We agreed that you, a weak strategist, would fight against three heroes by yourself?

Chapter 511 The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber

Guan Yu slapped him.

"You bastard, what I want to do with you is my own business. Do you still need to talk nonsense here?"

The assassin's cry also changed at this time.

"Please let me go."

Several soldiers began to laugh inwardly.

Why didn't he think so much when he was assassinating?

Moreover, several people insulted the assassin.

It felt like he had been kicked in the head by a donkey.

Even if you can't deal with Xi Yu, what's the use of dealing with Liu Bei?

Guan Yu dealt with the assassin, but instead of killing him immediately, he decided to torture him to vent his hatred.

Because he thought that this assassin came to assassinate Liu Bei, which he hated more than killing himself, and he and Liu Bei were brothers.

And Guan Yu decided to watch here in person and execute him.

A soldier came to Guan Yu and said, "Why don't you go to the street and let more people see it."

Guan Yu felt that it made sense, and when he was about to do so, he suddenly shook his head again.

"Forget it, it's better not to be like this."

Because it is not a good thing to let everyone know that he and Liu Bei have a particularly deep relationship.

If the news reached Xi Yu, it might arouse Xi Yu's suspicion, so he waved his hand.

"No need to go to such trouble, just punish him here."

Guan Yu tied the assassin to a pillar and began to punish him.

Many screams came.

Several soldiers seemed to be unable to bear it.

After Guan Yu saw this situation, he was very angry.

"What are you doing? Beat me hard. Why do you have to pity him? Is he your brother?"

So, several soldiers continued to torture him.

Guan Yu came to a pavilion.

Guan Yu recalled the scene when he met Liu Bei.

They hit it off immediately, became brothers, and vowed to live and die together.

Guan Yu remembered Liu Bei's trust in him, so now Liu was injured. For him, it was simply a huge torment.

After a day of torture, the assassin was already dying.

"I beg you, please kill me quickly. I really can't bear torturing me like this."

He wanted to beg for mercy, hoping that Guan Yu could end his pain and give him a happy ending.

Guan Yu came to Liu Bei's room.

Liu Bei said: "You have tortured him for a day."

Guan Yu sneered.

"Huh, it just means that he can't live or die."

"I think he tortured it too lightly."

Liu Bei sighed: "Forget it, let's kill him quickly."

"Brother, why are you so kind?"

"Anyway, my life has been saved. Although I hate him very much, I still hope to let him go. I don't want to hear his screams anymore."

Liu Bei felt that if he did this again, he would have some uneasy conscience, and he felt very uncomfortable.

Guan Yu also nodded and came to the side of several soldiers.

One soldier said that he could hardly lift his arms because today, he kept whipping the assassin.

Seeing Guan Yu arriving, he said that it would be better to let more soldiers arrive.

I really can't stand it anymore.

Guan Yu said: "I asked my elder brother just now, just kill this beast."

When the assassin heard this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief, because he just wanted to die now.

Several soldiers also breathed a sigh of relief and finally let the assassin return to the west.

The air was filled with the smell of blood.

Soon the sun was setting.

A rosy color appeared in the sky.

As night falls, the lanterns are turned on, and the Xiyu Mansion is decorated with lanterns and festoons.

Red lanterns were hung high, and there was joy everywhere.

There was a gust of wind in the yard, which seemed to bring waves of fragrance.

In Xi Yu's room, a table was also covered with red cloth and there was a lot of fine wine on it.

Xi Shi and Song Meijiao were both wearing red headscarves and sitting by the bed.

There was also a table in front of them, with candles burning on it.

Xiyu entertained guests at noon and drank a lot of wine, but the wine in ancient times was different from the wine in previous lives.

Therefore, the degree is not very high, so Xiyu can bear it.

I was afraid of delaying the wedding ceremony at night.

If you are delayed, you can only choose another day.

But that would be a bit disgraceful.

At this moment, he walked in, his face flushed.

He felt that the lights in the room looked particularly ambiguous, and he felt that he was very inspired by poetry today.

At noon, I smelled of alcohol all over my body, but by this time, with the passage of time and the swing of the wind, the alcohol smell had subsided.

Although the two women did not lift their hijabs, they seemed to be able to feel that Xi Yu was coming.

In addition, it is generally impossible for someone to come in casually. In addition, the feeling given to them is also different.

After a while, Xi Yu came to the two of them.

"Okay, are you ready now?"

Both women lowered their heads.

"Why, aren't you ready? Then I'm leaving."

Xiyu joked with them.

"We are ready."

The two women actually said in unison: "We are ready."

Xiyu laughed.

This is the happiest day since he came to this world. He even hopes that there will never be a war, and he will live with a few women for the rest of his life.

However, he knew this was a very unrealistic thing.

He grabbed the headscarves of the two women one by one with one hand.

Then he said: "You two are so beautiful."

Song Meijiao said: "Xi Shi is the great beauty, who am I?"

"Don't be modest, you are also very beautiful." Xi Yu said.

Moreover, Xi Shi said that although she and Song Meijiao were married together, Song Meijiao was still a princess after all.

Therefore, he considers her as his elder sister.

Xiyu was stunned.

He hadn't thought about this issue, but the other party brought it up, so that was fine.

"Ladies, let's start drinking together now."

Xi Yu, Xi Shi and Song Meijiao sat opposite each other, with the table in front of them filled with food and wine.

Their eyes revealed their deep love for each other.

Xi Shi said: "But I never drink."

Xi Yu said: "It's okay if you don't drink normally, but how can you do it if you don't drink in this place today?"

At this moment, what surprised the two women was that the yard was actually ablaze.

It turned out to be fireworks.

And at the same time, there was music coming over, all of which were cheerful songs.

These pieces of music are also from the previous life, and they were arranged by Xiyu to be performed.

"How's it going? Does this unique wedding make you very happy?"

The two women nodded at the same time.

At this time, they also officially drank a glass of wine.

However, it was nondescript when drinking a glass of wine. He said jokingly: "Let's do it one by one."

So, he started with Song Meijiao, and then Xi Shi.

Xi Yu's heart was filled with joy. He thought to himself that these two women were the most important people in his life, and he hoped to spend his life with them.

And another happy event will happen soon, that is, Ganmei is about to give birth.

"Okay, the wine is finished, let's start eating now."

The fireworks outside are still going on, the whole fire is soaring into the sky, and the whole sky is as bright as day.

Song Meijiao almost shed tears.

She really didn't expect that she would marry Xi Yu.

Until now, she was living in a dream.

But shedding tears would be a disgrace to today's happy day.

So she endured it and didn't stay, but Xi Yu saw it immediately but didn't accuse her.

After drinking a glass of wine and eating the food, Song Meijiao suddenly asked: "Husband, I wonder if I can ask a question?"

"Of course, if you have any questions, just ask."

Song Meijiao mainly asked about the wedding lines.

I have heard before that men are superior to women, but why did Xi Yu have such a line?

Xi Yu laughed loudly and said, "Actually, I did this to protect myself."

"How to protect yourself? Husband, I really don't understand."

"You think you are now a princess. You have the power of life and death. If I propose that men and women have equal status, isn't that just to protect me?"

Song Meijiao was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

Of course she understood that Xiyu was just joking.

Let alone a princess, even His Majesty the Emperor would probably act based on Xi Yu's expression.

"Oh, by the way, there is one thing I forgot to mention. We have to go back home tomorrow and just go and meet your father and His Majesty."

Xi Shi has no family, but Song Meijiao still has a father, so Xi Yu made this request.

After a while, the music outside stopped.

Because it has exceeded the time Xi Yu said.

Xi Yu smiled and said to the two beauties, "Isn't it time for the wedding night?"

The two beauties looked shy, and their eyes revealed their deep affection for Xi Yu.

Xi Shi and Song Meijiao both thought that Xi Yu would rest in one of the rooms.

Song Meijiao asked: "Husband, how did you arrange it? Should one of us stay? Or would you go to the room of one of us?"

Xi Yu said, "You two are in my room."

Xi Yu asked them all to stay on his bed, which made them feel very shy and confused.

After that, Xiyu locked the door.

"Husband, we are both here, are you sure?" Xi Shi asked.

"Of course it's confirmed, just listen to my arrangements together."

The room was filled with an ambiguous atmosphere, and the candlelight flickered, reflecting the silhouettes of the three people.

Xi Yu looked at the two beauties in front of him, his heart filled with love and pity.

He walked up to them and reached out to touch their faces.

He seemed to be able to feel the heartbeats of the two people.

He also knew that the two of them must be extremely nervous.

"Come on, ladies."

After that, the three people came to the bed with a red mosquito net.

The moonlight shines on them through the window, like a layer of gauze, adding a bit of romance and mystery. And now in Luoyang.

Cao Pi lay on the bed.

He already knew the two ladies Liu Bei was marrying today, one was Xi Shi and the other was Song Meijiao.

And these two women are what they want.

At first, I wanted to get Xi Tzu through a portrait, but I didn't get it in the end.

The next best thing was to get Song Meijiao, but the father and daughter escaped.

Now these two women have become playful, which really makes him feel miserable.

In the middle of the night, he put on his clothes and shouted: "Here comes someone."

Several patrolling soldiers came to him quickly and saw that his face was so ugly.

"Mr. Cao, I wonder what your plans are?"

"Get all my wives here, quickly."

Several soldiers felt confused and thought their ears had heard wrongly.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Why are you still standing there? Get the people here quickly."

Several soldiers had no choice but to go to the rooms of each of Cao Pi's wives and knock on the door.

Recently, Cao Pi has been busy interacting with ninjas.

Busy with how to deal with Xi Yu, I have lost time to have sex with several ladies in the water recently.

The ladies were particularly happy, even though they had all fallen asleep.

They got dressed and came to Cao Pi happily.

But he saw Cao Pi sitting on the bed, his eyes seemed to spurt out a burst of fire.

When every lady asked Cao Pi what he was doing, Cao Pi didn't speak at all.

Only then did each of them know that Cao Pi had called other people over.

When all the ladies arrived, the anger on Cao Pi's face was still there.

"I have a question for you. If one day, Xi Yu attacks here, and if I can't defeat him, what should you do?"

Several ladies were shocked.

They didn't know why Cao Pi would ask them such a question.

"Husband, in such a beautiful time, should we do something? Why do you suddenly ask about this?" A lady named Huang asked.

"I ask you questions, and you just answer them."

The air in the room suddenly became cold.

"Husband, we have never thought about this problem."

"Don't think about it? Then think about it now."

The ladies looked at each other.

They were usually jealous, but now they seemed to feel pity for each other.

Did you wake them up in the middle of the night just to ask such a question?

Could it be that the army has arrived?

The lady named Huang immediately said: "If Xi Yu really attacks, I will never be humiliated by him. I am willing to commit suicide. I would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed."

After Cao Pi heard this, he felt very happy, so he asked other women.

Although other women didn't think so in their hearts, they also said that it would definitely be the case.

"Since you said so, I hope you can do it."

Xi Yu looked at everyone coldly. He believed that of course someone was lying.

As a result, several ladies trembled for a while.

Cao Pi caught one of the women named Xue.

"What's wrong? Didn't you mean what you just said? Why are you so scared?"

"No, husband, you are thinking too much."

"If something like this really happens, if you don't commit suicide, I won't spare you."

Mrs. Huang added: "Husband, that actor may not be able to defeat us. The final victory must be yours."

Several ladies also said immediately: "Yes, yes, husband, you must have confidence in yourself."

"Okay, now you have to serve me."

Mrs. Huang asked: "Husband, who will be left to serve?"

"It's all of you."

Tonight, Cao Pi wanted to vent all his unhappiness.

He wanted to torture all the ladies, and he seemed to feel that the most wonderful moment in his life was here.

He was even willing to forget his troubles and forget that he would still have to fight Xi Yu in the future.

In the early morning of the next day, several ladies felt that last night was particularly strange.

They came to a rockery and started whispering.

"I hope that my husband can be with me at night, but it is indeed abnormal for him to be like this."

"Yeah, I don't know what happened."

"What else could it be? It must be because he is in a bad mood. Didn't you hear what he said? The actor is about to call."

"Yes, what should we do if the actor calls us? Do we really want to commit suicide?"

After that, several people stopped talking, because some of them had already thought in their hearts that if such a day came, they would have to leave quietly.

Cao Pi was too tired last night, so he got up and slept again this morning.

He didn't get up until noon, but when he saw it was cloudy outside, he thought it was just dawn, only to find that it was already very late.

He suddenly felt that he had been in a state of intoxication these past few days and had no fighting spirit.

He came to the training ground to see the soldiers training.

But the morale of many soldiers is extremely low, and they believe that military training is of little use.

Therefore, they are a little lax when training.

Several generals also knew that their morale was particularly high, so they turned a blind eye. At this moment, Cao Pi suddenly arrived. Many soldiers who were walking or chatting suddenly jumped up.

Several generals also had sweat on their faces, because Cao Pi would definitely reprimand them.

It doesn't matter that these soldiers made no mistakes. The key is that they knew the law and broke it.

Sure enough, Cao Pi put his hands behind his back, his face was ashen, and asked, "What are you doing?"

A general said that he was tired from training just now and the soldiers should take a rest.

"Bastard, do you think I'm a fool? Take a rest? But what are these people doing? I think they are unorganized and undisciplined."

"It's all my subordinates' fault."

One general slapped himself several times.

Cao Pi really wanted to kick him a few times, but he also thought that now is the time to employ people, so he must coax these talents well.

"I will be stricter with you. You must understand that this is a sensitive period recently. If Xiyu attacks, we will die without a burial place. Don't you all know it?"

Cao Pi said it in a tone that said he hated iron but could not become steel. (End of chapter)

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