Song Datian was shocked when he heard this.

"Daughter, are you telling the truth? Have you really met His Majesty?"

"Yes, Dad, do I still need to lie to you?"

Song Datian asked about the specific situation.

Song Meijiao also told him.

"The two of us have known each other, and he said that he will pass on the news about his daughter's identity."

"This is really great. Dad has been looking forward to this day."

Song Datian has always had such a wish, that is, he hopes that his daughter can be recognized.

Song Meijiao suddenly blushed. She mentioned that Liu Xie had also expressed the hope that this child could inherit the throne in the future.

But it was rejected by Xi Yu at that time.

She also told what Xi Yu said at that time.

Song Datian nodded: "It is very normal for the actor to say this. It proves that he is not a false person."

Although Liu Xie's identity has not been disclosed now, many people have already made speculations. They all know that there is a noble person in the family because they cook for him alone when cooking, and it is particularly rich.

Therefore, many servants had their guesses.

At night, Ouyang Linlin came to Xi Yu's room.

"Husband, you asked us to stop while we were playing cards. I want to know what kind of distinguished guest is here?"

Ouyang Linlin knew through clues that a big shot was coming, but he didn't dare to guess at all.

"Why are you asking me? Have you already guessed the answer?"

Ouyang Linlin said that she didn't know the answer yet, so she should let Xi Yu tell her.

"He is the current saint."

Xi Yu didn't want to show off, so he directly told the answer.

Ouyang Linlin's expression changed drastically.

Xi Yu asked, "What's wrong? You seem so scared?"

"No, it just surprised me too much."

Next, Ouyang Linlin was curious, how could the emperor come here so well?

Xi Yu told the relevant situation.

Four or five days later, Xi Yu announced Liu Xie's arrival to the whole city.

Because today Liu Xie plans to reveal Song Meijiao’s true identity.

When many people learned the news, they immediately rushed to gather near the city gate.

Everyone saw Xi Yu bringing a young man to the gate of the city. He was very young, very handsome and majestic.

They all immediately speculated on Liu Xie's true identity.

Xiyu asked everyone to keep quiet.

"Okay, everyone, please stop messing around. Next, I have something important to announce."

Many people also became quiet, which made Liu Xie realize that Xi Yu really won the hearts of the people.

Otherwise, he would not be able to make all these people stop with just one word.

Xi Yu pointed at Liu Xie and said, "Do you know who the person beside me is? Everyone, please kneel down and say Long live the Mountain, because he is the current Holy Emperor."

As soon as these words were said, all the people were shocked and knelt down immediately.

At this moment, Liu Xie once again felt the majesty of being an emperor.

In fact, just before coming, he had asked Xi Yu if he wanted to go to the entrance of the gate tower.

In fact, he only needed to issue a decree to prove Song Meijiao's true identity.

Because he is afraid that if someone assassinates him, what should he do?

But Xi Yu said that he still had to come here.

As for his safety, I guarantee that it will be absolutely foolproof.

In fact, Liu Xie also felt that Xi Yu's actions actually had some intention of bringing the emperor to order the princes.

Just to let everyone know that he and I are on the same page.

In the future, if he does something, he can definitely create his own banner.

In fact, Xi Yu really meant this.

Of course, he is different from Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao and others who used the emperor to control the princes.

Because he is sincere and loved by the people.

Liu Xie immediately said: "Okay, you all get up."

He said that he first praised Xiyu for making Youzhou Pi, Qingzhou and other places particularly good.

He felt very gratified that it had become a national pilot project.

Because Xi Yu is his capable general, all this is done for himself.

Xi Yu understood that what he said was to express that he was doing things for Liu Xie.

It’s really hard for me to object openly.

At the same time, Liu Xie also said that because he particularly liked playing Yu and had nothing to do in the palace, he wanted to come to the private server for a private visit.

Because only in this way can we see some real situations.

As a result, I can truly see the special prosperity of this place governed by Xi Yu.

At the same time, he accidentally heard that he had an imperial sister, Song Meijiao, who Xi Yu wanted to marry.

And today he was going to officially announce that Song Meijiao was his royal sister.

According to the procedure, the next step is for Song Meijiao to appear in front of everyone for everyone to worship.

Liu Xie also gave Song Meijiao a new name, Princess Huanzhu.

Song Meijiao didn't expect that one day everyone would worship her, and she felt a little excited.

"Fathers and fellow citizens, wake up quickly. No matter what my status is, I am still a common person."

This time, he once again won warm applause from everyone.

Next, Xi Yu said that he would marry Song Meijiao and Xi Shi soon.

And His Majesty happens to be here, so I feel very honored to witness my marriage when the time comes.

After everyone dispersed, they all started talking about this matter.

The news soon reached Chang'an.

Only then did everyone realize that His Majesty the Emperor had actually left the palace.

And when it reached Luoyang, Cao Pi and others were stunned.

Is Liu Xie openly siding with Xi Yu?

Since the ninja left, he has been worried that Xi Yu will attack him, and he has been prepared. But so many days have passed, and Xiyu still hasn't arrived.

A few days before the wedding, Xi Yu held a meeting, and the entire meeting focused on her marriage issues.

He announced the formation of a Marriage Commission.

Jia Xu was appointed as the leader of the committee. None of the ministers present knew what the marriage committee was doing.

Xiyu explained a little bit.

Xi Yu decided to hold a new style wedding this time.

Just have a master of ceremonies.

The master of ceremonies let Zhuge Liang carry out the preliminary plan.

He also wrote out some wedding lines and asked Zhuge Liang to read them, and Zhuge Liang read them to everyone on the spot.

Zhuge Liang felt that this line was very novel.

He laughed heartily: "Drama Master, you always surprise everyone."

He then recited the wedding lines, and many people found it refreshing.

Xi Yu knew that this anti-traditional method would definitely arouse everyone's discussion and surprise.

And indeed it is.

Jia Xu stood up after Zhuge Liang finished speaking. He said, "Master Xi, my subordinates think there is something wrong with this matter."

Xi Yu probably knew what he was going to say, but he still asked deliberately: "Oh, why do you think it's inappropriate?"

Jia Xu said that because it says that men and women seem to be equal.

But men have always been superior to women.

"Master Xi, this is really anti-traditional, and I'm afraid it will cause ridicule and dissatisfaction from people all over the world."

Zhao Yun and others seemed to feel this way, and Zhou Yu said that he very much supported Mr. Jia's views.

"I feel it's normal for you to say that, because this time I want to break the traditional thinking and let everyone know that men and women are equal." Xi Yu said.

There are some things that women can do that men can do. He instilled in everyone some theories about the equality of men and women in previous lives.

Many people are thinking about where Xi Yu got these anti-traditional ideas. Why is this idea different from what everyone thinks?

People also thought about the many projects Xi Yu had done recently, including road construction, building a center for the mentally retarded, and so on.

Including the former Youzhou College, every thing has not been pioneered by predecessors.

In this case, this new wedding may be acceptable.

Gradually, there was no more controversy.

Xi Yu finally persuaded them.

"Okay, if that's the case, then everyone just goes to their respective places."

After the meeting, Xi Yu also told Liu Xie the news.

"What? Are you going to have a new-style wedding?"

What kind of new law is this?

Xi Yu then told him the contents of the meeting.

"Equality between men and women? Mr. Xi, how could you come up with such a concept?"

Xi Yuxun thought, in my time, everyone mentioned it this way, and it can be said that the status of women was much higher than that of men.

But I can't explain these principles to the other party.

"In short, Your Majesty will definitely see a unique wedding."

The news that Xi Yu was getting married gradually spread throughout Youzhou, and many wealthy businessmen wanted to join him.

Therefore, many people in the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce gave their share of money to Sun Quan, hoping that he could transfer it.

Sun Quan didn't know whether Xi Yu would accept it, so he promised several merchants that he would accept it for the time being.

If the actor is unwilling, the money will be refunded to everyone at that time.

When Sun Quan finished talking about this matter to Xi Yu, Xi Yu was indeed a little unhappy.

He said that this time he would definitely not let anyone follow suit.

He didn't want to make a big deal about it. Sun Quan thought to himself, he had already asked the emperor to witness the marriage, so why couldn't he not make a big deal about it?

"Master Xi, this is everyone's wish after all, so you might as well accept it."

Xiyu finally gave up.

Sun Quan understood that the reason why Xi Yu spoke so grandly was because he was embarrassed to accept the money.

Seeing that he accepted it, he turned around and told the merchants, and the merchants became happy.

On the other side, Sima Yi found out that Xi Yu was going to marry his second daughter, so he asked Cao Pi if he wanted to prepare some congratulatory gifts.

"Zhongda, do you think this is necessary? Although we haven't openly quarreled with each other yet, everyone knows that the two will eventually have a battle. I'm afraid there's no need to play tricks on each other."

But Sima Yi believed that there should still be some face-saving projects.

"You should step back first, and I will think about this matter carefully."

In Xi Zhicai's house, Xi Zhicai also heard about these things, and his younger brother married a woman again.

He felt very happy and really hoped to go to the scene to congratulate him.

But he knew that he could never make such a request to Cao Pi.

Because he is Xi Yu's brother, a sensitive person, and attracts everyone's attention. If he does this, it will definitely arouse others' suspicion.

While I was thinking about it, a servant informed me that it was Cao Pi who invited me.

Xi Zhicai met Cao Pi.

"I wonder what Duke Cao did when he called his subordinates to come?"

"I heard that the actor is getting married again. Have you heard about this?"

Xi Zhi was stunned for a moment, he had to answer honestly.

"I've heard about it."

If you tell lies, it will make the other party think that you are disloyal.

"Oh, then would you like to go back and congratulate me?"

Xi Zhicai smiled. He was in poor health, so it was good to be able to see his brother for the last time.

Besides, it's too far away, and there's no point in just going to the banquet. Just wish them well in your heart.

This answer surprised Cao Pi.

"You really don't want to go back? If you want, I can transfer it to a permanent leave."

Of course Xi Zhicai knew that Cao Pi was testing himself and was not sincere.

"My subordinates appreciate Duke Cao's kindness, but there is really no need for it. The main reason is that every time I go out, I am not accustomed to the local environment. Nowhere is as comfortable as at home."

Cao Pi stared at his eyes carefully, really not knowing whether he was telling the truth or a lie.

"Well, since you have this idea, I won't force you. Do you think I want to send you some congratulatory gifts?"

"You don't have to be polite, Mr. Cao. But I still thank Mr. Cao for my brother."

Cao Pi laughed heartily and finally said: "Okay, actually you also understand that the actor and I are going to have a fight. How will you deal with it then?"

Xi Zhicai probably thought that Cao Pi would ask such a question. He was deep in thought and looked pained.

"I don't know. I don't want a war. I just hope that the two can get together better and work together."

Afterwards, Xi Zhi shed some tears. He said that it was really difficult for him to choose between his biological brother and his favorite camp.

This time, it was Cao Pi's turn to become silent.

He originally hoped to find the fault with the other party's words and humiliate them severely, but this answer was impeccable. After a while, he said: "Okay, it's all my fault for making the topic so heavy. Okay, if you don't have anything to do, just back off."

That night, Xi Zhicai had a dream, and he was walking on the road.

The moonlight was particularly bright, and although some places were a bit unfamiliar, he didn't feel tired at all when he walked.

After a while, I unknowingly came to the end of an alley.

Several black men suddenly fell off the wall next to them.

He was startled, and several black men surrounded him.

Xi Zhicai said: "What do you want to do?"

"Of course we want to capture you, because Xi Yu is going to fight Cao Gong soon. Cao Gong means that we must take you as a hostage."

So, several men in black immediately caught Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai shouted: "What do you want to do? Let me go quickly."

"Let you go? How is this possible? Just give up on this."

In this way, he was caught and brought to Cao Pi.

At this moment, Cao Pi had a very ferocious look on his face.

"Xi Zhicai, don't blame me, because if I can't defeat your brother, I can only use you as a hostage. I hope you can understand."

"Mr. Cao, I am loyal to you. My brother once asked me to seek refuge with him, but I didn't agree. You can't do this to me."

Cao Pi slapped him suddenly.

"What's the use of talking about this now? I can only do this to save my life. What if I am insulted by the people in the world? Anyway, the people in the world have already insulted me."

Afterwards, Xi Zhicai was knocked unconscious.

After a while, he had another dream, that is, he was tied to a rope and then led to the battlefield.

Xi Yu's soldiers fought a duel with Cao Pi's soldiers, and they were beaten to death.

The scene was still ablaze, and Xi Yu saw victory in hand and wanted Cao Pi to surrender quickly.

At this moment, Xi Zhicai appeared in front of Xi Yu.

Cao Pi said: "Xi Yu, who wants to surrender? If you offend me, I will kill your brother."

At this moment, Xi Yu asked the soldiers to stop their actions quickly.

Cao Pi laughed.

"Xi Yu, please kneel down for me!"

Xi Zhicai shouted: "Brother, please leave me alone."

However, Xi Yu still knelt down in front of Cao Pi.

After that, Cao Pi ordered the soldiers to whip Xi Yu.

Xiyu let out a cry.

Xi Zhicai shouted loudly: "No, absolutely don't."

Just like that, Xi Zhi woke up from his sleep.

His body immediately jumped up from the bed, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Only then did I realize it was a dream.

But why is this dream so real?

This time, he was completely sleepless.

He put on his shoes, got up and came to the yard, and saw that the bright moon was also so bright.

Just like what I saw in my sleep.

He just stood in front of the window until dawn.

He felt that the scene in this dream might actually happen in reality.

In the past, he thought Cao Pi was an upright person, but now he knew that Cao Pi had been in contact with ninjas.

Although everyone has stopped talking about this topic recently, there is always a clue in his heart.

Maybe there's nothing Xiyu can't do.

What should Cao Pi do if he really threatens Xi Yu by taking himself as a hostage?

If the two armies were really at war, how awkward would he be in this position?

He should think of a way to avoid it.

Should he really join Xi Yu?

And he also believes that it is possible that Xi Yu will be the final winner. Will he be a slave to the country's subjugation, or will he become a younger brother again?

When it came time for breakfast, he was still dumbfounded. Suddenly I felt sleepy again, so I went to catch up on my sleep. (End of chapter)

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