Cao Pi thought to himself, even if Xi Yu really won, what good would it do to Liu Xie?

So Liu Xie is simply too mean.

Cao Pi discussed with several of his confidants how to face the enemy.

"There are no outsiders here. You should also understand that this Xiyu is not an ordinary person. In terms of competition, we are not sure of victory."

Several confidants also looked very ugly, because Xi Yu said something that no one dared to say.

Yes, these words cannot be said to the soldiers, but it doesn't matter if they discuss it here, because they are all Cao Pi's confidants.

However, several of his confidants had no better way, which made Cao Pi even more irritable and thunderous.

"It's simply unreasonable. When it comes to using you, you don't have any skills. Then what use do you have?"

Cao Pi lost his temper.

Several people had no choice but to listen and did not dare to refute at all.

After a while, Cao Pi finished losing his temper and waved his hand.

He knew that there was no use in getting angry casually and blaming people like them.

Now that Xi Zhicai has left and Sima Yi has been killed by him, he feels that there is really no one available around him.

However, he did not think that this was his fault, but that these two people had betrayed him, which was simply too abominable.

Yes, they are simply abominable.

After a few people retreated, Cao Pi suddenly felt a chill around him.

In the land of Sichuan and Sichuan, Zhang Lu climbed up and looked far away, his face showing joy. When he learned that Xi Yu was about to attack Cao Pi, he was secretly glad.

During this period, with the promotion of Xi Yu's policies, the Five Dou Rice Cult spread more and more widely in Sichuan, Sichuan and other places, and the number of believers continued to increase.

Zhang Lu was very satisfied with this development and decided to lead a group of troops to assist Xi Yu in attacking Cao Pi.

It can be regarded as repaying Xi Yu to a certain extent.

On this day, Zhang Lu gathered his soldiers and said passionately: "Brothers, Cao Pi is unjust and harms the people. Now, King Xi Yu intends to attack. It is the time for us to uphold justice! Let us set out and give Cao Pi a favor first. Stop and eliminate harm for the people!"

What he meant was to worry Cao Pi for a while first. When Xi Yu actually called him, he would be even more anxious.

However, Ma Wenjun had an opinion.

"General. Is this necessary?"

Zhang Lu was very unhappy when he heard this and asked Ma Wenjun what he meant.

Ma Wenjun said: "General, Xi Yu's power is indeed powerful. Attacking Cao Pi is a piece of cake. If we participate in it, it will undoubtedly be a needless sacrifice."

His idea gradually spread to the hearts of many soldiers, and many began to waver.

Zhang Lu was furious when he heard Ma Wenjun's remarks.

His eyes widened and there was authority in his voice.

"You must know how to be grateful as a human being! Xi Yu has been kind to us, and now is the time for us to repay our kindness. Ma Wenjun, you are acting in the spirit of the cholera army. Don't mention this again!"

Zhang Lu knew very well that loyalty and morality are the cornerstones of the army. He was determined to show sincerity no matter how strong Xi Yu was.

The soldiers fell into deep thought and felt Zhang Lu's determination and firmness.

After hearing this, Ma Wenjun had no choice but to stop talking.

Zhang Lu's eyes were firm, he looked at the soldiers, and his voice was passionate.

"Let us use actions to prove our sincerity! No matter whether Xiyu succeeds or fails, we must go all out and be worthy of our conscience!"

The soldiers stood up straight and responded to Zhang Lu's call.

The faith in their hearts was rekindled, and they were determined to fight for loyalty and gratitude.

Zhang Lu's eyes were firm, staring ahead.

He turned to Ma Wenjun and said: "Ma Wenjun, you have to go forward with me. I won't allow you to say that again. We must go all out."

Although Ma Wenjun agreed with his mouth, he disagreed in his heart.

He thought to himself: "If these people go, there will be sacrifices after all. Is it really necessary?"

On a sunny morning, Xi Yu led his team on the journey.

The sun shone on their bodies, reflecting their determined faces. They walked through a foreign village, and to their surprise, the people here came to greet them.

Both sides of the road were crowded with enthusiastic people.

They claimed that they were there to welcome Xi Yu.

Xi Yu was very surprised. He stopped and communicated with the people.

The sun shines on Xi Yu and his team.

The people held various local products and grains in their hands, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm and expectation.

They took the initiative to dedicate these precious items to Xi Yu to express their gratitude and support to him.

"Your Majesty, I hope you will never refuse the wishes of our people."

"Your Majesty, we have long expected that you would pass by our place. We have been looking forward to it for several days."

Seeing the plain faces, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu looked at each other and felt very relieved.

Xi Yu was deeply impressed by the sincerity of the people, but he smiled and refused.

He walked forward and said to the people in a gentle voice: "Growing food is very hard work. This food is the fruit of your hard work. We have enough military rations and we don't want to cause trouble to everyone."

The people felt a little sad after hearing Xi Yu's words.

"Your Majesty, the situation is better this year. If we have surplus food, please don't be polite."

"Yes, people in every place hope that you can occupy it so that the people can live a good life."

But no matter what, Xi Yu insisted not to accept the food.

Xi Yu continued: "We understand everyone's wishes, but we hope that everyone can keep this food for their own consumption. Only if you live well, can we guard our homeland with more peace of mind."

The people were moved and understood Xi Yu's good intentions.

Although they were a little disappointed, they showed more respect and love for Xi Yu.

And soon someone burst into warm applause, and the applause became one after another.

In this warm atmosphere, Xi Yu and the people communicated with each other, and their hearts became closer to each other.

An old man came forward and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, we all see your kindness and courage. We specially made up a ballad to express our respect and praise for you."

Then, the old man led everyone in singing a song:

"The opera king fought bravely on the battlefield, and foreign enemies were afraid of him. He was extremely resourceful and defeated the enemy's formation, protecting his home and country and the safety of all the people."

Xi Yu was deeply moved by the enthusiasm of the people, and his eyes became moist.

He bowed deeply to the people and expressed his gratitude.

Xi Yu said loudly to everyone: "Thank you for your support and trust! I will live up to your expectations and fight for everyone's peace!"

The old man nodded and said: "In that case, don't delay the king on his way. Let's get out of the way."

The people immediately gave way, like well-trained soldiers.

Amid the cheers of the people, Xi Yu and others continued on their journey.

The sun was shining and the breeze was blowing. Their steps were firmer and their hearts were full of fighting spirit and hope.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other again. Although they didn't say anything, they both understood each other's thoughts.

Only if you are truly good to the people can the people be truly good to you. Moreover, the people do not want much, as long as their basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation are met.

Xi Yu naturally thought of this, and he remembered some corrupt officials in his previous life.

The people are actually very satisfied, but many people want to prey on the people, which is really disgusting.

The sky in Luoyang City was gloomy and covered with dark clouds, as if a storm was coming.

Cao Pi looked gloomy as he listened to the urgent battle report from the spies ahead.

"Mr. Cao, Zhang Lu led the army to attack Luoyang and is approaching the city gate."

The spy sounded panicked and reported the latest battle situation to Cao Pi.

After hearing this, Cao Pi was so angry that he slapped the table. His eyes flashed with anger, and he was extremely angry.

"What? Zhang Lu, this little thief, doesn't he know his own weight? How dare he challenge my authority!"

However, Cao Pi also clearly remembered that he suffered a big loss in the last confrontation with Zhang Lu.

Therefore, he did not dare to take it lightly and immediately ordered to fight.

"Gather all the generals and prepare to fight! We can't let Zhang Lu succeed!" Cao Pi's voice was filled with determination. He was determined to defend his city and his dignity.

Inside and outside Luoyang City, soldiers were busy preparing fortifications. Flags were flying on the city walls and drums were beating loudly.

Cao Pi wore heavy armor and personally climbed the city wall to inspect the battle situation. His eyes were firm and sharp, as if he could see the enemy's every move through the fog.

While observing the enemy's movements outside the city, he was thinking about countermeasures.

The generals came to Cao Pi one after another and put forward various strategic suggestions. Some suggested strengthening the defense of the city gate, some suggested sending cavalry to raid the enemy's rear, and still others suggested using the terrain to set up ambushes.

They didn't have any solution when dealing with Xi Yu, but they came up with a lot when dealing with Zhang Lu.

After Cao Pi thought for a moment, he made a decision.

He ordered some soldiers to strengthen the defense of the city gate, and another group of soldiers to prepare for an ambush. At the same time, he sent cavalry to conduct reconnaissance and harassment.

On the battlefield, yellow sand filled the sky, the two armies faced each other, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Cao Pi's generals stood in front of the formation, pointing at Zhang Lu's army and yelling.

"Zhang Lu, you despicable villain! What shame do you have to challenge us?"

His voice was loud and majestic, trying to anger Zhang Lu with words.

However, Zhang Lu remained calm and unmoved.

He sat on the horse and stared at the other person quietly, and even raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a contemptuous smile.

"I'm just here to challenge Cao Pi and clear the way for King Xi Yu. Do you have any opinions? You lackeys can't stop me!"

Zhang Lu's voice was deep and powerful, echoing on the battlefield.

Cao Pi's generals were furious when they heard this, but Zhang Lu was not moved at all.

He knew that on the battlefield, wars of words were meaningless and that real victory could only be achieved by force.

At this time, a strong wind roared past, blowing the flags of both sides. The tension on the battlefield reached its peak, as if a life and death battle was about to break out.

The sun shines through the clouds on the battlefield, forming a strange light and shadow.

As a horn sounded, the troops from both sides began to charge.

In an instant, shouts, the sound of horse hooves and the sound of metal collision intertwined and echoed throughout the battlefield.

The sky suddenly became gloomy, as if a storm was coming.

On the other side, the group led by Xi Yu was still marching.

They had expected to arrive at their destination earlier.

However, frequent heavy rains on the road made their journey stop and go, delaying a lot of time.

When they finally found a suitable place to camp, the soldiers felt a little heavy.

Some soldiers began to wonder secretly, worrying whether this was an ominous sign. It seemed that God did not want them to complete the mission successfully.

"Is God giving us a hint?" a soldier asked worriedly.

Another soldier quickly shook his head and lowered his voice and said: "Don't talk nonsense, or you will be punished for disturbing the morale of the army."

In fact, Xi Yu heard the soldiers' comments, but he did not respond directly.

He understood the concerns of the soldiers, but at this critical moment, he could not let fear and uneasiness spread.

He walked among the soldiers and said in a firm and calm voice: "Don't worry, everyone. Changes in weather are natural phenomena and have nothing to do with our actions. We must believe in our own abilities and determination. No matter what difficulties we encounter, we will overcome them." It can be overcome.”

As night fell, a bonfire was set up in the camp.

The soldiers sat together, sharing simple food, and the atmosphere between them gradually relaxed.

Someone started talking about stories about their hometown, and laughter and warmth filled the air.

Although their trip was hampered, Xi Yu was determined not to let this setback affect their morale.

He encouraged the soldiers to maintain unity and courage, believing that they would be able to overcome difficulties and complete the mission.

Xi Yu approached a young soldier, patted him on the shoulder, and asked, "Why do you want to be a soldier?"

The soldier raised his head. He felt very honored. He didn't expect Xi Yu to take the initiative to talk to him.

He seemed particularly nervous.

Xiyu smiled.

"Just answer honestly. Don't be nervous. I'm not a man-eating tiger."

The soldier's eyes were firm but with a hint of helplessness, and he replied: "Because my family is poor and I have no other way out, I have to become a soldier."

Xi Yu nodded slightly to express his understanding.

He then asked: "Are you afraid of dying on the battlefield?"

The soldier hesitated, then answered honestly.

"Fear, who is not afraid of death? But I know that since I have chosen this path, there is nothing I can do about it."

Xi Yu looked into the soldier's eyes and felt the contradiction and determination in his heart.

He smiled slightly and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid. We are launching a war this time so that there will be no more wars in the future. We must fight for peace, so that our descendants will no longer experience the pain of war."

After hearing Xi Yu's words, the soldier's eyes flashed with hope.

"Yes, Your Majesty, you are right."

Xi Yu turned to face all the soldiers and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, we are not fighting for ourselves, but for the peace of the world!"

The soldiers responded one after another, chanting slogans and being emotional.

The next day, the morning light shone on the walls of Luoyang City, and Zhang Lu led his army to attack Cao Pi again.

Zhang Lu stood on the chariot, looking at Cao Pi's army from a distance, and couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

Through yesterday's contest, he found that Cao Pi had made complete preparations this time.

Flags were flying on the city walls and the fortifications were strong and orderly. It was obviously a desperate struggle.

Zhang Lu shouted to the generals around him: "Generals, listen to the order. We are just here to create trouble for Cao Pi today, not to kill him. When we see that the situation is not right, we will retreat immediately!"

When the generals heard Zhang Lu's order, although they were a little confused, they still obeyed his instructions.

On the battlefield, drums were beating loudly and arrows were raining down.

Cao Pi's soldiers guarded the city wall firmly and never flinched. They used shields to form a strong defense line to resist the attack of Zhang Lu's army.

Seeing that his army was unable to break through Cao Pi's defense, Zhang Lu thought to himself.

He realized that continuing to attack would only cause his army to suffer greater losses.

So, he gave the order decisively.

"Withdraw troops! Don't be reluctant to fight, maintain your formation, and quickly evacuate the battlefield!"

Zhang Lu's army heard the retreat horn and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

Cao Pi stood on the city wall and watched Zhang Lu's army leave.

There was a trace of doubt in his eyes, but he immediately turned to joy.

As night fell, Cao Pi summoned several generals to the camp to prepare for a simple celebration banquet.

Cao Pi picked up the wine glass, smiled and said to everyone: "Today, we fought a beautiful victory, which is worth celebrating!"

The generals raised their glasses in response, their faces filled with joy and pride.

Cao Pi continued: "That fool Zhang Lu thought he could win easily, but he didn't expect us to be fully prepared. If he wins, it may weaken the morale of our soldiers. It's a pity that they came and boosted our morale! "

There was a trace of ridicule in Cao Pi's words.

After hearing this, the generals also laughed together with Xi Yu.

One general said with a smile: "Zhang Lu thought he was great, but he turned out to be our defeated general!"

Cao Pi nodded and raised the corners of his mouth: "That's right! We want everyone to know that we are a powerful army, and no enemy can stop us!"

Time flies, and another day passes.

Xi Yu led everyone to continue moving forward, crossing mountains and rivers.

On this day, they passed through a very beautiful place with mountains and rivers. The magnificent scenery of nature made people feel relaxed and happy.

Xi Yu looked at the nervous expressions of the soldiers and understood that they needed some time to relax and soothe.

So, he said loudly: "Everyone may be a little nervous. Let's relax here today and enjoy the beautiful scenery. But remember, don't disturb the people."

When the soldiers heard Xi Yu's words, they cheered immediately.

They have been in a state of tension for a long time, and it is undoubtedly a great comfort to be able to stop for a while in this peaceful land of mountains and rivers.

Xi Yu led the soldiers to walk on the mountain trails, feeling the fresh air and warm sunshine.

The soldiers marveled at the magnificence of nature and gradually relaxed.

They were immersed in the mountains and rivers, temporarily forgetting the pressure and tension of war. (End of chapter)

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