"Okay, daughter, just take your time and get used to it. Daddy plans to go out and play for a while."

Song Datian felt very happy, so he was also in high spirits.

He met Ouyang Linlin in the yard, and Ouyang Linlin also said hello to him.

When Ouyang Linlin returned to the room, her face was particularly painful.

Xiao Hong quickly asked: "Miss, what's wrong with you?"

"I just met Uncle Song, and it reminded me of my father."

This is Xi Yu's new father-in-law, and Xi Yu's old father-in-law, his father Ouyang Fu, has passed away.

So it makes things even more painful.

"Miss, don't be sad. I believe that the master is in heaven now, and he must be very happy."

Xi Yu practiced military training for several days in a row. On this day, he finally remembered Sima Yi's problem.

Wanting to take revenge on him, he went to Jia Xu and asked him for advice.

"Regarding Zhao Yun's matter, I must seek justice for him. How should we get rid of Sima Yi. Of course, both public and private must be removed. In public terms, he is one of Cao Pi's think tanks."

Jia Xu thought for a moment and then said: "Master Xi, if we want to drive a wedge between Sima Yi and Cao Pi, we can make a fuss about women. Cao Pi is a lustful person, and we can use this to achieve our goal."

Hearing this, Xi Yu's eyes lit up and he quickly asked how to implement it.

Jia Xu leaned into Xi Yu's ear and whispered his plan.

Xi Yu felt that the other party's idea didn't seem to be a particularly good one.

Jia Xu's intention was to find a woman related to Sima Yi and then offer it to Cao Pi.

Slowly drive a wedge between the two of them.

This reminded him of the serial story in history, where Diao Chan was dedicated to Lu Bu and Dong Zhuo.

"Who are the women related to Sima Yi? The key is that this method is really effective. Can it drive a wedge between them?"

Jia Xu said that he must investigate first before talking.

"Master Xiu, why do you think this is a waste of time?"

Xi Yu asked him why he had such an idea.

"If we fight them with real swords and guns, we can kill them directly, so why bother?"

Xi Yu paced around the room with his hands behind his back.

"Of course that's okay, but I don't understand the hatred in my heart. I just hope that Cao Pi can kill Sima Yi personally."

After Xi Yu's explanation, Jia Xu understood what he meant.

According to Jia Xu's plan, Xi Yu and Jia Xu began to look for a woman related to Sima Yi.

Xi Yu planned to hand this matter over to the secret guards.

Qin Feng is a suitable candidate, but he is still with his elder brother.

I don’t know how my eldest brother is doing now.

Xi Yu summoned the secret guard and told him to do this. Finally, he told Jia Xu to retreat quickly and not to tell anyone else about this matter.

Xi Yu felt that the two brides had been neglected in the past few days, so he decided to pamper them at night.

On the wedding night, both women were resting in Xiyu's room.

They still feel very ashamed when they think of what happened that day.

Tonight, Xi Yu planned to rest in Xishi.

When Xi Yu walked into Xi Shi's room, he saw Xi Shi crying alone.

"Husband, are you finished with your recent affairs?"

Feeling guilty, he quickly stepped forward to hug Xi Shi and comforted him: "Madam, I know I have neglected you recently, but state affairs are of paramount importance, and I must handle these matters well to give you a stable home."

Xi Shi wiped her tears and said, "Husband, I'm not blaming you. I know you have a heavy responsibility. Men should put their career first, and I will always support you." Xi Yu was so moved that she hugged her tightly. Xi Tzu.

"Aren't you going to rest in Sister Song's room tonight?"

"Let's go tomorrow night. Today I'll take care of you."

Xiyu suddenly scratched her nose playfully.

"How about we three be together like that day?"

Xi Shi's face immediately turned red. She didn't want to look like that again. She was too ashamed.

"Okay, I was just joking."

Suddenly, Xi Shi's face turned ugly.

This made Xi Yu feel very unhappy.

"By the way, I'm already here, what else are you unhappy about?"

Xi Shi broke away from Xi Yu's arms and said, "Actually, you are right to put state affairs first. I am afraid that I will delay you."

She immediately came to the window and cried silently again.

Xiyu felt really confused. It was really hard to guess a woman's thoughts. She should blame herself in her heart.

So, he walked over and hugged her again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I neglected you, please don't blame me again, okay?"

Xi Shi turned around, suddenly feeling guilty, and shook her head.

"No, husband, you misunderstood what I meant. I don't blame you."

"Okay, you can just come to me directly. There is no need to call me concubine. It sounds a little weird to me."

Xi Shi nodded, looked at the bright moon, and remembered her time in the Kingdom of Wu.

The moon must have been so bright at that time, right?

"My husband is so smart, he must have heard of the term beauty is a disaster, right?"

Xi Yu nodded and immediately understood what the other party meant.

After he traveled through time, he met two of the four beauties.

The beauty and trouble usually refers to the four of them.

"I have been insulted by others, and I have been reborn. I don't want to be insulted again."

Xi Shi has a mental disorder, and she is afraid that she will delay Xi Yu's life.

She didn't want to be insulted again in her life, and Xi Yu immediately understood what she meant.

"Xi Shi, you really underestimate me. Please go back to the bed and sit down."

So, he immediately carried the other person to the side.

Xi Shi was held by him, feeling his masculine aura, and felt a special warmth in her heart, as if a kind of warmth spread to her heart.

"You said that beauty is a disaster, but the key lies in men. Am I, Xiyu, the kind of person who is not firm-willed?"

Xi Shi was amused by Xi Yu's words.

"Don't laugh, what I told you is true."

"But as a man, it is difficult for him to control him. So women should not seduce men."

Xi Yu held her in his arms again.

"But I am willing to be tempted by you, don't worry."

At this moment, Xi Yu suddenly remembered a poem from his previous life and said, "Bring me a pen and ink, and I will write a calligraphy for you now."

Xi Shi didn't know why he suddenly wrote, but he quickly got the pen and ink.

Xiyu thought for a while and then remembered a poem.

The name of the poem is "Xishi", which is the work of Luo Yin, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

The whole poem is: When the country rises and falls, why should the people of Wu blame Xi Shi? If Xi Shi conquers Wu and overturns it, who will it be if Yue falls?

Soon, he finished writing the poem eloquently.

"Here, would you like to read this poem for yourself?"

Xi Shi read the poem immediately. Although the calligraphy was not very good, the content of the poem really spoke to her heart.

She looked very excited, and Xi Yu observed her expression carefully.

Xiyu's face burst into tears instantly, and the hot tears made his whole cheek extremely wet, like a balloon suddenly falling on the ground.

She felt particularly aggrieved by being scolded for being a beauty and a disaster, but she didn't expect Xi Yu to understand her so well.

"Husband, I never thought you understood me so well."

He couldn't help but lay in Xi Yu's arms, and Xi Yu kept stroking her back to comfort her.

Xi Yu thought, the one who really understands you is the poet Luo Yin of the Tang Dynasty, not your husband or me.

If the real Xi Shi in history could read this poem, it would probably be like this.

Soon, Xi Shi said that after seeing this poem, she finally felt a little happier.

Xi Yu said: "In this case, I will make this poem public tomorrow to let more people know."

Firstly, it was to clear up Xiyu's name, and secondly, it was also to gain some leverage.

"In this case, Mr. Laofu will be here."

Xi Yu had a wicked smile on his face.

"So how should you thank me?"

"Of course I have to serve my husband well."

On the second day, Xi Yu went to Youzhou College to inspect the work.

Everything in the college was in good order. In fact, he came here specifically to find Wenxuan.

He sat in the office, and soon Wenxuan arrived.

"What do you find me for?"

"I want to make this poem public."

So he took out a piece of rice paper, and it was the poem written on it.

"Isn't this the work of Luo Yin, a poet from the Tang Dynasty?"

"Yeah, I definitely can't hide it from you and Dongfang Hong, but I'm going to use someone else's name, so don't expose it to me."

In fact, Xi Yu had another purpose for doing this, but he couldn't tell Wen Xuan now.

Because, the next step to deal with Sima Yi may be from a woman.

At that time, the story of beauty and misfortune will happen between Cao Pi and Sima Yi.

Xi Yu spread this poem first, in order to humiliate them when the time comes.

Wenxuan nodded, but immediately understood what he meant.

"You are thinking about your wife."

Xi Yu nodded, and then told her about Xi Shi's psychological activities.

"So you wrote this poem to deceive people and say it was written by you"?

"It doesn't matter who wrote it, the key is that I solved his psychological problem."

Xi Yu said with a smile, Wenxuan rolled his eyes at him and said: "You are really thick-skinned. I will ask Dongfang Hong to come over later, and you can tell him this matter again. In fact, it is not necessary, because you Once it becomes public, neither of us will reveal it to you."

"That's what happened, it's true, but if I don't tell you, I still feel something is wrong."

After a while, Wenxuan called Dongfanghong over, and Xiyu briefly explained the matter to him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xi, I won't say anything. People will just praise you for being so gorgeous."

On the next day, Xi Yu began to ask people to spread the poem.

Gradually, many people in the whole city knew this poem, especially some scholars.

As a result, many people talked about this poem in the wine shop.

"I thought the theater guild was good at fighting, but I didn't expect Wen Cai to be so good."

"The actor is really not an ordinary person. He is sent by God to save us."

Xi Yu also knows that there are not so many entertainment facilities and media in this era.

Occasionally a poem is circulated, and it is very popular.

Unlike the general explosion of knowledge in previous lives, this thing has not yet become popular, and another thing will appear soon.

Xi Yu also quickly told Xi Shi about this.

"Madam, so you don't have to worry about anyone talking about you casually."

"Husband, thank you so much for thinking so much of me."

"You are my wife, I will love you very much, why do you have to be so polite?"

On the other side, in Luoyang, Xi Zhicai's home.

After a few days, Xi Zhi finally felt better.

Late that night, Qin Feng appeared in front of him again.

"Mr. Xi, I don't know what you are thinking about next."

Xi Zhicai frowned, and he naturally understood what Qin Feng meant.

"Did you ask this yourself, or did my brother ask you to ask?"

"The villain has to ask it himself. The villain is just a shadow. Logically speaking, there is no need to ask so many questions. But the villain knows what the opera master is thinking."

Qin Feng was entrusted by Xi Yu to protect Xi Zhicai, and had no intention of persuading him to join Xi Yu at first.

So at this moment he also felt that he had overstepped his authority.

Qin Feng also told their childhood stories, which aroused Xi Zhicai's memories.

"How do you know these things?"

"The actor talks to himself sometimes, and if he talks about these things often, the little ones will understand."

Xi Zhicai recalled the past with Xi Yu.

They studied together and played together, but as time went by, their paths gradually diverged.

Originally, everyone served Cao Cao, but later Xi Yu showed his talents.

He is the best among people and must stand out.

However, he has always been willing to be loyal to the Cao family. Initially, Cao Pi expressed his trust and attention to Xi Zhicai, but of course this trust is now greatly reduced.

"Mr. Xi, you should understand that Cao Pi no longer trusts you. Can you help him deal with your own brother? No one will believe it."

Qin Feng's words were like a burst of thunder, hitting Xi Zhicai's heart.

Xi Zhicai was in a dilemma.

He has begun to hesitate and consider now. He was very determined before.

I will never go to my brother's place.

Seeing that he did not refuse immediately, Qin Feng was particularly happy and believed that he would make the right judgment.

"As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost in. You are not betraying me. You should know that Xi Yu is a hundred times stronger than Cao Pi."

Next, Qin Feng said that Xi Zhicai was foolishly loyal to Cao Pi.

"Mr. Xi, if you put it nicely, you'd call it loyalty; if it sounds bad, you'd call it pedantry."

Qin Feng's words were particularly bold. Xi Zhicai was very unhappy after hearing this. He felt that he could no longer hold it in his face.

Qin Feng immediately knelt down.

"Young law enforcement officers shouldn't say that, but what they say is the truth."

At this moment, the housekeeper appeared outside. He had just gone to the toilet and heard something moving in the room, which made him feel very strange.

"Master, is there anyone in your room? Why is there a sound?"

"There is no one in the room. I can't sleep because I am endorsing books." Xi Zhicai had no choice but to tell a lie quickly, and at the same time asked Qin Feng not to make any sound.

Although the housekeeper felt strange, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Then master, please go to bed early."

After a while, after the housekeeper left, Qin Feng said that he had heard the usual sounds.

But now he put all his energy into persuading Xi Zhicai, so he didn't notice.

"Okay, go to bed early. I will think about this matter carefully."

Qin Feng had no choice but to retreat, leaving Xi Zhicai alone in the room.

Xi Zhicai also felt a little sleepy, so he immediately came to the bed.

However, after all, it was because of something on his mind that Xi Zhi lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

He immediately put on his cotton-padded jacket again, stood up and came to the window, looking at the bright moon outside the window, with many thoughts in his heart.

He knew that Xi Yu had always hoped that he could take refuge in him.

Xi Yu believes that together, the brothers can make greater contributions to the country.

Xi Zhicai was very conflicted. He knew that Xi Yu's idea had some truth, but he also had his own concerns.

He has served under Cao Pi for a long time, and if he switches to Xi Yu now, he may be regarded as a traitor.

How can I bear this eternal infamy?

Although Qin Feng said he was foolish and loyal, but...

But on the other hand, he also knew that the current situation was very complicated. Although Cao Pi's power was strong, he also faced many challenges and difficulties.

If he continues to stay with Cao Pi, he may fall into a deeper whirlpool and be unable to extricate himself.

Xi Zhicai sighed. He felt that his life had never been so difficult.

He didn't know how to choose. He knew that this was an important decision related to his future and destiny, and he must consider it carefully.

He seemed to see Xi Yu in front of him, hoping that he could make a choice quickly.

Suddenly, he sneezed.

There has always been a saying in my hometown that sneezing means that your loved ones miss you.

Could it be that his brother is missing him?

Could it be that Xiyu wasn't asleep at this time?

He stared at the moon outside carefully.

He believed that the moonlight shone on him and his brother.

"He shouldn't be thinking about me, right? He's newly married now, and he's probably having an affair with two ladies!"

He stayed in front of the window for half an hour, his eyelids were really trembling, and then he fell asleep.

In the early morning of the next day, after Xi Zhicai had breakfast, the housekeeper arrived.

The housekeeper thought of what happened last night and felt strange. He felt that the master must be hiding something from him.

"Butler, what's the matter with you?"

"Master, was it true that no one was in your room yesterday?"

Doesn’t the housekeeper think that the master meant endorsement? But the voice clearly didn't sound like his. (End of chapter)

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