The young eunuch didn't know how to answer.

Because Liu Xie said that his identity must not be exposed.

A soldier then asked: "What's the matter? Can't you answer it? I think you are sneaky and you don't look like a good person at all."

In recent times, these soldiers have studied a method.

That is to say, we must be stricter with some people whose origins are unknown.

So even though the little eunuchs are not sneaky, they still have to say that they must not be too good-tempered.

Otherwise, a large number of people may take advantage of it.

The young eunuch blushed, and he had no choice but to say that his master and the actor were related.

"Ah, by the way, my master calls the opera actor uncle."

Because Liu Xie often calls Xi Yu uncle, he is not lying.

"It's a joke. How old is your master? Why do you call an opera actor uncle?"

The young eunuch explained that although he was about the same age as Xi Yu, he was called that according to his seniority.

But a few people still felt that he was being careless and wanted him to go back quickly.

The young eunuch talked nicely to them, but it was of no use.

Reluctantly, he returned to the inn.

He told Liu Xie all the grievances he had suffered.

Liu Xie was a little unhappy when he heard him crying, and was thinking about how to get in better.

The young eunuch said: "Your Majesty, we really shouldn't have come here. Now we are looking for trouble for ourselves."

"Okay, don't bother me here, or you can go back by yourself."

The young eunuch didn't dare to speak. When it was time to eat, Liu Xie and the young eunuch came to the hall on the first floor and started eating.

It happened that a few big men at the next table were discussing something.

"Have you heard? The actor is going to marry two women in a few days. One of them is called Song Meijiao. It is said that she is as beautiful as a flower."

They discussed that Song Meijiao was initially favored by Cao Pi.

But the father and daughter escaped here directly through the secret passage, and were taken in by Xi Yu.

Now she is about to become Xiyu's wife.

"Have you heard about it again? Recently, the opera director made an announcement saying that Song Meijiao is a member of the royal family, which means she has the status of a princess."

When Liu Xie heard this, he was stunned. There was such a thing.

According to that, isn't that one of my sisters?

Although she was not a biological sister, she was at least a member of the Liu family, so he listened carefully.

The young eunuch didn't dare to disturb him, and the few of them talked about the announcement made by Xi Yu.

That is why Song Meijiao became an ordinary person when she was a child.

"In that case, this beauty is too pitiful. She should have lived in the palace and enjoyed the glory and wealth since she was a child."

"Do you think the glory and wealth of this palace is really so easy to enjoy?"

Everyone discussed again that the Han Dynasty was in decline, and the emperor was acting very cowardly.

When Liu Xie heard this, he was particularly embarrassed. When the young eunuch saw him, he wanted to stop a few people.

But Liu Xie stopped him. How could he stop someone with his mouth?

"So, it's good for her to live among the people, and the actor she will follow in the future is even more good."

"Yes, the people in this royal family are not happy either. Wasn't there a queen who was killed by Cao Cao?"

This reminded Liu Xie of Empress Fu, and he suddenly felt particularly heartbroken and even wiped away tears several times.

By chance, the waiter came to serve the food. When he saw this scene, he felt very strange.

The young eunuch said in a low voice: "Master, why don't we take the food and go to the room to eat."

Xi Yu shook his head, it didn't matter.

On the other side, at the border crossing, several soldiers still held letters from the eunuchs, and they were discussing whether to tell Xi Yu about this.

They were divided into two parts, one part thought it should be handed over.

What if he really knew Xi Yu?

Some people think that maybe these people are here to cause trouble.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and in the end, the opponent gave in.

It’s better to believe that it exists than to believe that it doesn’t exist.

Just hand over this letter, but if it is found to be a lie, the person who sent the letter must be punished.

Because the young eunuch said that he and his master were staying somewhere, but he never said where.

Xi Yu inspected the Chamber of Commerce today, and then paid attention to the road construction situation.

At the same time, I went to a newly opened school for people with intellectual disabilities.

After all the hard work, it was already dusk when I got home.

I heard that a letter had been sent, so I quickly read it.

When he opened the letter, he saw that the handwriting on it was particularly familiar. When he looked carefully, he saw that it was Liu Xie's handwriting.

It turned out that Liu Xie came to the edge of Youzhou but couldn't get in.

Strange, why did he suddenly think of coming here?

So he continued to read on, only to find that Liu Xie just had a whim and missed Xi Yu, so he came over to take a look.

He felt that it would be more exciting to arrive secretly without telling the ministers.

After Xiyu saw it, he felt a special wry smile, he was really a child.

Then he won't be able to receive the letter you wrote to him, so let's talk face to face.

At the end of the letter, Liu Xie told where he was and hoped that Xi Yu could pass.

Xiyu was particularly excited and wanted to rush there now, but thought it was inappropriate.

It's already late today, let's talk about it tomorrow.

If the emperor lets him go, he will go there by himself, which will make him look too shameless.

He has to take a crack at it, and then he will say he is tired.

After all, the emperor's power is so weak now. I am not bullying him, but I am just using this method to let him see the situation clearly.

That night, Liu Xie slept very soundly because he was not thinking about Xi Yu.

Because he knew that the letter was ignored at all, so he could only think of other ways.

He also believes that if there is fate, he will definitely see him.

If we really can't see him, we can only go back in embarrassment.

Unexpectedly, there are places in my own country that I cannot go to.

The emperor himself is really too cowardly.

Now it seems that the more powerful Xi Yu is, the more useless he becomes.

Early the next morning, Xi Yu arrived at the border crossing, and several soldiers quickly saluted him.

At the same time, I asked him whether the letter was true or false? Does anyone really know him? Or is there someone trying to do bad things under this banner?

Xi Yu said that he was indeed here to find him.

As a result, several soldiers became afraid. They said that they had tried every possible means to prevent people from entering or registering.

Xi Yu said that he was indeed here to find him.

A few people felt that a big event had been delayed.

Xi Yu said: "You don't need to be like this. You are doing the right thing. You should stick to your principles. You must remember in the future that the law is greater than human feelings. Do you understand?"

Several people became happy when they heard what he said.

Then, Xi Yu left the city and arrived at an inn according to the county address.

Although the location of this inn is very remote, the environment is very good. There are two stone lions at the door, looking at the visitors without anger or prestige.

Immediately a waiter came out.

"Sir, do you want to eat or stay in a hotel?"

"I don't eat or stay in a hotel."

The waiter was stunned for a moment, and then asked Xiyu what he was doing.

"I'm here to find someone."

The waiter was a little disappointed, but he still let Xi Yu in.

Xi Yu quickly arrived at the door of the room where he was studying abroad and knocked on the door.

The young eunuch asked: "Who is it?"

Xiyu didn't answer, just knocked.

The young eunuch opened the door and found Liu Xie lying on the bed. When he saw Xi Yu arriving, he immediately got up from the bed.

Xiyu walked in and immediately knelt down to pack his luggage.

"Uncle, get up quickly. This is not in the court. Why do you need to perform such a grand ceremony?"

"At any time, the etiquette between monarch and minister cannot be abolished." Xi Yu answered seriously.

Although the emperor does not have much real power now, he must still be given a small share of noodles.

At this moment, Liu Xie seemed to have found the majesty of being an emperor again.

He asked Xi Yu to get up, and finally asked the young eunuch to wait outside, not to eavesdrop on their conversation, and not to let anyone in.

The little eunuch walked out and closed the door immediately.

Liu Xie looked a little excited, and the sincerity in his eyes moved Xi Yu a little.

"Your Majesty, why did you suddenly pay a private visit incognito? What if there is any danger along the way?"

"Uncle, I was very bored in the palace, and I happened to think of my uncle, so I wanted to come over and take a look. It's quite exciting to think about it."

"But Your Majesty, you didn't complain about the soldiers guarding the gate, right?"

"No, they are loyal to their duties. This proves that my uncle is managing well here, and I feel relieved."

Next, the two people started chatting all over the place.

After all, they hadn't seen each other for a long time, and while chatting, the subject of Song Meijiao came up.

"I heard that she has a younger sister."

Xi Yu said that was indeed the case.

And soon, he will marry two women. Since the emperor is here, why not marry him? This is the blessing he has cultivated.

This time, Xi Yu took Liu Xie to live in his house.

"That's great. I didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing after coming here. I really like to witness your marriage."

"Your Majesty, if that's the case, then hurry up and pack your things."

Liu Xie was very happy and called the young eunuch.

The two of them didn't bring much luggage, they just packed it briefly and then rode away.

However, when they got to the border crossing, Xi Yu didn't reveal the identities of the two people.

When they came to the street, Xi Yu asked Liu Xie in a low voice, after arriving at the house, should he disclose his identity or continue to hide it?

Liu Xie thought for a moment and then said, if it is a few relatives, he can tell them.

There is no need to say anything about some irrelevant personnel.

This is what Xi Yu thought.

Soon, the three people arrived at the mansion.

Xiyu prepared a good guest room for the two of them.

Liu Xie wanted to see Song Meijiao very much.

"Your Majesty, you wait here, I will make arrangements right now."

Soon, Xi Yu arrived at the door of Song Meijiao's room.

There was laughter and laughter inside. It turned out that Song Meijiao was playing cards with Ouyang Linlin and others.

Xi Yu coughed outside, the women quickly stopped, and Song Meijiao opened the door.

Xi Yu looked inside.

"You guys had a lot of fun."

Song Meijiao said that they had just started and they did not violate Xiyu's rules. They would not stay too long.

Xi Yu smiled and said, "I'm not here to ask questions. Come with me. I want to take you to see someone."

"Who is he?"

"Don't ask yet, you will know soon."

After that, Xi Yu asked everyone to leave first.

Although everyone was frustrated, they eventually dispersed.

Song Meijiao followed Xi Yu to the guest room, wondering which guest it was? Why do you want to see yourself?

Finally, the door opened.

Song Meijiao saw the most beautiful young man sitting on a chair.

When she saw the other party, she felt very cordial.

Similarly, Liu Xie felt the same way when he saw her.

Xi Yu then said: "This is the current Holy Emperor, please kneel down quickly."

Song Meijiao was stunned for a moment. He quickly knelt down and saluted.

Liu Xie quickly helped him up.

"I already know your life experience. You are still my treasure, so there is no need to give this big gift."

Song Meijiao quickly stood up and then blamed Xi Yu.

Why didn't he tell himself in advance, which caused him to lose his temper in front of His Majesty?

Xi Yu smiled and said, "Your brother won't blame you. Okay, you two can talk."

After that, he winked at the young eunuch, and the two of them walked out.

In the room, Liu Xie asked Song Meijiao a lot, and then said: "Actually, it is a pity that you do not live in the palace, but it is also a blessing, because the world is too chaotic now."

Song Meijiao didn't expect Liu Xie to say such things to herself.

But he also said that many people in the palace have no family ties at all.

However, now that he knew such a sister, he suddenly felt the happiness of life.

"Beauty, thank you Your Majesty for saying so."

"Since you are the real sister, why are you still called Beauty? You should be called Chen Mei."

So Song Meijiao had no choice but to change her tune, although he was still a little uncomfortable with it.

"Brother Huang, are you here for Huang Mei?"

Liu Xie shook his head and told what happened this time.

It was purely an accident that I met this imperial sister, but I was very happy. Since I was here, I had to officially reveal my identity for the imperial sister, and in addition, I had to witness their marriage.

Song Meijiao's face turned red.

It seems that Xi Yu has already mentioned that they are going to get married.

"Royal sister, I can see that you like him very much. He is really a great man."

Liu Xie suddenly became embarrassed again.

"Brother Imperial, what's wrong with you?"

"I have always called him uncle. If you marry him, wouldn't this title be confusing?"

Song Meijiao suddenly felt a little dumbfounded.

"What? The emperor calls him uncle, where does this come from?"

Liu Xie then told her the relevant allusions.

"Your Majesty, this one has no blood relationship and cannot be counted."

Liu Xie thought it made sense, and after a while he sent someone to ask Xi Yu to come over quickly.

"I wonder what your Majesty's orders are?"

Liu Xie said: "This is in your home. You don't need to be so polite. I just discussed it with the emperor's sister. From now on, it seems that I really can't call you uncle anymore."

Xi Yu also immediately thought of the link.

"Yes, because from now on, Wei Chen will become your brother-in-law."

Liu Xie proposed to disclose his identity to the other party in person, and Xi Yu said that would be the best.

"As long as you say a word, people all over the world will believe it even more."

But Xi Yu felt that Liu Xie was too naive, and he didn't propose anything like recognizing relatives with low blood, so he believed it when he said it.

Liu Xie coughed, and then said: "I don't want to call you uncle. I really don't know what to call you, so let's call you Xi Gong. Xi Gong, if you have a child in the future, you see..."

This time a sensitive topic came up, and the scene suddenly became cold.

Of course Xi Yu knew what Liu Xie meant, it was the same as what Song Datian said.

Song Meijiao's heart was also pounding.

Xi Yu said that as a minister, he could not commit the crime of deceiving the emperor. He must speak his mind.

"Your Majesty, in the future, the humble ministers must see which of their sons can become a great person, and then pass the mantle to him."

Liu Xie sighed.

"You are right. I am overthinking myself and should not interfere in this matter."

Just before Xi Yu arrived, Liu Xie took the initiative to tell Song Meijiao about Xi Yu's idea of ​​a constitutional monarchy, and Song Meijiao was shocked.

I also felt puzzled. As a young woman, I didn't expect that the emperor would actually tell me such a thing.

It seems that Liu Xie really regards himself as a relative.

He is also willing to accept his future fate, and he seems to know that he cannot change the overall situation.

At this moment, Xi Yu saw Song Meijiao's calm expression and knew that Liu Xie had already told her about this matter.

Liu Xie yawned and said that he was going to rest. Let them all step back and be a pure emperor for a few days.

Xi Yu will be asked to announce his arrival in a few days, because this time he must disclose his identity, and he also has to confirm his identity to Song Meijiao.

"In this case, Weichen will retire."

After Song Meijiao and Xi Yu retreated, Xi Yu asked Song Meijiao if she was nervous talking to the emperor.

Song Meijiao shook her head, really not.

"Probably because of blood relationship."

Song Meijiao said that his original life was like a dream, and he never thought that since he was a princess.

I even thought about meeting the emperor this time.

"Share this matter with Mr. Song."

Song Meijiao also had this intention, so she came to Song Datian's room.

"Daughter, why are you here?"

"Dad, let me tell you something. Guess who I just saw. You won't be able to guess it." She smiled mysteriously.

Song Datian shook his head, where can I guess this?

"Daughter, you'd better tell dad quickly."

Song Meijiao said: "Then you must be prepared. You will definitely be very surprised when you tell me."

"Okay, daughter, stop being so nagging and tell me the answer quickly."

"Okay, Dad, listen carefully, this person is the current Holy Emperor." (End of Chapter)

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