After Xi Yu brought up the news of building a Buddhist temple, Ouyang Linlin was very grateful.

Ouyang Linlin held Xi Yu's hand and said gratefully: "Husband, thank you for your suggestion to build a Buddhist temple. This is a good deed."

Xi Yu looked at Ouyang Linlin tenderly and said, "Linlin, you and I are of the same mind, so why bother saying thank you? I proposed to build a Buddhist temple so that our people can receive the blessing of the Buddha and live a more peaceful and peaceful life." Life."

Ouyang Linlin nodded, tears shining in her eyes.

"I know that you have always cared about the well-being of the people. I am lucky to have a husband like you."

Xi Yu gently stroked Ouyang Linlin's hair.

They just showed off their affection on the street, which made Xiaohong feel a little embarrassed. Xiaohong simply coughed, and Xiyu quickly took his hand off.

Xi Yu said that to strike while the iron is hot, it is better to start planning to build a Buddhist temple now. He asked Ouyang Linlin to go home with him, and then asked the soldiers to find some monks to come over to discuss building a Buddhist temple.

In fact, I just took out a spare house and renovated it a little, so I believe it can be completed in a few days.

Xi Yu asked the soldiers to quickly find some monks.

Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin sat at the desk, listening carefully to the suggestions of several eminent monks.

An elderly monk said: "Your Majesty, you need to choose a suitable location to build a Buddhist temple. This location should be quiet and secluded so that Mrs. Ouyang can concentrate on her practice here."

Xi Yu nodded slightly and asked, "So, what should we pay attention to about the architectural style and decoration of the Buddhist hall?"

Another monk replied with a smile: "The architectural style and decoration of the Buddhist hall should be in line with Buddhist teachings. We can use traditional Buddhist architectural elements, such as cornices, gables, carvings, etc., and at the same time, we can use Buddhist imagery, such as lotus flowers, in the decoration , Buddha statues, etc. to create a solemn atmosphere.”

Ouyang Linlin interjected: "I think we can plant some Bodhi trees around the Buddhist hall to show respect for the Buddha."

The monks nodded in agreement.

Xi Yu stood up, looked around the study, and said, "The location has been chosen. Now I will ask someone to clean it up."

Then, Xi Yu quickly asked the soldiers to go to that place and clean it up.

Next, recruitment of workers began.

After the discussion, Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin sent the monks away.

Xi Yu sent soldiers to issue an announcement. The soldiers took the announcement and shuttled through the streets of the city to deliver the news to everyone.

The announcement stated that workers should be encouraged to build small Buddhist temples at home, and the wages would be very high. As soon as this news was released, it aroused widespread attention and heated discussions among many people in the city.

People walked out of their homes one after another, gathered at the notice posting area, and read the contents of the notice carefully.

Some people discussed the opportunity excitedly, thinking it was a good way to make money.

As time goes by, more and more people come to sign up.

The registration place was crowded, and people lined up in long lines, waiting for their opportunities, all attracted by the high wages and benefits.

At the registration site, Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin were present in person to communicate with the public.

They explained to people the significance of building a small Buddhist temple.

The appearance of Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin made people more convinced of the authenticity and feasibility of this project.

A few days later, Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin announced the selected migrant workers. Those who were chosen cheered.

After three days of hard work, the temple was finally completed. Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin looked at the solemn and beautiful Buddhist hall, and their hearts were filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment.

After the temple was completed, they held a grand opening ceremony. People come to pay homage one after another and thank God for his blessing.

Ouyang Linlin looked at the people who came to worship with joy, turned to Xi Yu and said, "Husband, look, there are so many people coming to worship, this temple will definitely bring good luck to everyone."

After solving this matter, Xi Yu felt relieved.

On this day, Cao Pi went to see Du Yujie again. Du Yujie already believed that Sima Yi was his biological father, and also knew that Sima Yi had been imprisoned by Cao Pi for his own reasons.

Du Yujie knelt down to Cao Pi, hoping that he could release Sima Yi.

Cao Pi looked at Du Yujie, his heart full of helplessness and contradiction. He knew that Du Yujie was Sima Yi's daughter, but he couldn't let Sima Yi go easily.

"Mr. Cao, as long as you let me go, I will be happy to do whatever he asks me to do."

"He didn't raise you, and he even abandoned your mother. Do you like him that much?" Cao Pi asked immediately.

Du Yujie didn't say anything, but she thought in her heart that no matter what, Sima Yi was also her biological father, and blood was thicker than water.

She must not turn a blind eye to the other person's life. Her silence also expressed her determination. I believe Cao Pi can also understand.

After Cao Pi thought for a moment, he said to Du Yujie: I know you are worried about your father, but Sima Yi betrayed me, and I can't let him go easily. "

Du Yujie said with tears streaming down her face: "Mr. Cao, my father will never betray you. He is just confused for a moment. Please give him another chance."

Cao Pi relented and said, "Okay, I can consider giving Sima Yi a chance, but just thinking about it does not mean that I will definitely let him go."

But for Du Yujie, these words already satisfied her heart. She believed that Cao Pi would think about it carefully.

So she also served him well.

Today she became very gentle, which made Cao Pi particularly happy.

So Cao Pi was thinking that maybe he should really let Sima Yi go. After all, this was a trap set by others.

He must not be fooled. He walked out of Du Yujie's room and saw Meng Yulei in the yard.

"Ma Yulei, there are only two days left. I hope you will not disappoint me."

"Don't worry, Mr. Cao, I won't let you down."

After that, he went to the toilet with a playful smile.

Looking at his back, Cao Pi was very angry, always feeling that he was a little unreliable.

Then he remembered that this was what Sima Yi recommended, which aroused his hatred for Sima Yi even more.

Night fell quietly, and Meng Yulei's mood in the guest room became increasingly heavy. He knew that he only had a false reputation and had no real ability to solve Cao Pi's problems.

Anxiety and fear gripped him, his thoughts wandering in an endless loop.

There was a quiet atmosphere in the room, with only a faint light shining on the ground through the window.

Meng Yulei sat quietly by the bed, his brows furrowed, confusion and uneasiness in his eyes.

He came here just for better enjoyment.

Now, facing Cao Pi's needs, he felt powerless.

He is afraid of being exposed and losing everything he has now.

The thought of running away kept popping up in his mind.

After a while, he looked towards the door and found that there were many soldiers patrolling, especially at the door of his house.

He immediately realized that Cao Pi probably knew that he would escape, so he arranged for people to guard here in advance.

Tomorrow is the last day, what should we do?

He was so anxious at this time that sweat was pouring down his face. What should he do? what to do?

he kept asking himself.

In fact, Cao Pi was indeed worried that he would run away, because he was just enjoying himself and doing nothing these days.

At this moment, Cao Pi was drinking tea in the room, and a soldier reported the situation to him. The soldiers were already patrolling, and Meng Yulei could not escape even if he wanted to.

"I'll see what he says tomorrow. I know that if he can't solve the problem at this moment, then I will definitely kill all nine of his clans."

He waved his hand to ask the soldier to retreat. After the soldier took a few steps, Cao Pi immediately said: "Come back."

The soldier came back.

"Mr. Cao, do you have any other instructions?"

Cao Pi said with a smile: "Remove all those patrolling people." And he smiled particularly sinisterly.

The soldier felt incredible.

Cao Pi explained to him.

"Only after withdrawing, I will create an opportunity for him to escape. If he really escapes, wouldn't he be able to catch a turtle in a jar?"

Only then did the soldier understand what he meant, so he immediately came to several patrolling soldiers and told all the relevant situations.

Several patrolling soldiers immediately walked away.

Meng Yulei kept looking out the window in the room, and finally breathed a sigh of relief when he found that the soldiers were gone.

It seems that he is overthinking, and Cao Pi may not be targeting himself.

Maybe it was just a normal patrol.

So I still have a chance to escape.

He decided to leave late at night and climb over the wall when the time came.

Because he knows where there is a ladder, he can leave by taking the ladder.

Thinking of living here these days, he felt like a gentle dream.

Good wine and good food are served every day, and beautiful women can also enjoy it.

How he wished that days like this could continue.

But he knew that from now on it would never happen again.

He sighed. He had no choice but to run for his life.

At midnight, Cao Mansion was shrouded in quiet darkness.

The moonlight shines through the clouds and casts a faint light, illuminating the buildings and paths in the mansion.

The entire Cao Mansion was immersed in tranquility. Only the occasional patrol footsteps and the sound of insects in the distance broke the silent night.

The trees in the mansion swayed gently in the breeze, and the leaves rustled, as if they were whispering something.

Meng Yulei, a fearful man, was quietly walking through the Cao Mansion's warehouse.

His heart beat rapidly, and he held a ladder tightly in his hand, planning to escape from this place under the cover of night.

There was an old smell in the warehouse, and there were all kinds of items piled around, giving people a depressing feeling.

Meng Yulei carefully moved the ladder to the wall, preparing to start his escape journey.

He stepped onto the ladder and grasped the crossbar tightly with both hands, his body trembling slightly. Just when he was about to climb up the wall, suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps, breaking the tranquility of the night.

"Stop". A sharp shout sounded, and the soldiers rushed over quickly.

Meng Yulei was shocked. He had clearly confirmed that no one was nearby. How could someone suddenly appear?

"I...I want..." Meng Yulei stammered and tried to explain, but the soldiers did not give him a chance.

"Catch him!" Following the order, the soldiers quickly stepped forward and dragged Meng Yulei down from the ladder.

His struggle was in vain, he was held tight and unable to escape.

"How did you find me?" Meng Yulei asked breathlessly.

A soldier looked at him coldly and said, "We have been monitoring you. Duke Cao knows that you will try to escape."

Meng Yulei's face turned pale, and he realized that his plan had been exposed.

He was escorted to a room by the soldiers, filled with despair and helplessness.

This midnight escape plan ended in failure, and Meng Yulei fell into an even more difficult situation.

He didn't know what was waiting for him, but he knew that his fate was no longer in his hands.

The next day, Cao Pi personally interrogated Meng Yulei.

Meng Yulei was brought to Cao Pi with his head lowered and his expression depressed.

Cao Pi sat on the gorgeous seat and looked at Meng Yulei with cold eyes. He asked: "Meng Yulei, why did you run away?"

Meng Yulei made no excuses. He knew that any explanation would be useless.

Cao Pi sneered and said, "You liar, now I can no longer tolerate your existence."

He waved his hand to signal to the soldiers beside him.

The soldiers came forward and tied up Meng Yulei.

Meng Yulei did not resist, he knew that his fate was sealed.

Cao Pi stood up and announced coldly: "Meng Yulei has been sentenced to death. He will be executed immediately!"

Meng Yulei's face showed despair and helplessness, but he did not beg for mercy. He closed his eyes silently, waiting for death to come.

Soon after, Meng Yulei was taken to an empty place in the yard.

The atmosphere on the execution ground was solemn, and the onlookers watched all this in silence. The soldiers brought Meng Yulei to the gallows and put a rope around his neck.

Following Cao Pi's order, the soldiers tightened the rope of the gallows. Meng Yulei's body struggled in the air for a few times, and then gradually stopped moving. This is how his life ended.

Cao Pi looked at Meng Yulei's body and felt a mixture of emotions in his heart.

Meng Yulei is a liar, but why not a fool himself?

Why did he believe the other party's deception? It's all because I'm too eager for quick success.

He felt very useless.

He originally wanted to let go of Sima Yi, but at this time he changed his mind. Sima Yi must be killed, and it would be good if he could let his son Sima Shi go.

He finally ordered Sima Yi to die, which will be carried out at midnight today.

As night fell, a dull atmosphere filled the prison.

Several jailers walked into Sima Yi's cell carrying sumptuous meals.

Sima Yi was shocked. He understood what this sumptuous meal meant.

A look of horror appeared on Sima Yi's face, his heartbeat accelerated and he was trembling uncontrollably.

The jailers stared at him silently, did not speak, and just placed the food on the ground.

Sima Yi's eyes widened and he asked with a trembling voice: "Is this... is this a decapitation meal?"

His voice echoed in the silent cell.

The jailers nodded silently, and one of them said: "Yes, Lord Sima, this is your decapitation meal."

Sima Yi's face turned pale, and his thoughts were spinning rapidly. He asked eagerly: "Then... what about Du Yujie? Has she been let go?"

Du Yujie is the only concern in Sima Yi's heart, and he hopes to ensure her safety.

The jailers exchanged glances, and one of them shook his head and said, "We don't know Du Yujie's situation."

After saying that, they silently exited the cell, leaving Sima Yi alone facing the sumptuous meal.

Sima Yi felt heavy, knowing that his time was running out. He sat at the table, looking at the delicious food, but had no appetite.

In this silent night, Sima Yi fell into sorrow.

Suddenly, a jailer quietly approached him and whispered: "My lord, I have news for you."

Sima Yi raised his head, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

The jailer leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Then Meng Yulei is a liar and has been executed today."

Sima Yi's face instantly turned gloomy, his fists clenched tightly, and his heart was filled with anger and disappointment.

He never expected that he would be deceived by Meng Yulei, a liar.

The jailer continued: "Meng Yulei, who was recommended by Master Sima, should have asked you about your crime, but Duke Cao is very kind after all, so Duke Cao asked his subordinates to tell you, hoping that you will know better."

After hearing this, Sima Yi became even more excited.

He cursed: "Meng Yulei is a liar! My son was deceived by him!"

His voice echoed in the cell, full of anger and helplessness.

Sima Yi's heart was filled with regret and self-blame, and he realized how foolish he was to trust Meng Yulei.

He originally thought Meng Yulei was a capable person, but he didn't expect that he turned out to be a liar and almost got his son involved.

"Okay, you'd better stop insulting me. You only have a few hours left in your life, so you might as well enjoy it." A jailer quickly accused him.

Sima Yi became even more painful, not knowing how his son would suffer after his death.

I don’t know if my two sons knew that I was going to be executed tonight.

After a while, he finally got interested in eating, just chewing and thinking.

He believed that Cao Pi also deliberately wanted to let him go, and it was all because of the evil Meng Yulei.

This made Cao Pi even more determined to execute himself.

But after all, isn’t it all my fault?

Why didn't he object when his son recommended Meng Yulei?

Cao Pi had already asked the soldiers to send a message to Sima's mansion, telling Sima Division that Sima Yi was about to be executed, and also conveyed the relevant situation of Meng Yulei.

Master Sima was shocked. It seemed that the fortune teller was right. His father was always in danger, and he really had no ability to save his father. What should he do? (End of chapter)

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