Sima Yi walked out.

After a while, I heard the sound of footsteps coming. It turned out that it was my son Sima Shi who had arrived.

"By the way, son, I have been idle at home recently. Don't you want to do business?"

Master Sima shook his head, feeling a little unwell recently.

"Son, what's wrong with you?"

He was a little nervous.

"It's nothing. It's just that my nose is a little stuffy. I believe it will be fine after a few days of rest."

Sima Yi saw something.

My son suddenly stopped doing business. Did he encounter any problems in the business?

Under his persistent questioning, Sima Yi finally told the truth.

It turned out that some time ago when he was doing business with others, he was tricked by others, and this person was considered a good friend of his.

Therefore, he felt very depressed.

The reason why we went to Kunlun Mountain some time ago was actually so that the sisters could share something with their father.

After hearing this, Sima Yi felt very sad.

"My son, I'm in trouble for you. Why didn't you tell your father about this?"

"It's because the child is not good, and the child doesn't want his father to worry about the child, so he never said anything."

"You silly son, daddy always has your backing. In this case, it's okay not to do business anymore."

In fact, in Sima Yi's heart, he had believed in the fortune teller's words before.

He placed all his hopes on his second son, and although he didn't say it explicitly, Sima Yi probably knew this.

He suddenly said: "By the way, I passed by my brother's room last night and found him studying. He is really becoming more and more well-behaved."

Sima Yi asked him to explain the specific situation.

Sima Yi told the situation, especially when he heard Sima Zhao's insights, Sima Yi was even more happy.

"Boss, your brother is indeed better than you in this aspect."

Master Sima also nodded.

"And it seems that you two brothers are very united. There will be no fratricide in our family."

At the same time, Sima Yi said that the little Sima Zhao's analysis was very correct.

Cao Pi is now wary of Cao Zhi, so he would rather trust outsiders like himself than give his family some opportunities.

Therefore, the two brothers must not cause trouble for Xiao Qiang.

At this moment, after listening to his son's analysis, Sima Yi suddenly had a very special idea. Maybe he could replace him one day in the future.

Of course, the prerequisite must be that Cao Pi can be in a winning position in the battle with Xi Yu.

And it is possible to place hopes on his son Sima Zhao.

He remembered that Cao Cao once said that he was willing to be King Wen of Zhou, which meant that the creation of the foundation would fall on the next generation.

And why isn't this the case for me?

Seeing the stars in his eyes, Master Sima immediately understood what his father was thinking.

He was surprised at first, but soon became happy. As long as his father has an idea, it is a good thing.

Even if you are unsuccessful, as long as you dare to think, dare to venture, and dare to reach the end, it doesn't matter if you fail spectacularly.

Immediately afterwards, Master Sima asked Zhao Yun again.

"Dad, since we have nothing to hide between father and son, the child wants to know, who is that person?"

Having already spoken to this extent, Sima Yi could no longer hide it.

He then said Zhao Yun's name.

And he also fully explained why Cao Pi wanted to win over Zhao Yun.

"Oh, so to speak, this person is still a talent, but why do you want to bring him to our home?"

Sima Yi knew that there was no way he could keep this ninja thing a secret.

"Son, I can tell you, but you must ensure that no one can know about it, not even your brother."

Of course, it's not that Sima Yi doesn't trust his youngest son, it's because of this kind of thing. After all, it's better to do less than to do more.

Master Sima immediately understood his father's mentality.

He nodded solemnly.

"Dad, don't worry. I won't tell anyone now."

When Sima Yi told the story about the ninja, Master Sima was stunned.

He didn't expect that there were such people in this world.

"Isn't this possible?"

"Why not? Zhao Yun was the one who killed dad in the first place, and it was the ninja who saved him. Otherwise, dad would have already gone to see the King of Hell, and there would already be a dad in the New Year ranking."

Master Sima was taken aback.

Such a thing actually happened.

Then, Sima Yi told the story about the fake Zhao Yun.

In the eyes of the ninja, the real Zhao Yun is dead.

So this matter must be concealed.

Moreover, the fake Zhao Yun has also been assassinated by Xi Yu.

"Dad, even if Zhao Yun is a talented person, if he doesn't obey discipline and doesn't listen to us at all, what's the point of keeping him?"

"I think so too, but Mr. Cao doesn't think so. I will have a good discussion with Mr. Cao about this matter when I have time."

On the other side, Doctor Cui came to see Xi Yu. He knocked on the door, and Xiao Hong opened the door.

He really didn't understand why these three imperial doctors stayed here shamelessly.

Xi Yu asked them to stay in the guest room. It was just a polite word. Shouldn't the three of them leave quickly?

And it was this Imperial Physician Cui who was willing to stay here, so Xiaohong naturally didn't feel good about it.

"Drama Master, could you please come out for a moment?"

Xi Yu looked at Dr. Cui and asked, "Is it possible that you have already figured out some way?"

But he walked out anyway.

"Mr. Cui, what can you do?"

Seeing Doctor Cui's appearance, Xi Yu knew that there was nothing he could do.

Doctor Cui told the truth and hoped that Xi Yu could write a letter to them so that they could go back and communicate with each other.

Moreover, he also told the story about how several imperial doctors recommended each other this time. No one was willing to come over, and they all thought it was a troublesome job.

After hearing this, Xi Yu was very angry and really wanted to kick Cui Shenyi.

Doctor Cui bowed respectfully to Xi Yu.

I hope to write him a letter soon.

"Master Xi, please, otherwise we won't be able to do business when we go back."

Xi Yu said: "So you are willing to stay just to talk to me about this matter?"

Doctor Cui nodded.

Xi Yu waved his hand: "That's all, I just agree to your request."

Although the other party's reason made me very angry, I still agreed to them.

Send them away so that they don't become an eyesore in front of you.

After that, he went back to the room and asked him to write a letter.

The most important thing is to express greetings to the emperor, and secondly, I hope that the emperor will not blame these three people. His wife's illness is really very difficult.

Xi Yu also said that as a minister, he couldn't solve the emperor's problems, but he had to let the emperor worry about his wife. He really felt sorry.

Soon, he finished writing a letter eloquently.

After Xi Yu put the letter in an envelope, he handed it to Dr. Cui.

"Okay, you three can leave."

Doctor Cui once again asked what was written in his letter.

This time, Xiyu was particularly angry.

"This is a letter I wrote to His Majesty. Do you have the right to read it?"

Doctor Cui shook his head, but he was particularly worried that Xi Yu had not written it clearly and would he insult the three of them?

Then go back so that Liu Xie can punish them hatefully?

He later felt that he had made a bad idea.

If I don't write a letter, I might be able to explain it when I go back.

If Xi Yu really wrote this in his heart, then the three of them would definitely die.

Xi Yu quickly understood what he was thinking.

Xi Yu ignored him and came to Ouyang Linlin's room again.

Dr. Cui told the other two colleagues that they can leave now.

"Did the actor really write a letter?"

"I wrote it, but the actor didn't let me stay by his side when he wrote the letter, so we really don't know whether it followed my ideas or not."

So this time, the two imperial doctors blamed the imperial doctor Cui. How could they be so irresponsible?

"You should see the actor write it down in person."

"What you said is very light. The actor won't let me be by his side, so what can I do?"

Although the two imperial doctors complained, there was nothing they could do.

Forget it, let's go back quickly. They packed their things and said goodbye to Xiyu.

Although Xi Yu disliked them, he still sent them to the gate out of politeness.

They also apologized to Xi Yu for not being good at academics, hoping that Xi Yu could forgive them.

"Okay, you don't have to say it. This is the other side's method and it's too tough, so it's normal that you can't cure it."

Doctor Cui said that he heard from Xi Yu that there was a man named Song who had such a powerful business. He didn’t know who he was.

Whether they can see each other.

"There's no need to meet him. I don't know when he will come. Anyway, I can only tell you that he has some relationship with Hua Tuo."

The three of them thought, no wonder.

It would be easier if they also had the inheritance of Hua Tuo.

After they left, Xiyu returned to the room.

On the other side, the doctor who treated Zhao Yun was a little distracted in the medicine shop. His name was Fang Dahai.

When his apprentice saw him like this, he quickly asked: "Master, what's wrong with you? Why does the apprentice see you looking so unhappy?"

Fang Dahai said that he was going on a long trip and asked his apprentice to open the shop.

He was also worried that if Sima Yi knew that he was far away, he might guess his purpose.

But if this matter was entrusted to his apprentice or others, he would be a little worried.

"Master, where are you going? Are you going outside to collect medicine?"

"You don't need to worry about anything else. In short, it may take ten and a half days to come back. But if someone asks about my master's whereabouts, it means that I have returned to my hometown. There is a person in my hometown who is very ill. Do you understand?"

Seeing the serious look on his face when he spoke, the boy felt even more frightened.

"Don't worry, I'm just traveling far away as a teacher, and there's nothing else to do. Why do you have to show such a frightened expression?"

After that, Fang Dahai quickly packed up his things and started to leave.

Soon, evening time arrived, and Zhao Yun found the food that his servants had brought for him.

These servants who take care of him are Sima Yi's confidants, so they will not tell the outside world about his here.

Zhao Yun saw that the food today was much better than when he was in prison. Probably because he was afraid that something would happen to him here again.

After a while, Sima Yi walked in and smiled when he saw Zhao Yun eating well.

Zhao Yun said: "Don't think that just because you treat me better, I will agree to your request. This is impossible, and if God gives me another chance, I will kill you again. As for whether I can succeed, I cannot guarantee it."

Sima Yi laughed loudly.

Zhao Yun's reaction seemed to be what he had expected.

"General Zhao, you are really a sweet-tempered person."

"Don't say these nice things to me here. I tell you, they are of no use at all. You gave me good food, and I have no feelings to express it. Otherwise, you can also use these things If they are removed, I would rather starve to death."

Sima Yi shook his head.

"Mr. Zhao, I understand your character. I will not put any conditions on you. You just need to rest here well."

Then, Sima Yi ordered him to come and bring some wine to Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun said: "Isn't this wine poisonous?"

"Mr. Zhao, where did you think you were? If it was poisonous, would I still let the doctor save you?"

Zhao Yun took the wine and smelled it, confirming that it was non-toxic.

Then he started drinking.

"Okay, if you need anything, just tell the servants. Just treat this as your own home. Don't feel particularly polite."

After Sima Yi left, Zhao Yun felt that he was really a smiling tiger.

Zhao Yun now has a little strength in his limbs, but he knows that his range of activities is limited.

I can't move around casually, and it's even more impossible to spread the news outside.

Now I can only pray that the doctor can handle this matter for me. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as God's arrangement for me.

When he was saying that to the doctor, Sima Yi happened to be called away by his son.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have the chance to say that.

And now he couldn't confirm whether the doctor told Sima Yi what happened.

Because even if he told Sima Yi, Sima Yi would not show it on his face.

What he was most worried about was that he did not tell Sima Yi about this matter, but told Cao Pi and others.

But it would be even more troublesome. Zhao Yun was naturally not afraid of death, but if he died like this, it would be too cowardly.

He hoped to see Xi Yu take over the entire Central Plains in person.

If this is the case, even if he is dead, he can feel at ease.

When he thought of this, he gained confidence in eating.

Because he believed that sooner or later he would see such a scene.

That night, Xi Yu came to Qingfeng and Mingyue's room and asked them what was going on now and if they had come up with any solutions.

The two people shook their heads in pain, and they also carefully considered the scene that happened when they came into contact with the ninja that day.

Qingfeng said: "If it doesn't work, just let the two of us leave. There is really nothing we can do."

After that, he respectfully apologized to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu looked at Mingyue again.

Mingyue: "I have no choice but to make you happy for nothing."

Xi Yu said nothing. He placed all his hopes on the two Taoist priests.

Originally, the two of them refused to go down the mountain. He had recently tried hard to convince them to go down, but he never expected that such a situation would occur in the end.

"In that case, you can leave tomorrow."

Xi Yu left the room in great pain. The night was getting late, but Song Shuwen hadn't come back yet. Was something really wrong with him?

He later complained to God. God could have made him prosperous and accomplished some missions, but why did this happen in the end?

At this moment, he stared at the sky in a daze, cursing God in his heart.

When he returned to Ouyang Linlin's room, Xiaohong was pleasantly surprised.

"Master Xiu, just now I saw that the lady's eyelids seemed to be moving."

Xi Yu was overjoyed: "Are you telling the truth?"

At this time, Xiaohong was a little unsure again. She said that what she saw just now was a little blurry, and she didn't know if it was really the case or she was hallucinating.

"Then you must be hallucinating. Madam's illness cannot be cured this easily."

During the day, Xiaohong also told Xiyu that he could recruit famous doctors, but even though Xiyu did so, he knew that the effect would not be great.

Even the three imperial doctors from Luoyang were unable to do anything. Others did not have this possibility.

In Luoyang, Liu Xie was not asleep either. He was wearing a dragon robe. Watching the moonlight in the yard.

A young eunuch came to him.

"Your Majesty, although it is almost the beginning of spring, it is still a bit cold after all. I hope your Majesty will go back to your room to rest as soon as possible."

Liu Xie seemed to have not heard anything and murmured: "The three imperial doctors have probably arrived in Youzhou, right? I wonder if my uncle's wife will get better?"

"Your Majesty, it's better not to think so much, in case you catch a cold."

Just at this time, a sudden gust of wind blew, and Liu Xie felt that the weather was really cold, so he quickly returned to the room to rest.

His feelings towards Xi Yu are particularly complicated now. He feels that Xi Yu is an ambitious person.

He was not even willing to let Xi Yu live a better life, but he didn't know why, but he was willing to send an imperial doctor there so that Xi Yu's wife could be treated.

Of course, those who hope that something bad will happen to Xi Yu, even if something happens to Xi Yu's wife, it just makes Xi Yu sad, how can they shake his foundation?

He yawned. He quickly glanced at the little eunuch, who immediately brought him water to wash his feet. (End of chapter)

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