On the boat, Huatian and Xiyu seemed to have become good friends.

Although Huatian was also very curious about how Xi Yu was able to save herself, she was too embarrassed to ask in front of the old man.

Along the way, the two of them talked like this, not feeling lonely, but Xu Dengfa, as a bodyguard, seemed to be an outsider.

This made Xu Dengfa a little unhappy when he said too much.

However, he seemed a little happy when he thought about Xi Yu's luck.

Another night came. Since the conditions on the boat were not very good, many people just fell asleep with their clothes on.

In the early morning of the next day, they continued on their way.

At this moment, in Luoyang, Dachuan and several ninjas gathered together, but their faces were really ugly.

Because he now knows that Xi Yudu has successfully entered Japan and attracted the princess.

In the past, he also opposed the princess, but it was not very obvious at that time.

Although the other party also knew that he had disobedient intentions, he did not grasp the reason after all.

But it was different now. He saw that the faces of several ninjas were also very ugly, so he asked them to come up with an idea quickly.

But no one can come up with ideas.

Okawa turned the table over.

"You trash, what use are you? You can't come up with an idea at the critical moment."

In fact, what he didn't know was that several people had a schadenfreude mentality in their hearts.

Because he is usually very strict with everyone, many people hate him.

Now everyone wants him to fall quickly.

Suddenly, one of the ninjas snickered, and these expressions were fleeting.

But he was soon discovered by Dachuan, and Dachuan also understood what was going on.

"Okay, you are hoping that I will be unlucky, right? But don't forget, we are grasshoppers tied to a rope. If I am unlucky, can you guys survive alone?"

This sentence reminded everyone. Yes, they are now a collective. They are both prosperous and disadvantaged.

Even if they have complaints in their hearts, they are on the same side as Dachuan after all. What should they do?

"So asking you to come up with an idea is actually to save yourself."

This time, everyone started thinking seriously, but for a while, they still had no idea.

Moreover, the methods of these people are not good at all in the eyes of the princess.

It would be easy to destroy them because they learned all their ninjutsu from there.

Next, everyone knew that Dachuan was definitely going to get angry this time, but Dachuan suddenly became calm.

"According to the people of the Central Plains, maybe our strength is exhausted." After that, he walked out.

On the other side, Sima Yi sent people to look for Zhao Yun, but he was not found in the end. He knew that Zhao Yun had probably returned to Youzhou.

Suddenly a servant came to announce that it was Cao Pi who invited me.

He immediately came to Cao Pi's house. In Cao Pi's house, there was a man named Dachuan.

This time he appeared in his true form. There was a table in front of Okawa with some water on it.

Dachuan's face was very ugly, and Cao Pi's face was also ugly.

Seeing this scene made Sima Yi feel as if he had walked into a cellar.

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Okawa, I don't know what happened."

Just after he finished speaking, he seemed to regret a little, because he knew that Dachuan should be put in front of Cao Pi, but it didn't matter since he had already said it, but Dachuan didn't seem to mind.

"Zhongda, please sit down and listen to what Mr. Okawa has to say."

Sima Yi found a futon and sat down, then looked at Mr. Okawa.

Okawa is like a sculpture at this moment.

Cao Pi said: "Mr. Dachuan, if you have anything to say, you should tell Zhongda. Among all his subordinates, he is the wisest."

Just half an hour ago, Dachuan came to Cao Pi and told him that they could no longer help Cao Pi from now on.

Cao Pi quickly asked: "What's going on?"

Okawa then explained the relevant scenes.

It's all because of that abominable Xiyu.

He said that without his words, things would not have reached this point.

Cao Pi was particularly shocked. He originally thought that these ninjas themselves were very powerful.

Unexpectedly, they are also controlled by others.

This caused his soul to collapse. He originally thought that through the other party, he could live in the Central Plains and achieve his ideals.

But all this was shattered, as if a piece of snow suddenly melted in front of him.

It was as if a piece of iron turned to powder in front of him.

He felt as if he had been tricked by Dachuan. Now almost everyone hated him, but in the end it was all in vain.

He looked at Okawa fiercely.

Okawa said that he did not expect it to reach this point.

Okawa told him to wish for luck, because their ninjas were about to be exterminated.

"Mr. Okawa, don't you even have the strength to fight them?"

"How can I fight them? Our ninjutsu is learned from there."

After hearing such words, Cao Pi felt even more resentful. Since they have no ability, why do they come here? That's not what they said before. They packaged themselves so well before.

So he hoped to discuss it with Sima Yi, which led to Sima Yi's arrival.

When Sima Yi heard the news, he was also very shocked.

Cao Pi asked Sima Yi if there was any better way to solve all this?

Sima Yi shook his head. What better way could he do?

It seems that everything has to start from scratch, like someone who has never seen Dachuan.

But it's better not to have seen it. Now everyone in the world is insulting Cao Pi.

Although a lot of noise has been cleared up in Luoyang City.

But they all knew that the scolding would not stop.

Okawa stood up.

"Okay, you don't have to discuss it. This matter is a foregone conclusion. I need to leave now."

After that, he stood up and walked away in front of the two people.

No one sent him away because he hated him deeply. After that, Cao Pi told Sima Yi that he had already thought about how to start a war with Xi Yu.

It was because of their help, but now it seems that everything is too late.

But now it can be said that the arrow has to be fired even if it is on the string.

What Sima Yi considered was that if Cao Pi won with the help of human power, he might be able to take Cao Pi's place in the future.

But now, this wishful thinking has completely come to nothing.

After a while, Cao Pi waved his hand.

"Okay, you can go back. In fact, it is redundant to ask you to come."

Sima Yi went back later. At home, he was unhappy.

This situation where his ideals failed really made him feel like he was in an ice cellar.

Therefore, when it was time to eat at noon, he still chose to remain silent here.

As a result, several servants could not persuade him, and this matter slowly spread to Sima Yi's ears.

Master Sima quickly came to the study to meet his father.

"Father, I wonder what happened to make you so depressed?"

Sima Yi heard that his father went to see Cao Pi, and he didn't know what happened between the two people.

Sima Yi asked his son to sit down and then told him all the relevant scenes.

Master Sima was obviously stunned.

He finally understood why his father was so unhappy, and his ideals had collapsed.

But he still comforted his father not to be sad.

He also said it in terms of destiny. It doesn't matter, it's just that his energy has been exhausted and it's destined.

Obviously, Sima Yi couldn't feel at ease.

But there seems to be no alternative.

"Father, no matter what, you always have to eat something."

After a while, Sima Zhao also walked in, hoping that his father could guide him in shooting.

Master Sima said: "Let's go to one side first. Father hasn't eaten yet."

Sima Zhao was shocked to learn that his father had not eaten yet, and asked quickly what was going on?

Sima Yi knew that his father liked his younger son, so he quickly told him and asked Sima Zhao to persuade him.

Sima Zhao was shocked and quickly advised Sima Yi to eat something no matter what, and also quoted some classics in the book.

Master Sima suddenly felt ashamed.

It’s better to have culture.

Sima Yi finally said that his heart was moved.

"Okay, let's go eat. No matter what, the sky won't fall."

Okawa quickly returned to his base.

He heard many people scolding Nanshan. He must have spread the news about this abominable traitor.

In fact, Dachuan didn't understand why Nanshan did this.

Is it because he feels he has done something bad and has a bad conscience?

But the reason doesn't seem to matter now.

When several ninjas saw Okawa, they knew that he had just gone to Cao Pi's place.

"Mr. Okawa, are we just going to sit there and wait for death? Should we run away quickly?"

Okawa glared at the speaker.

"Do you think we can escape? Besides, running away is not our nature."

The ninja who spoke immediately blushed.

Yes, they have always been taught that they would rather die than surrender, and there is absolutely no such thing as running away.

Indeed, even if you wanted to run away, you couldn't.

They knew this might be their last good day.

Because according to the schedule, they should arrive tomorrow.

Early the next morning, the large army indeed entered the Central Plains.

Huatian asked Xiyu if he was following him? It’s better to return to your own territory first.

Xiyu hesitated for a while. He believed in Huatian. He was going back to Youzhou now because several ladies were still thinking about him.

Huatian was stunned for a moment. He originally thought that Xiyu didn't dare to go, but he didn't expect that his son and daughter actually have a close relationship, so he said a few mocking words.

Xi Yu sneered: "Princess Huatian, you don't have to laugh at me. If you meet a man who likes you in the future, you will understand this feeling."

The flower field is red in color. It seemed that Xi Yu was really a good man. I really admire him very much.

But if I meet such a man, how easy will it be?

"Okay, Mr. Xi, I just asked you to make a joke. Please go back quickly."

So, Xi Yu and Xu Dengfa left, and Huatian followed the large army into Luoyang.

The ninjas led by Okawa were already waiting at the gate of Luoyang. When they saw Huatian arriving, several of them knelt down.

Huatian sneered: "You are quite honest."

Hanada had prepared a lot of words and wanted to insult Okawa, but she didn't expect that Okawa was so sensible.

Okawa and others said nothing, because any explanation at this time was redundant.

"While there aren't many people here, come to me quickly."

Hanada ordered.

Okawa and others immediately got up and followed the flower field.

They finally came to a sea.

Huatian said: "I don't need to say more about the specifics. Hurry up and jump into the sea to die for your country."

It's good that everyone knows that Hanada didn't torture him. This is already a very good ending.

So, several people quickly jumped into the sea.

A sad song seemed to be playing on the sea.

Although Huatian hated them, he was a little moved at the moment. After all, they had their own opinions and were not sloppy when they died. This is really admirable.

Just like that, all the ninjas hiding here have disappeared.

Huatian also went home directly.

Now that Xi Yu has left, the scene here has been seen by Xi Yu's secret guards.

He could go back to report the news to Xi Yu. Xi Yu returned to Youzhou without stopping, and it was already dusk.

He immediately asked someone to tell Ouyang Linlin and other ladies that he was back safely.

Several ladies came to his room immediately, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that he was intact.

At night, the secret guard came back and said that all the ninjas had been cleaned up and Hanada had gone back. At this moment, Xi Yu felt as if the entire Central Plains had changed. The next step was to prepare to marry these two beauties.

Cao Pi finally found out about Okawa and the ninjas jumping into the river.

Cao Pi tried hard not to collapse, but the hatred still welled up in his heart.

He thought that Xi Yu would definitely attack him next.

However, after waiting for several days, no news was received.

Then he became puzzled.

At this moment, Xi Yu puts all his energy into marrying Song Meijiao and Xi Shi.

The date has been set, just ten days from now.

That night, Xi Yu encountered Song Datian entering his room again.

What Song Datian proposed was to allow Xi Yu to disclose his daughter's identity.

Although Xi Yu didn't think it was necessary, Song Datian kept saying it sincerely.

Xi Yu also knew that in ancient times, everyone had to pay attention to one's reputation, and every battle had to be based on one's reputation.

Perhaps it is really necessary to disclose Song Meijiao's identity.

"Okay, Dad Song, in that case, I promise you."

Hearing that Xi Yu could agree, Song Datian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a stone in his heart finally let go.

The next day, Xi Yu revealed his identity to the whole city, and Dongfang Hong also helped.

Let everyone know that Song Meijiao is from the royal family.

And he also told what happened that year, and even shed blood to recognize relatives. Of course, Xi Yu actually did not approve of blood recognition.

But after all, people in ancient times had this mentality.

The purpose of what he said was to better convince everyone.

In an instant, the matter spread slowly, and Xi Yu decided to write a letter to Liu Xie to tell him about it.

But what he didn't know at all was that Liu Xie and the young eunuch had already defeated him and then came to pay a private visit in private.

Therefore, Liu Xie cannot receive this letter for the time being.

Liu Xie and the young eunuch arrived in Youzhou on horseback.

Those who study abroad also know that you can't enter Youzhou casually now. If you can't disclose your identity, of course you can't enter casually.

But he can't reveal his identity directly yet. So when he came to the border crossing, Liu Xie fell into thinking. The eunuch asked him not to reveal his identity directly.

Liu Xie believed that doing so would put him in a dangerous situation, and others might not believe him.

"But Your Majesty, how can we get in?"

"Remember, don't call me Your Majesty outside."

"Yes, sir."

In the end, they decided to stay in an inn at the junction of Youzhou and slowly think of a solution.

On this day, Xiyu received a letter from Huatian.

It turns out that Huatian discovered through investigation that there are also relatives of ninjas in Youzhou Academy.

It has now been uprooted.

Xi Yu suddenly remembered that he once saw a student when he went to the academy and felt very strange. Later, he ignored the matter.

Only now did he remember that this happened, and he was so careless, so he wrote a reply, thanking the other person very much.

Similarly, when it comes to facing ninjas, luckily there is Princess Hanada, otherwise, the crisis cannot be solved.

But Princess Huatian said it very politely. She said that it was her fault in the first place, and assured Xi Yu that such a thing would not happen again in the future.

This made Xi Yu sigh with emotion. We are both from Japan, so why are the differences between people so big?

If everyone were like him, the world would be peaceful.

At night, Liu Xie lay on the bed and saw the stars outside through the window.

He really couldn't wait to see Xi Yu now.

He was impulsive at the time, so he thought of paying a private visit incognito.

But when I was on the road, I actually felt a little regretful. After all, I had to travel a long distance and be exposed to wind and sun.

But if you think about it carefully, it’s very beautiful.

How to get in? Do you really want to disclose your identity?

Early the next morning, the young eunuch came up with an idea and asked him to write a letter to Xi Yu and ask Xi Yu to come here to pick him up.

Liu Xie was immediately happy.

Yes, this is entirely possible. Why didn’t I think of it?

"In that case, hurry up and get the pen and ink for me."

The young eunuch came to the counter to get pen and ink.

So he wrote a letter confidently. Then he asked the young eunuch to hand him over to the border crossing.

The border crossing itself was responsible for receiving mail, but when they heard that it was handed over to Xi Yu, they immediately became vigilant.

"Who is your master? What is his relationship with the actor?" One of the soldiers quickly asked the young eunuch. (End of chapter)

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