After returning to Luoyang, Liu Xie summoned many civil and military ministers.

The ministers did not know that they were gone, but some big things were particularly good.

Speaking of which, what he did as an emperor was very useless, so what big deal could he do?

That night, Liu Xie had a dream, in which he participated in a grand ceremony in Xiyu.

It turns out that Xi Yu is going to call himself the king. Since he currently lives in Youzhou, he calls himself King of Youzhou.

Many people also attended his ceremony.

Among them were Liu Bei, Meng Huo, Zhang Lu and others, and Cao Pi and Sima Yi actually went there carrying gifts.

The scene was particularly lively, which made Liu Xie very fascinated.

After Xi Yu completed the ceremony, he led everyone to salute Liu Xie.

Liu Xie originally thought he was an outsider, but he didn't expect everyone to find out.

He soon woke up from his dream, and Liu Xie felt that the dream was very real, as if he had actually encountered it.

When he went to court the next morning, he told the civil and military ministers about this dream, and the ministers looked at each other.

No one thought that Liu Xie would actually tell his dream.

Liu Xie summoned the civil and military ministers to discuss the matter of making Xi Yu king, and the ministers discussed it a lot.

Some people think that Xi Yu has outstanding achievements and should be crowned king; some people worry that Xi Yu's ambitions have expanded and being crowned king will encourage his arrogance.

The two factions' views clashed fiercely in the court.

The ministers who supported the title of king made impassioned speeches, listing Xi Yu's illustrious military exploits and outstanding contributions, and believed that he was fully qualified to be crowned king.

A minister said excitedly: "Xi Yu is both wise and brave, and has achieved great fame many times. He deserves a higher reward."

Another minister echoed: "Yes, Xi Yu not only has outstanding military exploits, but he also manages the place well and makes the people live and work in peace and contentment. Such a talent deserves to be called the king."

However, ministers who opposed the title of king pointed out Xi Yu's ambition and worried that he would take the opportunity to expand his power and pose a threat to the stability and security of the Han Dynasty.

An older minister said worriedly: "Although Xi Yu has meritorious service, his ambition cannot be ignored. After becoming king, his power will be even greater, and he may take the opportunity to expand his power."

Another minister added: "We can't just look at the immediate military exploits, but also consider the long-term national interests. General Xi Yu's ambition has caused some people's concerns, and we cannot risk letting him become king."

The two sides argued endlessly in the court, each holding their own opinions, and the scene was very fierce.

Liu Xie silently listened to both sides' opinions on the throne and fell into deep thought.

Liu Xie was in a dilemma, and he understood that both views were reasonable. He decided to put aside the controversy for the time being and let the ministers go back and think again.

"In this case, let this matter be dropped."

Liu Xie had no choice but to say this, but he was very unhappy in his heart.

After the morning court, Liu Xie returned to the palace, still unhappy.

Dan, the young eunuch who accompanied him to Youzhou: "Your Majesty, why are you doing this? In fact, you only need to do this yourself. Just do it, no matter what others say?"

Liu Xie was stunned for a moment, could he still be like this?

"Your Majesty, don't forget that you are your Majesty and you keep your word."

Liu Xie felt that what he said made sense. Although he looked like a puppet, he was also an emperor.

Yes, he must use his rights now and must not let these people manipulate him.

It would be fine if heroes like Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao were at the mercy of him. What would happen if an ordinary minister should be at the mercy of him?

"You are right. Thank you for the reminder. I will draft the imperial edict immediately."

After that, Liu Xie immediately issued an imperial edict, conferring Xiyu the title of King of Youzhou, and then asked the young eunuch to report the news quickly.

On the next day, Liu Xie told the matter, and the ministers who opposed it looked at each other in shock.

It turns out that Liu Xie had already made the decision to establish a one-note hall.

If this is the case, then why do we still need to discuss it?

So some ministers began to dissuade him earnestly: "Your Majesty, it is inappropriate to do this. You need to think carefully."

"What else am I thinking about? I have already issued an imperial edict."

The minister sighed.

If that's the case, then it's useless to say anything.

And today, many people saw that Liu Xie was different from usual. He seemed to be particularly majestic.

The little eunuch took the imperial edict and hurried on his way.

On the way, he guarded the imperial edict, fearing what kind of accident would happen.

Naturally, he also understood that sooner or later, the world would be full of drama, and Liu Xie was probably the last emperor of the Han family.

Thinking of this, he felt very sad.

So while he was eating in the inn, he felt very miserable.

As a result, the waiter in the shop also felt inexplicable and didn't know what happened to him.

On the other side, Xi Yu entered into a crazy training state again.

He had no idea that Liu Xie valued him so much that he actually made him king.

Because I also held crazy meetings and everyone disagreed, the matter was slowly shelved.

A few days later, the young eunuch arrived at the gate of Youzhou City. This time the soldiers did not dare to let him go because he came with an imperial edict.

The young eunuch entered the Xifu.

Xi Yu and his eldest brother Xi Zhicai were playing chess, and they were particularly quiet at the moment.

Their hearts were also very peaceful. The Boshan stove next to them was emitting heat, and there was a pot of flowers in front of the window, which looked so beautiful.

Suddenly, a soldier broke the silence because it was the young eunuch who came to read the imperial edict.

Xi Yu was surprised. What imperial edict did His Majesty give him?

Seeing that it was the young eunuch from last time, he said a few polite words, and then quickly knelt down with Xi Zhicai.

The content of the imperial edict was to let Xi Yu become king, which surprised Xi Yu.

"There may be something wrong with my father-in-law. How can I be virtuous and capable?"

"Xi Zhi, oh, no, I should call you King Youzhou. You're too polite. His Majesty values ​​you so much, and you are also very capable."

Xi Yu was secretly happy. Be polite.

"That's all your Majesty's compliments. In fact, I still have many shortcomings."

He finally thanked him and received the imperial edict.

Afterwards, he asked for broadband for the little eunuch.

The young eunuch said that he had to go back to pay the errand, so Xi Yu took his arm.

"Come on, I don't think so at this moment. It's not like you haven't lived here before. Just stay here tonight."

The little eunuch thought to himself that the emperor did not tell him that he had to leave immediately. In that case, he should stay.

Anyway, he was happy to be with Xi Yu.

Xi Zhicai immediately bowed to Xi Yu.

"Congratulations to my brother."

"Brother, what are you doing? Why are we brothers so polite to each other?"

He immediately supported the other person's arm.

"Brother is mainly too happy, which shows that His Majesty thinks highly of you."

Xi Zhicai's analysis is very reasonable. It can be said that His Majesty now supports Xi Yu in doing what he wants to do.

Because Liu Xie also knew that his momentum was exhausted and now he needed a new star. The key was that Liu Bei had promised his own constitutional monarchy and would not put himself to death.

But if it were Cao Pi, it would be different. Cao Pi would definitely deal with himself, at least not kindly to himself.

Xi Yu held a meeting at his mansion, and he read out the contents of the imperial edict to everyone with a serious face. Xi Yu's voice echoed in the hall, and everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"This time it's not a question of whether I want to be king or not, but the emperor insists on making me king." Xi Yu's words caused an uproar, and everyone began to whisper.

Some people looked happy, thinking that this was the honor Xiyu deserved.

The news quickly spread throughout Youzhou.

People were talking in the streets and alleys, expressing their opinions on Xiyu becoming king. Some people think that Xi Yu deserves to be king because of his great military exploits.

In the teahouse in Youzhou, people had a heated discussion about Xiyu becoming king.

An old man took a slow sip of tea and said, "Xi Yu has made a lot of contributions to our Youzhou. If he becomes king, he will definitely make our Youzhou more prosperous." People around him nodded in agreement.

The emperor's decision was considered very wise.

After Cao Pi learned that Xi Yu was crowned king by the emperor, the anger in his heart burst out like a volcano.

His face turned red instantly, veins popped out on his forehead, and he clenched his fist tightly, as if he wanted to condense all his dissatisfaction and anger into this punch.

His eyes were full of rage, as if he wanted to burn everything in front of him to ashes.

He slapped the table hard, making a dull sound that made the items on the table tremble slightly. He kept swearing in his mouth, his voice was loud and passionate, full of anger and dissatisfaction.

Cao Pi's body trembled with anger, and his breathing became rapid and heavy, as if every breath he took was filled with endless anger.

"Liu Xie, you hateful kid, I must kill you."

Xi Yu became the king, which would be a level higher than his own. He also wanted to be the king in the past, but he never had time. Unexpectedly, Liu Xie's canonization actually made it legal this time.

Meng Yulei was still entertained with good wine and good treatment. On this day, Cao Pi came to his room.

Meng Yulei was hugging two beauties, and the room was filled with laughter and laughter.

Cao Pi pushed the door open and entered with anger on his face.

Meng Yulei quickly calmed down his expression.

"Mr. Cao, although this is the territory provided by you, you just stormed into it. Isn't it a bit rude?"

The two women were so frightened that they ran outside quickly, fearing that Cao Pi would blame them. Fortunately, they were not criticized by Cao Pi.

When Cao Pi learned that Xi Yu was crowned king, he was furious. He became suspicious of Meng Yulei, thinking that he had a false reputation and no real ability.

Cao Pi scolded angrily: "Meng Yulei, you useless person! I am so blind that I believed that you have the ability to decipher Xi Yu's birth date! Now that he has been named king, you are still immersed in the gentle land of women, Don’t want to make progress!”

The key thing is not only that he is the king, but more importantly, Liu Xiu actually supports Xinyu to attack him.

He has already regarded himself as a thorn in his side. If he wins, he will definitely torture Liu Xie to death.

Meng Yulei felt no guilt in the face of Cao Pi's scolding.

He explained: "Mr. Cao, you have misunderstood me. I am not a vain person, and I have never failed to make progress. It takes time and energy to decipher the birth date, and I have been working hard on it."

Cao Pi angrily interrupted his explanation.

"Time? How much more time do you need? Don't forget that you have promised up to ten days!"

Meng Yulei replied calmly: "Mr. Cao, I can understand your anger. But please believe me, I will definitely find a way to decipher Xi Yu's birth date. I lay drunk in a woman's arms to relax my body and mind. Better cope with challenges. I have never given up on deciphering Xi Yu’s birth date. This is my mission and I will go all out.”

"Besides, weren't you the one who sent these women here?" He suddenly smiled slyly.

At this time, Cao Pi had nothing to say.

He did promise to give the other party good wine, good food, and beautiful women. If the other party has any conditions, he can put them forward.

Cao Pi looked at Meng Yulei's firm eyes, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided.

He realized his gaffe and took a deep breath.

After all, the news that Xiyu was crowned king made him feel very confused.

"Okay, Meng Yulei, I will believe you again. If you can't decipher Xi Yu's birth date as soon as possible, we will face greater difficulties."

Meng Yulei nodded, "I understand, Mr. Cao. I will work harder to live up to your trust."

Cao Pi sighed and then left. Looking at his back, Meng Yulei gave him a look of contempt.

In Sima Yi's home, the candlelight flickered, reflecting the figures of Sima Yi and his eldest son Sima Shi playing chess. The black and white on the chessboard are as clear as the Machiavellian world in their minds.

Sima Yi gently dropped a piece and said slowly: "Xi Yu has been named king. The emperor played this game of chess really exquisitely."

His voice was low and magnetic, as if he was describing a thrilling chess game.

Master Sima frowned slightly and stared at the chessboard.

"Father, do you think the emperor's move was intentional or unintentional?"

Sima Yi smiled.

"Every move the emperor makes has his own deep meaning. Xi Yu's title of king may have been a move on his part, but this move also put himself at risk. One careless move and the whole game will be lost."

There was a flash of worry in his eyes.

Although the emperor has some talents, he is not so wise. The main reason is that he trusts Xi Yu too much.

Sima Yi sighed and said, "Perhaps the emperor has determined that Xi Yu will take over the world, and Cao Pi is destined to fail."

Master Sima said nothing. He seemed to understand that what his father said was right.

After a while, Sima Yi muttered again.

"I hope Meng Yulei can be worthy of our trust and get things done for us quickly."

Next, the two just played chess and stopped talking about anything.

Secret guard Tianhu has been in Luoyang for several days. On this day, he accidentally learned that there was a secret intelligence organization called Longhumen.

He decided to go to Longhumen to have a look.

The mystery of this organization lies in its membership, how it operates, and the intelligence it possesses.

The identities of the members of the organization are extremely confidential, and they lurk in every corner under various disguises.

Tianhu stood at the entrance of the cave at Longhu Gate.

He heard that this place was hidden in a remote cave and was very difficult to find. Moreover, each member wore a mask and was mysterious and unusual.

When he stepped into the cave, he was immediately surrounded by a group of people wearing masks.

One of the masked men asked in a stern tone: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Tianhu took a deep breath and replied calmly: "I came to do business with you in the hope of getting some important information."

Another masked man stepped forward and began to search Tianhu. Tianhu felt a little dissatisfied, but still cooperated with their inspection.

"You don't have anything dangerous with you, come in," the masked man said.

After Tianhu was brought in, he was interrogated in detail, how he knew there was this organization here, who he heard from, etc.

Tianhu also answered one by one. Since he wants to cooperate with them, he must show sincerity.

After listening to his answer, several people felt that he was not lying.

The masked men exchanged glances, and one of them said, "Okay, you can come with me. I'll take you to our leader."

Tianhu followed the man through the narrow cave passage and finally came to a spacious cave. There is a man wearing a golden mask sitting in the center of the cave. He must be the leader of Longhumen.

"What's the matter with you?" The leader's voice was low and powerful.

Tianhu told them his purpose, which was to let them investigate Sima Yi.

Several people were shocked, because Sima Yi was an important figure.

Although they were wearing masks, Tianhu could feel the tension in their hearts.

Tianhu then deliberately used provocation.

"What? Don't you dare to accept it? You thought you were so powerful, but it seems that your reputation is just in vain. I'll find someone else to take a look. I don't believe that I can't spend the money."

Tianhu came to play hard to get, and wanted to leave immediately.

This moment made the leader angry.

"Who said we don't dare to pick it up? Come back."

Tianhu knew that the other party would definitely call him back.

"But this person is very special recently, so the price is higher."

"Of course there is no problem with this. Even if you don't say it, I can't treat you badly."

Finally, the other party quoted a price.

Tianhu felt that it was acceptable, so he paid the money.

"Very good, very refreshing." The leader said.

Next, Tianhu made a request.

The purpose is to find out if there are any important women or blood-related women with Sima Yi's voice, and then offer them to Cao Pi to cause him to have conflicts with Cao Pi.

They are only responsible for the investigation. As for the later work, Tianhu will complete it.

At this moment, the leader was silent and looked at Tianhu.

Tianhu asked: "What's wrong? Do you feel that this matter is particularly difficult to handle?"

"I'm just curious about your identity"?

"I have learned some of your rules before. You are not allowed to ask for customer information casually, right?"

The leader immediately laughed.

"Yes, I was too abrupt. Come on, make tea quickly."

Being able to stay and drink tea proved that the leader was particularly pleased with this person. Then, many servants immediately brought tea. (End of chapter)

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