After a while, the leader asked everyone to step aside, and he talked to Tianhu alone.

Many people were very surprised, which proved that the leader paid special attention to Tianhu. Otherwise, how could he talk to him alone?

Tianhu also understands this.

After many members left, there were constant discussions.

"This man is an enemy of Sima Yi. What is his role?" someone asked.

"Who knows? Let's leave it alone."

In the cave, the leader and Tianhu continued to talk. The leader was still very curious about Tianhu's identity, and he couldn't help but ask.

But he knew the rules and really couldn't ask.

Tianhu said: "When will it be completed? I also hope to complete it quickly and go back."

"After all, this is a bit troublesome. It will take up to ten days, how about"?

Tianhu thought for a while and finally agreed.

After a while of burning incense, Tianhu came out and everyone walked in again.

On this day, Xi Yu continued to train. He looked at the map and calculated the date.

Although I don’t believe in auspicious days, I still decided to respect the habits of most people and choose a good day.

So, Xi Yu found a Feng Shui master.

After a while, a fairy-like old man appeared in the theater.

He came to the yard and muttered something in his mouth.

Then, the old man opened his eyes and said, "It will be a good day in another seven days."

Xiyu calculated the time, it would be seven days later.

An announcement will be made at that time.

The old man wondered why he needed to be notified? Just attack when the time comes.

Xi Yu probably understood what was going on, so he said: "This is equivalent to conspiracy, it is equivalent to telling you that I will hit you and see how you continue."

Just like Zhang Yi and Su Qin, lobbying with their sharp tongue is tantamount to conspiracy.

Let you know clearly that he is plotting against you, but you still can't help it.

The old man understood immediately and laughed.

Xi Yu quickly held a meeting and summoned many people.

"A master has said that it will be a good day in seven days. We will start to attack Cao Pi, and now we will start to declare a challenge. What do you think?"

Zhuge Liang held a fan in one hand and kept stroking his beard, saying: "Yes, we should have attacked a long time ago. Let Cao Pi wash his neck and wait."

Jia Xu also nodded in agreement.

Basically no one objected, because many people were very enthusiastic and wanted to get this thing done quickly.

"In that case, Mr. Jia, hurry up and draw up a letter of challenge."

Jia Xu was stunned.

"Your Majesty, is this necessary?"

Xi Yu explained his reasons, telling him in advance and leaving him with no choice.

Xi Yu thought of Tianhu's investigation of Sima Yi. It seemed unnecessary to attack Sima Yi if he attacked immediately, but this was already the case, so let's continue.

At the same time, Xi Yu asked everyone to spread the news.

Let the people be happy too.

As a result, the news slowly spread. Of course, for the people of Youzhou, although they were happy, they were not particularly happy.

After all, this is an outsider's business.

But this matter also spread in many places, and everyone started talking about it in taverns and teahouses.

"It seems that the world is about to change, Xi Gong, no, the King of Youzhou is going to take over the world."

"King Youzhou is sent from heaven to save people. People in other places are now blessed."

The letter of war was quickly written by Jia Xu and immediately sent to Luoyang.

It rained heavily in Luoyang that day.

It rained very hard and the roads were muddy.

People's mood is also very heavy.

In a certain teahouse, there were many customers drinking tea while taking shelter from the rain.

Some people began to talk, saying that the rain was a sign that the weather was about to change.

Some people said that they heard that Xi Yu was going to attack Cao Wei, and the rain was a sign that Xi Yu's army was coming.

People began to compare Xi Yu and Cao Pi.

"I hope Xi Yu can win, so maybe many people will have a good life."

"Whenever there is a war, there are always some soldiers and civilians who suffer."

Many people in the teahouse were talking, and the waiter always felt a little scared. If Cao Pi found out about this casual discussion, what would he do?

He then advised everyone to stop talking about it.

"Staff, what are you afraid of? Cao Pi is about to fail. Can he still control our mouths?"

When the waiter heard what they said, he couldn't say anything else. Forget it, why should he mind his own business?

After a while, the shopkeeper also walked out of the inner room. He actually talked about this topic with everyone, and the waiter was speechless.

This heavy rain continued for several days and nights without stopping. It finally stopped on this day, but the weather was still very cloudy.

And Cao Pi finally received the letter of challenge. After Cao Pi received the letter of challenge, his heart was aroused, and his emotions fluctuated like a roller coaster.

When he saw the challenge words written by Xi Yu himself, Cao Pi stared at every word on the letter, as if he wanted to carve them into his mind.

The flames of anger burned in Cao Pi's heart. His fists were clenched and his knuckles turned white from excessive exertion.

He felt a surge of blood welling up in his heart, wanting to immediately respond to Xi Yu's provocation and make him pay for his arrogance.

Although he already knew this, when he actually received the book, he was still trembling with anger.

Especially at the end of the challenge, he was called King of Youzhou, which made him feel a little shorter.

They turned out to be equal. Now I actually want to act based on other people's faces.

After that, he sent someone to call Meng Yulei and asked him when he would be able to decipher Xi Yu's birth date.

Because according to the time mentioned by Xi Yu, this last day is also the last day mentioned by Meng Yulei.

Meng Yulei quickly came to Cao Pi and said respectfully: "Mr. Cao, I wonder what you have to do?"

Seeing his indifferent look, Cao Pi scolded him in his heart.

You bastard, you are so good at pretending. Don’t you know what you are going to do?

"What do you mean I'm looking for you? Don't you have anything on your mind?"

Cao Pi threw a tea bowl angrily.

"Mr. Cao, I understand what you mean. Didn't I tell you about the cracking problem? There's not enough time yet."

Seeing that Cao Pi was about to curse again, Meng Yulei quickly said: "If the time is up, the gods will not help me, and there is no use in being anxious. So I hope you will stop talking."

Cao Pi had no choice but to be defeated.

"Can you confirm the last day and be able to decipher it? I need a definite answer."

"Don't worry, it will definitely work. If I can't crack it, I'm willing to let you do it. Even if you peel me off when the time comes, I won't have any complaints."

Meng Yulei's words were awe-inspiring, and Cao Pi breathed a sigh of relief. Now he could only listen to what the other party said.

So, he waved his hand and asked the other party to go back quickly. Meng Yulei returned to the guest room and was complacent.

Immediately he summoned two beauties to have fun with him, having already forgotten Cao Pi's words.

In the theater, the pregnant Ganmei suddenly reacted and was about to give birth. The maids panicked and hurried to find the midwife.

A few maids were left to serve Ganmei, who kept holding her stomach.

The few maids who went out to look for a living were discussing, thinking that there should be several days left, why did they arrive early?

They had never given birth and obviously had no experience.

"Maybe I'll come earlier sometimes."

At this time, Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong were walking in the yard.

Ouyang Linlin saw this scene and asked the maids what happened.

"Mrs. Ouyang is the eldest lady. She is about to give birth. We need to go out to find a midwife quickly."

When she learned that Ganmei was about to give birth, she told the maids that the midwife had been ready and was in her room.

"Because women sometimes give birth in advance. So I have made preparations for a long time." Ouyang Linlin said, and she blushed after saying this, because after all, she had never given birth to a child, but she had only heard of this statement. That’s all.

The maids were overjoyed. Fortunately, Mrs. Ouyang had made preparations in advance.

Quickly invite the midwife to Ganmei's room.

The midwife was experienced and quickly helped Ganmei give birth to a healthy baby.

At that time, Xi Yu was training troops. When someone reported the news, he was overjoyed and quickly ran home.

"What did you say? The eldest lady has given birth, it's great."

At this time, Xi Yu ran home quickly like a child. When the children met him on the street, they felt very incredible. They didn't know what could be so happy.

Because he was walking in a hurry, he accidentally bumped into someone. Xi Yu quickly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention when I walked. I hope you can forgive me."

At this time, he finally saw clearly that the person who was touched was actually Wenxuan.

Wenxuan asked: "What's wrong with you? Are you rushing to reincarnate? Really."

Xi Yu told her the good news that he had a child.

Wenxuan's eyes suddenly lit up: "Is it true? Then can I go and have a look too?"

"Of course, let's go quickly."

So, Xi Yu took the initiative to hold her hand and walked quickly.

This was the first time Xiyu held her hand, and she had a strange feeling.

Similarly, Ouyang Linlin also has a special feeling.

But at the moment, their minds are not on that, they just want to go home quickly.

Halfway through, Wenxuan started laughing.

"This is the product of the work of our predecessors and the ancients."

After hearing this statement, Xi Yu also laughed.

"Yes, what you said makes perfect sense."

Returned home soon.

Xi Yu rushed into the room and saw Gan Mei lying on the bed and the baby in her arms.

"Madam, you have worked hard, are you okay?"

He immediately grabbed Ganmei's hand. There was a small table next to it with some food on it, and several maids were serving it attentively.

Ganmei smiled and said, "I'm fine. Women always say they have to go through this step. Look at the child quickly."

Gan Mei felt very relieved. Xi Yu did not look after the children anxiously, but cared about herself first, which made her very happy.

Xi Yu immediately picked up the child and found out that it was a son.

His heart was filled with immense joy and happiness, and tears of excitement shone in his eyes.

He hugged her gently, then felt that the hugging posture was incorrect, and finally handed her over to a maid.

He walked up to Ganmei, gently held her hand, and expressed his gratitude and love to her.

"To celebrate the birth of my son, I decided to hold a grand naming ceremony."

At the same time, it was stated that the naming would be carried out during this ceremony.

Ganmei said: "Is this necessary? Why bother to mobilize so many troops?"

In fact, Ganmei's meaning is very obvious, because this is the first child, and other ladies will definitely have children later. If this time it is done so well, what will happen in the future?

And Xiyu immediately understood what she meant.

"This is my first son. I must mobilize all my troops."

"Okay, that's up to you."

At this time, Ouyang Linlin and several other ladies also came here to celebrate, and they also brought some ordinary nutritional products.

Ouyang Linlin said that if she gave shoes, the children would be able to wear them. It turned out that she had been preparing them.

Ganmei was very grateful.

"Ouyang Linlin, thank you so much. If you hadn't prepared the midwife in advance, the problem would have been particularly difficult."

Xi Yu quickly asked what was going on, and Ganmei's maids told them the relevant situation.

"So that's what happened. Ouyang Linlin, thank you so much."

Xi Yu said that he had not thought about this aspect, but Ouyang Linlin was thoughtful.

Moreover, the child was born in a special period, because he was about to march and fight, which was also a good sign.

And if his calculations were correct, Cao Pi would have probably received the letter of challenge by now.

Xi Yu issued an announcement that he would hold a grand birthday celebration for his son, and stated that he would treat the guests himself this time and would not accept any gifts, otherwise he would be expelled from the ceremony.

The news was sent out immediately, and many generals and wealthy businessmen were very happy, and they were willing to come and share the joy.

Some people think this is an act of generosity on the part of Xi Yu, who sincerely wants to share the joy; others wonder if Xi Yu has ulterior motives.

On the day of the birthday celebration, the theater house was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations and was full of joy.

Xi Yu warmly welcomed every guest and did not charge any gifts.

But at the celebration, the guests sent carefully prepared gifts to express their blessings for the newborn.

These gifts have their own characteristics, ranging from handmade handicrafts to souvenirs with beautiful meanings.

For some items that were particularly expensive, Xi Yu refused to accept them. If it was just to express his feelings, Xi Yu would accept them.

Xi Yu delivered a speech at the ceremony.

"Thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the newborn ceremony."

He said that his original intention of holding this birthday celebration was to let everyone share his joy, not to collect money. He hoped that everyone could forget the cumbersome etiquette and pray for the future of the newborn together.

Then, many people burst into warm applause.

Many people also came to the gate of Xifu, hoping to join in the fun.

After Xi Yu found out about this, he asked the soldiers to let everyone in.

Gradually, the courtyard was also surrounded by water.

The birthday celebration was held in a joyful atmosphere.

Xi Yu and Xi Zhicai raised their wine glasses and toasted to everyone.

At this time, many people met Xi Zhicai for the first time, and everyone was very happy to see that he had joined Xi Yu.

At this time, Xi Zhicai also gave a speech. Because this was his first nephew, he was very happy, so he hoped that everyone would not get drunk.

Many people once again burst into warm applause.

There were also lights and decorations outside, and many people set off firecrackers to celebrate this event.

Xi Yu felt very happy. He was kind to everyone, and everyone responded to him in return.

After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, Xi Yu brought up the matter of naming the child.

Many people took a look and wondered, should everyone give their children a name and let Xiyu choose?

As a result, Xiyu said that the name had already been chosen, but he chose it all night. I picked out a lot of names and stayed up late to choose one.

"The name is Ping An, which is very common. It means that I hope the child will be safe in the future."

Finally, Xi Yu asked everyone if the name was suitable.

Many people originally thought that Xi Yu would have a very literary name, but they really didn't expect it to be so ordinary.

Zhuge Liang took the lead in shouting.

"It's a good name. It's safe. Isn't it better than anything else?" When he said this, many people also agreed. It is indeed the same thing.

Nothing is better than health, and peace is the most important.

Xiyu also took the child out and let everyone take a look.

Sun Quan immediately said: "We feel very honored to see the little prince today. We are really lucky today."

And many people started to flatter me, and some flatterers really flattered themselves.

If it were normal times, Xi Yu might be particularly unhappy, but he knew that everyone was very happy today, and he didn't want to care about it.

A few hours later, the banquet stage officially ended.

Xiyu drank a little too much, so he immediately returned to the room and went to sleep.

But Ganmei was immersed in the joy of coaxing her children.

She was not even willing to let the maid hold the child, and was willing to hold it herself.

At night, although the children were noisy, she felt very happy.

Many maids find that it seems very happy for a person to become a mother.

In Ouyang Linlin's room, Xiaohong asked, "Miss, when will you be able to conceive a child?"

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this?"

"Since you are also the wife of the actor, you should spread your influence."

"Why do you still call it Xifu? He is now the King of Youzhou."

Ouyang Linlin corrected it immediately.

Only then did Xiaohong realize that she had said the wrong thing.

She laughed immediately.

"Just like before, I used to call you Miss, and I still call you Miss now. I used to call you Xifu, and now I call you Xifu. What's wrong with that?"

Ouyang Linlin felt that she was too naughty, so she scratched her nose with her hand. (End of chapter)

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