Sima answered without hesitation that it was because his father was particularly capable and loyal to Cao Pi that he was able to gain trust.

Sima Zhao smiled after hearing this.

"Brother, do you think what my brother said is wrong?"

"No, brother, you are right, but it is not comprehensive. If you think about it again, is there any special reason?"

Sima Yi shook his head. He really didn't know. Could it be that his younger brother had any other ideas?

"Brother, what do you think? You might as well tell me."

"Actually, this is all because Mr. Cao doesn't trust the Cao family at all. He deliberately suppresses the Cao family, so he gives some benefits to people with other surnames."

Sima Yi was stunned, and Sima Zhao analyzed that Cao Zhi was actually much more capable than Cao Pi.

But just because they are brothers, Cao Pi will not give Cao Zhi a chance to get ahead.

Master Sima couldn't help being surprised when he heard Sima Zhao's lucid analysis.

At such a young age, he could see the problem so well, and if his brother hadn't told him, he really wouldn't have thought of it.

"Brother, do you think my analysis is correct?"

Sima Zhao laughed, obviously hoping that Master Sima would praise him well.

Master Sima said: "Yes, your analysis is really correct. My brother is going to learn from you."

But Master Sima also told Sima Zhao not to show too much how smart he is in front of others.

So as not to arouse the jealousy of others.

"Brother, I know this. Except for dad and you, there are some things that should not be said. I will not say them to outsiders casually."

"That's good." Master Sima suddenly yawned and said he was going to rest.

The doctor felt Zhao Yun's pulse and felt that his illness was particularly serious and had been for too long.

Also, Sima Yi and others must have wasted a long time in getting him.

He quickly wrote a prescription, and then asked the servants outside to get the medicine quickly.

There are still people in his medicine shop, and his little boy is guarding him there.

After some people brought the medicine, he quickly asked people to start decoction.

The doctor felt very painful. If the patient had been sent here earlier, it would not have been so serious.

Even though I have taken the medicine, it will probably take me a few days to get better.

After the medicine was cooked, the doctor went outside and brought it over to Zhao Yun to take it himself.

After a while, as soon as he finished taking the medicine, Sima Yi knocked on the door and asked the doctor what was going on.

"Master Sima, I have given him the medicine, but he is too seriously ill, so he is still in a coma and cannot wake up."

Sima Yi said: "In that case, it's hard work for the doctor."

The doctor walked out and said goodbye. He said that he would come and see what was going on tomorrow.

After all, he is his patient and he must be responsible.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Zhong, when others ask, please don't tell others that I have a patient here."

After saying this, Sima Yi promised to give the doctor some benefits.

The doctor said: "Don't worry, I won't tell this matter casually."

After the doctor left, Sima Yi took a look into the guest room.

Zhao Yun's face was still sallow. There was a bowl next to him, which originally contained medicine. It was now empty, and there was still a smell of medicine in the room.

He yawned and quickly returned to the room to rest.

Another day passed, and Xi Yu kept waiting for Song Shuwen's arrival.

He felt that if there were no special circumstances, Song Shuwen should come back today.

However, what they also thought was that Song Shuwen had not arrived yet, but three imperial doctors from Luoyang had actually arrived.

It turned out that when the three imperial doctors first entered the city, they discovered that Youzhou was not accessible to anyone casually.

After they explained their intention, the soldiers asked them to register first.

They will then report to Xi Yu. Without Xi Yu's consent, no one can enter or leave Youzhou casually.

Xi Yu felt very relieved when he learned that he was sent by the emperor.

Although these imperial doctors may not be able to make the wife's illness better.

But Liu Xie's approach still made him feel very happy.

Xi Yu just asked the soldiers to let them pass quickly.

Half an hour later, the three imperial doctors entered Youzhou.

They also saw the prosperity of Youzhou, and they felt very frustrated.

Because everyone is spreading the word that the Han Dynasty is completely over. Although no one will say it out loud, everyone knows it in their hearts.

And it is estimated that sooner or later the world will be full of drama.

After they arrived at the house, although Xiyu was a little listless, he still received them.

They were also very emotional.

Xi Yu has developed Youzhou very well, and they also heard that Xi Yu is now starting to build roads to connect all his territories.

Although what he said to the outside world was to provide convenience to the people, they knew that Xi Yu expressed his own ambition.

Xi Yu first expressed the emperor's love for him, and told them that since they are here, let them quickly go and see his wife's condition.

The three people immediately entered Ouyang Linlin's room.

When Xiaohong learned that the imperial doctors were here, she immediately saluted them.

The Third Doctor looked at it for a while and realized that the situation was so difficult. They had never encountered such a situation before.

The three of them are all imperial doctors, so they speak responsibly, and they cannot talk nonsense about things they are not sure about.

So they just said directly that Mrs. Xiyu was really poisoned and there was really nothing they could do.

Xiaohong immediately retorted.

"You are all imperial doctors, and your skills are very high, but you say there is nothing you can do. Have you treated the doctor properly?"

The three imperial doctors looked very ugly.

Unexpectedly, a little girl would dare to scold them like this.

How could this make them feel so embarrassed?

So, Xi Yu immediately scolded him.

"Xiaohong, don't be rude."

"Master Xiang, why are you facing them? I think they are obviously just perfunctory. The emperor sent them here. Maybe they didn't want to come at all. After they came, they just perfunctory and then handed over the job. But where are they?" Are you going to care about the life and death of the young lady?"

At the end of the sentence, her voice started to sound like crying.

The imperial doctors all looked very embarrassed, and they said that they had really tried their best.

They had never seen such a troublesome disease.

Of course, you don’t have to look at the hateful face but also look at the Buddha face.

If other people's maids had spoken like this, they would have reprimanded her or asked Xiyu to give them an explanation.

But after all, the other party is a playful person, and they don't dare to make mistakes.

Xi Yu said: "Xiaohong, I can understand your mood, but Doctor Song also said that Madam's illness is particularly difficult to treat, so it's normal for them to take a bad look at it. They are just doctors, not gods, so you don't want to It’s hard to force someone to do something difficult.”

Xi Yu apologized to the three of them on behalf of Xiao Hong, hoping they wouldn't mind.

"Master Xiu, what are you saying? We are indeed not good at learning. Besides, we are very pleased that this girl is so loyal to my wife."

Xi Yu said that the three imperial doctors had traveled through mountains and rivers anyway.

Just rest in the guest room.

Two imperial doctors said that they had better go back to work as soon as possible.

There was an imperial doctor who was willing to stay.

His two colleagues felt very incomprehensible.

Xi Yu asked his servants to prepare a guest room for them, and they lived in the room next to Qingfeng and Mingyue.

The imperial physician Xin Cui insisted on staying.

In addition, the two people asked him, what does this mean?

"Are we still embarrassed to stay here? Shouldn't we go back and report to His Majesty as soon as possible?"

Doctor Cui said: "I think it would be better for us to stay and ask the opera master to write us a letter."

At this time, both of them felt confused. What did it mean to write a letter?

Dr. Cui said that he would let Xi Yu write it down, saying that the three of them had tried their best, so that it would be easier to communicate when they returned.

Because Liu Xie loves Xi Yu very much.

He is very face-saving in front of Liu Xie.

Therefore, after the emperor reads this letter, he probably won't do anything to them.

"Listening to what you said, it seems to make sense."

They had been waiting for Xiyu to arrive, but they never did.

Later, they inquired about it and found out that Xi Yu would stay in Ouyang Linlin's room all the time.

On the other side, at Sima Yi's home, the doctor came again today.

Just now Sima Yi went to the room and took a look, but Zhao Yun still didn't wake up.

"Mother, why hasn't that person woke up yet? Is your medicine not working?"

The doctor said it was because it had been too long. If he had just been sick and wanted to see him immediately, it would not matter.

After all, they had been struggling for a long time, which is why they ended up in this situation.

"Don't worry, I think he will wake up today."

After the doctor entered the room, Sima Yi also wanted to follow him.

Just at this time, Sima Zhao came to Sima Yi and asked Sima Yi to accompany him to practice swordsmanship.

"Dad, I feel that when you are by my child's side, my child will practice faster, and there are still many places where I need your guidance."

Helpless, Sima Yi had to leave temporarily.

The doctor entered the room and after staying for a while, Zhao Yun finally woke up.

The doctor finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you don't wake up, people will think my medicine is ineffective."

Zhao Yun was particularly confused and asked quickly: "Where is this place?" And because I was feeling unwell, even my voice had changed a bit.

The doctor then told him that this was Sima Yi's home.

Zhao Yun felt very strange, how could he come here.

"What about old thief Sima?"

The doctor felt very strange. After Sima Yi rescued him, he actually called Sima Yi "Sima Old Thief". What on earth was going on?

Seeing his doubtful eyes, Zhao Yun sighed and said, "It seems that you regard him as a good person."

At this moment, Zhao Yun revealed his true identity.

Only then did the doctor understand what was going on.

Zhao Yun didn't know why he wanted to tell a stranger such news.

But at this moment, he suddenly had an idea. He wanted to take a gamble, maybe he could escape through this doctor.

But he was worried that the doctor and Sima Yi's group would tell Sima Yi about him.

But he still has to take a gamble now, because once he returns to Tianlao, he will still live a life of darkness.

If he could convince this doctor, he might be able to leave safely.

He felt that he had a very good idea.

As a result, the doctor became indignant after hearing what happened to him and felt that Cao Pi had really done a lot of harm to people.

Zhao Yun was particularly happy after hearing his reaction.

"Do you think I'm a victim too? So can you help me?"

But this time, the doctor hesitated. Even if he wanted to help the other party, this was not a very simple matter.

Zhao Yun said: "I know it is very difficult to help me, but if you can pass on a message, I will be grateful."

The doctor was still hesitant, so Zhao Yun stood up and quickly knelt down to him.

"Young Master can't help it, I just promise you."

"Thank you so much, Sir."

The doctor said that he would personally go to Youzhou and pass on the news.

At the same time, he will find a way to let Sima Yi keep Zhao Yun here.

Zhao Yun was very grateful. Suddenly, the doctor heard slight footsteps and made a silent gesture towards Zhao Yun.

He signaled Zhao Yun not to say anything more.

Sure enough, after a while, Sima Yi knocked on the door outside and opened it.

Sima Yi asked: "How's it going? The patient has woken up."

Sima Yi was delighted and quickly entered inside. Seeing that Zhao Yun had indeed woken up.

But when Zhao Yun saw Sima Yi, it was like seeing the enemy who killed his father.

Although he didn't say anything, his eyes said everything.

The doctor sighed and said to Sima Yi: "Master Sima, please come out. I want to have a few words with you alone."

Sima Yi nodded and walked out.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Zhong, I don't know what you have to say."

"Master Sima, this man's illness has not completely recovered. I think it is caused by long-term abuse, mainly due to lack of rest and good food."

Sima Yi frowned. Cao Pi's original intention was to torture Zhao Yun better and then hope that he would surrender.

But now it seems that not only did it not have the effect, but it had the opposite effect.

And according to his own judgment, the other party has been living in a very dark and humid environment.

Lives may be lost in the long run.

Especially now that the other party is weak, he must not continue like this.

I have to rest here for a while.

Sima Yi thought to himself, if this is really the case, then he must ask Cao Pi for instructions.

I believe this should be easy to do.

He also hoped to tell Cao Pi that if it didn't work, he would kill Zhao Yun. There was no need to affect everything just for him.

The doctor said that he wanted to resign, and that in a few days, he would come to deliver medicine to the other party.

Sima Yi felt very strange, why did he come to deliver medicine?

"Because there is a kind of medicine that can only be used after more than ten days, when his body has almost recovered."

Sima Yi snorted, always feeling that there might be something wrong here, but in the end he said nothing more.

The doctor said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave."

After the doctor left, Sima Yi came to Zhao Yun's room again.

Zhao Yun sneered: "I didn't have the nerve to say it in front of the doctor just now, you and Cao Pi are just two beasts."

Sima Yi thought to himself, it seems that Zhao Yun didn't say anything to others.

"Mr. Zhao, we are doing all this for your own good. Why are you refusing to surrender?"

"Bastard, if I ask you to surrender to the actor, will you do it?"

Sima Yi touched the beard on his chin and said with a smile: "You haven't recovered yet, so I won't argue with you about this issue. You'd better have a good rest." (End of Chapter)

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