Night shrouded the mansion where Xi Zhicai was, and Qin Feng lurked in the dark, watching the movements around him vigilantly. As Xi Yu's secret guard, he knew that the current situation was very critical.

In order to protect Xi Zhicai's safety, Qin Feng decided to take him away from this place of right and wrong.

However, outside the mansion, Sima Yi's spies were monitoring their every move, and they could not leave openly.

They never give up for a moment, like hungry wolves looking for food at any time.

Qin Feng quietly sneaked into Xi Zhicai's room and told him the current situation.

Xi Zhicai frowned and said to Qin Feng: "We can't sit still and wait for death. We must leave here as soon as possible. But, how can we avoid the surveillance of those informants?"

Qin Feng thought for a moment, but he couldn't come up with a better plan.

"The housekeeper can be trusted. We can ask him to come over and discuss the specific action plan together." Xi Zhicai said quickly.

When Qin Feng heard what he said, he understood that he had told the housekeeper all the relevant information. He nodded, and Xi Zhicai immediately sent someone to invite the housekeeper.

The housekeeper quickly came to Xi Zhicai's room.

Xi Zhicai told the steward their plan.

The housekeeper was particularly happy, as long as the master figured it out, he and Qin Feng had completely the same idea.

As a result, the three began intense planning.

They discussed every detail of the operation in detail, from route selection to how to avoid spying, and made meticulous arrangements.

The butler made a suggestion.

"We can use the secret passage in the house and leave through the secret passage. This way we can avoid the surveillance of the spy."

Qin Feng was particularly happy.

"Is there a secret passage here?"

Xi Zhicai nodded, that would be the best.

Although Qin Feng was particularly curious and didn't know what was going on, it would be best if he had it.

It made me worry for a long time. Since there is a secret passage, there is no need to worry.

Xi Zhicai and Qin Feng both felt that this suggestion was very feasible, so they decided to take action at night and use the secret passage to leave the mansion.

Late at night, the entire mansion was immersed in silence. Xi Zhicai, Qin Feng and the housekeeper quietly left the room and walked along the corridor towards the entrance of the secret passage.

The entrance to this secret passage is in a Buddhist hall.

The mechanism that opens the secret passage is behind the direction.

Xi Zhicai quickly turned on the mechanism.

Soon, a ground cracked.

They successfully entered the secret passage.

It was pitch dark in the secret passage, and the three of them walked forward step by step with the faint light of torches.

The secret passage winds and twists as if there is no end.

They groped forward in the darkness, filled with tension and anticipation. After walking for who knows how long, they finally saw the light ahead, which was the exit of the secret passage.

Because Xi Zhicai only knew that there was this secret passage, but he had never really entered it.

The three of them suddenly felt a little tired, and Xi Zhicai said, "Why don't we just take a rest."

The other two people had no choice but to sit down.

Xi Zhicai said that he bought this house from someone else.

He once heard a master say that the secret tunnel was built for the purpose of escaping.

After resting for half an hour, they continued to go out.

The exit of the secret passage is located in the back hill of the mansion.

Xi Zhicai, Qin Feng and the housekeeper walked out of the secret passage and felt the free air.

They looked at each other with relieved smiles on their faces. Xi Zhicai took a deep breath and said with emotion: "Finally, we escaped."

Qin Feng nodded and said, "Mr. Xi, now we have to leave here as soon as possible and find a safe place to stay."

The butler agreed.

"I know a place that is relatively hidden and can temporarily avoid Sima Yi's pursuit."

So, under the leadership of the butler, the three of them embarked on a new journey.

At night, the weather in the wild is extremely cold.

The cold wind howled through the trees, making an eerie rustling sound.

Under the moonlight, everything looked eerie and strange.

The place the housekeeper mentioned was a cave. The cave was very deep and very warm, so the three of them went in to rest temporarily.

They still have one more task, which is how to get out of the city.

And they had to go out when it was still dark, so Xi Zhi only had to go out openly.

Just don't let Cao Pi's people find out.

After Qin Feng, Xi Zhicai and the housekeeper took a short rest in the cave, they decided to leave the city as soon as possible and rush to the city gate before dawn.

"We have to leave here quickly. There may be more dangers after dawn." Qin Feng said anxiously.

Xi Zhicai nodded.

"That's right, we can't mess around anymore, we must get to the city gate as soon as possible."

The housekeeper interjected: "But how are we going to pass the inspection of the soldiers guarding the city? They will definitely be suspicious of us."

After Qin Feng thought for a moment, he said: "We can't confirm yet whether Cao Pi has arranged someone at the city gate to monitor us. We can only try our luck."

So, the three of them quietly walked out of the cave and headed towards the city gate.

When they approached the city gate, they found that the soldiers guarding the city were changing the guard.

Qin Feng whispered: "The opportunity has come, let's rush over while they are changing the guard."

Xi Zhicai reminded: "Be careful and don't arouse their alertness."

The three of them cautiously approached the city gate. When the soldiers' attention was attracted by other things, Qin Feng, Xi Zhicai and the housekeeper took the opportunity to rush over.

"Stop! Who are you?" A soldier spotted them and asked loudly.

Xi Zhicai quickly replied: "I am Xi Zhicai who is with Cao Gong. I have been ordered by Cao Gong to go out to do some things. Do you want to delay the matter?"

He took out a token at the same time.

This time, several soldiers believed his words and immediately let him go.

The three people looked at each other.

It seems that Cao Pi did not arrange soldiers to stop Xi Zhicai.

Because he was already guarding the door of Xi Zhicai, he thought it was impossible for him to leave.

The three people left quickly, and they finally breathed a sigh of relief, because they finally left Luoyang City.

The three of them planned to find an inn to have a good rest. After all, they had been running all night and just rested for a while in the cave.

After entering the inn, Xi Zhicai said he wanted to write a letter to Cao Pi.

In any case, he was considered a deserter and had to say hello.

Qin Feng thinks it's not necessary.

The steward said: "Our master always pays attention to honor and integrity, so let him write it."

In order to avoid being discovered by Cao Pi and sending troops to hunt him down, Qin Feng suggested waiting until he was far away from Luoyang City before writing to Cao Pi.

Xi Zhicai smiled and said: "Yes, your idea is better. I'm too anxious."

Finally, at dusk, they walked a long way out of Luoyang City.

They found another inn.

Xi Zhicai took out a pen and paper and prepared to write a letter to Cao Pi.

His brush strokes are heavy and his heart is full of contradictions and struggles.

He wrote: "Mr. Cao, I have always had respect for you. However, facing the current situation, I had to make a difficult choice. After careful consideration, I finally decided to join my brother Xiyu..."

His whole letter was very touching, recalling his loyalty to the entire Cao family.

Recalling his interactions with two generations of the Cao family.

"My subordinate knew that he would be infamous from now on, but he finally decided to do this and has no regrets."

Xi Zhi stopped writing, pondered for a moment and then continued to write: "The fight between Xi Yu and you is inevitable, and we will become enemies by then. I hope you can take care of yourself and take care of yourself."

After he finished writing the letter, he sealed it.

Qin Feng looked at Xi Zhicai and asked softly: "Mr. Xi, will you regret it?"

Xi Zhicai sighed and replied: "This is my decision after careful consideration. Now that I have made my choice, I will not regret it."

Qin Feng nodded, understanding Xi Zhicai's choice and contradiction.

They stayed overnight in the inn, and early the next morning, the three of them packed their bags and continued on their unknown journey.

They know that the road ahead may be full of difficulties and dangers, but for their ideals and goals, they move forward without hesitation.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, their figures gradually drifted away and disappeared on the vast horizon.

In the evening of that day, after the sun set, Cao Pi received a letter from Xi Zhicai.

His face was livid and he threw things angrily.

He never expected that Xi Zhicai would actually betray him.

"Damn it! This traitor!" Cao Pi cursed through gritted teeth.

The soldier on the side persuaded: "Master, calm down, the matter is over, let's think about how to deal with it."

Cao Pi said angrily: "How can I not be angry! He Xi Zhicai dared to betray me, I will make him pay the price!"

He picked up the letter written by Xi Zhicai. Although the words in the letter were true, he was not moved at all and only felt angry.

Cao Pi ordered his subordinates: "Call those who monitor the theater to me!"

After a while, a group of soldiers were brought to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi reprimanded loudly: "You are all trash! You actually let Xi Zhicai escape without even knowing it!"

The soldiers looked at each other. They had been guarding the door. How could they let Xi Zhicai leave?

One soldier said there was absolutely no such thing.

"Asshole, this letter was indeed written by Xi Zhicai. I am familiar with his handwriting. You can see for yourselves."

Several soldiers took it over and took a look. They were trembling with fear and did not dare to say a word.

They really didn't understand where Xi Zhicai left.

Cao Pi continued to curse: "What use do I need from you! Pull them all out and execute them!"

The soldiers begged for mercy in horror, but Cao Pi was unmoved.

In the end, these soldiers were executed, but Cao Pi's anger remained unquenched.

At this time, the soldier who delivered the letter once again advised: "Mr. Cao, now is not the time to vent your anger. We should calm down and think about how to deal with Xi Zhicai's betrayal."

Cao Pi took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

He nodded and said: "You are right. We cannot let anger blind our reason. Now, we have to find a way to find out the whereabouts of Xi Zhicai, and we must not let him succeed."

Although, he also knew that he might not be able to catch up at this time.

He said to the soldiers: "Go and call Sima Yi to me."

The soldiers immediately retreated.

Cao Pi felt that his head was getting bigger.

It's been true that misfortunes never come singly lately, and nothing has been accomplished.

Everything was going too wrong, and he felt like God was working against him.

Things about the ninja were revealed, and his plan fell through.

I originally planned to use Xi Zhicai to deal with Xi Yu, but now this method is ineffective.

He was so angry that he couldn't help but cursed.

There was a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere in Sima Yi's mansion.

Sima Yizheng was playing chess with his son Sima Shi in front of the chessboard, while Sima Zhao was reciting the Analects of Confucius in front of Sima Yi and explaining the scriptures in detail.

Sima Yi listened with rapt attention, a satisfied smile on his face, feeling pleased with his son's erudition and intelligence.

Master Sima also praised him.

"Brother, you are really amazing."

However, this tranquility was suddenly broken.

The soldiers sent by Cao Pi rushed in and respectfully reported to Sima Yi: "Mr. Sima, I have something important to tell you."

Sima Yi raised his head, looked at the soldiers, and asked, "Why is it so urgent?"

The soldier replied nervously: "Mr. Cao has invited me."

"Do you know what's going on?"

When the soldiers saw that it was Sima Yi's two sons here and there were no outsiders, they spoke boldly.

"Xi Zhicai has quietly left."

Sima Yi was shocked when he heard this, and the smile on his face disappeared instantly. He was no longer interested in playing chess. Shocked, he stood up in a hurry and followed the soldiers away.

Master Sima looked at his father's leaving figure with a worried look on his face.

He turned to Sima Zhao and said, "My father is in such a hurry, something big must have happened."

Sima Zhao didn't speak, but he seemed to be thinking about something.

"It seems like the storm is about to come."

After a while, Sima Zhao said, and then retreated.

Sima Yi hurried to Cao Pi's palace and saw that Cao Pi was so angry that he kept coughing and his face was pale.

Sima Yi's heart sank. He quickly stepped forward to help Cao Pi and asked with concern: "Mr. Cao, please don't be angry."

Cao Pi tremblingly handed the letter in his hand to Sima Yi and said angrily: "Look, this is the letter Xi Zhicai wrote to me! He actually betrayed me!"

Sima Yi took the letter and read it carefully.

The content of the letter made him feel very heavy.

He realized that Xi Zhicai might have noticed their plot, so he acted in advance.

Sima Yi pondered for a moment and analyzed: "Your Majesty, since Xi Zhicai has soldiers guarding the door and is still able to leave, it seems to have something to do with Xi Yu's secret guards. Maybe the Xi family has a secret passage, and our previous plan may It’s been exposed.”

Cao Pi gritted his teeth and said: "This traitor! I was not kind to him, but he betrayed me!"

Many people had persuaded Cao Pi before that Xi Zhicai was Xi Yu's brother after all and could never be reused, and would even require murder. He never dared to make up his mind.

He didn't expect that raising a tiger would end up causing trouble. Of course, he didn't dare to make up his mind, because that would directly make Xi Yu an enemy.

Sima Yi quickly consoled him: "Your Majesty, please calm down. The matter has come to an end and we need to deal with it calmly. Xi Zhicai's departure may bring us some trouble, but we cannot get into trouble."

Cao Pi nodded, a trace of determination flashing in his eyes.

"Yes, we cannot let Xi Zhicai's betrayal affect our plans. Sima Yi, you must step up your arrangements and not let our enemies take advantage of them."

Sima Yi replied respectfully: "I will do my best."

Subsequently, Sima Yi and Cao Pi began to discuss countermeasures.

The candlelight flickered, and the figures of Sima Yi and Cao Pi cast long shadows on the wall.

Play in Yu Mansion.

Zhuge Liang came to see Xi Yu.

Xi Yu also had a rare taste for elegance and actually started practicing calligraphy.

Xi Yu waved his brush and asked, "Zhuge Liang, what can I do for you?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Xi Yu firmly and said softly: "My subordinates hope that you will become king. Today's situation is not what it used to be, and we need to take decisive action. In the past, whoever became king might fall into passivity, but now we want to attack Cao Pi , this is an opportunity to explain the situation to the world, and it is also the moment to formally declare war on Cao Pi."

Xi Yu frowned slightly, he understood Zhuge Liang's intention.

"is this necessary"?

In the past, Xi Yu had thought about this issue, but it didn't seem important now.

Zhuge Liang answered some questions incorrectly.

"Master Xi, the emperor has just left. In fact, while he is here, you should be directly crowned king by His Majesty. In this way, our power will be stronger and we can show our determination to the world.

"Okay, Kong Ming. I will consider your suggestion carefully. But before making a decision, I need to discuss with other generals to ensure that our actions are consistent."

"Yes, Xi Zhi, this is what it should be."

"Okay, if there's nothing else, you can leave."

After Zhuge Liang resigned, Xi Yu wrote a few more words and then stopped writing.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. Is it really necessary to become king? Wouldn't it be better to simply destroy a few princes and become the master of the world?

But whatever, we can discuss it with everyone, but Xi Yu also understands that discussing it is just a formality.

Generally speaking, everyone agrees that they will be king.

And he became king in order to better declare war.

He thought again of the many embarrassing people in history.

Some people saw that they had no hope and quickly proclaimed themselves emperor, thinking that they would become emperor.

By the way, I haven't been in Mrs. Ganmei's room for a long time. As a husband, I have neglected my duty.

Counting the days, it’s almost time to give birth.

Thinking that she was about to have a child, Xi Yu felt very excited and very nervous.

When he came to Ganmei's room, Ganmei was resting.

Several girls were standing aside to wait on them. Xi Yu waved to them and told them to just go into the hall. He was here to watch.

After a while, Ganmei woke up.

She was very happy to see Xi Yu arrive.

"Husband, why do you have time to come here?"

Xi Yu quickly grabbed her hand.

"It's all my fault. Recently, I have put all my energy on business and the two new ladies, but I have neglected you."

Gan Mei was really complaining in her heart, but when she heard what Xi Yu said, her complaints were all gone. (End of chapter)

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