Xi Yu then let Ouyang Linlin go.

Ouyang Linlin asked, had the guy named Quanxin caught him?

"It has been captured, and it is in Guan Yu's house."

Xi Yu said that he should take a good rest now and he would tell Qingfeng Mingyue and Song Shuwen the news.

He quickly ran to Song Shuwen's room.

"Divine Doctor Song, my wife has woken up."

Song Shuwen was overjoyed.

"It's true, then I don't need to continue dispensing the medicine. I'll just collect the medicine if it's necessary."

Although this time I returned home to check medical books and had to go through a lot of hard work to collect medicines.

But it doesn’t matter, all the hard work is worth it.

"I want to tell Qingfeng and Mingyue the news now."

Soon, there was a knock on the door in Qingfeng and Mingyue's guest room.

Qingfeng opened the door and saw Xi Yu looking very happy, and understood what was going on.

"Is Mrs. Ouyang awake yet?"

Xiyu nodded.

The two of them finally became happy and asked to see Ouyang Linlin.

Xi Yu also agreed to their request.

The two Taoist priests were relieved when they saw that Ouyang Linlin was getting better.

"Thank you to the two Taoist priests for your concern. I have also troubled you during this period."

The two Taoist priests said that since there was nothing going on, they should leave.

They felt particularly useless this time and did nothing to help.

"The two Taoist priests are serious, because this matter itself is also very difficult. It's good that you can worry about it."

The two Taoist priests said goodbye to Xi Yu immediately.

"It's rare for the two Taoist priests to come here once, so why not have a good time here."

Two men said their hearts were not in the world at all.

They have to go back to practice as soon as possible. After all, they have delayed a lot of things recently.

Xi Yu apologized to them for wasting their time.

"Master Xiu, please don't say that. It's because we haven't accomplished anything."

At this moment, Xi Yu was in a particularly happy mood, so he also spoke kind words to them.

He sent them outside and paid for them.

The two people said that they usually don't have to pay much money in the mountains.

So don't be polite, they still have some.

When Xi Yu saw what they said, he said nothing more.

Song Shuwen was particularly tired from collecting herbs, so he could finally take a good rest.

Soon, the news slowly spread.

Wenxuan was very happy when he heard about this after class.

Ouyang Linlin knew that everyone was worried about her, and she felt very ashamed.

It reminds me of the scene where everyone cared about Xi Yu when he was crazy.

While she was thinking, Xi Yu came to her room again.

"Husband, you came just in time. I want to see the soldier who wants to harm me."

"In that case, let's go."

The two people arrived at Guan Yu's house. When the soldier guarding the gate learned that Xi Yu and his wife were arriving, they immediately let them go.

Guan Yu was practicing calligraphy and had no idea that the two people had arrived at the door of the room.

Knowing that the sun in front of him was blocked, he raised his head and watched. It turned out that Xi Yu had arrived.

He quickly saluted, and Xi Yu told him not to be polite.

Although Ouyang Linlin vaguely knew Guan Yu, the two had never officially met. This is the first official meeting.

Guan Yu also saluted her immediately.

Guan Yu was also very happy for her when he learned that she had woken up.

Soon, Xi Yu explained his intention.

"In that case, I will send someone to call this beast."

Guan Yu immediately walked out, and then asked the soldiers to go to the prison to get Xinxin out immediately.

Brand-new is tortured every day, knowing that he will be tortured at this moment.

So now he feels it doesn't matter.

But when he saw the soldiers taking him to Guan Yu's room, he felt incredible.

"Did you go the wrong way?"

"We're not going wrong, just follow us. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

After Xinxin entered the room and saw Xiyu, he knelt down with a plop.

Then, he saw Ouyang Linlin.

Unexpectedly, she has already recovered.

"Drama Master, I was wrong, please punish me."

He kept kowtowing.

Ouyang Linlin has learned from Guan Yu that Quanxinke has been being punished recently.

And through the trial, it was already known that the so-called Lu Yong was Sima Yi's man.

"Old thief Sima, you and I are at odds with each other!" Xi Yu clenched his fists.

This matter can't just be let go, he must take revenge.

At the same time, he thought of Zhao Yun and wondered if the secret guard had arrived.

Xi Yu looked at Ouyang Linlin and asked her how to punish her.

Ouyang Linlin said: "Just kill him, there is no need to torture him all day long."

Guan Yu thought that Mrs. Ouyang was really kind-hearted.

If it were you, you wouldn't be able to do this.

Xi Yu asked Ouyang Linlin: "Have you really thought about it?"

Ouyang Linlin thinks that torturing people is a bad behavior after all, so she should kill them. She hopes to be merciful.

Guan Yu then took a look at Xi Yu.

Xi Yu said, since the lady said so, then so be it.

This was a relief for Quanxin, who had really wanted to die these past two days.

Because I can't live without dying, and the feeling of not being able to do it is simply too uncomfortable.

Of course, he felt that there were still many regrets in life.

But now he couldn't care less.

"Thank you, Mrs. Ouyang, for your help."

He kept kowtowing to Ouyang Linlin.

Ouyang Linlin waved her hand and asked Guan Yu to do this quickly.

Guan Yu then asked his soldiers to quickly execute Xinxin.

After a while, several soldiers reported that Quanxin was dead.

Ouyang Linlin said: "In that case, let's go."

After Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin left, they were on the street without speaking.

But Ouyang Linlin knew that Xi Yu must be feeling uncomfortable, and he was extremely worried.

When he was almost home, he finally said, "How do you plan to take revenge on Sima Yi?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I have to think of a foolproof plan this time."

On the other side, the secret guard Qin Feng arranged by Xi Yu finally arrived in Luoyang.

He planned to enter Sima Yi's home late at night.

He already knew the location of Zhao Yun from Xi Yu, and of course it was Fang Dahai who told him.

Late at night, he arrived at the door of Sima Yi's house.

He first wanted to feel whether there were any ninjas.

After a while, after repeatedly confirming that there was none, he boldly went in.

He was like a ghost, constantly moving back and forth in the yard.

He also quickly arrived at the door of the room where Zhao Yun lived.

But there are people guarding this place.

Because now Zhao Yun has become a key figure.

When Qin Feng arrived, several people became vigilant.

"Who are you and what do you do?"

Qin Feng didn't talk nonsense to them and started fighting with them directly.

Soon, they all fell to the ground.

He rushed in quickly.

Zhao Yun was still feeling a little uncomfortable and had been lying on the hospital bed.

So what happened outside just now, he didn't get up at all.

But there was a vague sound, and he thought he was having a dream.

After a while, a ghostly person came to him.

When he felt very strange, a voice came from his ears.

"Are you Zhao Zilong?"

Zhao Zilong immediately stood up from the bed, as if his body suddenly came to life.

"who are you?"

"I am the person next to the actor."

Only then did Zhao Yun remember that this was the secret guard. He was so surprised.

In other words, the doctor Fang Dahai has really passed on the news.

Because he was excited, he stepped forward and hugged Qin Feng.

Qin Feng coughed, and Zhao Yun let go of Qin Feng in embarrassment.

"Okay, without further ado, it's better to leave now."

Zhao Yun was very happy. He asked the other party to wait for a while, put on his clothes and left.

Qin Feng immediately came to the door to guard it.

After a while, Zhao Yun walked out immediately.

"Okay, we've finished cleaning up. Should they leave now?"

Qin Feng took Zhao Yun's hand.

He had inquired about it just now, so he seemed to be more familiar with the environment here than Zhao Yun.

Soon, the two people came to the door.

This time, Qin Feng didn't plan to climb over the wall and just knocked out the concierge before going out.

However, the concierge slept like a dead pig and snored, so Qin Feng didn't need to worry about him.

He opened the door with Zhao Yun openly and left.

Finally, Qin Feng found a hotel, which he had chosen before arriving.

"Okay, let's go in quickly."

Because he had already made a reservation with the waiter and asked the waiter to prepare a room for him.

When the waiter saw him, he was filled with joy.

"Sir, you are here."

The other party nodded and finally followed Zhao Yun into a room.

Qin Feng said that they must stay together tonight to avoid any accidents.

Zhao Yun said: "This will be a lot of work."

At this moment, Zhao Yun had a lot to ask, but he was worried that he would miss a place to rest.

So, I plan to ask again tomorrow.

Qingfeng knew what he was thinking, and said, "Everything is well with the actor. You don't have to worry. He knows you are here and is particularly concerned about you."

Zhao Yun also breathed a sigh of relief, he felt very useless.

The task was not completed, but in the end, I almost got myself involved.

Zhao Yun saw that the bed was a bit big, so he asked Qin Feng to rest on the same bed as him.

"No need, I'm just a servant. I'm squatting at the door. I'm used to it."

Zhao Yun asked him to go to bed, but he couldn't hold on. Zhao Yun no longer forced him.

Qingfeng said that they would leave early the next morning because once Sima Yi found out, they might be searched throughout the city.

It will be very difficult to get out by then.

Zhao Yun thought he was right.

The next day, before dawn, Qin Feng woke up immediately and pushed Zhao Yun next to the bed.

"General Zhao, we should go."

Zhao Yun immediately opened his eyes, nodded, and quickly started to get dressed.

Qin Feng said that he came here on horseback and now let the horse take Zhao Yun forward first.

After leaving Luoyang, they went to the horse market to buy another horse.

In this way, the two people can leave on their own horses.

"Yes, Brother Qin, your idea is a good one."

Last night, Zhao Yun also learned the real name of the secret guard.

On the other side, Xi Yu was about to start planning to marry Xi Shi and Song Meijiao. After finishing this matter, he began to prepare to attack Cao Pi.

Of course, before doing this, he had to go to Japan in person to deal with the ninja affairs.

As for how to deal with Sima Yi, let's wait until this matter is dealt with. Things always have to happen bit by bit.

Sima Yi got up from bed and passed by his son Sima Zhao's room. He heard the sound of reading from inside. He felt very relieved.

But he knocked on the door, and Sima Zhao's voice stopped immediately.

"Who is outside?"

"it's me."

"Oh, it turns out to be daddy."

Sima Zhao quickly opened the door.

"Why did you get up so early to study?"

Sima Yi touched the other party's head and laughed.

Sima Zhao said that he must work harder.

These are troubled times and someone needs to be a hero.

"Son, it doesn't have to be so hard. After all, you are not very old yet."

"But my son heard that my father had already read tens of thousands of books when he was my age."

After hearing this, Sima Yi was very pleased. He was really a teachable boy.

"In that case, dad won't disturb you from studying. Go back and read quickly."

Sima Zhao happily entered the study again.

Sima Yi continued to walk, and when he passed a pavilion, a servant suddenly shouted: "Master, something serious has happened."

"What's so fussy about?"

The servant told him about Zhao Yun's loss, and several of the guards were knocked down.

"What? Such a thing actually happened"!

Although it was early in the morning, Sima Yi was already sweating.

He almost jogged and quickly came to the guest room, and saw that it was really empty.

A few people outside were standing there in embarrassment.

Sima Yi came out, his face was ashen, and asked them what was going on.

They said that they seemed to see a ghost coming last night. Several people became wary and fought with him, but in the end they were no match for them.

Sima Yi knew that this was the arrival of Xi Yu's secret guards, but how did this news get out?

He screamed loudly, and soon thought of the doctor again.

Yes, it must have been the doctor.

The doctor talked to Zhao Yun that day.

It turned out that they were conspiring.

The doctor also said that in order for Zhao Yun to continue to stay in the mansion, it turned out that smoke bombs were set off.

I was really stupid to believe what others said.

Sima Yi, Sima Yi, you are so stupid.

He kept shouting in his heart.

Several servants knelt down to him, hoping that he would punish them.

"I'm just punishing you now, so what's the point? Will people come back?"

A servant said it was better to order a quick search.

Sima Yi thought that even if he chased him, it would be useless, as they must have gone far away.

The top priority now is to go see Cao Pi quickly and tell Cao Pi about this.

Cao Pi saw that he was a little panicked, so he asked him what was going on.

"It's so early in the morning, what's going on with you?"

Sima Yi said that he had never lost his composure like today, and it was because something big had happened.

As soon as he told the story, Cao Pi's face immediately changed.

"What did you say? This happened?"

Sima Yi knelt down to Cao Pi and said it was all his fault. He thought he was taking strict precautions, but he didn't expect something happened.

"Mr. Cao, please punish your subordinates."

Cao Pi was also furious and started throwing plates and bowls in anger.

He slapped Sima Yi suddenly.

But then he said that even if he was beaten, he would never come back.

"You come to trouble me so early in the morning. It really pisses me off."

Cao Pi felt a little tight in his chest.

He kicked Sima Yi all the way.

"Mr. Cao, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have come to report this news to you."

"Okay, you go back first and let me have a good rest."

Sima Yi had no choice but to go back.

Cao Pi sighed, not knowing what would happen next.

I've been so depressed lately, why doesn't everything work out?

I can be more unlucky.

During lunch, Ouyang Linlin asked Xi Yu if Ganmei knew about her situation.

"She doesn't know, we are trying our best to hide it from her."

Ouyang Linlin said that Sun Shangxiang came to her room to see her in the morning.

After learning that he was awake, he was also very happy.

"Okay, as long as you get along well, I will be very happy."

Ouyang Linlin exchanged news about ninja hints with him.

"If there were no ninjas to help you this time, it would be really difficult for you to retreat. I don't want you to continue to take risks for me next time."

"No, I would rather have something happen to me than let anything happen to you."

"The same goes for you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Ouyang Linlin asked Xi Yu if he was going to turn the ninja thing upside down.

"Yes, I'm going to Japan in the near future."

But he would not tell the other party the specific plan.

Ouyang Linlin was very worried.

"You will definitely be in danger when you go."

Xi Yu said that no matter what, he had to go.

Because the next step is to attack Cao Pi, these obstacles must be cleared.

"Okay, husband, I hope you can overcome all obstacles along the way. I believe you will return smoothly."

After a while, Xi Yu received a letter from Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu said that Xi Yu had already designated a territory for him to preach, so now he was about to take action. He hoped that Xi Yu could issue an order to allow him to freely preach in various places.

"This guy is really serious about this."

Xi Yu smiled and went to do it immediately, otherwise it would be troublesome to do it in Japan later. (End of chapter)

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