The environment in the prison was dark and damp, but there was a window that let in a faint light.

Sima Yi huddled in the corner, feeling that Xi Yu might be the mastermind behind this incident.

Because Xi Yu hates him so much, and now that Zhao Zilong has returned to Xi Yu, all their plans have come to nothing.

Sima Yi had great ambitions when he was young, and he had to make a difference.

He felt that his wisdom was quite great, but he always failed in doing things recently.

He kept thinking in the dungeon. He thought that all these things were related to Xi Yu.

Sometimes he thought that Xiyu didn't seem to be from this world, and his thoughts were too advanced.

If it weren't for Xi Yu, he probably wouldn't be in such a mess. This Xi Yu must be one of his nemesis.

In the study room of Sima Mansion, Master Sima paced anxiously.

His father Sima Yi was imprisoned by Cao Pi, and he had to find a way to rescue him.

Master Sima decided to discuss with his younger brother Sima Zhao. Although Sima Zhao was still young, he was smart and resourceful and might be able to provide some help.

Sima Zhao sat in the pavilion in the garden, looking at the lake and meditating.

Master Sima found him and explained the situation to him.

"Brother, please go back to your room quickly. I have something to discuss with you."

"Brother, what can you do?"

Sima Zhao nodded and quickly returned to the room with Sima Yi.

Master Sima had a serious look on his face, and the two of them sat down in a quiet corner.

Master Sima's face was gloomy, and his eyes showed worry and anxiety.

He said in a low tone: "Brother, I have something very important to tell you. Father... he was imprisoned by Cao Pi."

Sima Zhao's face was instantly filled with shock and worry. His eyes widened and his voice trembled slightly as he asked, "What's going on? Why is father locked up?"

Master Sima sighed and told Sima Zhao what happened in detail.

He recounted the conflict between his father and Cao Pi, as well as Cao Pi's accusation and imprisonment of Sima Yi.

Of course, the cause of this incident was that the girl named Du Yujie was Sima Yi's illegitimate daughter.

After hearing this, Sima Zhao frowned and fell into deep thought.

He never expected this to happen.

After a while, he slowly said: "Brother, we must find a way to rescue father."

Master Sima nodded and agreed: "Of course, but this is not easy. We need to plan carefully. Cao Pi is ruthless, and we cannot act rashly to avoid falling into greater danger."

After Sima Zhao pondered for a moment, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes and he said, "I have an idea. We can bribe some officials to obtain more intelligence and support."

A hint of appreciation flashed in Sima Shi's eyes, and he said: "It's a good idea, but we still need more planning and preparation. We must act carefully and not let Cao Pi notice our actions."

The two brothers began discussing the details in detail.

They knew the risks of this operation, but for the sake of their father, they were willing to take the risk.

On this day, Cao Pi held an important meeting in the main hall.

The atmosphere in the palace was tense. Many ministers gathered together, and their eyes were focused on Cao Pi.

After the meeting began, some ministers stood up one after another and pleaded with Cao Pi, hoping to let Sima Yi go. They spoke sincerely and in gentle tones, trying to persuade Cao Pi to change his mind.

"Sima Yi is an important minister beside Duke Cao, so we can't just put him in jail casually."

"Yes, if this is the case, it will chill the whole world."

Cao Pi's face gradually turned gloomy. He struck the case angrily and yelled: "How dare you plead for Sima Yi! Don't you know this is a capital crime?"

The ministers lowered their heads and did not dare to look into Cao Pi's eyes.

They knew well that Cao Pi's anger was not unreasonable. This matter has been leaked, and Cao Pi must have guessed what happened.

Cao Pi glanced at everyone with sharp eyes, and he had already made a conclusion in his mind.

He knew that these people must have been bribed to plead for Sima Yi.

"You shameless people! You dare to go against my wishes for money!" Cao Pi's voice was full of anger and disappointment.

At this time, a loyal subordinate stood up and said righteously: "Mr. Cao, we are not asking for mercy for money. Although Sima Yi has sinned, he has also made meritorious deeds. Please think again, Mr. Cao. Give him a chance to mend his ways."

"Anyone who pleads for mercy in private will be thrown into prison." Cao Pi suddenly became angry, and his eyes burst out with anger.

When Cao Pi heard the reports from the ministers, his face instantly darkened. He slapped the table so hard that the teacups on the table trembled slightly.

"Damn it!" Cao Pi said through gritted teeth, "Sima Yi, an old fox, actually has so many people interceding for him!"

His eyes flashed with rage that seemed to set the whole room on fire.

Everyone did not dare to look directly into Cao Pi's eyes, lowered their heads one after another, and did not dare to speak.

Cao Pi stood up and paced back and forth in the room. His steps were angry, and every step seemed to crush something.

He stopped, stared at everyone, and said in a low and majestic voice: "If anyone dares to mention even a word, watch your head!"

The subordinates were frightened and quickly knelt down to plead guilty, indicating that they would no longer plead for mercy.

In short, Cao Pi would never let Sima Yi go no matter what.

A soldier from the Cao family hurried to Sima's house. He didn't care that he was sweating profusely and walked straight towards Master Sima's study.

This soldier has been bribed by Sima Division.

"Master Sima!" the soldier saluted respectfully.

Master Sima raised his head and looked at the anxious expressions of the soldiers, already guessing something in his mind.

"What happened?" But Master Sima still asked.

The soldier took a deep breath and reported to Sima Division in detail the entire process of attending the meeting in the palace.

"Cao Gong firmly disagreed. He said that no matter who asked for mercy, they could not change his decision." The soldier relayed Cao Pi's original words.

Master Sima's face gradually became solemn. After thinking for a moment, he asked, "What was the reaction of the others?"

"Some people agree with Duke Cao's decision, but some people intercede for Mr. Sima." the soldier replied.

Master Sima stood up and paced back and forth in the study.

He knew the seriousness of this matter. If Cao Pi insisted on going his own way, his father Sima Yi would probably be in danger.

"Please step back first, I will find a way." Master Sima waved the soldiers away.

After the soldiers left, Master Sima fell into deep thought.

He knew that he had to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible, otherwise Sima Yi's fate would be unimaginable.

"No matter what, I must protect my father." Master Sima secretly made up his mind.

Master Sima sat alone in the room, his face pale and his eyes dull. His mind kept replaying the scene of his father being imprisoned, and his heart was filled with helplessness and anxiety. He clenched his fists hard, and his nails dug deeply into his palms, but it could not relieve the pain in his heart.

In the darkness of the cell, Sima Yi held the pen with difficulty and wrote a letter to Cao Pi.

His fingers trembled, as if every stroke carried the pain and helplessness in his heart.

In the letter, Sima Yi expressed his apology and submission to Cao Pi.

He said that no matter what punishment Cao Pi imposed on himself, he had no objection.

He was willing to bear all charges and only asked Cao Pi to let go of his illegitimate daughter Du Yujie.

Sima Yi's writing is sincere and sincere. He integrated his concern and love for his illegitimate daughter into every word.

He understood that as a prisoner, he did not have much power or choice, but he hoped to impress Cao Pi's heart with his sincerity.

When Cao Pi received this letter, his mood became a little complicated. He could feel Sima Yi's remorse and deep feelings for his daughter.

Cao Pi fell into deep thought. His fingers gently rubbed the letter paper, as if he could touch Sima Yi's pain and helplessness.

In fact, during the meeting, someone also pointed out that Cao Pi fell into someone else's plan to alienate him.

But Cao Pi still couldn't swallow this breath.

In Sima's mansion, night fell, and a quiet and heavy atmosphere filled it.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a cold light, reflecting Sima Shi's anxious figure.

He paced the room, his mind racing with thoughts. His father was imprisoned and his life was hanging by a thread. He had to find a way to save him.

However, he felt that his power was so small and he was helpless in the face of the ruthlessness of fate.

Suddenly, he remembered the fortune teller he had met before, and decided to go to him to tell his father's fortune to see if his father would be killed by Cao Pi.

After some inquiries, Master Sima finally found the residence of the fortune teller.

He knocked on the door, and the door slowly opened, and a white-haired old man appeared at the door.

Master Sima bowed respectfully and said: "Master, I am Master Sima. I would like to ask you to tell my father's fortune to see what his fate will be."

The fortune teller smiled slightly, nodded, and signaled Master Sima to enter the house.

Master Sima followed the master into an elegant room, which was filled with a light fragrance.

The master sat in front of a guqin and gently plucked the strings to make a melodious sound.

He looked at Master Sima and asked, "Who is your father?"

Sima Shi replied: "My father is Sima Yi."

The master frowned slightly, obviously he had heard of this name.

He was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay, I will tell your father's fortune, but the result may not be what you want."

Master Sima's heartbeat quickened and he looked at the master nervously.

The master closed his eyes and began to mutter something, while his fingers gently played on the strings.

After a while, the master opened his eyes, looked at Master Sima, and said slowly: "Judging from the hexagrams, your father is currently in danger, and I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left."

Master Sima asked eagerly: "Is there any way to save my father?"

The old man shook his head.

Master Sima immediately knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Master, please give my father a way to save him no matter what. I can't just watch him suffer."

The fortune teller helped Master Sima up, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Young man, I understand your feelings, but this is fate. Some things cannot be changed, even if we try our best." The fortune teller's voice was low and full of wisdom.

Tears welled up in Master Sima's eyes, and he asked unwillingly: "Is there no hope at all?"

Master Sima said goodbye to the fortune teller and left here with a heavy heart.

As the night grew darker, Master Sima looked up at the sky and sighed.

The fortune teller looked at Master Sima's leaving figure and silently prayed for him in his heart.

The fortune teller turned back to the hut and continued his research.

In the darkness, Sima Shi's determination shines like a beacon, illuminating his path forward.

Cao Pi came to Du Yujie's room again.

Du Yujie gave him a blank look.

"I'm here to tell you something. The person who came to pick you up last time was named Sima Yi..."

He told Du Yujie the story that Du Yujie was Sima Yi's illegitimate daughter.

Du Yujie felt very shocked, her face turned pale instantly, her hands clenched unconsciously, anger and confusion intertwined in her heart.

"You...what did you say?" Her voice trembled, with a hint of disbelief, "Don't talk nonsense."

The corners of Cao Pi's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sinister smile. He walked up to Du Yujie unhurriedly, leaned over and stared into her eyes, and said softly: "This is not a frame-up, this is a fact. Your father, Sima Yi, sent someone to let me let you go." Assassinate me."

Du Yujie's heart beat even harder. She tried to keep herself calm and retorted: "What evidence do you have to prove that I am Sima Yi's illegitimate daughter? This is just a lie you made up to slander him!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Anyway, I'm just here to tell you."

Then, Cao Pi showed Sima Yi's letter to Du Yujie.

Du Yujie's heart was overwhelmed by shock, and her thoughts were like a chaotic storm.

How can this be? This sudden revelation made her feel overwhelmed, and it also explained the indescribable intimacy between her and Sima Yi.

On the other side, Youzhou.

Xi Yu sat in the darkness of the room, listening to Tianhu report Sima Yi's situation to him with a smile. Tianhu described Sima Yi's situation in detail. Xiyu listened with rapt attention and was secretly happy in his heart.

"Well done, Tianhu. Everything went according to our plan." Xi Yu said softly, his tone full of satisfaction.

Tianhu lowered his head to show respect and said: "Your Majesty, everything is under your control. Cao Pi and Sima Yi have fallen into the trap we set."

The corners of Xi Yu's mouth raised slightly, and a trace of pride surged in his heart.

Sima Yi was a clever and cunning opponent, but he believed his plan was more thorough.

Tianhu frowned slightly and asked: "My lord, are you sure everything is going according to plan? Cao Pi may have understood what is going on, and he may let Sima Yi go."

Xi Yu sneered and said, "Of course, so I need you to keep going back. If Cao Pi really has this idea, then you can enter the prison and kill Sima Yi."

Tianhu nodded immediately, Xiyu waved his hand, and he left quickly like a ghost.

The next day, the early morning sunshine shone on the earth through the thin clouds, giving people a warm and bright feeling.

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong arrived at Xi Yu's residence early, hoping to invite him to the temple to pray together.

"Husband, let's go to the temple to pray together today. You are about to march to war, how about praying to the gods for your safe return?" Ouyang Linlin's voice was full of concern and expectation.

Xi Yu was a little dissatisfied in his heart. He had reservations about the power of gods, but he didn't want to make Ouyang Linlin sad, so he finally agreed to her request.

"Okay, since you all said so, let's go together." Xi Yu said with a smile.

Ouyang Linlin originally thought that Xi Yu might not agree, but she didn't expect him to agree so quickly.

Of course Xiaohong understood what was going on. It was because Xi Yu loved Ouyang Linlin so much that she agreed to this request.

The three of them set out on their way to the temple.

Along the way, they passed through a bustling street market, where people were busy coming and going, the street stalls were filled with various items, and the sounds of shouting and bargaining were endless.

The air is filled with the smell of incense, giving people a solemn atmosphere.

Finally, they came to the gate of the temple.

The magnificent building towers into the sky, with stone lions solemnly guarding the door.

When they walked into the temple, the aroma of incense filled their nostrils, making people feel a kind of peace of mind.

Xi Yu followed Ouyang Linlin and Xiao Hong to worship in the temple.

They lit incense and prayed devoutly to the gods.

Xiyu closed his eyes and thought quietly.

Although I don’t particularly believe it, it’s not bad to ask for help.

He hoped that the gods would bless his soldiers to return safely, and that the war would end as soon as possible so that people could live in peace.

In a corner of the temple, there is an old monk chanting sutras.

His voice was deep and powerful, as if conveying a kind of wisdom and power.

Xiyu walked up to the old monk and listened quietly to his chanting, feeling a sense of peace and tranquility in his heart.

When Xi Yu left the temple, he looked back and felt a sense of emotion in his heart.

He realized that whether he believed in the power of gods or not, his visit to the temple provided him with a spiritual comfort and a source of strength.

No wonder Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong often come here to worship Buddha.

"How is it? Husband, do you feel particularly at peace now?" Ouyang Linlin asked.

Xiyu nodded.

"Then you will come with me to worship Buddha often in the future. You won't disagree, right?" Ouyang Linlin once again proposed an idea that would push the envelope.

Xi Yu suddenly stopped and looked at Ouyang Linlin with intriguing eyes.

"What's wrong, husband, aren't you happy? If not, forget it." Ouyang Linlin was a little disappointed with this.

"You misunderstood me. What I want to say is that since you like worshiping Buddha so much, why not build a small Buddhist hall at home? What do you think?" Xiyu smiled.

Ouyang Linlin felt a sense of surprise.

This is a good idea. If this is the case, then there is no need to go out as often.

"Yes, miss, I also think this is a good idea." Xiaohong said. (End of chapter)

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