Master Sima shouted loudly: "Here comes someone, call the second young master."

So some people immediately called Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao was studying at the time. When he learned that it was already night and his elder brother was still looking for him, he asked his servants what was going on.

The servant shook his head, so Sima Zhao stopped asking and hurried to Master Sima's study.

Sima was sitting at the desk with a heavy look on his face.

Sima Zhao stood aside with a worried look on his face.

"Brother, I wonder what's going on?"

Master Sima said: "Brother, I just received news that the soldiers we bribed have confirmed that tonight is the day my father died."

Sima Zhao felt a pain in his heart and his eyes were slightly red, but he held back his grief and asked: "What, what should we do?"

Master Sima took a deep breath.

"I didn't expect this day to come. Brother is very worried, so he came to ask you."

He looked at Sima Zhao, a trace of love and determination flashed in his eyes.

Sima Zhao clenched his fists. He knew that he could not be emotional at this time and must deal with it calmly.

"Brother, why don't we rob the prison?"

Master Sima shook his head with a wry smile.

How could this possibly succeed? The guard must be particularly tight now.

"This is definitely not going to work."

"Otherwise, we two brothers will go to Duke Cao and kneel in front of him until he takes back his life." Sima Zhao said again.

Master Sima didn't know if this would work.

After all, Cao Pi had given an order and could not change it rashly, but there seemed to be no better way, so they decided to give it a try.

He nodded, and then the two of them fell into silence, and a tense atmosphere filled the study.

They know that tonight will be a decisive night and they must go all out to meet the upcoming challenge.

"Brother, if that's the case, let's set off quickly."

Sima Zhao urged, and Master Sima nodded.

He just wanted to grab a life-saving straw. He also knew that his brother could not come up with any good ideas. In fact, he had also thought about this idea.

But if his brother is not involved in this matter, he will feel miserable.

Brothers Sima Shi and Sima Zhao came to Cao Mansion anxiously. Cao Pi had already expected that they would come, so he specially asked people to let them go.

In the hall, Cao Pi was sitting on his seat with a serious look on his face. Brothers Sima Master and Sima Zhao knelt on their knees, bowing their heads and begging for mercy.

Master Sima said: "Mr. Cao, please have mercy and let my father go! He is old and in poor health. He cannot withstand the pain of prison!"

Sima Zhao immediately agreed.

"Mr. Cao, my father is loyal to the Wei Dynasty and has never had any second thoughts. Please consider his past achievements and spare his life!"

Cao Pi sneered and looked at Brother Sima with disdain in his heart.

"Your father, Sima Yi, has evil intentions and attempts to murder me. He is an unjust and unforgivable crime. Master Sima, you found that Meng Yulei is a liar. It's good that I didn't settle the score with you, but you are still here to plead for mercy."

Regarding this matter, Master Sima naturally understood. He only knew Meng Yulei's abilities through the introduction of others. He also blamed himself for doing such a stupid thing without a proper investigation.

He was so regretful now that his intestines were green. If this incident hadn't happened, maybe Cao Pi wouldn't have been so angry and angered his father.

In short, everything came together in a hurry.

Master Sima's heart tightened. He knew that Cao Pi had always been ruthless, but he still decided to fight for a chance for his father, so he kowtowed and said, "Mr. Cao, my father was confused for a moment, please be merciful!"

Cao Pi stood up and looked down at Brother Sima, with a hint of indifference in his eyes.

"Hmph! The evidence is conclusive! Sima Yi intends to rebel, the evidence is solid! You two should leave quickly, otherwise you will be guilty of the same crime as him."

After Sima Shi and Sima Zhao heard this, they were heartbroken with grief, but they could only place their hope on Cao Pi's openness.

Sima Shi retreated.

"Mr. Cao, please! Even if my father is demoted to a commoner, it would be better!"

Cao Pi looked at the two people begging in front of him, and felt a sense of pleasure in his heart.

"You don't need to beg for mercy anymore! Sima Yi committed a rebellion and should have killed everyone in his family, but considering his past merits, I can be generous and only execute him!"

After hearing this, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao felt as if they had been struck by lightning.

The two brothers stood up slowly and walked out with unsteady steps.

As Sima Zhao walked, he thought to himself: "Father, why on earth are you doing this... What should we do to save you... Is it worth doing this for a woman?"

Sima Zhao glanced at his brother, hoping to escape from prison.

Master Sima immediately denied it and said in a low voice: "Dad also knows that we will rescue him. He will definitely want to keep his bloodline and will never want us to rescue him, because it is impossible for us to rescue him. "

Sima Zhao also sighed, and the two brothers had no choice but to go back.

After Master Sima returned home, he not only drank alcohol to anesthetize himself.

Master Sima was sitting in the room, smelling of alcohol and looking confused. He was drinking alone, his thoughts in disarray.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of Master Sima like a ghost.

It's the secret guard Tianhu.

"Mr. Sima, you have drunk too much." Tianhu showed a sarcastic smile and put his hands behind his back.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" At this moment, Master Sima seemed to have sobered up a lot.

"I came to see you. I heard that you have been in a bad mood recently. Let me introduce myself. I am Tianhu, the secret guard next to King Xiyu."

Master Sima's face was full of anger, his eyes were like burning flames, and the anger made his body tense, as if he would explode at any time.

"Damn it! It's actually the person next to Xi Yu!" Master Sima's voice was loud and majestic, and his anger filled the air.

Tianhu stood quietly aside, his face was gloomy, and there was a sneer in his eyes.

Master Sima glared at Tianhu angrily and said with a trembling voice: "The reason why my father is like this is all because of you."

Tianhu nodded and said with a smile: "You are absolutely right."

After hearing this, Master Sima became even more angry and pointed at Tianhu's nose and continued to curse.

Master Sima became more and more agitated, and his voice almost turned into a roar: "Get out of here right now, my father, he was actually plotted by that bastard Xi Yu!"

"The King of Drama strategized and calculated all the traps. He set up all this. Humph! That old guy Sima Yi is all to blame! He thought he was right and tried to murder Zhao Yun, but in the end he pushed himself into a desperate situation! So your father deserves it. "

Master Sima stood up excitedly, waving the wine glass in his hand like a trapped beast.

"Everyone is his own master, how can we call him evil?"

"There is no doubt that he murdered Zhao Yun. No matter what, this is an unforgivable sin."

"Why are you here to tell me this? You're just here to humiliate me, right?"

Facing Sima Shi's irritability, Tianhu became happy again.

"You're absolutely right. I'm here to humiliate you. I just want you to see your despair, because I have to report to the drama king later. By the way, I'd better have a good drink, because when I wake up tomorrow, You will receive your father’s body.”

After that, Tianhu laughed loudly and left immediately.

Master Sima slammed the table angrily, and then immediately lifted the table, and everything on it fell to the ground.

Some soldiers rushed over and asked what was going on. After learning the situation, they immediately went to duel Tianhu, but they were no match for Tianhu. In an instant, Tianhu eliminated several of them.

Late at night, the tranquility of Cao Mansion was broken by a burst of noise. Sima Yi was taken to a remote place, and his fate was about to come to an end.

Cao Pi tossed and turned indoors, unable to sleep.

He felt conflicted about Sima Yi's execution, and he admired Sima Yi's resourcefulness and talent.

He hesitated whether to go to the execution ground and witness Sima Yi's death with his own eyes.

In the end, Cao Pi decided not to go to the execution ground. He was afraid of facing that cruel scene, afraid that he would not be able to bear Sima Yi's death.

He preferred to wait in the palace for the soldiers' report to learn the outcome of the execution.

After a long time, a soldier hurriedly entered Cao Pi's palace, knelt down on one knee, and reported respectfully: "Mr. Cao, Sima Yi has been executed. The head has been delivered, please take a look."

Cao Pi felt sad in his heart. He knew that this was the inevitable outcome, but he still felt sorry for Sima Yi's death.

He nodded silently and waved the soldier to bring the head up.

The soldier carefully placed the wooden box containing Sima Yi's head in front of Cao Pi.

Cao Pi stared at the head that was once full of wisdom and ambition, and was filled with emotions.

Cao Pi took a deep breath, gently closed the lid of the wooden box, and said to the soldiers: "Bury him well and give him a decent burial."

The soldiers took the order and left. Cao Pi sat alone in front of the window, staring at the stars in the night sky.

He suddenly regretted it. Why did he jump down when he knew it was a trap?

Du Yujie sat alone in the room, her heart was heavy, and a pain came to her heart.

She had a premonition that Sima Yi might have encountered misfortune, and Cao Pi's cruelty made her feel extremely sad.

Du Yujie cried silently.

Du Yujie sat alone in the room, feeling that she could no longer live. Despair and grief filled her heart, and she decided to end it all by committing suicide.

She stood on the chair and tied the string to the beam, with thoughts in her mind.

"Father, I can no longer endure this painful world, I will leave with you." Du Yujie said softly.

She kicked off the chair, her body gradually becoming heavier and her breathing becoming more and more difficult.

At the last moment, her heart was filled with peace and determination.

The next day, soldiers discovered Du Yujie's body. They shouted in horror and immediately reported the news to Cao Pi.

Cao Pi was shocked when he heard the news.

He hurried to Du Yujie's room and saw her fragrant and beautiful, and his heart was filled with pain and regret.

Cao Pi stared at Du Yujie's body, tears welling up in his eyes.

He murmured to himself: "Yujie, why am I so cruel? I didn't want to hurt you, but I didn't expect that it would end up like this."

He regretted his original decision and regretted not noticing Du Yujie's despair in time.

Cao Pi realized that he had lost many precious things.

Cao Pi closed his eyes in pain, his heart filled with self-blame and sadness.

It was because of his own impatience that Sima Yi lost and Du Yujie also lost.

"Bury her richly immediately." Cao Pi ordered, and then returned to the room in pain, and the soldiers went to bury her.

Cao Pi ordered Du Yujie to be buried next to Sima Yi's grave to express his respect and repentance for the two men.

It turned out that Sima Yi had just died and had been buried well by Cao Pi.

Sima Shi and Sima Zhao, dressed in white mourning clothes, walked heavily to Sima Yi's grave.

The white cloth of their mourning clothes fluttered gently in the breeze, as if telling endless sorrow.

The sky was gloomy, as if also mourning the dead. The gray clouds hung low, casting a sad atmosphere over the whole world.

The mountains in the distance also appear blurred in outline, as if shrouded in sadness.

The trees around the cemetery stood quietly, and the wind blew, bringing a coolness, as if to blow away the sadness in their hearts.

Sima Shi and Sima Zhao silently knelt in front of Sima Yi's tomb.

At this time, several soldiers came carrying Du Yujie's coffin, placed it next to the grave, and then began to dig the grave.

Master Sima quickly asked: "Who is this person who wants to be buried here?"

The soldiers also talked about the relevant situation.

When the two brothers saw Du Yujie's coffin being carried over, an unspeakable emotion surged in their hearts.

Although Du Yujie is related to them by blood, she has brought them great pain and loss.

Master Sima clenched his fists, his eyes showing anger and pain.

He whispered to his brother: "This woman killed our father, and her death will not wash away her sins."

Sima Zhao nodded, his expression equally gloomy.

"But now that she has been punished, let it go," he said.

The brothers watched in silence as Du Yujie's coffin was buried next to Sima Yi's grave.

They turned and left, their steps seeming a little heavy.

Although they harbored hatred for Du Yujie, they also felt a little helpless and sad when faced with her passing.

The news that Sima Yi and Du Yujie passed away together reached Xi Yu's ears.

Tianhu came back quickly and reported the news to Xiyu.

After a while, Xi Yu came to Ouyang's room.

Xi Yu's face instantly turned gloomy, and his heart was filled with complex emotions.

He stared into the distance quietly, thoughts flooding into his mind.

Ouyang Linlin noticed the change in Xi Yu, and she asked gently: "Husband, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Yu came back to his senses, his voice was a little hoarse.

"Sima Yi is dead."

Ouyang Linlin frowned slightly. She understood the grudge between Xi Yu and Sima Yi, but she also knew that Xi Yu had been working hard for revenge.

There was a trace of confusion in Xi Yu's eyes, and he murmured to himself: "Am I too cruel? Their deaths made me feel a little uneasy."

Ouyang Linlin held Xi Yu's hand and said softly: "No poison, no husband. They are your enemies. This is the way to survive. You are not wrong."

Xi Yu nodded, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

"Okay, don't think about anything. We don't have to do anything tonight."

Ouyang Linlin suddenly said this, making Xi Yu feel at a loss.

Xi Yu had some doubts in his heart. He felt that Ouyang Linlin seemed a little cold, and he didn't know if he had offended her in some way.

Xi Yu asked gently: "Madam, you seem to be worried today. Did I do something wrong?"

Ouyang Linlin raised her head, a trace of worry flashing in her eyes.

She sighed softly and said, "Husband, you are going on an expedition tomorrow. I'm just a little worried. So you might as well have a good rest tonight and let's not do anything else."

Xi Yu held Ouyang Linlin's hand, feeling her nervousness, and comforted her: "Don't worry, I will return safely. I am confident of victory in this expedition."

Ouyang Linlin nodded slightly. She knew that Xi Yu was a brave warrior, but war was always full of uncertainties, and her heart still could not be completely calm.

Xi Yu looked into Ouyang Linlin's eyes and felt her worry and concern.

Ouyang Linlin listened quietly to Xi Yu talking about her ideals and beliefs.

He talked about the country's security, the people's expectations, and the pursuit of justice.

Ouyang Linlin's eyes gradually became firm.

She understood that Xi Yu's expedition was not only for personal honor, but also for the future of the people.

Xi Yu continued: "I will take your blessings and expectations with me on this expedition, and I will fight hard for our future."

Ouyang Linlin was so moved that tears welled up in her eyes.

She held Xi Yu's hand tightly and said, "I believe in you, you will come back safely. I will wait for you here, waiting for news of your victory."

Xi Yu hugged Ouyang Linlin into his arms and felt her warmth. In this silent night, their hearts are tightly connected and they face the upcoming separation and challenges together.

The moon hung high in the sky, casting a faint light that illuminated their faces.

Xi Yu and Ouyang Linlin cuddled up against each other under the moonlight, enjoying the moment of tranquility and warmth.

As expected, Xi Yu didn't do anything.

After a while he returned to the room.

Tomorrow, both black and white cavalry will go out with him.

Tonight, he couldn't sleep, even though Ouyang Linlin asked him to go to bed early.

Also unable to sleep were Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu, who were leading the troops this time.

They feel that they have a heavy responsibility and they have to overcome obstacles and create a new world for Xiyu.

Although Zhuge Liang was not going on an expedition, he still had some sleepless nights. He felt that the world was about to change.

After Cao Pi was destroyed, the entire Central Plains was basically owned by Xi Yu.

Some other minor princes are not to be feared at all.

He sat on the bed holding a fan and shaking it constantly.

And this night seemed to pass very slowly.

It's really a long night, Zhuge Liang fully realized it.

But Ouyang Linlin came to the small Buddhist hall and began to pray for Xi Yu, hoping that everything would go well for him this time.

Xiaohong asked her not to go so late, but she said that only doing so was a sign of piety. (End of chapter)

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