The leader of Longhumen asked his subordinates to quickly investigate some situations about Sima Yi.

On this day, several subordinates investigated the situation in the afternoon.

Sima Yi had an illegitimate daughter named Du Yujie who lived in a small mountain village.

So the leader sent two people to pay attention to the illegitimate daughter tomorrow.

The two people sent out were codenamed Aba and Ajiu.

This is a quiet little village with well-proportioned houses, surrounded by green mountains, and a clear river running through the village.

The life of the villagers is simple and simple. They make a living by farming and breeding, and live a life without competing with the world.

By the river, a young woman was washing clothes. She was Du Yujie.

Her appearance is beautiful and refined, and her brows reveal a sense of perseverance and determination.

She skillfully soaked the clothes in the river water, then patted them gently with a wooden stick, and then rinsed them carefully.

At this time, a village woman passed by and said hello to Du Yujie: "Yujie, you are washing clothes again."

Du Yujie raised her head and responded with a smile: "Yes, Auntie. The weather is really nice today, suitable for washing clothes."

The village woman approached Du Yujie and asked with concern: "Your father is not in good health. If you need any help, just tell your aunt."

Du Yujie said gratefully: "Thank you, auntie, for your concern. I am living a good life. Although life is a bit difficult, I can support myself."

After a while, the village woman left, leaving Du Yujie alone washing clothes.

She had no idea that someone was secretly paying attention to her at this moment.

Ah Qi and Ah Ba are plotting to enter Du Wujie's home and implement their plan.

Ah Qi said: "We have to find a way to enter Du Wujie's home."

Ah Ba said: "Yes, it's definitely not possible to break in directly. It will arouse suspicion."

Ah Qi added: "We can pretend to beg, ask her for some food, and then take the opportunity to enter her house."

"What a great idea! This way we can quietly observe her life and see if there are any opportunities."

Both Ah Qi and Ah Ba were filled with greed and evil thoughts.

Ah Qi and Ah Ba approached Du Yujie quietly, keeping a certain distance to avoid being discovered by her.

They watched Du Yujie finish washing the clothes, dry them, fold them neatly and put them in the basket, and then set off home.

Ah Ba said softly to Ah Qi: "Let's wait until she gets home and opens the door and goes in, and then find a suitable time to follow her in."

Ah Qi nodded, a hint of cunning flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, we have to pretend to be pitiful and let her sympathize with us."

Du Yujie walked into the house. Ah Qi and Ah Ba took the opportunity to speed up their pace. When they reached the door, they pretended to be at a loss.

Ah Ba knocked on the door and said in a pitiful tone: "Is there anyone here? We are lost and have lost our money. Can you go in and have something to eat? I hope you can take pity on us."

Du Yujie opened the door and saw Ah Qi and Ah Ba standing outside the door with tired and helpless faces.

Du Yujie felt pity and asked: "Why are you lost? Come in and sit down first, and I will get you some food."

Ah Qi and Ah Ba walked into the house with tears in their eyes. Ah Qi said, "Thank you so much. We have been hungry for several days."

Du Yujie smiled and said, "You're welcome, everyone encounters difficulties. I'll prepare some food for you."

After a while, Du Yujie brought the food over and gave them some water to drink.

Ah Qi said: "Is this water good? You won't poison it, right?"

After hearing this, Du Yujie was very unhappy and kindly gave you water. Why do you still have so many problems?

But she still forced herself to laugh.

"How could it be poisonous? You are kidding."

But Ah Qi and Ah Ba had already poisoned it when she wasn't paying attention.

So, Ah Ba said, "If it's not poisonous, can you take a bite?"

Du Yujie was particularly angry and said that it was absolutely okay.

She quickly took a sip.

So he immediately passed out and the two of them looked at each other and were very happy.

Ah Qi said: "Actually, we don't need to go to such trouble. It's just a woman."

"You can't say that. It's better to be cautious. Let's take him back to see the leader quickly."

So, the two people took Du Yujie back to meet the leader.

"Chief, this is Sima Yi's illegitimate daughter Du Yujie."

The leader was particularly happy: "You two have done a good job. You have worked hard, please step back."

So, the two people retreated, and the leader saw that Du Yujie was very beautiful.

He suddenly had a bad idea, but he thought that he could not do something bad, he had to think about his customers.

So in the end he endured it.

After a while, he sent someone to send the woman to Cao Pi.

But he must choose a good reason.

Giving it away casually would make Cao Pi feel very suspicious.

He eventually called over an old man from the gang.

After a while, an old man came to him.

"Old Lin, you have to do something now."

"If the leader has any orders, just say it."

So, the leader told him the relevant situation.

Lao Lin immediately agreed, and then quickly left with the unconscious Du Yujie in his arms.

An hour later, he appeared at the door of Cao's mansion with Du Yujie in his arms.

He placed Du Xujie at the door with a very painful look on his face.

The soldiers at the gate of Cao Mansion walked towards Lao Lin with serious faces.

Their expressions were cold and determined, as if no emotion could shake their determination.

Lao Lin looked at these soldiers in horror. His body was shaking involuntarily and tears welled up in his eyes.

He stuttered on purpose.

"Please, please don't drive me away... I have nothing left, I have no home, no relatives...".

Lao Lin's words were full of pleading, and his voice was trembling, as if he might collapse at any time.

The soldiers looked at Lao Lin expressionlessly. They were not moved by his pity.

One of the soldiers said coldly: "This is an order and we must execute it. Please get out of here."

Lao Lin's tears finally flowed down uncontrollably. He cried and said: "I have nowhere to go, I am desperate, I can no longer support my daughter, so I let her pass out... Please , buy my daughter and give me a sum of money so that I can spend the rest of my life..."

However, the soldiers were unmoved. They held their weapons tightly and prepared to force Lao Lin away.

At this time, many pedestrians on the road saw this scene, and they all felt that the old man was really pitiful.

If it was good, who would sell a beautiful woman?

It’s definitely impossible to survive.

These soldiers felt that they could not allow the common people to talk about it.

Otherwise, Cao Pi would be disgraced.

Therefore, a soldier decided to report the news to Cao Pi.

After the soldiers reported to Cao Pi, Cao Pi felt very strange and decided to go to the door to have a look.

He followed the soldiers to the door and saw an old man holding a girl. The girl's face was still stained with tears and she looked very pitiful.

Cao Pi walked up to Lao Lin, looked down at him, and asked, "Why did you sell your daughter?"

Lao Lin raised his head and looked at Cao Pi, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Sir, I am a poor farmer. My family has no money and cannot support my daughter. I don't want her to suffer with me, so I want to sell her to a good family so that she can live a better life. "

Cao Pi looked at Du Yujie carefully and saw that she was really a beauty.

He immediately thought of Xi Shi and Song Meijiao that he couldn't get. Now this beauty was in Xi Yu's arms.

Thinking of this incident, I felt itching with hatred.

This is simply unreasonable.

And now that this beauty has arrived at your door, can't you enjoy it?

I was very excited inside, but I couldn't show it on my face.

Therefore, he must also show a look of sadness on his face.

Seeing that there were still many pedestrians here, Cao Pi felt that he should give a generous speech immediately.

He can say that it is his responsibility to let everyone live a good life, but now that such a situation occurs, he is extremely derelict in his duty.

He did this to win people's hearts, and actually showed everyone that he was no worse than Xi Yu.

Cao Pi cleared his throat and began his performance.

He stood in the middle of the crowd, straightened his body, and looked at everyone firmly.

"Today, I feel deeply sad and remorseful to see that there are still people living in difficulties."

His voice was low and contagious, making people fall silent and listen to his words.

There was a trace of tears in the corner of his eyes, and he continued: "I know that I have the responsibility to let everyone live a happy life. However, I have not done enough."

There was genuine emotion in his words.

Then, Cao Pi clenched his fists and expressed his determination.

"However, I would like to assure everyone that from today on, we will go all out and promote a series of policies to allow everyone to live a good life."

Many people were actually infected by his show and gave him warm applause.

Lao Lin also sneered in his heart. He didn't expect that this guy was so good at acting, and he actually succeeded him.

He deliberately said: "Mr. Cao, you'd better solve the current matter. I hope you can take my daughter in and make her a maid for you."

He knew that Cao Pi was acting, but Cao Pi didn't know that he was acting and thought that what he said was factual.

"Since you are so pitiful, I am willing to spend money to buy your daughter."

Finally, Cao Pi paid the money.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Lao Lin thanked him, and then staged a reluctant scene before leaving with tears in his eyes.

Next, Cao Pi asked several maids at home to take Du Yujie away and put her in a certain room.

Cao Pi walked into the room and saw Du Yujie lying on the bed.

Her beauty took his breath away.

Du Yujie's skin was like snow, and her jade-like face exuded a cold aura.

Her eyebrows were raised slightly, revealing a hint of stubbornness that was not easy to detect. A pair of bright eyes, like deep lake water, contains wisdom and spirituality.

Cao Pi's heartbeat accelerated, and he felt as if he was in a dream world.

He tried his best to control his inner excitement, but his fingers could not help but tremble slightly.

In the end, Cao Pi decided to use the overlord to force the bow, since the opponent was unconscious now anyway.

He finally succeeded in doing happy things.

At night, Du Wujie woke up and found himself in a strange environment.

She felt very strange.

Moreover, this place was so luxurious, which made her feel very confused.

And there are several little girls guarding her.

"Tell me where this is"?

Several little girls told Du Yujie that this was Cao Pi's home.

"Excuse me, who is Cao Pi?" Du Yujie asked softly, with a hint of doubt in her voice.

One of the little girls replied with a smile: "Miss, don't you know Mr. Cao Pi? He is one of the most powerful people here!"

Another little girl continued: "Yes, Mr. Cao is very great. The whole of Luoyang is headed by him."

Du Yujie was shocked when she heard this. She had never thought that she would be involved in such a powerful place.

She couldn't help but become curious about Cao Pi.

"Then why did you bring me here?" Du Yujie asked.

The little girls looked at each other and smiled, and one of them said: "Gong Cao told us to take good care of you."

Du Yujie was even more confused. She didn't understand why she attracted Cao Pi's attention.

She decided to find an opportunity to meet with Cao Pi and ask clearly in person.

"I want to see Mr. Cao, can you take me to see him?" Du Yujie said.

The little girls hesitated.

"As long as Mr. Cao comes to see you, we are not qualified to make such a request to Mr. Cao."

Du Yujie immediately knelt down for them.

"I'm begging you, I want to go home."

With no choice, the little girls had no choice but to agree to Du Wujie's request.

So, Du Yujie followed the little girls out of the room and walked through the gorgeous corridors. Finally, they came to a spacious hall, where Cao Pi was sitting on the throne, watching her arrival with bright eyes.

"Hey, you woke up, girl, I don't know your name yet"!

He stood up immediately. Several little girls said that Du Yujie had to kneel down to force them to come, and they hoped that Cao Pi would not blame them.

"It doesn't matter. You all should step back. I want to have a few words with this girl alone."

The little girls breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated. At this time, Du Wujie looked at Cao Pi.

Cao Pi wore gorgeous yet solemn clothes, showing his noble status and majesty. He was wearing a black brocade robe.

The sleeves of the robe were wide, and the cuffs were embroidered with silver piping, which shimmered with his movements.

Du Yujie suddenly discovered a problem. She found that her body was in special pain. Could it be that she had been violated by Cao Pi?

"What exactly did you do to me?"

Cao Pi laughed loudly, and his laughter was particularly lewd, and Du Yujie felt that her guess was correct.

"Your father has sold you to me, do you understand?"

When Cao Pi said this, Du Yujie was very surprised.

"What did you say? Impossible, you beast."

Du Yujie felt that he was lying. How could his father sell him out?

Moreover, he actually violated her and made her miserable, so she stepped forward to beat Cao Pi.

Cao Pi immediately grabbed her wrist. At this moment, several servants came over.

Cao Pi said: "It's none of your business, just step back."

Several servants quickly retreated.

Cao Pi said with a smile: "Little girl, how can you be my opponent? I advise you to be obedient."

Du Yujie started to cry.

"If you don't believe it, you can listen to me slowly."

Cao Pi quickly let go of her hand.

Cao Pi told Du Yujie exactly what happened at the gate.

But Du Yujie still didn't believe it. She thought Cao Pi was lying and insisted on going home to ask her father for clarification.

A ray of sunlight shines through the window on the floor, forming a golden spot.

Cao Pi sat on the chair again, looking serious.

His hands were clasped tightly, and his eyes showed determination and stubbornness.

"I didn't lie. What I said was the truth." Cao Pi's voice was low and powerful, and he tried to make Du Yujie believe him.

"Impossible! It's impossible for my father to do such a thing!" Du Yujie's voice was filled with excitement, "I want to go home, and I want to ask him face to face!"

"If you don't believe it, you can ask others, and others can prove it."

"How is that possible? Everyone here is yours, so who am I to ask?"

Therefore, Du Yujie was still clamoring to go home.

"You must have come to my house and snatched me away. I remembered that those two people were with you."

At this time, Cao Pi fell into doubt again and asked who those two people were.

Du Yujie told the story about Ah Qi and Ah Ba.

"You still ask me, do you really not know who they are?"

At this moment, Cao Pi thought, could it be that Old Lin was not the girl's biological father but a human trafficker who abducted young women so that they could be sold?

In this case, it was too abominable. It turned out that he was acting in front of him.

It was simply unreasonable, but no matter what, he would never send this beauty away again after he brought her to his doorstep.

"I don't know the person you are talking about. Anyway, when you come to my house, you must be obedient and don't make trouble here, otherwise I will be rude to you."

Cao Pi's expression became very ferocious.

"Let me go home quickly." Du Yujie immediately knelt down to Cao Pi, "Please, please take me home quickly, okay?"

But no matter what he said, it was ineffective. Soon, Cao Pi asked several servants to come over, put Du Yujie back in the room, and then guarded her closely.

Du Yujie yelled in the room, but it was of no use at all.

Cao Pi also knew clearly that this was wrong, but who made him like this beauty?

Lao Lin quickly returned to the cave and reported the news to the leader.

After telling the relevant situation, the leader said: "You can tell Sima Yi about this in a few days." (End of Chapter)

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