Another person came to deliver a letter to Xi Yu that day.

But it was not given to Xi Yu himself, but to Youzhou College.

The masked man handed the letter to the soldier guarding the door.

The man asked the soldier to give the letter to Xi Yu.

When the soldier wanted to ask something else, the masked man quickly ran away.

The soldier didn't waste any time and immediately told Lu Su the news.

Lu Su was taken aback, but Lu Su had been helping out at the school recently, so he didn't know much about what happened in the theater.

Just at this time, Wenxuan came to report to him.

Seeing him looking distracted, he asked him what was going on.

Lu Su was so frightened that he quickly put the letter away, but then he remembered that Wenxuan and Xiyu had a particularly good relationship, so he told him what happened when he received the letter.

Wenxuan then remembered Xi Yu's contact with the mysterious man.

I guess they didn't want to give up, so they wrote another letter.

Still forcing Xiyu to do something.

"These people are absolutely disgusting."

Lu Su quickly asked: "Miss Wen, do you know what's going on?"

Wenxuan nodded and said: "In that case, why not let me give the letter to the actor."

Lu Su also agreed immediately.

It happened that Wenxuan had no classes, so he immediately took the letter and hurried to the theater.

She learned that Xi Yu was still sleeping in the room, so she rushed into Ouyang Linlin's room.

She banged on the door, which made Xiao Hu a little unhappy.

When I opened the door, I realized it was her.

"It's Miss Wen, what's the matter?"

Wenxuan looked at Xi Yu and found that Xi Yu was already quite haggard.

I told him about the letter he received in the college.

Xi Yu quickly opened the letter and found that the content was almost the same as last time.

It was stated above that logically speaking, Xi Yu should not seek help from outsiders, but they did not intend to care about it.

I hope Xi Yu can figure it out.

This time, they also put forward such a condition, hoping that Xi Yu would grasp it well and then rush to a secret place.

They handed over the antidote.

Xi Yu was very angry. He said that last time they were still half-hiding their faces while holding the pipa, but now they were openly provoking him.

"What are you going to do next?"

"I know that there are tigers in the mountains, so I prefer to go to the tiger mountains. I also know that I will be humiliated by them after going there this time, but I still want to go."

This answer seemed to be completely expected, and his face looked very ugly.

"I know it will be like this, but I still want to send you a letter. I really don't know whether it is right or wrong."

"Of course it's right."

"But I really don't want anything to happen to you."

Wenxuan shed tears. Wenxuan didn't care about Ouyang Linlin's ending.

She didn't want anything to happen to Xi Yu, but she knew that Xi Yu's feelings for Ouyang Linlin were naturally unparalleled.

"By the way, the two Taoist priests you called, couldn't they do anything?"

"There is nothing they can do. I guess they have tried their best. I can't force anything. They should pack up and leave today."

At this time, two Taoist priests, Qingfeng Mingyue, came over to say goodbye to Xi Yu.

Both of their faces looked extremely ugly.

They felt that they were useless people and had not completed the task for Xiyu.

Although they had said when they came that they might not be able to complete it, when it actually happened, they still felt very unhappy.

Xi Yu then told the story about receiving the letter again, and gave the letter to two people to read.

The two of them were very angry and told Xi Yu not to go there again.

Xi Yu shook his head and said he would go there no matter what.

"Master Xi, why do you go through the trap even though you know it? We almost died there last time." Mingyue scolded.

But Xi Yu said that this time he would not have to worry about the two Taoist priests, and he would face it alone.

Mingyue also knew that she spoke a little too harshly.

"Master Xi, that's not what I meant. Don't overthink it."

"Oh, I didn't mean to blame you, I meant it."

The two Taoist priests looked at each other and knew that in this situation, no matter how they tried to console him, it would be ineffective.

Wenxuan said: "Well, you don't need to say anything anymore. Since the actor did this, it must be reasonable."

Xi Yu smiled miserably at them.

"I hope we can meet again when we are destined."

The two Taoist priests sighed and left.

Xi Yu said to them: "Life and death are determined by fate, wealth and honor are in heaven. As long as the two Taoist priests do their best, they don't need to take it to heart."

If your wife cannot eat well, you can only blame her bad luck.

The two of them also understood that although Xi Yu said it so easily, he must be feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

"Player, don't worry. After we go back, we will pray for you every day, hoping that your wife will get better."

Xi Yu smiled sadly, now he didn't have any hope in this aspect.

Looking at the backs of the two people, they walked farther and farther away.

Xi Yu felt as if his heart was empty.

Wenxuan came to his side immediately, and Xi Yu said, "Okay, you should leave quickly."

"Let me stay with you, I know you need comfort."

But Xi Yu said that he didn't need it.

Sometimes just saying some comforting words is of no use at all.

"So when are you going to keep your appointment?"

"Isn't it said above? Then I'll go there tomorrow, then I'll go there tomorrow."

Wenxuan said, shouldn’t the whole city know about the content of this letter?

Just like the last time Xi Yu told this matter at the gate tower.

This will provide more evidence that Xi Yu's words are correct.

Xi Yu was thinking about whether to do this?

"Are you worried that if you offend those behind the scenes, they will be disadvantageous to you?"

Xi Yu smiled bitterly, even if someone was disadvantageous to him, how bad could it be?

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll go to the tower again to do this."

Xi Yu first sent soldiers to publicize that he was going to the tower.

Many soldiers also immediately went to do this.

Many people were very happy when they learned that Xi Yu was coming to the city tower to preach.

After Ouyang Linlin's accident, many people were very concerned about him.

Recently, many temples in Youzhou have been crowded with people.

Everyone is praying for Ouyang Linlin.

In Guan Yu's mansion, the punishment for Xin was never reduced.

On this day, Xinxin was tortured to the point of dying.

He said to Guan Yu: "Kill me to death quickly. I really can't stand it anymore."

"Huh, if you want to die, it's so easy. What's the use of punishing you so much? Mrs. Ouyang is still in a coma. Even if you are cut into pieces, it will not be able to eliminate the hatred in our hearts."

Quanxin immediately fell into a coma, and he didn't have the strength to make any excuses to Guan Yu in the past.

More and more people came to the tower, and they saw Xi Yu appearing soon.

Today Xiyu is wearing black clothes.

He was very haggard now, and he put on black clothes, and when he climbed to the top of the city, there happened to be a gust of wind.

This made him look even more haggard than usual.

Many people wiped away tears when they saw this scene.

"Okay, everyone, you can stop and listen to what I have to say."

Everyone fell silent.

Xi Yu said that there is a reason why he has come here frequently to give speeches recently.

After I told you about Cao Pi last time, many people may have disagreed and thought that what I said was a lie.

"No, Mr. Xi, we believe you, what you say must be true."

"Don't interrupt my words, you don't understand what I'm going to say."

Immediately, many people became quiet.

Xi Yu said that although everyone believed in him, there were still a few people who would speak only after seeing evidence, and today he wanted to show the evidence.

Today he received another letter, and he explained the reasons and consequences of receiving the letter.

Now it’s time for everyone to pass the letter to each other.

But after all, there were too many people, so we only asked people in the first row to look at each other and give everyone a testimony.

Soon, he handed the letter to the soldier.

Let the soldiers be handed over to the people in the first row quickly.

After the soldiers took it over, Xi Yu carefully observed their expressions, believing that they would be particularly angry.

And so it turned out.

Many people are filled with righteous indignation, which is simply unreasonable.

People in the second and third rows also leaned their heads over, hoping to see the content of the letter clearly.

One man shouted loudly: "None of you need to crowd around, let me read it loudly."

Finally, the person read out the new content.

This caused many people to become angry.

Xi Yu said that this time everyone should believe that Cao Pi was indeed conspiring with foreign enemies, and it was impossible for him to create such a letter to plot him.

The voices of everyone's comments appeared, and they all insulted Cao Pi for not being a good bird.

But more people are concerned about whether Xi Yu will give in.

The person who wrote the letter was obviously full of conspiracy, so Xi Yu could never go there alone.

Xi Yu shook his head helplessly.

"I have to go there tomorrow, because if I don't go there, I really can't save my wife. Other than that, there is no better way."

Several people knelt down and begged Xiyu, please don't do this.

"Fellow fellows, I can understand your feelings, but think about it. Is there any better way besides this method?"

At this time, many people were speechless.

An old man looked up to the sky and sighed, Xi Yu had done a lot for the people.

But now that he has something to do, no one can help him at all, and he feels very sad.

"In that case, what am I still doing? It's better to just let me die."

As he said that, the old man was about to hit a nearby pillar, and several soldiers quickly grabbed him.

Xi Yu even criticized this behavior.

"Old man, what are you doing? This is my business and has nothing to do with you. Why do you blame yourself so much and take the responsibility on yourself?"

But the old man still felt very miserable.

"Okay, I'm just telling you about Cao Pi's ambition. Do you have any other meaning? So please don't do these ridiculous things."

Xiyu felt that it was almost done, so he ordered everyone to forget it and he was going back.

Qingfeng and Mingyue were riding horses on the road, and their faces were particularly ugly.

The horse seemed to understand its owner's thoughts and walked very slowly on the road.

Qingfeng said: "Mingyue, we are in a particularly awkward situation this time."

Mingyue sighed helplessly.

"How can this be all our fault? We have tried our best, and we have been in contact with them. We really have no better way to deal with them."

Next, the two people stopped talking, and before they knew it, they had passed a small forest.

Many leaves fell on their faces.

Some of the leaves were already dry, but when it came to their faces, there was a stimulating feeling.

When they walked out of the woods, the two people suddenly saw that the weather was a little bad, and it was already covered with dark clouds.

"It's a strange day today. It changes at any time."

"Perhaps it's because the place was already cloudy and we didn't pay attention."

The two men looked up at the sky, but there were no dark clouds in the direction they came from.

As they continued to move forward, a lot of raindrops fell on their heads.

The top priority is to quickly find a place to take shelter from the rain.

So the two men asked the horses to run quickly and find a place to take shelter from the rain.

Finally, they arrived at a village in front of them. There was a big house in the car. The two of them hurried there to take shelter from the rain without saying anything.

After the two of them entered, they discovered that there were actually people inside taking shelter from the rain.

It turns out that this house has been abandoned for a long time.

The two Taoist priests were also very lucky. As soon as they entered, it started raining heavily outside.

Gradually, the drizzle turned into a heavy rain.

The few people taking shelter from the rain were Song Shuwen, the secret guards, and a few soldiers.

However, they didn't know each other, so they didn't say hello. They both knew that this was to avoid the rain.

Originally, according to his travel status, Song Shuwen should have arrived yesterday, but after returning to his hometown, something temporarily delayed him.

Song Shuwen and others also knew that Xi Yu was anxious, and they couldn't wait to go back as soon as possible.

But we encountered such bad weather again, so we had to stay here to take shelter from the rain.

The rain outside is getting heavier now.

After a while, Song Shuwen murmured to himself.

"What should we do now? We will go back even slower."

Although the voice was very low, the two Taoist priests had already heard it. After all, they were cultivators, so such a small voice would not be hidden from their ears.

A soldier comforted him, saying that all this was arranged by God. If God could not let them leave, how could they leave?

"But I'm afraid the actor won't be able to wait any longer!"

Song Shuwen sighed. At this moment, Qingfeng and Mingyue were stunned. Who are they?

Qingfeng couldn't hold back his anger and hurriedly came to Song Shuwen and asked, "Is the Xi Gong you just mentioned Xi Yu?"

Song Shuwen nodded.

But he didn't know who the two Taoist priests were, but he saw that they looked like immortals.

The two Taoist priests directly explained their intention.

"Are you the Divine Doctor Song? I wonder if you have obtained the medicine this time?"

Song Shuwen sighed. He said that he did not develop the medicine, but just went back to get a book. The medicine still needs to be collected.

"Then can you cure Mrs. Ouyang?"

"I'm not completely sure, only 40 to 50 percent."

The two Taoist priests looked at each other. If there was a difference between 40 and 50%, it would be considered a good thing.

So the two decided that after taking shelter from the rain, they would go back and see in person that Ouyang Linlin got better before they left.

They were saying that they had come back and couldn't leave just like that, otherwise they would be too cowardly.

Now I happen to meet the other person, which is also a lucky thing for Sansheng.

"It's a pity that the fish is too big, so we can only wait here."

Song Shuwen felt desperate and looked at the sky outside.

On the other side, Xi Yu came to Ouyang Linlin's room again.

"Master Xi, it's been so long, why hasn't the miracle doctor Song Shuwen arrived yet? Could something really have happened?"

"If you ask me, I can't answer you."

At this time, Xi Yu felt unsure, and he also felt that something must have happened to Song Shuwen.

If that was the case, then he was the one who harmed Song Shuwen.

And Wenxuan has returned to the college. There is a class that she feels particularly unnatural when she talks about it.

Many students also felt it, so she had to use her physical discomfort as an excuse to let the students study by themselves.

When she returned to the office, she was still in a panic, and happened to meet Lu Su halfway.

Lu Su asked: "Miss Wen, what's wrong with you?"

Wenxuan said that he really couldn't attend this class, so he wanted to go back and take a rest.

"Can you tell me what happened to the actor?"

So Wenxuan also told the relevant situation.

"Oh my god, something big happened to the actor, and I didn't even know about it"!

Wenxuan laughed at Lu Su in his heart.

He is just a nerd, and he has put all his work into reading recently. It is normal not to know.

"What should we do? What should we do?" After Lu Su found out, he was very anxious and kept stamping his feet.

But he couldn't do anything at all. Seeing Wenxuan's face looking ugly, he said: "Okay, the actor is a very wise man. I believe he will handle this matter well. Don't worry too much." Worried.”

"Yes, you are right. Since God brought the three of us into this world, nothing will happen to us."

After hearing this, Lu Su felt very dumb.

"Miss Wen, what do you mean by this? What are you three? Who is the other person?"

Wenxuan blushed and realized that he had accidentally let something slip.

"Nothing, nothing, I'm going to rest." (End of chapter)

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