In fact, when Liu Bei and Guan Yu were talking, there were no secret guards here.

Because Xi Yu doesn't pay much attention to them now, because they won't cause any trouble.

So Xi Yu didn't take them to heart at all, but the two of them were a little worried, fearing that their conversation would be known to Xi Yu.

This day, in Wuhuan.

Mrs. Zhu Rong told Meng Huo about this matter.

"What did you say? The actor got married again? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Meng Huo is now completely loyal to Xi Yu. He feels that Xi Yu has given him a second life.

If I had known this, I should have given him some gifts.

Mrs. Zhu Rong felt very aggrieved because she had just heard about this matter.

Meng Huo asked Mrs. Zhu Rong to wait here. He wanted to quickly purchase some gifts and go to Youzhou.

"Husband, how can you leave here without the permission of the actor?"

Meng Huo was stunned. This was indeed the case, but he really wanted to attend the wedding.

Mrs. Zhu Rong told him that as long as he had this intention, he could send someone to deliver some gifts, but there was no need to go in person.

Otherwise, you may be charged.

After Mrs. Zhu Rong said this, Meng Huo felt that this was indeed the case.

"Yes, madam, thank you for reminding me, I almost ruined something big."

So now we quickly send someone to prepare gifts.

But I don’t know if it’s still too late.

Mrs. Zhu Rong said: "As long as you have this intention, the actor will not blame you. It doesn't matter even if it is late."

So I immediately started sending people to prepare gifts.

On the other side, Zhang Lu also knew the news, and he also started sending people to deliver gifts.

Because since the last time he wrote a letter to Xi Yu, Xi Yu also immediately prepared a missionary site for him.

With this legal cloak, he began to recruit more followers.

Tomorrow is Xi Yu's wedding day, and today I received a lot of gifts one after another, including from Zhang Lu and Meng Huo.

All said it was inconvenient to come in person.

Of course, Xi Yu knew that Meng Huo probably wanted to come, but he had no orders of his own, so there was no way to come.

On this day, Song Meijiao and Xi Shi were both very excited.

Someone also arranged makeup and other things for them.

Xi Shi remembered what happened in her real world, and all those swords and swords were far away.

It's really incredible to live a new life and not expect him to get married again.

After she finished putting on makeup, she looked in the mirror and touched her face.

This is a face that is alluring to the whole country. Sometimes she is even fascinated by herself.

This night, the bright moon overlooks the earth.

Xiyu wrote a poem in the room.

Although his writing was particularly bad, he still couldn't help himself.

In Song Meijiao's room, Song Datian was also there.

"Daughter, although I am not your biological father, I have always regarded you as my biological daughter. Therefore, it is necessary for me to teach you how to be a wife."

He considers it a father's responsibility.

"I know, dad, you should also understand that the actor is not an ordinary person."

The implication is that it is probably inappropriate to treat him with ordinary people's way of thinking.

"Whether he is an ordinary person or whoever he is, he is a man, your husband, and he is your god."

"Yes, daddy, my daughter has memorized it."

After a while, an unhappy expression appeared on Song Meijiao's face again, and Song Dadian asked her what was going on.

"Because I married Xishi together, and Xishi was as beautiful as a flower, but I was eclipsed in front of her."

And this was arranged by Xi Yu, so it was hard for him to object.

In this case, the glory will belong to the other party, and you will be outclassed.

"What's the point of this, daughter? You don't need to shine, you just need to live a good life in the future, and you are a princess."

Song Datian also said that Xishi was alone and no one taught her how to be a wife.

But Song Meijiao is different. After all, her father will teach her.

Song Meijiao knew that her father was comforting her, but it still made her particularly happy.

That night, Xi Yu couldn't sleep. He was inexplicably excited.

Because tomorrow you can officially own these two beauties, just think about it and you will be happy.

Of course, there are still things that need to be done, such as guarding against invasion by foreign enemies and guarding against assassins.

Secondly, not only does something happen to you, but if something happens to others, it will also make you feel very uncomfortable.

But it’s really about whatever you worry about.

At midnight, Xiyu finally fell asleep, but was awakened by a sound.

A soldier came to report that something serious had happened.

Xi Yu thought to himself that if the matter wasn't particularly urgent at this time, he wouldn't have woken himself up.

He asked the soldier what happened.

The soldier who reported the news said that there was an assassin in Guan Yu's home.

Guan Yu and Xi Yu were resting in the same room.

The assassin quickly broke in and assassinated Liu Bei. Liu Bei was also stabbed several times and is now being treated by a doctor.

"It's unreasonable, it's simply unreasonable. It seems that this assassin came to disgust me in good faith."

He decided to take a look in person. In fact, when the soldier was about to report the news, the other soldiers were not happy.

I think it’s better not to tell Xi Yu the news on the occasion of Xi Yu’s wedding.

The soldier believed that the matter was extremely important and it was necessary to let Xi Yu know.

Xi Yu decided to go to Guan Mansion to have a look. And will be back soon.

There will be no delays caused by delays or anything like that.

Guan Yu was particularly angry at this moment because the assassin finally ran away.

It turned out that on that day, after Liu Bei came to see Guan Yu, someone suddenly came to inform him that Xi Yu had said that the two brothers could spend a few days reminiscing about the past.

After all, it is very difficult to meet now, so Liu Bei was allowed to live here.

Guan Yu felt special pain. It was originally a good thing, but it ended up hurting his eldest brother.

At this moment, although the doctor's treatment put Liu Bei out of danger, Guan Yu was still in great pain.

Guan Yu said to Liu Bei: "Brother, it's all my fault that I didn't protect you well."

Liu Bei sighed: "The assassin must be targeting the actor."

Guan Yu just focused his attention on Liu Bei and had no idea what this sentence meant.

"Brother, why did you say this?"

Liu Bei sighed.

Xi Yu's place must have strengthened its defenses to prevent assassins, so the assassins aimed at him with a feint shot, just to make Xi Yu sick.

Guan Yu felt that what Liu Bei said might make sense.

But in this case, wouldn't the assassin be a bit troublesome?

Can he really reach the point of being disgusting and playful?

At this moment, a servant suddenly announced that Xi Yu had arrived.

The two brothers were surprised. They did not expect that Xi Yu would be getting married tomorrow and would still be here today.

So Guan Yu hurried out to greet him.

When I came to the yard, I saw Xi Yu arriving wearing a gray robe.

When he was about to salute, Xi Yu waved his hand.

"There's no need to say anything. Just tell me if the injury is serious."

Guan Yu explained the relevant situation. Anyway, his life is not in danger now.

"Take me to see it quickly."

Guan Yu quickly took him to Liu Bei's room.

Just as Liu Bei was about to stand up, Xi Yu said, "Okay, you can't salute in this situation, so why should you?"

Liu Bei's tears flowed down.

"Master Xi, tomorrow is your wedding day, but you still have to come to see me. I feel really sorry. I feel guilty."

"Okay, you don't have to say that. I believe you two should also understand that the assassin is targeting me."

Xi Yu said that he would definitely catch the assassin, give Liu Bei an explanation, and let Liu Bei stay here for the time being.

Suddenly, Xi Yu was startled, could someone want to attack Fang Jun?

Because once Liu Bei is unable to return, Fangjun's side will be in a state of ownerlessness, which may give others some opportunities to take advantage of.

Liu Bei was also stunned. Maybe this is really possible.

Xi Yu told them not to worry. He would send people to pay attention to things in Fang County to ensure that there would be no chaos.

Moreover, they had brought soldiers here just now, and the soldiers had already gone to catch the assassins.

Guan Yu said that he also sent people to catch the assassin, and that he threw a dart when he saved his eldest brother.

So the assassin's back was also injured, and this could only be the only clue.

Liu Bei said: "Master Xi, tomorrow is your wedding day. You'd better go back quickly. Now the Hongfu entrusted to you by my subordinates is no longer in danger."

Xi Yu actually felt that coming here gave him an opportunity to care for his subordinates.

Many people will praise themselves. When a subordinate was injured, it was really commendable that he was still able to come under such special circumstances.

Xi Yu simply said some kind words and finally left.

After only a few hours of sleep, he began to prepare to marry the bride.

Xi Yu decided to hold a new-style wedding and have the sedan go around the entire Youzhou several times.

It's like driving a car in the previous life, because Xiyu brought prosperity to the entire city.

Therefore, no ordinary people will think that he is extravagant and wasteful, but many people support them.

I even hope to see how this new style of wedding is carried out.

Although I only slept for a while, I was no longer sleepy. After all, I was too excited.

Regarding Liu Bei's affairs, many people are not clear about it. Many people got up early, even the lazy people who usually stayed in bed got up.

The street seemed to be filled with water, but it was still dark at this time, and the bright moon was still overlooking the lower world, as if it was smiling.

Xiyu put on the red groom's suit early under the arrangement of his servants.

And the final wedding venue was at the city gate.

Jia Xu came to preside over the wedding for them personally, so those wedding lines were naturally from the previous life.

For example, no matter rich or poor, sick or healthy, we will always love each other, etc. Jia Xu also felt that this line was particularly well written.

Guan Yu fell asleep next to Liu Bei. When it was almost morning, Liu Bei said to Guan Yu: "You should go to the wedding. I will have a few servants here to watch over me."

"Brother, how can I abandon you? Don't some people guard you differently? What's the use of having you by my side?"

Liu Bei kept asking Guan Yu to leave.

Guan Yu had no choice but to kowtow to Liu Bei a few times, and then went to attend the wedding.

The two brides had already boarded the sedan and started walking around the city according to the planned route.

And an honor guard has been arranged, as well as firecrackers.

In short, this wedding must be held with great splendor.

When the sedan chair almost walked around the entire Youzhou City, it finally arrived at the city gate.

At this time, the sky was already bright, and Liu Xie was already sitting at the intersection of the city.

The sacred moment arrived, and suddenly a band appeared on the tower.

What they were going to do was a wedding march.

Naturally, no one had ever heard of this piece, but Xi Yu had them practice it for several days.

When this song appeared, many people found it refreshing.

Although it was played with a suona and did not have the same flavor as a piano, Xi Yu was also very happy.

Because under such conditions, it is already very good to have such a song.

Next, Xi Yu and the two brides officially entered the ceremony of entering the tower.

It's a pity that I didn't have a camera at this time, otherwise it might have been more exciting.

Both brides wore red headscarves.

Xi Yu originally planned to design a wedding dress, but he knew that it was still out of tune with this era and could not make it too avant-garde, so he still maintained traditional etiquette.

Many people started talking. This wedding was really refreshing. They had never seen it before.

These rituals did not affect the people.

Because there should be some worshiping of heaven and earth and ancestors, such activities are very valuable.

So generally speaking, people won't accuse anything.

After boarding the tower, Jia Xu began to hold a formal ceremony for them.

When the wedding lines appeared, the whole audience was even more shocked.

No one knows the entire wedding lines except the bride and groom and Jia Xu, not even Liu Xie.

Among the many people watching the excitement, some even shed tears.

One girl said: "I have seen the peacock flying southeast before, and I think the love in it is particularly good. I didn't expect this line to be even more touching."

"That's right. Look at how good the actor is to his wife. You must treat me well in the future."

said a newly married woman to her man.

Wenxuan and Dongfanghong also came to the wedding. The two of them felt as if they were separated from each other, as if they had returned to their previous life.

Wenxuan remembered the question Xi Yu asked last time.

"Yes, which man does he like?"

And Dongfang Hong looked at him. Wenxuan felt his eyes and looked at him too.

Wenxuan said to him: "What do you think I am doing?"

She seemed to understand what Dongfang Hong meant.

Dongfanghong smiled and said: "Because it seems like we are back to our time again."

According to the wedding arrangements, Liu Xie will give a speech after the marriage ceremony.

The content is very simple. Liu Xie also said that he was very honored to see Xi Yu's wedding today.

And from now on, I can be regarded as the other person's uncle, and I hope they can be happy.

Warm applause erupted from the scene, and then the soldiers began to hand out candy.

The first step is to put the candy in the basket and then scatter it down. Whoever grabs it gets it.

The second step is to ask everyone to line up, and then the soldiers start to distribute other gifts.

By the time everything was finished, it was already noon.

Xi Yu and some guests went to the tower to drink and celebrate.

And Guan Yu wanted to go back.

He used Liu Bei's injury as an excuse and hoped that Xi Yu would let him go.

And as soon as he returned to the house, he received good news that the assassin had been caught.

The assassin was a young man, very thin. He had been identified and his waist was indeed hit by a dart.

And he was masked at the time, but his figure was also very similar.

The assassin was placed in the woodshed. Guan Yu came to interrogate him personally.

When he saw the assassin, Guan Yu kicked him several times and then cursed: "Who is he and why do you want to assassinate my elder brother?"

But the other party didn't say anything at all. Guan Yu said: "Since you don't say anything, you can only serve me with severe torture. It seems that you want to taste torture tools like me."

After that, he ordered people to quickly serve the punishment.

After a while, the assassin finally couldn't help but started talking.

It turns out that he was seeking revenge for Lu Bu. He was a distant relative of Lu Bu.

Lu Bu's death was related to Xi Yu, so he was always looking for opportunities.

Indeed, as he guessed, he couldn't deal with Xi Yu directly, so he wanted to deal with Liu Bei, who was powerless.

"Not only do I want to kill Liu Bei, I also want to kill some of his wives in the future. Who let them have anything to do with Xi Yu?"

The man said fiercely.

After a while, Guan Yu came to the restaurant, reported the news to Xi Yu, and asked Xi Yu how to punish him next.

Xi Yu said: "You can just take care of it yourself. There is no need to ask me for advice on such small matters."

After Guan Yu returned, he told Liu Bei that such a wicked man must not just die like this, he must be tortured severely.

"Second brother, you'd better not make the decision yourself. You'd better ask the actor."

"Brother, I just asked him for instructions and he came back. He said to let me make the decision myself, so I am willing to do this."

"That's right, I agree with it. It must be severely punished."

Liu Bei also had a ferocious expression on his face, and he felt very aggrieved at the same time.

Everything he did was for Xi Yu, why should he endure such pain for Xi Yu?

After a while, Guan Yu sent soldiers to treat the assassin well, but not to kill him.

The assassin was shocked. When he saw the instruments of torture, he was so frightened that he lost his mind.

"What are you doing? You can't do this to me, you should just kill me." (End of Chapter)

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