Ganmei advised him to focus on important things and not worry about himself.

"Ganmei, you are always so sensible and considerate of me." Xi Yu said, a touch of emotion flashed in his eyes.

Xi Yu thought of the time they had spent together, and those happy days unfolded in his mind like beautiful pictures.

"For you and our future, I will definitely work hard." Xi Yu said silently to himself.

At this moment, Xi Yu seemed to be no longer a great prince, but like an ordinary husband.

Xi Yu stayed here for half an hour before leaving.

The next day, Xi Yu summoned Jia Xu, Zhuge Liang and other ministers together to discuss Zhuge Liang's proposal to become king. The atmosphere in the conference room was tense, and everyone looked solemn.

Xi Yu first looked at Zhuge Liang and said, "Didn't you make a suggestion? Why don't you tell everyone."

Zhuge Liang cleared his throat and said: "Everyone, now our battle with Cao Pi is inevitable. In order to make our actions more justifiable and to more effectively call on the righteous people in the world to fight against Cao Pi, I think the opera must be king."

Jia Xu shook his head and interjected: "Kong Ming, although your idea is good, it is a bit too idealistic. Our goal is to defeat Cao Pi and occupy the Central Plains, not to pursue an empty name."

Zhuge Liang frowned slightly and retorted: "Master Jia, a legitimate name can inspire our soldiers and make the people support us more. This is very helpful for our war."

Xi Yu looked at Jia Xu, then at Zhuge Liang, and said, "What both of you said is reasonable, but the emphasis is different. What do you think about this?"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the conference room. Some people support Zhuge Liang's view and believe that becoming king can improve morale; others agree with Jia Xu's view and feel that there is no need to worry about a title.

Gradually, supporters and opponents started talking, and the scene was like going to a market.

But Xi Yu felt very happy, because these people did not try to figure out what they meant, but were sincerely solving this problem.

"Okay, don't say anything, I have a way to decide."

After that, Xi Yu asked everyone to vote to decide whether to be king, and the principle was that the minority obeyed the majority.

Everyone looked at each other, but after thinking about it, it seemed possible to do so.

Xi Yu said: "The voting begins now. Those who support becoming king please raise your hands."

Some people slowly raised their hands, with firm eyes, believing that becoming king was an inevitable choice under the current situation.

Xi Yu counted the number of people who raised their hands, then looked at the ministers who did not raise their hands, and then said: "Now there are half of those who support the kingship and those who don't support the kingship."

There was silence in the conference room.

Xi Yu didn't expect this outcome.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door. Sun Quan walked into the conference room. He originally wanted to discuss the business meeting with Xi Yu, but when he saw everyone's expressions, he realized that something important was going on.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xi, I'll come over later."

When Sun Quan turned to leave, Xi Yu stopped him.

"Zhong Mou, you're here at the right time. We are discussing whether to become king. Please come and vote." Sun Quan was stunned for a moment, and then asked what was going on.

Zhuge Liang talked about the relevant situation. Now that each party holds half, his vote plays a crucial role.

Sun Quan smiled slightly and said, "Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

Sun Quan walked to Xi Yu and said: "I think becoming king now is not a wise choice. We should concentrate on fighting Cao Pi instead of spreading our strength just for the sake of a name."

His words made some ministers who originally supported becoming king begin to reconsider. Sun Quan continued: "Our goal is to unify the world and let the people live in peace. The title of a king cannot change anything. What matters is our actions and decisions."

Xi Yu nodded and said, "Zhong Mou is right. Then, let's put aside the issue of becoming king for the time being and focus on fighting Cao Pi first."

The atmosphere in the conference room also became more relaxed.

Xi Yu looked at everyone and said, "Since everyone has reached a consensus, today's meeting ends here. Let's go back and prepare ourselves to be fully prepared for the upcoming war."

In this way, everyone dispersed, but Sun Quan stayed to report to Xi Yu about the situation of the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce.

After the meeting, Zhuge Liang was waiting outside, his face gloomy and his heart full of anger.

He believes that Xiyu should not let everyone vote, but should make his own decision. He felt that Xi Yu had thought about becoming king, and everyone should do things according to his ideas.

After Sun Quan left, Zhuge Liang met Xi Yu again. Xi Yu felt Zhuge Liang's dissatisfaction, but he still remained calm.

"Master Xi, you really shouldn't have asked everyone to vote. Wouldn't it be better if you just gave the order and declared yourself king?"

"Why are you so angry? Why don't you sit down in advance?"

Zhuge Liang did it angrily.

Xi Yu told Zhuge Liang not to be angry. Everyone did this sincerely. They did not act according to the circumstances, but made choices based on their own judgment.

"So this is a new phenomenon, don't you think it's a good thing?"

Zhuge Liang also felt that there was some truth to what Xi Yu said.

His expression softened a little. He realized he might have been too eager to take everyone else's thoughts into consideration.

"Mr. Xi, my subordinate was too abrupt and didn't think carefully about the problem. I hope you can punish me."

Xi Yu continued: "The most important thing for us now is to unite and fight against Cao Pi together. The title of a king can't change anything. What matters is our actions and decisions. You don't have to say that, I know you are also thinking about me. ".

"Okay, Mr. Xi, if there is nothing else, I will resign."

Xi Yu nodded, and then asked Zhuge Liang to retreat.

That night, Xi Zhicai, the housekeeper and Qin Feng came to Youzhou.

Because Qin Feng was a secret guard, many people didn't know him, so the soldiers guarding the gate wouldn't let him in at all. As for Xi Zhicai and the housekeeper, they didn't even know them.

Only then did the housekeeper realize that there was such a system here.

Qin Feng was not angry, because this was the rule set by Xi Yu, and he naturally could not object.

So, he let the two people stay in the inn, and he went to tell Xi Yu that if he entered the city gate, it would be easy.

At dusk, secret guard Qin Feng appeared next to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu felt very happy when she saw Qin Feng.

Qin Feng whispered: "Xi Gong, Xi Zhicai and the housekeeper are here, but they cannot enter easily."

When Xiyu heard this, he felt excited. He didn't expect that his brother was really here.

Xi Yu's eyes flashed with determination, and he decided to go see his brother in person. He turned to Qin Feng and said, "Tell me their current location, I'm going to see them."

Qin Feng nodded and quickly told Xi Yu the specific location.

Xiyu rode his bicycle and left quietly.

He arrived at the inn very quickly, and Xi Zhicai was already waiting at the door of the inn.

Xi Yu saw his brother's figure from a distance, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

Because this encounter is different from any previous encounter.

He quickly rushed towards Xi Zhicai.

The two hugged each other tightly, feeling the joy of meeting again after a long separation.

They didn't say anything, because there was more silence than sound at this moment.

After a while, Xi Zhicai said: "Let's go to the inn and rest for a while. Come in and have a drink of water."

So, Xi Yu walked in.

Xi Yu told his brother about his situation in Youzhou and the difficulties he was currently facing.

Xi Zhicai listened quietly and expressed his appreciation for Xi Yu's hard work and dedication. He said: "I am here this time to provide you with support. We will face difficulties together and protect Youzhou together."

Xi Yu and Xi Zhi began to discuss a plan to deal with Cao Pi. During the discussion, Xi Yu felt his brother's wisdom and courage. He knew that with Xi Zhicai's support, they would be able to overcome the difficulties.

"I have become a traitor now." Xi Zhicai sighed.

"Brother, I think you should be a sensible person, otherwise you wouldn't be here."

Of course Xi Yu understood how much effort it would take for his brother to make this decision.

Xi Zhicai also said that fortunately there was a secret passage at home, otherwise he would not have been able to come over so smoothly.

Time passed quickly and night fell.

"Brother, come back with me."

Xi Zhicai nodded, went to another room and called the housekeeper over, and then introduced him to Xi Yu. The arrogant housekeeper's surname was Wang.

Butler Wang also immediately saluted Xi Yu.

After returning home, Xi Yu settled Xi Zhicai down, and then took him to a restaurant outside to eat. The two brothers must have a good celebration today.

That night, the two brothers spoke a lot of private words.

Xi Zhicai drank too much, and then told a story about the two of them when they were young.

Xi Yu was also very drunk, but this time the boss knew them.

So he promptly reported the news to the opera house and asked a few soldiers to take them away.

The next day, the two people had no idea how they came back.

Later, Xi Yu found out that it was his boss who informed the soldiers to bring him back.

But he didn't feel that he was particularly embarrassed yesterday, because it was a natural reaction after seeing his brother.

On the other side, escorted by generals Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun as well as soldiers, Liu Xie finally returned to his palace in Chang'an smoothly.

After a long journey, everyone seemed a little tired.

Liu Xie saw that it was already getting late, and said to everyone with concern: "My fellow soldiers, we have all worked hard today. It is already getting late, so you should stay in Chang'an, have a good night's rest, and start your journey tomorrow."

Everyone responded in unison.

Liu Xie and the young eunuch returned to the palace, and before returning to the palace, they had booked a large inn for everyone to live in.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu decided to take this opportunity to go out for a walk and feel the prosperity of Chang'an.

After all, they only come once in a while.

The two of them walked through the bustling crowd, admiring the night view on the street and chatting. Zhao Yun couldn't help but sigh: "Chang'an is really prosperous, much more lively than where we were stationed before."

Zhou Yu nodded in agreement: "Yes, but the prosperity here also makes me feel a little uneasy. The more prosperous the place, the easier it is to hide evil and evil. And this prosperity is only on the surface, how can it be compared to the one managed by the theater company? Where is the territory?”

Just then, there was a sudden noise. The two followed the sound and found a group of people beating up a vendor.

Zhao Yun immediately rushed up and stopped the group of people: "Stop! What are you doing?"

One of the leaders said arrogantly: "Who are you? Dare to meddle in our business? This vendor refuses to pay protection money, and we are teaching him a lesson!"

Zhao Yun said angrily: "You scoundrels are oppressing defenseless people. Do you still have the law?"

The man smiled disdainfully: "Wang Fa? Here, we are Wang Fa!" As he said that, he waved his hand and motioned for his men to join him.

Seeing this, Zhou Yu also drew his sword and stood side by side with Zhao Yun.

Both of them are generals who have experienced hundreds of battles, so it is easy to deal with these little gangsters. After a while, the group of people were beaten to pieces and fled in confusion.

The hawker burst into tears of gratitude and thanked him repeatedly: "Two heroes, thank you for saving me. Without you, I would have been in trouble today."

Zhao Yun shook his head: "You're welcome. When the road is rough, draw your sword to help. This is what we should do."

The two of them walked around for a while and then went back.

"I'll tell you what's going on. The prosperity on the surface can easily hide dirt."

"Yes, what you said makes sense, but even if it is a territory managed by Xi Zhi, there is no guarantee that everyone can abide by the law."

On the second day, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu were on the road.

They are returning to Youzhou with all the soldiers.

Dark Tail Tianhu came to Luoyang, constantly searching for news about Sima Yi.

He wrote a letter to Xi Yu, saying that he was paying attention to the news.

On this day, Xi Yu led the two new ladies to visit Xi Zhicai, especially Song Meijiao. Haven't they always wanted to see this uncle?

The two people quickly saluted Xi Zhicai.

Xi Zhicai saw how beautiful both women were, and felt in his heart that his younger brother was really blessed with beauty.

"You two brothers and sisters, get up quickly. I hope you can be my brother's good wife."

"Don't worry, uncle, we will do it even if you don't tell us."

On the other side, Luoyang.

In Sima Yi's room, Sima Yi sat upright and said to Sima Yi: "Dad, I found a warlock who can deal with Xi Yu."

Sima Yi raised his eyebrows and asked, "Oh? What on earth is going on?"

Sima Yi told the warlock's situation in detail. It turns out that this warlock is proficient in the art of Yin Yang and Five Elements, and can infer a person's fate and fortune by observing celestial phenomena and a person's birth date.

After thinking for a moment, Sima Yi nodded and said, "Okay, then let's use this warlock to deal with Xi Yu."

The two began to discuss specific plans.

So Master Sima quickly let the warlock come in. The warlock was very beautiful and saluted Sima Yi respectfully.

Sima Yi asked him some questions, and then planned to take him to Cao Pi.

The next day, Sima Yi and his son brought the warlock to Cao Pi and told them everything about their plan.

"As long as you master Xi Yu's birth date, you can deal with him."

A glint flashed in Cao Pi's eyes, and he nodded slightly in approval.

And praised Sima Yi for raising a good son. Master Sima lowered his head and said that this was what he should do.

"But how can we know his birth date?" Cao Pi asked quickly.

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao, I will naturally have a special way."

But as for how this method works, the warlock will never say anything.

"May I have your name?"

"Back to Mr. Cao, my name is Meng Yulei."

"If you can really succeed, just put forward any conditions. As long as I can meet them, I will definitely meet them."

Cao Pi stroked the beard on his chin and said slowly.

"But if you don't have any skills, don't blame me for being rude. I will cut you into pieces when the time comes."

Meng Yulei smiled slightly after hearing this. He seemed particularly confident, saying that he would also succeed.

"Don't be anxious, Mr. Cao. It only takes ten days at most before I can succeed."

Meng Yulei analyzed that they must not launch any war within ten days. If Xi Yu really wants to launch a war, they must find a way to delay it.

"Okay, I believe this matter shouldn't be difficult." Sima Yi said immediately.

Cao Pi nodded, and then asked Meng Yulei to live next to him, entertaining him with good wine.

"Zhongda, you two, father and son, also have meritorious service. You can tell me what kind of reward there is."

"Go back to Mr. Cao, this is what we should do, so we can't ask for extra rewards." Master Sima bowed respectfully.

Cao Pi said that he would never forget them.

If there is any reward in the future, I will definitely think of them. After that, the father and son went back.

After returning home, Sima Yi always felt that things were going too smoothly, and he suspected that there might be a conspiracy hidden in it. Master Sima comforted him and said, "Dad, don't be suspicious. There is no problem at all."

"Then tell me how you met Meng Yulei."

The father and son entered the study while talking.

"They were introduced by some business partners." Master Sima said as soon as he sat down.

Although I have stopped doing business recently, I was drinking with some partners at noon today.

Someone accidentally mentioned the issue of warlocks, so he paid special attention. So he asked his friend to meet the sorcerer.

In this way, he met Meng Yulei.

Meng Yulei was very capable, but very short of money, so calling him here was a natural progression.

Sima Yi kept frowning.

"Dad, don't worry, nothing will happen. If this thing is really done, we, father and son, can go down in history." Master Sima had a smile on his face. (End of chapter)

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