Qin Feng and Zhao Yun soon left Luoyang.

The two finally breathed a sigh of relief. They saw that the sunshine was particularly strong and they were in a very good mood.

Zhao Yun once again expressed his gratitude to Qin Feng.

As a secret guard, Qin Feng had never smiled, but now he smiled happily.

"You are a lucky person, so you don't have to thank me, General Zhao."

Qin Feng now said he was going to buy a horse. On the way here, he had already taken a look at where there was a horse.

Soon, the two people arrived at the racecourse.

Qin Feng is also very experienced in buying horses.

He told Zhao Yun that the horse he was riding was very good, and he told the owner of the horse farm that they wanted to buy a horse each and were not willing to go together as two people. The owner of the horse farm would definitely think that they had special needs, so he would sell it at a high price.

So take this horse as an example and see if their horse can surpass this one.

If not, there is no need to charge a high price.

Zhao Yun said: "Okay, it seems that you are very interested in doing business, so I will leave everything to you."

Qin Feng said that his ancestors were in business, so he was exposed to it when he was young and knew how to do business.

But later on in my father's generation, business was in recession and the family fell into decline.

The owner of the racecourse was a middle-aged man. After asking about their purpose, he led them to the racecourse.

When Zhao Yun saw the horses inside, it could be said that most of them were not as good as the one Qin Feng was riding.

So he looked slightly disappointed.

Zhao Yun said: "Old man, the horses here are not particularly good, so do you think the price should be cheaper?"

The old middle-aged man also saw that his horse was indeed not as good as Qin Feng's horse.

He just smiled.

"Actually, I still have a good horse here, but I'm afraid you can't afford it."

Upon hearing this, the two of them became angry.

Qin Feng said: "Old man, I took a closer look at your horse. It's not much better than mine. What do you mean by saying that?"

"That's because there is a horse that I treasure in another place. If you are not interested, we can take a look."

The two of them were really stunned, but they became very interested.

So, the man took them to a horse farm in the east. There was really a horse in the stable.

And it turned out to be a sweaty horse, Zhao Yun recognized it immediately.

The middle-aged man laughed.

"I didn't expect you to be so discerning. Yes, this is a bloody horse."

Moreover, the middle-aged man quoted a price, which was four to five times more expensive than ordinary horses.

Zhao Yun agreed to buy it, but he didn't have much money on him, so he asked Qin Feng to take care of it first.

He would just give it back to Qin Feng later.

Qin Feng was particularly puzzled, did Zhao Yun like him so much?

Zhao Yun whispered: "I want to go back and offer it to the actor. A good horse like this should be owned by the actor."

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng happily agreed.

He decided to sell his horse to a middle-aged man so he could get some discount.

So it was.

So, the two people went back on the sweaty horse.

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "Originally we planned not to use a horse, but I didn't expect that in the end we would ride on one together. It's just not the same one."

After having the sweaty BMW, this speed was really unstoppable, so that night, they returned to Youzhou.

However, because they were too anxious to change the route and the horse was very fast, the two of them also took a lot of wind along the way.

Even when he arrived in Youzhou, Zhao Yun felt his body trembling.

He probably had a cold, but the feeling of going home made him feel very happy.

Now he wished he could get wings and return to Xi Yu.

When they arrived at the theater, Xi Yu was already asleep.

Qin Feng asked Zhao Yun to go back temporarily and come back to see Xi Yu tomorrow. After all, it was already late.

Zhao Yun had no choice but to return home first. When the people at home knew that he was back, they were immediately surprised.

Confirm again and again whether he is the real owner.

It wasn't until it was confirmed that I felt happy.

In the early morning of the next day, Zhao Yuntian got up before dawn.

He immediately arrived at the door of Xi Yu's room.

However, Xi Yu felt very tired, so she got up very late.

When he opened the door, he first saw Zhao Yun standing at the door.

He couldn't believe his eyes, Zhao Yun immediately knelt down for him.

"My subordinates pay homage to the opera master."

Zhao Yun suddenly burst into tears.

Xi Yu immediately grabbed Zhao Yun's body and said, "Great, you are finally back."

Zhao Yun said that he really didn't expect to come back alive.

Xi Yu helped him up and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense and hurry up to my room."

After entering the room, Xi Yu asked Zhao Yun the detailed process.

Zhao Yun then told all the situations after the failed assassination.

Knowing that Zhao Yun suffered so much, Xi Yu felt very painful.

"Drama Master, please don't blame yourself. All this is due to my lack of skill."

But this time I also heard about the ninja.

So, Xi Yu asked him to tell his story again.

After that, Xi Yu had a rough idea, and then told him about his recent dealings with ninjas.

And I have to go to the ninja territory recently.

Now that Zhao Yun is back, he can go with greater peace of mind.

Zhao Yun told Xi Yu that he was willing to donate the horse with his blood, and then explained the process of buying the horse.

It just so happened that it was more appropriate for Xi Yu to go horse riding in Japan this time.

"Why did you give me the horse? You can keep it for yourself."

Zhao Yun said that he himself did not need it.

Xi Yu said that if the other party really gave him a horse, he would have to pay for it.

"Master Xi, if you say that, you are slapping your subordinate in the face."

Seeing Zhao Yun blushing, Xi Yu had no choice but to agree.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll accept it."

Xi Yu said that he would compensate Zhao Yun in other ways in the future.

"Okay, I see your voice has changed a bit. Do you have a cold? Go back and rest quickly."

Zhao Yun said that yesterday's horse was too fast, that's why it was like this, and he also hoped that Xiyu would pay attention to his speed when riding.

"Yes, although it is a little warm now, it is not completely warmed up yet. It is inappropriate to go too fast on the road."

But when it comes to riding horses, Xi Yu thinks of the traffic rules established some time ago.

He plans to pay attention to the news before setting off. He has now set up a department to manage traffic.

As a result, Xiyu checked it. Most people are still good.

But there are also some people who really violate traffic rules.

And this system is not for punishment, but for better people to comply.

So the punishment is also very humane.

Except for a few people who have complaints, most people can accept it.

After Xi Yu saw this situation, he was extremely satisfied.

Xi Yu plans to go to Japan tomorrow.

When he came back, he married Xi Shi's two daughters, and then he could officially attack Cao Pi.

Of course, I still have to take time to think about how to deal with Sima Yi.

That night, he had dinner with several ladies.

Even if it’s goodbye.

While eating, he told them that no one should persuade them, they had to go.

The ladies were really sensible and didn't try to persuade him.

But after eating, several ladies told him to be more careful, as they would be looking forward to his return.

After Xi Yu left, the ladies began to chatter about why they had to do everything by themselves. Wouldn't it be okay to send someone there?

But they all seemed to know their husband's temper, and even if they brought it up, he would definitely not listen.

They can only hope that the other party will return safely.

Xi Yu found that the speed of this bloody BMW was really incredible.

But he hoped that he would not go too fast on the road, otherwise he might catch a cold just like Zhao Yun.

After he muttered for a while, the horse seemed to be particularly intelligent and could understand what he said.

The speed really slowed down.

"I didn't expect you to be so understanding of human nature."

However, after walking for a day, if the sweaty horse was allowed to move forward, he could no longer walk fast.

Because suddenly it rained heavily.

So Xi Yu must find a place to take a good rest.

He saw an independent house just outside a small forest in front of him.

Xi Yu quickly came to that place.

There happened to be an eaves at that place, and he quickly stopped his horse there.

A man walked out of the main room, looking very slovenly.

When he looked at Xi Yu, it was as if he saw an enemy.

"I wonder who you are?"

Seeing his unfriendly attitude, Xi Yu explained his purpose.

"You came here to take shelter from the rain. Why?"

Xi Yu didn't expect that he would speak so forcefully.

"Brother, please make it easier for you. If you need anything, I will satisfy you as soon as possible."

If the other party asks for money, he will give it to him.

But the male host was very angry and said that he must drive Xi Yu away.

Xi Yu asked: "Why can't you do it? It's raining so hard outside."

The man said: "It's raining heavily outside, what does it have to do with me? Get out of here."

Xiyu still smiled.

"I know something must have happened to you, right? If you have any troubles, maybe I can answer them for you."

Next, the man started muttering, as if he was out of his mind.

Although Xi Yu was very angry, she still insisted on talking to him properly.

After all, I still need someone now, but no matter how much the person scolded me, Xi Yu always had the teacher's attitude, which finally made the person calm down.

"In that case, park the horse under the shed and come into the house."

Xiyu thanked him and followed him to the main room.

But the furnishings in his house. It's really unflattering.

Because the inside was sloppy, it could be seen that this person probably lived alone, so he didn't care about appearance and the like.

The man said to him: "Why do you see how dirty my place is? If you don't like it, just leave."

Xi Yu shook his head and said that was not the case. There were many people who did important things but were unkempt.

He originally thought that after saying this, the other party might calm down a little.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually said: "Are you trying to ridicule me?"

Xi Yu was speechless for a moment, no matter what he said, it would be wrong.

This reminded Xi Yu of his past life, when he once saw a typo in an article.

So I contacted them based on the author’s contact information.

It was a well-intentioned reminder, but people thought Xi Yu was mocking their lack of culture.

And he said angrily: "I'm just a farmer, not as good as you highly educated people."

The author at that time was very similar to the man today.

So Xiyu chose to remain silent at this moment.

After a while, the man muttered to himself again. The current situation is particularly chaotic and the entire society is unfair.

And he is very disliked.

So he stopped living in this village and moved out.

One of his wives also left him, and many people avoided him like the plague.

"Tell me, what did I do wrong, why did they treat me like this"?

He looked at Xi Yu with wide eyes and questioned.

Xi Yu thought to himself, you also have questions, how should I answer you?

However, Xi Yu remained silent, and after a while, the man became somewhat normal.

He then apologized to Xi Yu, saying that he had lost his temper.

"I understand that you are in a bad mood, and it's normal to complain, but you have to adjust yourself and keep complaining. Because complaining all the time is of no use."

At this time, the rain outside stopped a little.

The man then became curious about Xi Yu's question and asked him what he did.

Xi Yu said: "Just now you scolded the official, I am the official in your eyes."

The other party was indeed taken aback. He thought Xi Yu's temperament might really be that of an official.

But it's not bad that he dared to admit that he just scolded an official.

"I wonder what kind of official you are?"

Xi Yu revealed his identity, surprising the man.

"What? Are you Xiyu"?

He plopped down and knelt down for Xi Yu.

He said that although he looked down on him as an official, he really admired Xi Yu.

If everyone could be like Xi Yu, the world would be peaceful.

"You praise me too much. Do you just believe me? Don't you think I'm a fake?"

The man said that it was obvious that Xi Yu was definitely not an ordinary person.

It seems that what he said is correct. He also said his name, which is Xu Dengfa.

Next, through talking with Xi Yu, Xi Yu discovered that he is a man with a very unique personality.

Moreover, he also specialized in martial arts.

"Drama Master, I wonder if you can give me a bite of food so that I can follow you forever."

He said he had always wanted to find someone to do things for him. It was fate that I saw Xi Yu today.

Xi Yu said nothing, and Xu Dengfa said that he might be presumptuous in making this request.

But he is sincere.

After that, he showed off his kung fu in front of Xi Yu.

"Actually, you should know that I have secret guards and I don't need anyone to protect me at all."

After hearing this, Xu Dengfa's face turned very ugly.

That's right, people don't need themselves at all.

However, Xi Yu changed his mind.

"However, I can also let you follow."

Xi Yu also said that he also wanted to pity the other party, not that he needed the other party, but that the other party needed him.

When the other party heard this, his eyes lit up.

"Drama Master, are you telling the truth? That's great."

He expressed his willingness to do the hard work of dogs and horses, and Xi Yu said: "In that case, when the rain stops, you can follow me."

Xi Yu also felt that the encounter with Xu Dengfa was too dramatic.

It was almost dark when the rain stopped.

It was inappropriate to continue on the road, so Xu Dengfa asked Xiyu to stay here.

But I feel very embarrassed, after all, the way I clean up here is very sloppy.

Xi Yu said that the other party can follow him, but he must change his image, otherwise he will not accept it.

"Okay, Mr. Xi, I will definitely pay attention to it in the future."

Xi Yu said that he could stay at the inn and pick him up tomorrow, hoping that he could change his appearance.

He also told Xi Yu the address of the inn, which one was nearest, etc.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiyu came again leading the horse.

At this time, Xu Dengfa really changed.

Xiyu almost didn't recognize him.

"How about it! Mr. Xi, do I look beautiful when I'm dressed up?"

Xi Yu nodded, but he really couldn't tell.

Xu Dengfa said that he will definitely do better in the future, and he has nothing to bring with him, so he can just hit the road.

"You just know how to get there, but do you know where we are going?"

The other party was stunned then, he really didn’t know where he was going!

But he said that no matter where he goes. As long as he follows Xi Yu, he feels safe.

Xi Yu told him about going to Japan.

"What? How did we go so far?"

Finally, he patted his head and said he remembered.

Because Xi Yu once sent a message to Wen Hao, saying that Cao Pi was colluding with foreign enemies. It seems that Xi Yu solved this problem.

But will it be dangerous if we go there? he asked.

"What? Are you scared? If you are, you don't have to follow me."

Xu Dengfa immediately patted his chest.

"How could you be afraid? Mr. Xi, just don't worry."

"In that case, let's not talk nonsense and let's set off."

Xu Dengfa said that he would also buy a horse and go ahead. Xi Yu shook his head, it was not necessary.

Because my horse is a bloody horse, it is very fast, and other horses simply cannot keep up.

Unless the other party also buys a bloody BMW.

But obviously the number of this bloody BMW is too small and it is impossible to buy it right away.

"So it's okay for the two of us to ride on one horse."

"Okay, as long as the actor doesn't mind that I'm sloppy and doesn't mind that I smell bad, I don't care."

In this way, the two people rode on a horse and finally left.

But when leaving the village entrance, many people saw Xu Dengfa and showed contempt.

It made Xi Yu know that he was incompatible with the people in the village. (End of chapter)

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