The 50,000-strong army lined up in formation, with military flags flying and drums beating loudly.

Xi Yu wears silver armor and holds a spear in his hand, looking heroic.

The black and white knights beside him were even more angry.

He gave a pep talk and the team set off.

The two leading generals, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu, also wore heavy armor and were very powerful.

Their eyes were firm and determined to fight for the people.

Before setting off for the expedition, Xi Yu shouted loudly: "Brothers, during this expedition, we must fight for the people and make the enemy frightened!"

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Triumph! Triumph! Triumph!" The voice resounded through the sky with majestic momentum.

What Xi Yu didn't expect was that the people spontaneously came to the city gate to see off Xi Yu and the 50,000-strong army. They shouted words of blessing.

An old man stepped forward, held Xi Yu's hand tightly and said, "Your Majesty, I hope you and your army will return triumphantly. We are waiting for your good news!"

Xi Yu smiled and nodded: "Thank you, old man, we will live up to your expectations!"

The farewell scene was deeply touching. The soldiers felt the support and love of the people, and they strengthened their belief in victory.

Following Xi Yu's order, the 50,000-strong army marched into the distance with neat steps.

Their figures gradually faded away.

The army goes out for battle, flags are flying, and gongs and drums are loud.

Xi Yu led an army of 50,000 people and left Youzhou in a mighty manner.

Not long after leaving the city, Xi Yu noticed a fortune teller on the roadside.

He was wearing a black robe and holding a fortune-telling flag, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

The fortune teller took the initiative to stop Xi Yu and insisted on telling him his fortune.

"Okay, if that's the case, then you can do the math for me." Xi Yu seemed to be interested.

He closed his eyes slightly, calculated with his fingers, and then said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you will definitely win this expedition and succeed immediately!"

Xiyu's heart moved after hearing this. Although he did not believe the words of these charlatans, it was still comforting to hear such blessings at this critical moment.

Xi Yu took out some reward money and gave it to the fortune teller, and then continued on his way.

But the fortune teller's words kept echoing in his mind.

During the march, Xi Yu said: "Everyone, stop."

Xi Yu found Zhou Yu and asked him if he knew about this matter, which was about the fortune teller.

Zhou Yu was stunned: "Your Majesty, what do you want to say? My subordinates don't understand."

"Did you arrange this fortune teller?" Xi Yu asked.

Zhou Yu was even more surprised and finally admitted that the fortune teller was arranged by him.

He really didn't know how Xi Yu knew about this.

Zhou Yu knelt in front of Xi Yu and said frankly: "Your Majesty, I just want to reassure you. In war, confidence and morale are very important. I hope you can face the enemy with a more relaxed mind."

After hearing this, Xi Yu felt helpless in his heart.

He understood Zhou Yu's intentions, but such a little trick was too childish.

Xi Yu sighed and said: "Zhou Yu, I appreciate your kindness. But don't do such things again in the future. We must win with strength and wisdom, rather than relying on these illusory prophecies."

Zhou Yu nodded repeatedly.

"Your Majesty, I was wrong. I will never do such a thing again."

At this time, there were also many people interceding for Zhou Yu. Although the method was a little wrong, the intention was good after all.

"Okay, don't say it anymore, I have forgiven you."

"Your Majesty, I don't understand, how did you guess this?"

Xi Yu sneered, because when the fortune teller saw Zhou Yu, he didn't look natural at all.

Similarly, Zhou Yu was also unnatural at that time, so this acting was really clumsy, and it was difficult not to know it.

The army continued to advance, and Xi Yu's mood became more determined.

He knew that no matter what difficulties and challenges awaited ahead, he had to move forward bravely.

Use your own strength and wisdom to defeat your enemies.


Cao Pi sat in the camp, frowning. He counted the days and knew that the day for Xi Yu's expedition was coming soon.

Previously, Xi Yu had issued a challenge to him.

Cao Pi felt a little panicked. He knew the importance of this war, but he also understood that at this moment, he must boost morale and prepare the soldiers.

He stood up, put on his war robe and walked out of the tent.

In the military camp, the soldiers were preparing nervously, their eyes showing firmness and determination.

Cao Pi came to the soldiers and said loudly: "Brothers, the war is coming. We must unite and fight!"

In order to better win over people's hearts, he wants to call the soldiers brothers.

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Follow Duke Cao to the death!"

Cao Pi nodded, and then said to a few confidants around him: "We must personally lead the team and set an example for the soldiers. At the same time, I also want to pay homage to my late father, hoping that he can bless us to victory."

The confidants nodded one after another and expressed their willingness to follow Cao Pi.

Cao Pi led several confidants to Cao Cao's grave.

Cao Pi respectfully offered incense and prayed silently.

He held the incense in his hand, his eyes were solemn, and his heart was full of awe.

He spoke softly, with a low and firm voice: "Father, my son is here to worship you." Now, wars have resumed and enemy invaders are invading, threatening the peace of the people. I am fully aware of the hardships and dangers this time, but I will never look back and am determined to carry on your legacy. "

Cao Pi's voice became more and more passionate: "May your spirit in heaven protect us and grant us strength and wisdom. Let us fight the enemy bravely on the battlefield without fear and win."

After the worship, Cao Pi led everyone to bow and pay tribute. Cao Pi returned to the military camp, feeling slightly calmer.

He knew that the outcome of a war depends not only on the strength of troops and weapons, but also on the morale and belief of the soldiers.


In the main hall, Liu Xie sat upright, his eyes firm and decisive. He also knew that Xi Yu was about to go to war, and this was a war related to the survival of the country.

Liu Xie looked around at the ministers, took a deep breath, and said slowly: "My dear friends, we are summoned today to discuss a major matter. Xi Yu is about to go on an expedition, and this battle is related to the safety of the country. I have decided to lead everyone to worship heaven and earth. , praying to God to bless Xiyu’s victory.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the officials immediately divided into two groups.

One group supported Liu Xie's suggestion and believed that it was an expression of loyalty to the country and support for Xi Yu; while the other group believed that Xi Yu was ambitious and that this expedition was a threat to the imperial power.

A minister stood up and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, Xiyu has a large number of troops and his power is growing day by day. If he comes back victorious from this expedition, he may endanger the imperial power!"

Another minister retorted: "Although Xi Yu is in power, he is also doing it for the stability of the country. Worshiping the heaven and earth at this time and praying for blessings can only show your majesty's benevolence and care for the soldiers."

Liu Xie raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, his voice was firm and unquestionable.

"I know the concerns of all of you, my dear friends, but at this time when the country is in crisis, we should put aside distracting thoughts and unite as one. Xi Yu went on an expedition for the sake of the peace of the country. We should sincerely worship heaven and earth and pray for blessings."

Seeing that Liu Xie had made up his mind, the ministers said no more.

So, Liu Xie and the civil and military ministers got up and went to the altar. On the altar, incense curled up, solemnly and solemnly.

Liu Xie led the ministers to perform a respectful ceremony of worship. They prayed silently, hoping that God would bless Xiyu's victory and bless the country's peace and prosperity.

Xi Yu led the army galloping on the official road, and suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was coming.

The wind howled, making the flags flutter.

Suddenly, the sound of horse hoofbeats came from behind. Xiyu reined in the horse and looked back.

I saw Guan Yu leading a group of cavalry and catching up quickly.

Guan Yu came to Xi Yu, cupped his fists and saluted.

"Your Majesty, Guan Yu has come to request to join the battle."

Xi Yu frowned slightly, he thought it was more important for Guan Yu to be in charge of Youzhou.

Xi Yu shook his head and said: "General Guan Yu, your duty is to guard Youzhou. I have enough troops for this expedition."

Guan Yu insisted.

"Your Majesty, I, Guan Yu, will not stand by and watch. I am willing to fight side by side with you and do my part for the country."

Xi Yu looked at Guan Yu's firm gaze and felt a touch of emotion in his heart. He knew Guan Yu's fighting prowess,

Xi Yu nodded and said with a smile: "In that case, General Guan Yu, let us fight side by side!"

Guan Yu was overjoyed and clasped his fists: "Thank you so much, Your Majesty!"

The sun shone on them, as if injecting infinite hope into this expedition.

However, the dark clouds in the sky became denser and denser, and there were even bursts of thunder in the distance.

The soldiers' expressions also became solemn.

They knew that marching in such bad weather would undoubtedly increase difficulties and risks.

But Xi Yu and Guan Yu did not back down. They looked at each other and encouraged each other.

Then, they waved their whips and led the army to move forward. The strong wind blew against their faces, and the sand hit their armor, but their steps remained firm and unflinching.

The road ahead is rugged and the trees on both sides are swaying in the wind, as if cheering for this brave army.

As night fell, the army led by Xi Yu stopped in an open area and prepared to set up camp.

The stars in the sky complemented the campfire in the distance, lighting up the entire camp.

The soldiers sat around the campfire and discussed their accommodation arrangements for the night.

A general stood up and said respectfully to Xi Yu: "Your Majesty, you are exposed at night. For the sake of your health, we recommend that you go to a nearby inn to rest."

Xi Yu smiled and shook his head, his eyes firm and warm. "I am with you, and I will sleep where the soldiers sleep. Sharing thick and thin."

The general hesitated for a moment and wanted to persuade him, but seeing Xi Yu's firm expression, he had to give up.

He nodded silently, his eyes showing admiration for Xi Yu.

Xi Yu turned around and walked towards the soldiers beside the bonfire, chatting and laughing with them, as if he had forgotten the harsh environment outside.

The bonfire in the camp flickered, reflecting Xi Yu's determined face and warming the hearts of every soldier.

On this night, Xi Yu used his actions to illustrate the determination of leaders and soldiers to share weal and woe.

Several soldiers sat together and talked in low voices.

"Why do you think General Guan Yu came to participate in this expedition?" asked a soldier.

"It's not that I want to take advantage. When the king wins the battle, he can also take advantage of it." Another soldier curled his lips and said.

"That's right, I don't think he will be able to do much by then, but he will get a good reputation." Others also agreed.

These words were heard by Guan Yu's soldiers patrolling nearby, and they immediately reported the matter to Guan Yu.

After Guan Yu heard this, he was very angry and his face was gloomy.

"I, Guan Yu, am sincere and sincere, yet I am so misunderstood by them!" Guan Yu said angrily, "I will definitely make it clear to the king."

He quickly walked towards Xi Yu's tent with a few of his cronies.

The campfire reflected their angry figures.

Guan Yu came to Xi Yu's tent, took a few deep breaths to calm down the anger in his heart, then knocked on the door and entered.

"Your Majesty, I have something to tell you." Guan Yu said in a serious tone.

"General Guan Yu, it doesn't matter if you say so."

Guan Yu told Xi Yu everything the soldiers said, and then looked at Xi Yu, waiting for his response.

Xi Yu thought for a moment, then stood up, walked to Guan Yu, patted his shoulder and said.

"General Guan, I know who you are. Your bravery and loyalty are obvious to all. Don't pay attention to those rumors."

But Xi Yu decided to investigate the matter thoroughly in order to set the record straight and stabilize the morale of the army.

He summoned several cronies and began to investigate secretly.

Night enveloped the military camp, and the light of the bonfire flickered in the darkness, illuminating Xi Yu's serious face.

After some investigation, the two soldiers who were talking casually were found out.

Xi Yu looked at them with disappointment and anger in his eyes.

"Do you know how stupid your actions are?" Xi Yu's voice was stern, "In the military camp, the stability of military morale is very important, but your words and deeds have easily shaken it."

The two soldiers lowered their heads, not daring to look into Xi Yu's eyes.

They realize their mistake, but it's too late.

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, and then issued an order: "Execute them on the spot to serve as a warning to others."

Guan Yu watched from the side, his face still gloomy, but in his heart he had respect for Xi Yu's decisiveness and fairness.

Eventually, the two soldiers fell to the ground. The atmosphere in the camp instantly became solemn, and everyone realized the seriousness of military discipline.

Xi Yu looked at everyone and said loudly: "No one is allowed to disturb the morale of the army for any reason. Violators will be severely punished!"

His voice echoed in the night air, etched in the hearts of every soldier.

Many soldiers understood Xi Yu's intentions after learning that he severely punished the two soldiers for their casual discussion.

They realized that Xi Yu did this not only to maintain military discipline, but also to establish his own prestige.

Some soldiers couldn't help but secretly lament the misfortune of the two soldiers, feeling that they really hit the muzzle of the gun.

At this sensitive moment, any slight disturbance may have serious consequences.

At the same time, the soldiers also felt that they should be more cautious in their words and deeds and not easily participate in these meaningless discussions.

They understand that in the military, there are some things that you just need to know in your mind and don't have to talk about them casually.

The next morning, the sun rose slowly, illuminating the path forward of the army.

Xi Yu led the soldiers to continue their journey.

Today's weather has improved a lot.

As the army continued on its way, the soldiers' hearts became heavy.

They are aware of the cruelty and ruthlessness of war, and they are more aware of the great responsibility they shoulder.

This episode taught the soldiers the importance of silence and discipline in war.

Ouyang Linlin has been soaking in the small Buddhist hall every day these days. Her heart is peaceful and full of expectations.

She knelt attentively in front of the Buddha statue, clasped her hands together, and silently prayed for Xiyu.

In this quiet Buddhist hall, Ouyang Linlin felt a special kind of warmth.

The curls of cigarette smoke create a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Her mind gradually immersed in this tranquility, as if isolated from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

She likes everything here, the tranquility and peace.

Here, she can put aside her troubles and worries and focus on praying for her loved ones. She believed that through devout prayers, her thoughts could be conveyed to Xi Yu and bring him peace and success.

Every time she prayed, Ouyang Linlin could feel the strength building up in her heart.

She hoped that Xi Yu could feel her love and care and be safe on the battlefield.

She is willing to give everything for him, as long as he can return safely.

As for Mrs. Ganmei, she has been immersed in the joy of having a son these days.

On this day, she held the child in her arms and patted the child's back.

"Son, do you think your father can defeat the enemy?"

Xiaoxi Pingping naturally couldn't understand these words.

Just kept blinking.

Ganmei hugged him tightly, but she started to complain in her heart. Although having such a father was a blessing, it was also scary.

She even hopes to marry an ordinary person.

She never thought in her life that she would marry a great prince.

Maybe this is fate.

A funeral was being held at Sima Yi's home. Although Sima Yi had been buried, the funeral had not yet taken place.

And then many people understood that Sima Yi was killed by Cao Pi.

Sima Yi wanted to hold a high-profile funeral just to let everyone know about it.

Cao Pi soon heard about it, and reported it to him, hoping that he could take care of it.

Cao Pi waved his hand.

"Forget it, after all, the person is dead."

And he also felt sorry for Sima Yi.

Just last night, he had dreamed that Sima Yi was crying to him, saying that his death was unjust.

He was also worried that Sima Yi's death would affect the morale of the soldiers.

He discovered that people can be really stupid when they are impulsive.

Just like what happened this time, he clearly knew that he was being framed. But he still fell into someone else's trap.

Suddenly a spy came to report, saying that he had heard the news from Chang'an. Emperor Liu Xie was well aware of Xi Yu's expedition, and he also specially encouraged him and offered sacrifices to heaven.

This is nakedly following Cao Pi.

Cao Pi was very angry when he heard this.

Although he knew that Liu Xie was leaning towards Cao Pi, he wouldn't be so blatant. (End of chapter)

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