Sima Yi thought to himself, it can only be like this.

But after the two of them left, Xi Zhicai lay on the bed and carefully recalled the scene just now.

His body was extremely sore, and he did not expect that his bones would get worse and worse.

But because the consciousness is very clear, the pain is even greater.

I remember last year, I was sick for a while.

At that time, Cao Pi did not come to see him.

And this time it must have been intentional. He thought of the dream he had again. Could it be that the dream would become true?

When he thought of this, he felt very terrible.

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of that dream. What if it becomes true?

When the time comes, it will definitely put Xi Yu in a difficult situation, which he absolutely does not want to see.

He tossed and turned in bed, increasing his level of pain.

After a while, I fell asleep without realizing it.

When he woke up again, the sun was setting.

He felt his stomach growl because he had missed a meal today.

The weather was particularly gloomy, so he got up wearing a cotton-padded jacket.

This cotton-padded jacket was given to me by Xi Yu.

Soon, he finished the meal hungrily, but the wind started blowing outside.

Soon again, some sandstorms seemed to have appeared.

His body shivered violently, and in this case, it seemed that his cold had deepened again.

I ate a few more hurriedly and quickly returned to bed.

I slept too much during the day and couldn't sleep at all at night.

Suddenly, late at night, a figure loomed in his room.

This is when Qin Feng arrived.

He rubbed his groggy eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

Qin Feng felt that he had to talk to him now, because in front of everyone during the day, he would probably have no chance to talk.

"Mr. Xi, you read that right, I am a secret guard."

Xi Zhicai was immediately surprised. He didn't expect that the secret guard from his younger brother's place would come to him.

He suddenly felt energetic, as if Xi Yu had arrived.

Qin Feng also took the initiative to say his name.

Xi Zhicai also knew that the secret guard named him because he respected him particularly.

Generally, they will not take the initiative to sign up.

"I wonder what you're doing here?"

He then struggled to get up.

Qin Feng said in a low voice: "You don't have to get up, you don't feel well, just lie down."

He didn't say anything, he just said he was here to protect the other party.

Because Xi Yu considered the possibility that Cao Pi would attack Xi Zhicai.

Although Xi Zhicai is unlikely to leave here, so Cao Pi won't worry, but he may be used as a hostage to threaten Xigong in the future.

If this is the case, you must find a way to solve this problem yourself.

Xi Zhicai was immediately confused. Isn't this exactly the same as his dream?

Could it be that the two brothers have a tacit understanding?

Although there was no moon outside and the whole room was extremely dark, Qin Feng seemed to be able to feel that Xi Zhicai's face was so pale.

"You don't have to panic. As long as I'm here, there won't be any trouble."

Qin Feng said that anyway, the ninja is gone now, and no one can stop him.

Xi Zhicai said: "Thank you."

He then became concerned about Qin Feng's accommodation.

"We secret guards live in the dark. You don't have to worry about our food, drink, and peeing."

In the end, Qin Feng asked the other party to have a good rest and left.

After a long time, Xi Zhi felt that he was still living in a dream.

In the early morning of the next day, he suddenly found that his health was getting better, but since he had already asked for leave from Cao Pi, he could not go there yet.

Besides, who knows if they are brewing a plan now.

Yes, they must be hatching a plan, and someone may be offering them a plan.

That is Sima Yi.

This guy has too many clever ideas. What if he suggested this to Cao Pi?

On the second day, Xi Yu felt that Qin Feng might have arrived at Xi Zhicai's place because he kept sneezing.

It's possible that Xi Zhicai reported the news to him.

At that time, Wenxuan was with Xiyu.

Because Wenxuan learned that Xiyu was holding a new-style wedding again, he felt very happy, as it should be.

So she came here specifically to communicate.

"I knew you would like this method very much."

"But I don't like polygamy. It would be great if you could only have one wife, and this time you can take two at once."

Wenxuan nodded Xiyu's head, because there were only two of them and no outsiders were here.

Xiyu smiled bitterly.

"It's good that I can make this concession."

Wenxuan also burst into laughter.

Yes, it shouldn't be so harsh.

"Also, if I only like one wife, who should I like?"

Xi Yu posed this question to the other party.

Wenxuan was stunned, obviously not expecting Xi Yu to ask such a question.

"I don't know about this either. It just depends on you. It's hard to choose. In fact, it's not the same for me. So, let's not tell anyone else."

Xi Yu asked Wenxuan next.

"So how do you deal with your marital problems?"

When this issue was mentioned, Wenxuan was a little shy.

"I was originally talking about you, why are you talking about me like that?"

"I said this question is also very important. I know you don't like Dongfang Hong. Do you really plan to stay alone like this for the rest of your life?"

She sighed and looked into the distance, yes, is this how it goes?

But she really doesn't have anyone she likes right now, so let's talk about this later.

Wenxuan later presented some congratulatory gifts, and at the same time took out part of the money, saying that Dongfanghong wanted to give it.

"Hey, why doesn't he come?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm busy with other things."

Xi Yu didn't know what Dongfang Hong was busy with. Logically speaking, he was now a psychology teacher and had a lot of spare time. He was probably writing a book.

Ignore him for now, there are only two days left before the wedding. There is also a lot of rumors among the people.

In the eyes of more people, the opera master should allow the beauties to marry, let alone two, even ten or eight beauties at once, which is normal in the eyes of such people.

Therefore, no one felt inappropriate. After all, they and Wenxuan were different.

Sima Yi and Cao Pi discussed it and finally decided to send a congratulatory gift.

As Cao Pi said, there must be some face-saving projects.

So they sent a cart full of things, such as jade unicorns, agate pearls, etc. They were all treasures.

On this day, Xi Yu received a gift. Of course he knew that Cao Pi was trying to save face, but he accepted it.

On this afternoon, a guest came, it was Liu Bei.

Liu Bei also brought a lot of gifts. When he came to the theater just now, he was full of enthusiasm and had a smile on his face.

When he saw Xi Yu, he first knelt down and saluted.

"Liu Bei, you don't have to be polite. I feel it is an honor for you to come here."

After Liu Bei finished saluting, he asked to see Liu Xie.

Xi Yu then asked his servants to take Liu Bei to Liu Xie's room. After that, he just asked the servants to come out and let them speak for themselves.

When Xi Yu talked about the two men, he couldn't help but laugh.

Because Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty recognized the other party as the emperor's uncle, it was also due to political needs. In fact, this generation gap was several levels higher.

But it doesn't matter, it's all their own business anyway, and it has nothing to do with them.

And now Liu Bei can't make any waves.

While Liu Xie was reading, a servant suddenly announced that Liu Bei had arrived.

He was stunned for a moment.

"Please come quickly."

Liu Bei entered, and the servants left.

Liu Bei knelt down with a plop, and then tears flowed from his face. After all, crying is Liu Bei's true nature.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen has finally seen you. Since the last time we said goodbye, Wei Chen has been thinking about you very much, even in his dreams."

Tears have slid down this cheek. What he said made Liu Xie very moved, and he quickly went to help him.

"Uncle Emperor. Get up quickly, what are you doing?"

Liu Bei cried even harder, as if a child had lost a toy.

"Your Majesty, I miss you very much. I wish I could be by your Majesty's side every day, even if I am just a little eunuch."

"Uncle Emperor, please don't say that. How can you be a little eunuch if you have such a noble status?"

Liu Bei's approach was naturally half true and half false. He felt that the effect was very obvious, so he sat down.

Liu Xie took out a towel and asked him to wipe his tears quickly.

"Uncle Huang, I am really touched by what you said."

Next comes the formal greeting.

Liu Xie asked Liu Bei, how was the governance of Fang County?

"Your Majesty, everything is fine."

Next, Liu Bei asked Liu Xie if everything was okay.

Liu Xie sighed, but he felt that he should not affect the other party's bad mood, so he said: "Everything is fine with me."

Your Majesty, don't lie to Wei Chen. In these troubled times, how much better can the underground be?

Liu Xie sighed again.

Then, both of them fell silent, not knowing what to say.

It was Liu Bei who spoke first.

"Why does Your Majesty suddenly want to come here?"

"I wanted to come here because I was particularly bored, and it happened that I met the emperor's sister here."

Liu Bei knew nothing about the princess. So, he felt very strange.

"Your Majesty, what about the imperial sister you mentioned? Because there is another sister here."

So, he told the relevant situation.

Did Liu Bei not expect that it would be like this, and that the princess would soon become Xi Yu's wife? He was a little unhappy in his heart, and he also showed his unhappiness on his face.

Because he believed that Liu Xie was not an outsider.

Liu Xie deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Uncle Emperor, why do you look a little unhappy?"

"Really? No, it's just that Wei Chen may have traveled a long distance and is not accustomed to the climate."

Liu Bei felt that Liu Xie knew what he meant, but still pretended to be confused. This clearly means treating yourself as an outsider.

Next, he didn't know whether he should say some intimate words. In fact, he thought there were some things that the other party should say first, that is, he hoped that he could help him well.

Because now Xiyu develops. By then there will be no place for Liu Xie.

After that, both of them remained silent, and the whole room seemed to become colder.

Liu Xie coughed and finally said, "Do you know about the constitutional monarchy?"

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment: "Your Majesty, what did you say?"

Liu Xie stood up, then came to the window and looked outside.

He told him what Xi Yu had told him, and Liu Bei's eyes moved very widely.

He didn't expect Xi Yu to have such thoughts.

Isn't this treason? Isn't this rebellion?

On the surface, he said that he would make arrangements for the emperor, but this was clearly treason.

The key is that His Majesty seems to be very happy with this. Did he agree to it?

"Your Majesty, do you like this?"

Liu Xie sighed and said that the Han Dynasty was indeed at the end of its rope.

Although I also wanted to gain a foothold, I never encountered a good time.

There is nothing he can do now.

Liu Xie's tears flowed down again.

He said: "Your Majesty, you must never agree to this."

"What can I do if I don't agree?"

He said that Xi Yu was actually very considerate. If that were the case, he would not kill himself after all.

He can still live. Of course, he also thinks that living like this may be a bit humiliating, but it is better than losing his life.

Liu Bei just cried.

Liu Xie said: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have brought up this topic. Okay, please stop crying."

Liu Bei said how difficult it was for Emperor Gaozu to conquer the country. Is it really going to fall into the hands of others now?

Liu Xiedao: "Is there any way to do this? Does the emperor have a better way?"

But Liu Bei cried even harder. Suddenly Liu Bei realized a question, what if a secret guard heard this?

You'd better stop talking nonsense.

Then he laughed.

"Okay, the actor is going to marry the two ladies soon. Your Majesty, let's talk about some happy things."

Liu Xie was naturally very smart and understood what was going on.

But regarding the secret guards, I am not afraid.

Anyway, he didn't have any special ideas. Xi Yu had already figured out his own path, so why should he think too much about it.

Liu Xie stretched, yawned and said, "Okay, Uncle Emperor, you'd better go to the room and take a rest. I'm a little tired."

I really don’t want to talk to the other party anymore, and I don’t know what will come out of the conversation.

Liu Bei originally wanted to say something, but seeing Liu Xie like this, he had no choice but to back down.

"In this case, I will resign."

In the evening, Xi Yu and Liu Bei had dinner together.

Liu Bei felt flattered and said that he was not worthy of eating with the emperor.

Liu Xie said: "Uncle, please don't be polite. I am now in the opera master's house just like you. I am a guest."

Xi Yu said: "Yes, if there are rules for something, then nothing can be done."

Xi Yu couldn't stand Liu Bei's hypocritical behavior.

Liu Bei then started to eat. He also said that he had heard that Song Meijiao was a princess, and he hoped that he could go and pay homage to the princess. Isn't it convenient?

"It's getting late today, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Xi Yu nodded, and the next day, Liu Bei went to pay homage to Song Meijiao under Xi Yu's guidance.

Song Meijiao said: "Okay, I still hope that I can be like a normal person. You should stop calling me princess. I'm really not used to it."

"Princess, Your Majesty has revealed your identity, and you are now a princess worthy of the name."

Xiyu was a little impatient.

"Liu Bei, you haven't seen Guan Yu since you came here, why don't you go meet him."

In fact, Liu Bei was about to bring up this topic, wouldn't it be better if Xi Yu said it?

"Yes, I do miss my second brother, especially after the death of my third brother, I regard him as a confidant."

"Stop talking nonsense and go quickly."

Guan Yu had actually heard about Liu Bei's arrival, but he did not dare to go to Liu Bei rashly to avoid causing Xi Yu's dissatisfaction.

He knew that he would be able to see Xi Yu on the day of his wedding.

Suddenly a servant came to announce that Liu Bei had arrived. He was very happy and hurried out to greet him personally.

The two brothers met in the yard and hugged each other immediately.

In the past, when the three of them were together, they didn't feel anything. But now that they are separated, they realize how difficult it is to meet each other.

Liu Bei burst into tears on the spot, and Guan Yu quickly let go of Liu Bei.

"Brother, why are you crying? Shouldn't we be happy to see each other?"

"Yes, brother, I am crying with joy. Okay, it's still a little cold outside, let's go inside and talk."

Guan Yu asked his servants to quickly serve tea.

"This is tea given by others. It's very delicious. Brother, you must taste it."

The two of them chatted about some household matters.

After a while, Xi Yu brought the topic to the issue of constitutional monarchy.

He talked about this topic for a while, and then asked Guan Yu.

"Second brother, have you heard of this?"

Guan Yu was also very surprised because he had never heard of it.

"I wonder what my second brother thinks of this matter?"

Guan Yu suddenly fell silent.

He knew that the elder brother was still a little unwilling in his heart.

"Brother, you have to understand that we really can't achieve anything. As you said just now, His Majesty may also like this method very much. Why should we care?"

After that, he let out a long sigh.

"Okay, brother, let's not talk about these sad things."

Liu Bei sighed. It seems that no one wants to discuss this sensitive issue.

"Yes, it's all my fault. We should talk about some happy things." (End of Chapter)

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