The two Taoist priests Qingfeng Mingyue and Song Shuwen had also reached a new level due to today's meeting. They had been waiting for the rain to stop quickly.

Finally, after an hour, the rain finally stopped.

They felt that the air was so fresh, but the road outside was already muddy and wet everywhere.

Song Shuwen couldn't wait to go back and said to several soldiers: "Let's leave now, no matter how difficult the road is."

Qingfeng and Mingyue also quickly stood up.

Qingfeng said: "Don't forget us, we also want to go back with you."

Next, several people felt that their shoes were sinking into the ground while walking because it was too difficult to walk.

But this cannot stop their enthusiasm at all.

They now have a strong belief that they must see Xi Yu as soon as possible.

On the other side, Xi Yu asked Jinchang to solve the land issue alone.

Jinchang now also knows about Ouyang Linlin. He has now solved a land problem, but he has to report to Xi Yu.

"How is it? Has the land problem been solved?"

"Yes, Mr. Xi, everything has been resolved."

Jinchang said that he followed Xi Yu's guidance to the east and saw another wasteland.

Then they immediately went to negotiate with the villagers. The villagers here were particularly easy to talk to, which was completely different from the last time they went.

They said that it was a waste, and now that someone could buy it, it was a dream for them.

Give them a little reward and they will be very happy.

So the Jinchang local government began to lay out plans to buy this land.

The lowest part of this land is close to a small river, and the scenery is particularly beautiful. A school for the mentally retarded is set up here.

He then described the relevant scenes, but he said it would be better for Xi Yu to see it in person.

"I don't have to go and take a look. As long as you take a good look, I'll be relieved."

Jinchang was stunned.

Didn't he expect that Xi Yu would trust him to this extent?

Of course, he also understood that Xi Yu was really not in the mood to do anything else now.

He also very much hopes that Xi Yu can cheer up, and he also hopes to be able to tell Xi Yu some truth.

But he knew that there was no point in doing all this work now.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first."

Xi Yu waved to him, looking weak, and immediately closed his eyes, as if he would doze off at any time.

After Jinchang walked out, he kept sighing.

The actor is good in all aspects, but he is very emotional. Of course, being emotional is also a good thing, but sometimes it often becomes an obstacle to what he does.

Xi Yu fell asleep on the recliner and forgot to go to Ouyang Linlin's room to keep watch.

Until a while later, he was awakened by the sound of footsteps. It was Song Shuwen and others who had arrived.

Although Song Shuwen is old, he feels extremely energetic at this moment.

He ran very fast, almost rudely, and ran into Xiyu's room. His shoes were almost soaked and his pants were covered with mud and water, but he didn't care now.

Xi Yu suddenly opened his eyes, feeling that it was so noisy outside, and he was particularly angry.

However, when he was about to get angry, he saw Song Shuwen coming.

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Song Shuwen said: "Drama Master, I'm back, but I'm a little late."

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Xi Yu immediately grabbed his hand, looking very excited.

Immediately afterwards, Xi Yu saw those soldiers and Qingfeng and Mingyue, two Taoist priests arriving.

He felt very confused.

Song Shuwen then told what happened during the rain shelter period.

Only then did Xi Yu see Song Shuwen in a mess, with his trousers even wet.

"Oh, so it's raining outside?"

Qingfeng and Mingyue also said that it was fate that they met Song Shuwen this time.

So I shamelessly came back with him.

Xi Yu didn't pay attention, but quickly asked Song Shuwen if he had found the formula?

"In general, the formula has been found, but we can't confirm yet whether it will be effective. We will have to collect the medicine before we can tell."

Xi Yu frowned, but he had some hope anyway.

"Then how long can we delay a situation like my wife's?"

Song Shuwen said that since the last check, he came to the conclusion that as long as he found the antidote within a month, everything would be fine.

Xi Yu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what he said.

"In this case, everything will be troublesome to Divine Doctor Song. I hope that Divine Doctor Song can find an antidote and prepare an antidote as soon as possible."

Song Shuwen nodded.

Xi Yu then told Song Shuwen that some of them had worked hard, so they should go back and rest quickly.

As for Qingfeng and Mingyue, Xi Yu didn't know whether to let them stay or drive them away.

The two of them took the initiative to speak, hoping to stay here for a few days.

They wanted to see Mrs. Ouyang getting better in person before they could leave with peace of mind.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, you should go back to the original guest room to rest."

It was really emotional for the two of them to return to this place again.

When Xi Yu came to Ouyang Linlin's room again, a smile filled his face.

Xiao Hong felt very strange, so Xi Yu told the two Taoist priests and Song Shuwen about their arrival.

Xiao Hong couldn't wait to ask: "Has Divine Doctor Song found a way? Can he research the antidote?"

Xi Yu's face darkened and he said: "There is some hope, but it is not absolute. We can only leave it to fate, but it is better than no hope."

"But why are the two Taoist priests back?"

Xi Yu also told the relevant situation.

Xiaohong immediately clasped her hands together. I hope that all the gods will bless my lady to get well soon.

Finally, she asked Xi Yu: "So are you going to meet the person who wrote the letter tomorrow?"

Xi Yu said he still had to meet her.

"But Divine Doctor Song has developed an antidote. Will it be necessary after you go there?"

Xi Yu said it was about Ouyang Linlin's safety. He couldn't make this bet, what if he lost?

And if Song Shuwen can't come up with an antidote, then it will be all in vain.

Xiaohong knew that in this case, her own persuasion was ineffective, so she had no choice but to say nothing.

On the other side, Fang Dahai, a doctor from Luoyang, found a fast horse and headed to Youzhou crazily.

Late that night, I finally arrived at a certain city gate in Youzhou.

He is completely unclear about the ban here in Youzhou.

He just thought that the city gate was closed at night.

Therefore, I have to talk to the soldiers carefully because it is an important matter.

He simply didn't know that ordinary people could not enter casually without documents.

When he came to the city gate, he immediately dismounted.

Two soldiers came towards him and asked him for his ID.

He was immediately confused, what certificate?

"It seems you don't know the system here."

Then, the two soldiers told him about the relevant system.

Fang Dahai was immediately stunned.

There is actually such a situation. I have never encountered it when I went to other places before.

"This is the new rule of the opera master. It doesn't matter if you don't know, but you can go back now."

"The thing I'm talking about has something to do with the actor."

But several soldiers didn't listen to him at all.

It was simply too bold to dare to speak in the name of Xi Yu.

What if everyone who comes here says this?

"Go back quickly. If you say such treasonous words again, we will punish you."

"I'm not lying to you, I really have something to do with the actor."

Fang Dahai felt a little regretful. He should have asked Zhao Yun to write something so that he would have evidence.

But now if you just say it, people won't believe you at all, but what should you do?

"If you keep talking nonsense here, we won't be polite to you."

One soldier said very angry.

Fang Dahai still insisted on saying this, and several soldiers had no choice but to beat him severely.

Fang Dahai shouted loudly: "Okay. If this is the case, the actor will be blamed in the future. Don't blame me for not reminding you. In this case, you just fight." Seeing how fiercely he said it, several soldiers suddenly The boy stopped.

A soldier asked him what evidence he had to prove that his incident was related to Xi Yu.

Fang Dahai wanted to say Zhao Yun's name, but he knew that this matter was of great importance.

He frowned and said nothing. This time, the soldier thought that he was a liar even more.

"You keep saying this, and now you can't say you are ugly. Do you want to lie to us? How is this possible?"

"I have to meet the actor before I tell him. Otherwise, I won't say anything."

Several soldiers still felt that he was being unreasonable, so they finally knocked him unconscious and placed him in a small forest.

The next day, he woke up leisurely and found that he was in a strange place.

These damn soldiers, they're indiscriminate. But you can’t entirely blame them.

It's because I can't tell the real situation.

This is a secret after all.

But how should he convey this news?

In the early morning of this day, Xiyu got up early and went to see the person as stated in the letter.

Soon, Qingfeng and Mingyue also remembered, wasn't Xiyu going to see this person today?

Now that Song Shuwen has arrived, there is no need to be like this.

The two people were discussing the news in the room.

Qingfeng thought that Xi Yu would definitely not go, but Mingyue thought it was impossible. They should go to Xi Yu's room to take a look.

"Why are you so nervous? This matter itself is dangerous. Now that Song Shuwen is back, how could he still do such a thing?"

"Although you and I have only been in contact with the actor for a short time, I can feel that he will definitely move forward bravely. Otherwise, let's go and see him."

Qingfeng expressed his willingness to make a bet with him.

Mingyue said: "If you make a bet, you will definitely fail. You'd better come to me and have a look."

As a result, when the two people came to the door of Xiyu's room, they saw that the person was gone.

Mingyue said: "How about, should I just say that he has gone?"

Qingfeng shook his head. Even if he is not here, it does not mean that he has gone to keep the appointment. He may have gone to other places.

Mingyue is helpless and has no explanation at all for this Qingfeng. If he wants to believe it, then believe it.

This time Xi Yu rode a horse to a wilderness. This time he changed the location again, next to a reservoir.

Xi Yu saw the water in the reservoir shining golden in the sun. The reservoir was also very large.

And the surrounding area is also very empty.

He deliberately came a little early today because he was worried that if he came late, someone might come to persuade him.

He didn't know what kind of situation he would face next, and he was sure to be humiliated.

He was willing to do this for Ouyang Linlin.

In the past, when he watched TV series and saw a person sacrificing for others, he always felt that it was very false.

But now that I am immersed in it, I can experience this feeling.

A full hour passed, and the sun kept moving back and forth.

At this moment, Xi Yu's heart has dropped to her throat, and the time to make a deal with the man is getting closer and closer.

He is also ready, no matter how humiliated he is, he can do it.

But then, a word suddenly flashed in his mind, called Beauty brings disaster.

Is it right for him to do this? How should future generations of history books choose to describe this behavior?

Will you surrender to others for the sake of a woman?

If he ignored Ouyang Linlin, he would now find a way to unify the Central Plains and let everyone in the world live a good life.

Does she have to give up all these ideals for a woman now?

So not only him, but also Ouyang Linlin, have they become sinners through the ages?

But then, another voice told him that the voice just now was interference.

Xi Yu did this because he loved Ouyang Linlin. This is what a person with a temperament should do.

These two voices began to intertwine in his mind.

He felt a special headache and felt as if several bees were buzzing in front of him.

He immediately covered his ears to avoid any disturbance.

Finally, he firmly believed that there was nothing wrong in coming here today.

After a while, he finally heard the sound of horse hooves.

He turned around and saw a man riding a horse. The man had a mask on his face and his clothes were blue.

When he was only a few meters away from Xiyu, he finally stopped his horse and dismounted immediately.

It was obvious that he was an expert on horseback riding.

"Okay, you really have the courage to come, and you come alone as expected." Although he couldn't see his face clearly, his voice was particularly pleasant.

"Why are you talking nonsense? Tell me what you want me to do." Xi Yu immediately expressed his disgust.

"Okay, it's very refreshing." The man clapped his hands immediately.

He first made a circle in front of Xi Yu, and then said: "Since you also know about the existence of our ninjas, I might as well spread the news about ninjas to you."

After that, he talked about the history of ninjas and other things.

Xi Yu said: "Did you think that I would be a dead person today, so you told me so much? Do you need to waste so much time on me?"

The man laughed and said that the reason why he said this was to better deter him.

Let Xi Yu gain more psychological fear.

"If that's all, your goal has been achieved. I hope you'd better get down to business."

The ninja stopped talking and continued to circle in front of Xi Yu carefully.

He seemed to have some appreciation for Xi Yu, but Xi Yu was already quite disgusted.

"Tell me, what should I do so that you can give me the antidote?"

However, Ninja still didn't speak, as if Xi Yu didn't say anything to him.

"What's going on? Didn't you hear what I asked you?"

Xi Yu scolded loudly.

Although his strength is not as good as others, his temperament must be mastered.

"Why are you in a hurry? After a hunter gets his prey, he must play with it carefully before eating it. I'm not in a hurry. Why are you in a hurry?"

Xi Yu was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. Why did such a scoundrel come here?

What on earth is he going to do?

"If you need to know more about the history of our ninjas, let me tell you about it."

The man didn't care whether Xi Yu was willing or not, so he kept talking again.

At this moment, Xi Yu suddenly frowned. What did he mean by doing this?

The other party seemed to be revealing some information to him intentionally or unintentionally.

He took the initiative to tell himself about the situation of the ninjas, and also talked about some of the current situation in Japan.

Could it be that he was intentionally hinting that he could go to Japan to wreak havoc and destroy this ninja base?

If not, why did he repeat the same question twice?

"Xi Yu, don't you want to ask me what exactly I asked you to do? Do you dare to go to a place with me now? As long as you dare to listen to me, you will get the antidote sooner or later."

After that, the man immediately got on his horse.

Xi Yu thought to himself that he had already decided when he came that he would break into even the dragon's pool and the tiger's den.

He sneered: "Why not? I tell you beasts you'd better not break your promise, otherwise, I won't let you go even if I become a ghost in the future."

After saying this, Xi Yu immediately got on the horse.

After that, the ninja took Xi Yu to a small forest and stopped the horse.

After Xiyu got off his horse, he asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

He thought that even if he was humiliated, would he be different in some way?

Why go to such a dark place alone?

"Xi Yu, there is a small stone house in front of you. Do you dare to go in and take a look alone? Maybe there are tigers and beasts inside, and there are also ghosts."

Xiyu followed the direction of his finger and saw that there was indeed a small stone house not far ahead. (End of chapter)

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