Sima Yi returned to the house, his face gloomy, he locked himself in the room without saying a word, and did not let anyone enter.

"No one can come in without my permission."

Everyone within his confidants knew that Sima Yi must have encountered something troublesome and needed some quiet time.

After a while, Master Sima came to find his father Sima Yi, but was stopped by soldiers at the door.

Master Sima was confused and asked, "Is father in there?"

The soldier nodded: "But grandpa said, no one will be seen."

The soldier said he didn't know what happened.

Master Sima had no choice but to turn around and ask other servants why Sima Yi suddenly locked him up.

But the servants couldn't explain clearly. They only knew that Sima Yi had been depressed since he came back, locking himself in the room and drinking wine.

Master Sima became more and more anxious. He was worried that his father would encounter something difficult. So, regardless of the soldiers' obstruction, he forced his way into Sima Yi's room.

"Young Master, you'd better not force your way in, otherwise, I'll blame you."

"I am responsible for everything by myself."

Seeing that he was determined to do so, the soldiers did not dare to stop him.

When Sima Yi saw Master Sima coming in, he was not angry, but silently poured a glass of wine and handed it to him. Master Sima took the wine glass and asked with concern: "Father, why are you so troubled?"

Sima Yi sighed, but said nothing.

"Father, what happened? Can you tell me quickly?"

Faced with his son's detailed questioning, Sima Yi reluctantly revealed that he had an illegitimate daughter.

Cao Pi took possession of his illegitimate daughter.

Sima Yi knew in his heart that this was a conspiracy designed by others, but he was powerless.

Master Sima was shocked when he learned the news.

He knew very well what his father was like and did not believe that he would have an illegitimate daughter.

"Dad, are everything you said true?"

"Dad, do you still need to lie to you?"

Sima Yi never expected that his father would do such a thing, and he believed his father's words. There must be someone behind this, so no wonder his father drank too much.

"It's not an option for you to drink like this. You'd better think about what to do next."

Sima Yi shook his head. If he knew what to do, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Sima Yi looked at his father, filled with dissatisfaction.

He couldn't accept his father's attitude towards the girl.

"Father, how can you say that? That girl is your illegitimate daughter. There is no need for you to make such a big sacrifice for her." Master Sima said, "Dad, in this troubled world, feelings are the least valuable. Something. That girl was just the result of your temporary infatuation, and she has no value to us. The most important thing for us now is to protect ourselves and not be involved in these unnecessary things. "

After hearing his words, Sima Yi became even more angry.

He didn't expect his son to be so ruthless.

"I can't accept your opinion. She is my daughter, we can't just abandon her like this, regardless of her life or death." Sima Yi said.

"Dad, don't be swayed by your emotions." Master Sima said.

The father and son really argued about this issue. In the end, Sima Yi still insisted on his own ideas.

After Sima Yi asked Master Sima to go out, he drank alone. After a few glasses of wine, his thoughts gradually blurred, and everything in front of him became blurry.

He stood up unsteadily and walked toward the bed on instinct. Finally, he fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep after a while.

He slept deeply, and Sima Yi slept until dawn the next day. When he woke up, he had a splitting headache and a dry throat.

He barely pushed himself up, looked around and found that he was in the bedroom.

On this day, Xi Yu will conduct a military exercise. He came to the military camp, called out several generals, and asked Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu to follow him, telling them about the incident.

Several generals didn't understand what military exercises were, and Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu also looked confused.

Xi Yu then told them a story.

"How is it? Now do you understand what military exercises are?"

Several generals nodded.

After understanding the concept of military exercises, the generals became actively involved in formulating the plans.

"Okay, now you have to make a detailed military exercise plan. This plan includes the time, location, participants, exercise content, etc. of the exercise to ensure the smooth progress of the military exercise."

After Xi Yu said this, he came to the military camp and waited for several generals to formulate plans.

After a while, the soldiers called Zhou Yu in.

"Your Majesty, I don't know why you recruit subordinates?"

"You need to perform equipment inspection and maintenance to ensure that the weapons and equipment are in good condition."

"Subordinates take orders."

After a while, several generals wrote the plan on paper and presented it to Xi Yu for viewing.

After Xiyu saw it, he felt particularly satisfied.

Then everyone was asked to summon all the soldiers and Xi Yu came to give a speech.

"Everyone also knows that we will attack Cao Pi in a few days. The date has been set. At this time, we must not relax."

"Although it is a military exercise, you must feel like you are really the enemy, just like you are on the battlefield. Do you understand?"

Everyone made it clear in unison.

"In that case, let's make preparations now."

And the venue has been planned, and now everyone is going to the venue.

After sufficient preparations, the military exercise officially began. The soldiers quickly entered combat status according to the predetermined plan.

They used the tactics and techniques they learned to engage in fierce confrontations with imaginary enemies. During the military exercise, soldiers not only have to deal with enemy attacks, but also learn to coordinate operations to improve their overall combat effectiveness.

Xi Yu watched from the side and shouted loudly: "We must simulate unexpected situations."

During the exercise, unexpected situations can also better train people.

Under the command of Xi Yu, the soldiers quickly organized and fought fiercely. Although they were a little nervous, they also understood that this was a rare opportunity for actual combat and they must go all out.

The entire exercise took an hour, and Xi Yu made everyone stop.

“Overall it’s pretty good, but there are some shortcomings this time.”

Xi Yu briefly explained some of the problems he discovered.

But overall, everyone performed well.

On this day, Sima Yi made a big decision.

In order for his daughter to be rescued smoothly, Sima Yi decided to risk everything.

That is, he wants to assassinate Cao Pi.

He knew that assassinating Cao Pi was an extremely dangerous task, but he had considered the consequences and decided to hire an assassin to carry out the plan.

Sima Yi began to carefully plan the assassination of Cao Pi.

Sima Yi came to a mysterious killer organization - Ange.

This organization is hidden in dark corners and is unknown to the world.

The members of the Dark Pavilion are all top killers. They are proficient in various assassination techniques and can complete tasks silently.

Sima Yi contacted the leader of the dark pavilion through secret channels and asked to hire a killer.

He was taken to a darkened room to meet with the chief.

The leader is a mysterious figure wearing a mask, and no one knows his true identity.

Sima Yi explained his request to the leader: "I want you to help me assassinate Cao Pi. I need you to ensure that the task is completed without leaving any traces."

When the other party heard that Cao Pi was to be killed, he was shocked.

After a moment of silence, the leader replied: "Assassinating Cao Pi is not an easy task and requires a high price. You must provide sufficient reward."

Sima Yi took out a bag of gold and placed it in front of the leader: "This is my reward. I believe it is enough."

The leader nodded: "Very well, I accept your commission. We will send the best killers to perform the mission. However, I cannot guarantee 100% success, because every mission has risks."

Sima Yi left the dark pavilion, full of expectation and anxiety.

He knew that this assassination mission would change his destiny, but at the same time he was worried about the consequences of failure.

The killer followed Sima Yi's instructions and began the assassination operation.

On a dark and stormy night, the assassin followed Sima Yi's plan and sneaked into Cao Pi's palace.

But what Sima Yi didn't know was that Cao Pi had already expected that he might send someone over and had made arrangements in advance.

Because Cao Pi knew his character very well, maybe Sima Yi would do crazy things.

It was at noon that Cao Pi suddenly figured out something. Why did Sima Yi object to him putting Du Yujie here.

When he came to Du Yujie's room again, he discovered that Du Yujie's appearance was somewhat similar to Sima Yi. No wonder he always felt familiar when he saw the other person for the first time!

From this we can judge that this girl is Sima Yi’s illegitimate daughter!

The guards around Cao Pi discovered the assassin's traces.

"Who dares to break into Cao Mansion? Is he looking for death?"

So, several guards started fighting the masked killer.

Cao Pi had already made arrangements, and the archers were waiting in the bushes. At this time, many arrows were shot.

In the melee, the killer ended up getting hit by an arrow.

But another guard shouted: "If you want to stay alive, don't kill the killer."

The killer was brought to Cao Pi.

Although Cao Pi guessed that Sima Yi did it, he still wanted to interrogate it. He even hoped that his guess was wrong.

"Tell me, who sent you to assassinate me?"

"It's impossible for me to tell you. You must kill me if you can." The killer was also very stubborn. He would rather die than give in and tell who his employer is.

"If that's the case, then torture him severely."

Cao Pi sneered to see whether it was the powerful torture instruments or his harsh words.

Late at night, Cao Pi ordered the soldiers to take the killer to a wasteland. The soldiers tied the killer to a pillar and prepared to torture him.

A soldier armed with a whip struck the killer hard on the back.

The killer gritted his teeth and endured the pain, but he never gave the answer Cao Pi wanted to hear.

Another soldier holds a branding iron and approaches the killer.

He put the branding iron on the killer's chest, and the killer screamed in pain.

The soldiers continued to torture the killer with various cruel punishments in the hope of forcing him to confess.

After a long period of torture, the killer's body has reached its limit. He finally couldn't bear the pain and told the answer: "Sima Yi hired us."

Cao Pi got the answer he wanted.

Although I had guessed what was going on, I was still a little angry when I found out.

He also knew that this matter was done intentionally by others to sow discord between him and Sima Yi, but now he seemed to have lost his mind.

"Come here, go to Sima Yi's house immediately to arrest Sima Yi."

When the interrogating soldiers learned that the answer was Sima Yi, they all couldn't believe it, thinking that the killer was messing around and deliberately telling an answer.

However, seeing Cao Pi's appearance, they knew what he was doing. It turned out that Cao Pi had already guessed it.

So what exactly is the conflict between the two of them?

These soldiers also believe that one thing is worse than one thing less, and this is not something they can care about.

That night, Sima Yi was on tenterhooks because the assassin was going to take action tonight. His eyelids were twitching. He had a premonition that the assassination operation would definitely fail.

But he did not regret his choice. At this moment, soldiers came to the door.

Sima Yi's heart tightened, he knew that what was supposed to come would eventually come.

The soldiers rushed into Sima Yi's mansion and surrounded him. Sima Yi looked at them quietly without any panic.

"Mr. Sima, we are here to arrest you on the order of Duke Cao. Someone has revealed that you hired a killer to assassinate Duke Cao." The leading soldier said.

Sima Yi's heart sank, he knew that his plan had been exposed.

But he still remained calm and asked: "Is there any evidence?"

"There is a confession from the killer," the soldier replied.

Sima Yi closed his eyes, knowing that he could no longer escape.

He was taken away by the soldiers very calmly and did not offer any resistance.

At this time, Master Sima got up from the night and came to the yard. He felt particularly incredible when he saw the bustling people here.

He walked over and saw clearly that it was Sima Yi who had been taken away. He shouted loudly: "Dad, what is going on?"

"It has nothing to do with you here. Go back to your room and rest." Sima Yi said very calmly.

Master Sima quickly asked the leading soldier, what is going on?

The leading soldier told the relevant situation.

Master Sima was shocked. He suddenly understood that his father had sent a killer to kill Cao Pi behind his back.

Why is father so confused? He didn't listen to his own advice at all. He also said not to care about that girl's life or death. Why didn't he listen?

But he couldn't just watch his father being arrested, so he coldly said to the soldiers: "It is impossible for my father to do such a thing. How could he kill Duke Cao? Don't accuse him unjustly."

"Someone has already confessed him and admitted it himself. Do you have anything else to say?" The leading soldier felt very angry. He told Sima Shi to retreat quickly and not to hinder them from performing their official duties, otherwise he would not be able to afford it.

Sima Yi said again: "Son, there is nothing to do with you here. I have already told you to go back quickly."

At this moment, Sima Yi didn't know what to say. He could only watch his father being taken away.

In Cao Mansion, Cao Pi was so angry that he couldn't sleep.

The anger in Cao Pi's heart suddenly rose. His face turned red, veins popped out on his forehead, and his hands clenched into fists, making a crunching sound.

Cao Pi's breathing became rapid and his chest heaved violently. He felt that his chest was so tight that he could hardly breathe, and his anger seemed to tear his body apart.

Cao Pi began to roar loudly, his voice full of anger and majesty: "Sima Yi, how dare you hire a killer to assassinate me! You betrayed me and the Wei Dynasty!"

Cao Pi's anger reached its peak, and his eyes became fierce and crazy. He grabbed an object next to him and threw it to the ground, venting his dissatisfaction.

After a while, Sima Yi was finally brought to Cao Pi.

Sima Yi saw anger bursting out of Cao Pi's eyes.

The two people looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

After a while, Cao Pi asked the soldiers to leave quickly, but a few soldiers were a little worried. What if Sima Yi was so crazy that he wanted to kill Cao Pi?

"If you are asked to leave, please leave immediately."

Cao Pi got angry, and the soldiers all walked out.

Cao Pi asked Sima Yi: "Why?"

Although it is only these three words, they are very heavy.

"For my daughter". This time Sima Yi finally told the truth. Seeing that Cao Pi's reaction was particularly dull, he understood that Cao Pi had already guessed what was going on.

"You can do whatever you want with me, but I hope you can let her go."

"Zhongda, you should understand that this time we all fell into someone else's trap." Cao Pi said tentatively.

"So what? But I have made a big mistake." Sima Yi closed his eyes, but he did not regret his choice.

And he believed that Cao Pi was the same. Even if he knew it was someone else's trap, he still wouldn't be able to escape.

Next, Cao Pi fell into silence.

The air in the entire room also became very depressing.

After a long time, Cao Pi shouted loudly: "Here comes someone."

Several soldiers rushed in quickly.

"Take Sima Yi into prison immediately."

Sima Yi was also very cooperative. He still said nothing and silently left with a few soldiers.

Many soldiers found it strange that Sima Yi had always been loyal to Cao Pi, so how could he suddenly do such a thing out of confusion?

Sima Yi was finally taken into the cell.

He didn't care about his own ending now, he only cared about his daughter's ending, but Cao Pi never gave him an answer.

He also understood that he was usually very smart, but in this matter, he had indeed become irrational.

But Cao Pi's room suddenly became quiet.

But he still couldn't sleep peacefully. (End of chapter)

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