When Xi Zhi got up, he suddenly fell ill.

After all, he had been standing in front of the window for so long and still had a cold.

In addition, he was very worried, so this illness was also mixed with mental illness.

It rained in Luoyang.

Sima Yi stood in the corridor of his home, looking at the rain falling on the eaves.

After a while, he felt a shadow coming from behind. When he turned around, it turned out to be his son Sima Shi.

"Father, it's raining. Why didn't you go to the room instead of staying here?"

Sima Yi sighed and finally walked into the study.

Let Master Sima also come in.

He said that it was for the sake of Bao Wei's future.

Because Xi Yu is busy getting married now, and there will probably be a war after the wedding.

As an important minister of Cao Pi, how could he not worry about this?

"I told you, you can't help much." Sima Yi shook his head.

Master Sima said that he really had an idea.

Sima Yi suddenly felt his eyes light up and asked, "What do you have in mind? Tell me quickly."

"Dad, if I am wrong, please don't blame me."

"How is that possible? If you have anything to say, just say it."

Master Sima then proposed that Xi Zhicai could be attacked and then Xi Yu could be contained.

Sima Yi immediately understood what he meant.

"Is this appropriate?"

Seeing Sima Yi's expression, Master Sima knew that his father must have thought about this matter before.

"Father, what is inappropriate about this?"

Master Sima said that if Cao Pi felt that he would not do so because of his face, there was no need to worry.

Cao Pi's previous contact with ninjas has been widely spread, so why can't this be done?

Sima Yi said: "Son, you have to be careful what you say, because Mr. Cao has done this before, so he has to take his own reputation into consideration."

"Dad, although I don't understand very well, I also know that people who do great things are informal. If you are as timid as a woman, how can you achieve great things? Besides, besides this, is there anything better? Is there any way?”

Sima Yi also considered the strength of the two families. They may be equally matched, but in a real fight, his side may not be Xi Yu's opponent.

Moreover, Xi Yu wields troops like a god. In this case, they must think of a way.

He had indeed considered this approach.

Even if he is reviled by the world, what does it matter?

It will get better as time goes by.

Master Sima said at the same time: "If you succeed, you will be a king, if you fail, you will be a bandit. If you really win, after a long time, people will gradually forget this matter. At that time, people will say that Duke Cao won with wisdom." "

"Dad, you have always hoped that they would win, but you must listen to your son."

After a while, Sima Yi finally nodded.

He said he would discuss this matter with Cao Pi.

"In that case, let's wait until the rain stops."

Sima Yi thought to himself, that’s right, and he doesn’t remember this moment either.

At night, the rain finally stopped, and the air was particularly fresh.

Just now a soldier came to report to Cao Pi, saying that Xi Zhicai was ill and might not be able to come in the near future. He hoped to ask for leave.

Cao Pi quickly asked what was going on.

The other party said that he had caught a cold occasionally, and he had already taken medicine and was in the process of being treated.

Seeing Sima Yi arriving, Cao Pi brought some grapes to share with him.

"Zhongda, what can you do? Let's eat some grapes first."

Sima Yi had no intention of eating grapes, so he gave his suggestion.

But he didn't say his son's name. Instead, he said it was his own idea.

Cao Pi's reaction was also, is this a good idea?

I was insulted just now. If I do this again, wouldn't everyone think that I am a despicable villain?

"Mr. Cao, my subordinates have actually considered this issue, but they don't stick to trivial matters when doing big things."

Cao Pi quickly asked Sima Yi if there were any such similar examples in history.

If someone does this, then it would be reasonable to do it yourself.

"Gong Cao, there was a Duke Zheng Zhuang in the Spring and Autumn Period. You should understand his affairs, right?"

Cao Pi nodded. After all, he had read many books.

Speaking of Zheng Zhuanggong, he remembered many allusions.

Duke Zhuang of Zheng was a very sinister man, but he also achieved a hegemony.

"But Xi Zhicai asked for leave today, saying he was sick."

Sima Yi was shocked.

"Is he pretending to be ill? Is he aware that something is wrong, so he does this deliberately?"

"It's impossible. You and I are just discussing this matter now. How can he know about it?"

But Sima Yi felt that the other party must have had a premonition.

That's why he pretended to be sick. He might as well let Cao Pi test whether he was really sick.

"Mr. Cao, why don't you accompany me to his house tomorrow to see if he is really sick or is he pretending to be sick?"

Cao Pi thought for a moment, that was fine, since his family had come to ask for leave anyway, so as his master, it was natural for him to visit his subordinates.

That night, Xi Yu rested in Sun Shangxiang's room.

When Sun Shangxiang was preparing to serve him, he saw that he was a little indifferent.

"Husband, is it because you are about to marry the two of them that you are a little bit disgusted with an old man like me?"

"You are overthinking. There is no such thing. I was worried about my brother just now."

Only then did Sun Shangxiang realize that he had misunderstood him.

She knew that it must be because the next two places were going to fight, so Xi Zhi was caught in the middle, which was a bit ugly.

"But the eldest brother himself is very stubborn. He is unwilling to surrender to his husband."

"That's why I'm a little worried."

In short, this is a messy matter that cannot be managed.

He didn't have the intention to do anything between men and women tonight, so he just let Sun Shangxiang accompany him and sleep like this.

"Husband, why don't you go directly to Luoyang to bring your eldest brother back."

Xi Yu suddenly laughed bitterly. This idea was too childish. Although he had good intentions, would his elder brother come back if he went there?

"If I could pick it up, wouldn't I have picked it up long ago?"

"Big brother is not here at all in his heart. After all, he will be caught in the middle. We are moved by his affection and understand him rationally."

Xi Yu shook his head. This was simply not a way to ask the other party to stop saying that.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiyu was counting down the days, but he couldn't be happy because he was thinking about his brother.

He quickly returned to the room and asked the secret guard Qin Feng to come out.

"I wonder why the actor is looking for his subordinates?"

"I hope you will go to Luoyang and then go to my brother's house."

"What are you doing there? I hope Xi Gongming will tell me."

"To protect my brother."

Xi Yu just considered that if the two armies were fighting, it would not only be Xi Zhi who would be in an awkward position.

Cao Pi might threaten himself by taking him as a hostage.

Now it seems from various signs that Cao Pi is completely able to do this kind of thing, just like he can do anything with ninjas.

Isn't this kind of thing a piece of cake for him?

In addition, he has some advisers around him to give him advice, and he will do such things even more unscrupulously.

Xi Yu then told Qin Feng what he was worried about.

Qin Feng said: "Okay, Mr. Xi, don't worry, my subordinates will set off immediately."

With this promise, Xi Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. It would be best if there was no such thing.

If there is, then Qin Feng can protect his brother.

He said silently in his heart, brother, we will meet soon.

When he attacked the city, he must have met this brother.

After Qin Feng left, he could safely consider marriage.

Sun Shangxiang and Ouyang Linlin took on the responsibility of purchasing and arranging the marriage, while several men were responsible for the issues on the wedding day.

In the past few days, Liu Xie and the young eunuch had gone out to play outside Youzhou. Of course, Xi Yu also sent people to protect them.

After all, the emperor's safety was very important.

Every time he travels, Liu Xie deeply feels the prosperity of Youzhou.

And I also witnessed the traffic rules system established by Xi Yu. Although a small number of people violated the traffic rules, most people were still good.

Overall, Youzhou is still very prosperous.

That night, Liu Xie and Xi Yu had dinner together.

"Master Xi, I heard that you are building roads now."

"Yes, I want to connect all the territories I manage to better benefit the people."

"This is really a big project."

Xi Yu said that although the project was huge, he did it for the people and was very kind to the workers, paying them high prices.

So they are willing to do it, and there will be no shoddy projects.

"Your Majesty, just like the Great Wall built by the Qin Dynasty to resist the Xiongnu, it caused countless wives and children to be separated, and many migrant workers died as a result."

"Your Majesty, you should understand why when the Great Wall was being built, many people insulted Qin Shihuang, but when Wei ministers were doing these projects, basically no one insulted him."

Xi Yu nodded, the reason was simple.

"It's because Qin Shihuang did it for himself, but you really do it for the people."

Xi Yu poured Liu Xie a pot of wine, and then talked about the issue of peace and prosperity.

"What do you think of Wenjing's rule?"

While Xi Yu was talking about this issue, he remembered that he had discussed this issue with Cao Cao before.

However, Cao Cao has entered another world at this moment.

Xi Yu also lamented that time passed so quickly, and it had been several years since he traveled to this world.

"The rule of Wenjing was naturally a prosperous era. At that time, our ancestors went through great efforts to govern and let the people live a good life."

Xi Yu smiled slightly.

"Your Majesty, if I say something disrespectful, I wonder if you can forgive me for my fault?"

"Master Xi, if you have anything to say, it doesn't matter if you just say it."

"Weichen thinks that was not the real prosperous age."

Liu Xie was stunned.

If that’s not called a prosperous age, what else would it be called?

During the Zhou Dynasty, the country was torn apart, and each of the large vassal states was in charge of its own affairs. They ignored the Emperor of Zhou, and during the Qin Dynasty, they used Legalist violence to govern.

Finally, the era of great unification of the Han Dynasty came, and the rule of Wen and Jing appeared. This is a legend that has been passed down through the ages. Why did Xi Yu deny him when he came here?

Liu Xie's face looked a little ugly.

"Your Majesty, I can understand your reaction."

Liu Xie said angrily: "Then please explain to me what is going on?"

When Xi Yu talked about the so-called prosperous times, sometimes they were fictitious phenomena, but in contrast, another period was more prosperous.

However, there were times when the population was reduced due to wars every year.

This is just an illusion created by literati.

The era of Wenjing's rule was a little better, but by the time of Zhenguan's rule and the heyday of Kangxi and Qianlong, it was even more false, and many of them could be boasted by some literati.

But there is no need for Xi Yu to talk about what will happen next.

After hearing this, Liu Xie felt that it made sense.

"I see, your words really enlightened me."

Then, he smiled bitterly.

"It seems that you still have ambitions. I hope your achievements can surpass Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing."

It seems that the world is full of jokes sooner or later, so there is nothing to avoid this problem.

"This is the goal of my subordinates, but it is not easy to say whether it can be achieved."

Liu Xie was silent, his mood was very complicated.

He felt that his life was unlucky, he encountered troubled times, and met many people he didn't want to meet.

And also met Xi Yu, a unique genius.

"Okay, Your Majesty, let's not just talk, the food is getting cold."

Xi Yu asked Liu Xie to eat quickly.

The next day, Xi Yu received a letter from Liu Bei of Fangjun.

It turned out that Guan Yu had already informed Liu Bei of the emperor's arrival in a letter.

So Liu Bei wanted to ask. He wanted to come to pay homage to the emperor, but he didn't know if it was appropriate.

Moreover, Guan Yu wrote a letter to him, and he hoped that Xi Yu would not blame Guan Yu.

Xi Yu knew that if he didn't agree, Liu Bei would definitely say that he was unkind, so he might as well kick the ball directly to Liu Xie.

"Your Majesty, Liu Bei sent a letter to Wei Chen. Do you think it is necessary to make a decision? What do you think?"

"Oh, my uncle actually wrote you a letter, do I think it's appropriate?"

"Because it is related to His Majesty, His Majesty can naturally read it."

Liu Xie took the letter and looked at it, only to realize that Xi Yu had kicked the ball to him.

"Drama Master, what do you think?"

"Since Liu Bei likes His Majesty very much, it is natural for him to come to pay homage, but I don't know if Your Majesty is willing to see him."

Liu Xie said: "Okay, I also want to see him, so please reply."

Because Liu Bei said in the letter that he also hoped to come to the wedding specially to feel happy.

So, Xi Yu immediately found someone to reply to the letter and sent it to Liu Bei.

The next day, Liu Bei received the letter.

In fact, Liu Bei was full of confidence. He believed that Xi Yu would definitely let him go after receiving the letter.

He simply didn't consider the other possibility.

In the letter, Xi Yu praised his special respect for His Majesty the Emperor.

You can come, but you must take care of Fangjun's affairs, and you must not leave any worries.

After everything is explained, just come directly.

Liu Bei quickly arranged the matter, and then headed to Youzhou without stopping.

At this moment, Qin Feng has arrived in Luoyang.

We are about to enter Xi Zhicai's mansion.

On this day, Sima Yi and Cao Pi came to visit Xi Zhicai.

When they learned that Cao Pi was coming, the servants didn't notify them and just let them in.

Xi Zhicai was lying on the bed, looking listless. There were several servants guarding the door.

When they saw Cao Pi, they immediately saluted.

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that since it was Cao Pi who had arrived, although he was sick, he was not confused.

He understood that Cao Pi was here to test, and soon the servants booked Cao Pi and Sima Yi into a room.

Xi Zhicai quickly prepared to stand up and salute.

Cao Pi said: "I heard that you are sick, please do not salute."

Xi Zhicai smiled bitterly. He was so sick that he still had two people coming to visit him.

"Ever since you found someone to tell me that day, I have been particularly concerned about you. I finally took the time to see you today."

Sima Yi saw that the other party really didn't look like he was pretending to be sick, and there was a bowl on the table.

There were residues of medicine in the bowl, so Xi Zhi asked the two of them to sit down quickly.

"I wonder how you got sick?"

Xi Zhicai found an excuse, saying that one night he might have been wearing too thin clothes, but he didn't think anything was wrong at that time.

The next day, I felt bad all over, including vomiting, coughing and headache.

I thought it would get better soon, but unexpectedly it got worse and worse.

"It is really painful for me to not be able to share government affairs with Duke Cao these days."

What he said was naturally half-truth and half-false.

He was indeed very loyal to Cao Pi, but since Cao Pi cooperated with the ninjas, he also felt slightly cold.

"You don't have to be so polite. Now you just need to take good care of yourself. I still have many people in my hands, and they can all give me advice."

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Cao, Mr. Xi is very ill this time."

Cao Pi quickly asked him what he meant.

Xi Zhicai was also a little unhappy.

"Mr. Sima, is it possible that you are hoping that I will get sick?"

After saying this, he coughed violently.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Xi, please don't misunderstand me."

"Then what do you mean, you have to tell me clearly." After another cough, Xi Zhi said.

Of course, because of the cold, his voice had become different from usual, which further confirmed that his illness was definitely not fake.

"Because Xi Yu is about to have a decisive battle with Duke Cao, and if you are asked to make an idea, you will definitely be in a dilemma. So at this time, God has allowed you to get sick and have a good rest. Isn't this a good thing?"

"So that's what happened." Xi Zhicai couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"That makes some sense. Okay, it's getting late, so let's not disturb Mr. Xi's rest."

Cao Pi stood up, and finally the two of them walked out of the house.

Sima Yi said: "Mr. Cao, regarding those things..."

"Anyway, Xi Yu hasn't officially attacked yet, so that matter is not urgent. Let him recover first." (End of Chapter)

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