Everyone bowed their heads in shame. Cao Pi knew that if he punished them, they would have a rebellious mentality, but using such language made them ashamed.

"Okay, train your troops well. I don't want to see you being unorganized and undisciplined again."

After Cao Pi said this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, they no longer dare to do anything illegal.

They were as excited as if they had been given a shot of chicken blood at this moment.

The training of soldiers is also in good shape.

Moreover, a general said that they would invite some experts from the private sector to arrange the formation.

And this time they will also use the art of war, and they have hired several experts who are particularly good at studying thirty-six strategies.

Cao Pi nodded, but he didn't think so.

Some things are just child's play in front of Xi Yu.

Your research is good, but others are not good at it?

But he couldn't say this in front of everyone, lest it affect morale.

He knew that no matter how little he had confidence, he must make everyone else have confidence.

As a commander-in-chief, he must not show any signs of discouragement in front of them.

Moreover, he also gave a speech to boost morale.

"Soldiers, experts will soon come to help, so we will definitely win this time. You must have confidence."

At the same time, Cao Pi said that during this period, no one should say anything discouraging.

Anyone who dares to affect morale. But don't blame yourself for being rude.

And anyone is welcome to report. Once such a person appears, the Nine Clans will be killed immediately.

"Okay, I will check from time to time. If a similar situation occurs next time, don't blame me for being rude."

Cao Pi finally left, and many people breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, they really trained their troops.

And the experts the generals said they hired should arrive this afternoon.

Early that morning, Cao Pi and his two ladies quickly got up.

Although a spring night is worth a thousand pieces of gold, this time the door ceremony is a must.

Because the homecoming ceremony had been arranged yesterday, at this moment, Song Datian had come to Liu Xie's room and was waiting.

Just a few days ago, Song Datian met Liu Xie.

Liu Xie was also particularly grateful to him, because after all, he adopted the princess.

So I plan to give him an official position.

But Song Datian refused.

He said that he was just an old farmer and a hunter, so why should he have an official position?

That would make you feel uncomfortable.

Seeing how determined he was, Liu Xie had no choice but to stop saying such things.

Now, Song Dadian is waiting here, and Liu Xie said: "Song Dadian, it's too early for you to come to my room. They are newlyweds, how could they arrive so early?"

Song Datian said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Cao Min is so excited now that he can't sleep at all. Although the princess is not Cao Min's biological child, Cao Min has always regarded her as his own. Now that he sees her getting married, he is really touched. ah."

Afterwards, his tears loomed.

Liu Xie said: "If you want to cry, just cry. There is no third person here to watch."

Song Datian wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After a while, the little eunuch said outside that Xiyu was coming soon.

Liu Xie was stunned for a moment, originally thinking that they would sleep until noon.

Song Datian said: "It seems that my son-in-law is very sensible."

When he thought of becoming Xi Yu's old father-in-law, he felt very novel and very honored.

Liu Xie then asked Song Datian to open the door quickly and wait for Xi Yu's arrival.

Xi Yu had already prepared gifts and brought the two ladies to Liu Xie's room.

Just now Xiyu teased the two ladies, this was a return gift to Jian Jian.

The distance is simply too short.

Song Meijiao said: "If I were still living in my hometown, it would be a long time. It's just that you brought my father here, and my royal brother also came by the way."

When Xi Shi heard this, her face looked a little ugly.

Because she was alone now, except for the little girl who was taking care of her, she felt that she had no family members.

Of course, that little girl is also an outsider. After all, she is not from this world.

Although she has somewhat integrated into this world, she can't get rid of that feeling of loneliness.

Suddenly at this moment, a leaf fell on his feet.

When she saw the leaf, it was like seeing herself.

They seem to have the same fate.

Xi Yu and Song Meijiao walked in front, full of laughter and laughter.

After a while, Xi Yu realized something was wrong, so he turned around.

Seeing Xi Shi's appearance, Song Meijiao also looked at Xi Shi, and then she understood what was going on.

Next, it’s better not to say any more happy words, so as not to irritate the other person.

The three people finally arrived at the door of the bleeding guest room. As soon as they entered, they all knelt down. Liu Xie and Song Daxian were sitting on their seats respectively. Someday they thought they should sit more remote, but now he and the emperor were sitting there. Just bleed on both sides of the table and let him do this. After all, he is the father of the princess and his status is very noble. Although he is not willing to seek a half-job.

Liu Xie said, "Get up quickly. I am very happy to see you getting married."

Song Datian also smiled and said: "Daughter, I have said everything that needs to be said. From now on, you must be a good wife of the actor."

After that, give the gifts.

Xi Yu once again said "This is the easiest way to go back".

Liu Xie said with a smile: "The special thing about this back door is that it was originally a meal prepared by my father-in-law, but in the end, you still need to prepare it yourself."

Several people laughed.

"As long as Lao Taishan is happy, that's all." Xi Yu said.

The words "Lao Taishan" left everyone present baffled.

Only then did Xi Yu remember that this word only appeared during the Tang Dynasty, and of course people at this time didn't know it.

"Anyway, what I mean is that my father-in-law is more important than Mount Tai."

At this time, Song Meijiao came to Song Datian and said, "Dad, I want to ask you something. Do you agree?"

"Daughter, what are you asking for? Besides, His Majesty is here, shouldn't you ask His Majesty for anything?"

Song Meijiao smiled and said, "It's not for Your Majesty to interfere in this matter. It's better for you to agree to it yourself."

This sentence stunned everyone present.

Xi Yu said: "Madam, what exactly do you want to say?"

Song Meijiao looked at Xi Shi and then at Song Dadian.

"Dad, sister Xishi and I are destined to be together. We both married an actor together, so we can be considered as sisters."

After hearing this, Song Datian was very happy.

He also knew that women from wealthy families were jealous, and he didn't want this to happen to his daughter.

Daughters should not be jealous of others. Of course, if someone is jealous of his daughter and wants to harm her, he will not be happy.

Xi Yu felt that Song Meijiao was too verbose. What did she want to say?

"Dad, do you think you can accept sister Xi Shi as your goddaughter and let her worship you as her godfather? In this way, wouldn't we become more intimate?"

Xi Shi was stunned. Why did Song Meijiao suddenly have such an idea?

But she understood instantly that it was because she was alone and had no relatives.

So Song Meijiao was thinking about herself.

Xi Yu and Liu Xie glanced at each other and immediately thought of the link.

Then Song Datian, who was very experienced, naturally understood what was going on.

This is the emotion of taking care of Xi Shi. He laughed heartily: "Of course I am happy with it. Suddenly I have another daughter. I wonder if Miss Xi Tzu is happy with it?"

Xi Shi quickly knelt down and said, "This is a great honor for a little girl. She can only ask for it."

Liu Xie was very happy and said: "This is a good thing. Since they are willing, just hold the formal ceremony now."

But Song Datian felt that the doctor was shy and he was not prepared. Even if he became a godfather, he must give a gift.

Xiyu laughed.

"Dad, you just need to hold the ceremony. We will be responsible for the gift issue ourselves."

This call made Song Datian feel very happy.

Then the ceremony officially began.

At noon, everyone had a banquet together.

Xi Yu asked Sun Shangxiang and Mrs. Cai to share this joy.

Liu Xie wanted to know very much what Xiyu would be wearing next.

But I also know that this is a joyous occasion, so it’s better not to ask this question.

Song Datian was very happy today, so he drank too much at noon.

Liu Xie asked Xi Yu if he had anything to do in the afternoon. If not, come to his room. He had something to say.

"Your Majesty, Wei Chen has nothing to do. In that case, Wei Chen will go to your Majesty's room in a moment."

The sunshine is particularly strong today. There is also joy in the air.

Xi Yu walked into the room and saw Liu Xie packing his bags, seemingly ready to leave.

He walked to Liu Xie and asked softly: "Your Majesty, where are you going?"

Liu Xie turned around and looked at Xi Yu, with a hint of determination in his eyes: "Your wedding is over, and I have to return to Chang'an. I can't just eat and drink here."

Liu Xie also knew that he was of little use as an emperor now.

If you talk about going back to deal with state affairs, this is obviously nonsense. But there's no reason for him to stay here forever.

"I am very happy to see you this time."

Xi Yu frowned slightly, so he persuaded: "Your Majesty, actually there is nothing wrong with you going back, so why not just stay here."

Liu Xie smiled. He knew Xi Yu's worries, but he had made up his mind: "I have made up my mind. I ask you, what are your plans next."

"Of course, if we want to unify the Central Plains, we must first destroy Cao Pi. He is the biggest obstacle."

There is no need to hide some things, and there is no need to pierce the window paper.

"Okay, I also know that you will have a fight, so give it a try."

In Liu Xie's view, it was better for Xi Yu to gain the empire than for Cao Pi to gain the empire anyway.

Liu Xie thought for a moment and said, "How about I find ministers and generals loyal to the Han Dynasty, organize an army, and assist you?"

"I appreciate His Majesty's kindness, but it is not necessary."

Liu Xie also knew it well, and he probably couldn't help much.

Xi Yu continued: "Your Majesty, if you insist on leaving, I will send people to protect your safety and will never put your majesty in any danger."

Liu Xie nodded. He knew that Xi Yu was right. The most important thing now was to protect his own safety.

So he said, "Okay, I'll leave everything to you."

Xi Yu said respectfully: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do my best to protect your Majesty's safety."

Liu Xie looked at Xi Yu, his heart filled with gratitude and trust.

"But it's getting late now. Your Majesty might as well stay another night."

Liu Xie nodded, and he asked about Liu Bei's situation.

Regarding Liu Bei's situation, Xi Yu accidentally mentioned it yesterday, so Liu Xie knew about it.

Xi Yu has also been paying attention to the situation there. Now he has received the news that the assassin was killed yesterday.

And he was tortured for a whole day.

Liu Bei is much better now.

He also told Liu Xie the news.

Although Xi Yu didn't go out, he received this news. From Liu Xie's point of view, it was not surprising.

In the evening, Liu Bei summoned Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun, Zhou Yu and others for a meeting.

It was brought up that because Liu Xin was leaving, troops must be sent to protect him.

To avoid being murdered by assassins.

After all, if someone wanted to frame Yu Yu, he would probably come to kill the emperor.

It's like someone wants to assassinate Liu Bei this time.

Zhuge Liang said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Xi. This is a private visit incognito. He was very safe when he came. If we go to escort him specially, it will be more concealed."

Xi Yu understood what Zhuge Liang meant.

If you do nothing, even if there is a bad person, you may not notice anything.

But if we send troops for protection, it will be equivalent to passing an opportunity to those hateful people.

"But now the news of His Majesty's arrival here has spread. If there are really so-called evil people, they will pay attention to it at any time. Your Majesty's return will not be as simple as when you came."

Zhao Yun stood up immediately, and he volunteered to escort Xi Yu back.

Because he failed to assassinate Sima Yi last time, he hoped to make up for it this time.

Xi Yu said: "Zhao Yun can go, but Zhou Yu has to follow, and both of you have to go there. This will make it safer."

Zhou Yu was very happy because he had originally planned to go. I thought Zhao Yun had taken the lead.

"You two sent thousands of elite soldiers to escort His Majesty."

Several people were stunned. They didn't expect Xi Yu to mobilize troops and mobilize people like this.

"Master Xi, this isn't appropriate. What if Cao Pi takes advantage of this situation?" Zhuge Liang immediately raised doubts.

"So what if we take advantage of the situation? Do we have so little confidence in ourselves?"

Xi Yu even hoped that the other party could sneak in through the void.

When the time comes, they will be beaten to a pulp.

"Okay, that's it, you all can go back."

After the meeting, some secret guards came back. They were sent to Fang County.

Even though everything is peaceful there, no one is making trouble.

So Xi Yu believed that the assassin really just wanted revenge.

The next day, Liu Xie officially left. When he knew that Xi Yu had arranged so many people to protect him, he felt incredible.

"Master Xiu, there's no need to work so hard, right?"

"Your Majesty, your safety is the world's business."

But Cao Pi was also worried that once all the troops followed him, what would happen if Cao Pi came over?

"Your Majesty, we discussed this issue last night, so you don't have to worry."

Liu Xie saw what he was saying, so he stopped saying anything.

So, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu took the bloody battle of thousands of elite soldiers on the road.

Moreover, there were several sedan chairs on the road, and naturally some of them were empty.

Just to confuse the enemy, if there are any enemies.

The mighty team traveling also attracted many people, who knew that Liu Xie was leaving.

In Luoyang, several masters of generals and writers have also arrived.

Cao Pi accepted Sima Yi's suggestion and should continue to cheer up the soldiers these days.

That is to constantly encourage them.

Absolutely no one can disturb the morale of the military.

And this trick is really very effective, and the spiritual power cannot be ignored.

Many soldiers are full of confidence in the future.

Similarly, Xi Yu also started to let people train soldiers. He must not be immersed in his children's personal affairs, even though he was getting married.

After several days of training, Liu Bei finally recovered.

When he was about to leave, Guan Yu said, "Brother, please stay here for a few more days."

"Second brother, the eldest brother is now managing Fang County. Naturally, Fang County is the top priority. How can you stay here all the time?"

Guan Yu also knew that the days when the three of them were together would never come again, after all, the third brother was also dead.

When the three people fled, they were displaced, but they were quite happy to think about it.

After all, those days will never happen again.

But Guan Yu was a little worried, and Liu Bei said he was willing to send soldiers to escort Liu Bei back.

Liu Bei also agreed, and sighed when he saw a few soldiers walking away with Liu Bei.

Although he was just a military commander and could not write or write, at this moment, he actually wrote a poem to remember the past, when the three of them were displaced together.

After Liu Bei left, a spy had told Xi Yu the news.

"Yes, it's time for him to go back."

In the next few days, Xi Yu focused all his attention on military training and preparations for war.

Basically the new two ladies were ignored.

This made Song Meijiao a little unhappy.

Song Datian comforted her: "Daughter, a man should put his career first, and the actor is not an ordinary person. He should care about the world."

"Dad, I understand all these principles, but I still feel that the rooms are empty and a little unhappy." (End of chapter)

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