Xi Zhicai sat quietly at his desk, thinking about something.

Xi Zhicai looked up and saw a trace of doubt and worry on his face.

The housekeeper asked softly: "Master, that sound...did something happen?"

Xi Zhicai hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell the truth.

He said to the housekeeper: "The voice that spoke last night was the secret guard next to my brother Xiyu."

There was a surprised expression on the butler's face, and he asked: "Secret guard? What is he doing here?"

As soon as I finished asking, I probably already understood what was going on.

The butler frowned and asked, "What should I do, sir? Are there any measures that need to be taken?"

Xi Zhicai could also tell the dream he had that day.

"I really don't know what to choose now."

The housekeeper understood Xi Zhicai's dilemma. He knelt down and persuaded Xi Zhicai to seek refuge with Xi Yu.

"Master, I understand your concerns, but in this troubled world, sometimes reputation is not the most important thing. What is important is to survive and find a better way out for yourself and your family. The actor is your relative Brother, it is justifiable for you to seek refuge with him." The butler's voice was full of sincerity and concern.

Xi Zhicai listened silently, knowing that what the housekeeper said was true.

The opponent's point of view is basically the same as that of the secret guard.

But there is another voice in his heart, an insistence on justice and principles.

"Steward, I understand what you mean. For me, honor is a kind of faith and the bottom line I stick to." Xi Zhicai's tone was full of helplessness.

The housekeeper sighed. He knew that Xi Zhicai was a man with ideals and ambitions, but he was also worried that Xi Zhicai's persistence would bring him danger.

"Master, I'm not asking you to give up your principles. I just hope you can learn to be flexible in this complex environment. Sometimes, we need to make some compromises to better achieve our goals. A good bird chooses its wood. And Qiu, choosing a suitable supporter does not mean you have to give up your beliefs."

Xi Zhicai fell into deep thought. He knew that the steward's words made sense.

Moreover, this butler was also very knowledgeable when he was young, so it is very normal for him to say this.

Only then did Xi Zhi realize that there was a fierce struggle going on in his heart.

"I still have to think about this matter carefully, but after telling you so much, I feel relieved."

At the same time, he immediately held the butler's hand.

"Don't tell anyone about this today."

"Master, just don't worry."

After that, the housekeeper retreated because Xi Zhicai wanted to be alone for a while.

Another day passed.

Late at night, everything was silent, and only the faint moonlight shone in the room through the window.

Xi Zhicai sat at his desk, filled with entanglements and struggles, but he finally made a decision.

Suddenly, a breeze blew by, and a black figure quietly appeared in the room.

It's the secret guard Qin Feng who is here.

His eyes were firm and sharp.

Xi Zhicai raised his head and looked at Qin Feng, with a hint of exhaustion and helplessness in his eyes.

He sighed softly. Of course he understood why the other party came, so he might as well take the initiative to speak.

He said: "Qin Feng, I have already thought about it. After painful struggle, I am willing to join Xi Yu."

A trace of joy flashed on Qin Feng's face, but he did not show it.

This nerd finally thought about it and should have done this a long time ago.

He nodded and said: "Mr. Xi, I know this is a difficult decision for you. But in this troubled world, survival is the most important thing. Xi Gong has more advantages, he can protect you."

Xi Zhicai lowered his head sadly, his voice full of helplessness.

"I know that if something happens to me, Xiyu will be unhappy."

Qin Feng understood Xi Zhicai's inner pain, and he said softly: "Mr. Xi, you don't have to blame yourself too much. This is a cruel world, and we must make some compromises. I believe that your talents and ideals will not be affected by this." Obliterated by decision.”

Xi Zhicai smiled slightly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

Qin Feng nodded, and his eyes became serious: "Mr. Xi, I have made an important discovery. Through my observation, I found that there are some people outside the mansion secretly investigating the entire theater. It is estimated that Cao Pi sent someone here Monitor your movements."

Xi Zhicai's brows furrowed as he thought angrily: "Cao Pi, this despicable villain! He is so unscrupulous to monitor my every move."

It seemed like leaving him was the right thing to do.

It seems that Cao Pi is also very worried that he will leave here.

Qin Feng sneered.

"Does he think he can control everything about us? We won't let him succeed. I will help you leave here and stay away from Cao Pi's surveillance."

Xi Zhicai looked at Qin Feng gratefully.

"Thank you, Qin Feng. With you by my side, I feel much more at ease. Let's leave this place of right and wrong together."

Qin Feng bowed slightly and said, "Mr. Xi, this is my responsibility. I will protect your safety."

The night is still quiet and deep. But in this room, Xi Zhicai and Qin Feng's determination and courage burned.

The next step is for them to plan how to leave this place.

At this moment, Xi Yu was resting in Song Meijiao's room.

The two of them had finished what they had to do and were about to take a rest.

Xiyu suddenly sneezed continuously.

Song Meijiao was particularly nervous and quickly put her hand on Xi Yu's forehead.

"What are you doing?"

"I wonder if you have a cold. Why are you sneezing so much?"

"How is that possible? I feel like my brother misses me?"

Song Meijiao had never met Xi Zhicai, but had only heard about him from Xi Yu.

"I hope I can meet my uncle one day."

"You'll see, I guess he's made the right choice."

This is Xi Yu's telepathy, and he believes that his telepathy is not wrong.

"You mean the uncle finally came out to join us"?

Xi Yu nodded, he thought it should be like this.

"Husband, don't have too many hopes every day. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment."

Xiyu yawned and said that he knew his brother very well.

What's more, he believes in Qin Feng's ability.

Qin Feng will definitely persuade his brother well.

Song Meijiao hugged Xi Yu's neck, and the two of them officially fell asleep.

On the other side, as night fell, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun escorted Liu Xie and his party to the inn.

The tired faces of them and the soldiers revealed the exhaustion of the long journey.

The inn was bustling with people, Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Liu Xie were sitting at a table in the corner.

Soldiers were at other tables, keeping watch.

Liu Xie's face looked slightly pale, and there was a hint of worry in his eyes.

Although he is an emperor, his destiny has always been in the hands of others. At this moment, he feels even more displaced, although this trip makes him very happy.

During the meal, two customers noticed something special about Liu Xie.

They observed secretly and found that everyone seemed to be looking at Liu Xie's expression, guessing that he must be a big shot.

The two whispered and plotted a plan to kidnap Liu Xie.

They plan to use this opportunity in exchange for a generous ransom.

One of the customers whispered: "Look at that gorgeously dressed man, he must be of great status. If we can kidnap him, we can get a considerable amount of wealth."

The other customer nodded, a glimmer of greed in his eyes.

"Yes, we can take action while they are leaving the inn. By then, we can enjoy the glory and wealth."

They secretly observed Liu Xie's every move, waiting for the right time.

At the same time, Zhou Yu was keenly aware of the unusual atmosphere around him.

He observed the two whispering customers calmly, feeling alert in his heart.

He whispered to Zhao Yun: "I feel something is wrong. Those two customers seem to be plotting something. We must remain vigilant and protect His Majesty's safety."

Zhao Yun nodded slightly, his eyes firm and sharp.

He stood up and walked to Liu Xie's side and said softly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured. We will ensure your safety and will never let anyone harm you."

Liu Xie looked at Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu gratefully, knowing that his life was protected in their hands.

He also whispered to the two people that he must be normal in the future and not be respectful to himself, otherwise others would notice something.

As night fell, the street outside the inn became silent.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun closely guarded Liu Xie and were alert to any possible danger.

Suddenly, a burst of noise broke the silence. A group of men in black suddenly broke into the inn. They held swords and rushed towards Liu Xie and others.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun reacted quickly. They drew their swords and started a fierce fight with the man in black.

The inn instantly fell into chaos, tables and chairs overturned, and the sound of broken plates could be heard.

Zhou Yu's swordsmanship is fierce, his figure shuttles between the men in black like a ghost, and every sword carries a fatal threat.

Zhao Yun then danced his spear like a dragon out of the sea, forcing the man in black to retreat continuously.

Under the heroic fighting of Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, the men in black were gradually suppressed.

They realized that they had underestimated Liu Xie's protective power and began to think about retreating.

Zhao Yun said: "We must stay alive."

Several men in black were killed by Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, but only one survived.

Liu Xie looked at them gratefully and said with a slightly trembling voice: "Thank you. Without your protection, I might have encountered something unexpected."

Zhou Yu bowed slightly and said: "Your Majesty, it is our duty to protect your safety. No matter what danger we encounter, we will stand in front of you without hesitation."

Zhao Yun tightened the spear in his hand and said firmly: "Your Majesty, don't worry, no one can hurt you as long as we are here."

A trace of tears flashed in Liu Xie's eyes, and he deeply felt the loyalty and courage of Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun.

This sudden attack made them more alert, and they knew that they might encounter more dangers on their way back.

Next, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu asked Liu Xie to go back to his room to rest.

They were going to put the man in black on trial next.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu dragged the man in black to the woods outside the inn. In the grove at night, the moonlight shines through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

A breeze blew and the leaves rustled, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

The man in black is tied to a tree.

Zhao Yun asked: "Tell me, who sent you here?"

But the man in black had a particularly tough mouth and always insisted not to say anything.

So, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu looked at each other and decided to torture him in every possible way to force him to tell the truth.

Zhou Yu walked up to the man in black. His eyes were cold and sharp, as if they could penetrate the heart of the man in black.

He said in a low voice: "You'd better tell the truth, otherwise you will face more severe punishment."

The man in black bit his lip and remained silent.

His eyes were firm, as if he was guarding some secret.

Zhao Yun felt a surge of anger in his heart. He took a step forward, reached out and grabbed the collar of the man in black, and pulled him close to him.

His voice was threatening.

"How long do you think you can hold on? Tell us the truth, this is your only way out."

At this time, a trace of fear flashed across the face of the man in black, but he remained silent.

Zhou Yu frowned slightly.

"It seems we need to use some special methods to get you to talk."

He signaled Zhao Yun to let go of the man in black, and then took out a whip from his arms.

The man in black looked at the whip in Zhou Yu's hand, a trace of despair flashing in his eyes.

He knew what kind of torture he would face next.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu began to whip the man in black, one whip after another.

There were traces of blood left on the body of the man in black.

He gritted his teeth and endured the pain, but still refused to reveal the truth.

As time passed by, the man in black's will gradually wavered.

He felt the determination of Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu and knew that he could no longer resist.

Finally, the man in black spoke, his voice full of exhaustion and helplessness: "Okay, I said, I said..."

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu stopped their whips and approached the man in black, waiting for him to tell the truth.

The man in black took a breath and said slowly: "We are a gang. At first, we did kill the rich and help the poor. But as time goes by, the nature of the gang has changed, and now they have started robbing families..."

As expected, the initiator of this incident was related to the two sneaky guests. The man in black also told the location of the two sneaky guests.

The man in black looked at them with a hint of pleading in his tone: "I have told you everything I know, please let me go."

"How is this possible to let you go?" Soon, Zhou Yu ended his life.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun followed the instructions of the man in black and came to a certain village.

The moonlight shrouded the entire village, so quiet that only the chirping of insects could be heard.

They carefully walked through the narrow village road, looking for the target mentioned by the man in black.

Finally, they found two people drinking.

The two men were sitting in front of a dilapidated hut, with wine glasses in their hands and proud smiles on their faces.

They were talking smugly about the upcoming kidnapping, as if they had seen wealth waving to them.

"We are going to get rich soon. During this time, the brothers have opinions about the two of us."

"That's right, I don't know who that person is."

"Whatever, he must be very rich."

Suddenly, two strangers appeared in front of them, making them startled and their wine glasses almost dropped to the ground.

Zhou Yu's eyes were cold, revealing an aura of determination.

He stared at the two people and spoke calmly but with authority.

"Your plan has been exposed. All your people are dead."

Zhao Yun clenched the hilt of the sword in his hand, tensing his body, ready to attack at any time.

His eyes were firm, as if telling the two people that they had no way out.

The faces of the two men turned pale instantly. They tried to defend themselves, but Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun did not give them a chance.

"Your behavior is unforgivable. Go and die as soon as possible." Zhou Yu's voice contained a hint of determination.

The two men understood that they had no way out, and they tried to resist, but Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun's strong skills quickly subdued them.

The two men fell to the ground, unconscious.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun turned around and left the small village, their figures gradually blending into the dark night.

They quickly returned to the inn and arrived at the door of Liu Xie's room.

"Your Majesty, can we go in?" Zhou Yu asked.

"Come in quickly, I'm planning to find you." Liu Xie's voice came from inside.

Liu Xie's room was brightly lit.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun came in and saluted Liu Xie.

Zhou Yu reported what happened just now.

Liu Xie nodded and said: "I already know, you did a good job. Although the kidnappers did something wrong, they did it to make a living. I also know that they did it because of the pressure of life. Such a thing happens. However, their behavior is illegal after all and must be punished."

Zhou Yu and Zhou Yu didn't expect him to say this. This thought proved that he was not stupid, but he was just living in a bad era.

Liu Xie remembered the conversation he had with Xi Yu.

"Xi Yu is a capable person who can become the master of the world. As long as the people in the world live a good life, maybe no one will think about some messy things."

Hearing Liu Xie's praise of the Western Regions, both of them felt very happy, and they also felt particularly proud.

"Okay, you can go out, I want to rest."

So, the two men quickly retreated, and they told the soldiers to serve His Majesty well.

Absolutely no assassins or kidnappers are allowed to come.

"Two generals, don't worry, we will definitely protect His Majesty's safety."

Then, the two of them returned to the room to rest.

Liu Xie was lying on the bed but did not fall asleep.

He was thinking about what happened tonight.

He seems to be tired of his imperial career, and really hopes that Xi Yu can become this humble master so that all the people can live a good life.

Really implementing a constitutional monarchy seems to be a good thing. You can be pampered and don't have to worry.

But I just feel a little sorry for my ancestors. (End of chapter)

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