Cao Pi sat in the tent, frowning, and full of doubts in his heart. He thought to himself: "According to Xi Yu's character, he should have led troops to attack long ago. Why has it been several days and there is still no movement?"

He turned around and said to the general beside him: "Send someone out to investigate and see what Xi Yu is doing and where he is now." The general followed the order and left.

At this time, the sky outside the camp was gloomy, as if a storm was coming.

Cao Pi's mood was just like the weather, uncertain. He knows that the victory or defeat of a war often depends on a single thought, and any small mistake may lead to total loss.

After a while, the general came back to report.

"Master Xi, according to reports from spies, Xi Yu's army seems to often encounter heavy rain, so it stops and goes along the way."

After hearing this, Cao Pi felt slightly relieved, but at the same time he became more vigilant.

"Pass my order, be on guard, and don't let down your guard at all!" Cao Pi said loudly. The generals took orders one after another, and the entire camp fell into a state of tense war readiness.

The sun was scorching and the heat was unbearable. Cao Pi took a lunch break in the camp. Sleepiness gradually came over him. He closed his heavy eyes and fell asleep.

In his dream, he was in a gloomy battlefield, surrounded by a strong aura of death.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of him, it was Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's face was pale, and his eyes revealed deep sorrow and dissatisfaction.

He said sadly to Cao Pi: "Why are you so cruel that you put me to death?"

Cao Pi said: "Sima Yi, you wanted to assassinate me first, otherwise how could I have such an idea?"

Sima Yi sneered: "You are willing to sacrifice everything for your own ambition. Then why did you rob my daughter?"

A trace of guilt appeared on Cao Pi's face.

Sima Yi shouted angrily: "Your methods are too cruel, you have lost the bottom line of being a human being!"

Cao Pi was speechless, the scene in the dream became increasingly blurry, and Sima Yi's figure gradually disappeared.

He woke up from his dream, filled with uneasiness and guilt.

He sat on the edge of the bed, lost in thought.

Just then, a soldier walked in.

He is a confidant of Cao Pi.

The soldier knelt on the ground, his body trembling slightly and he did not dare to raise his head.

"What happened?"

"Mr. Cao, some soldiers in the military camp have deserted. They are privately discussing your killing of Sima Yi. They think that you are too cruel and not a master. Moreover, some soldiers have been favored by Sima Yi, so they are angry about this matter. It’s unfair. In the long run, it may affect morale.”

Cao Pi's fists were clenched and clenched, and his eyes were full of anger and disappointment.

He never expected that his soldiers would have objections to him.

"These ignorant bastards! They really deserve to die." Cao Pi yelled angrily.

The soldier lowered his head and said nothing, not daring to respond.

Cao Pi stood up and paced back and forth in the tent, unable to calm down the anger in his heart.

He knew that if this situation was not resolved in time, it would have a serious impact on the morale of the army.

He really wanted to find these talking soldiers and kill them, but he was afraid that this would have a further impact on morale.

But if there is no punishment, I can't swallow this breath.

He looked at the soldier and found that the soldier clearly had something to say.

"It doesn't matter if you have anything to say. You are my confidant."

The soldier knelt on the ground, straightened his chest, and looked at Cao Pi with firm eyes. His voice was slightly trembling, but he said very firmly: "Mr. Cao, the enemy is in front of us. Any disturbance in the army will affect morale. For the sake of the overall situation, You must have an attitude. No matter what you think in your heart, you must apologize for what happened to Sima Yi."

Cao Pi was shocked after hearing this. He did not expect that the other party would come up with such a bad idea. It was so unreasonable.

Seeing that Cao Pi did not respond, the soldier added: "Mr. Cao, I know this suggestion may make you unhappy, but the situation is urgent now, and we need to take measures to stabilize the morale of the army. Only when you make your attitude clear to everyone can the soldiers regain their confidence." Get your trust back. Please think again!"

Cao Pi stared at the soldiers, and the anger in his heart gradually turned into helplessness.

He understood that the soldiers had good intentions, but it was really difficult for him to apologize to the soldiers.

Cao Pi took a deep breath and tried to calm down his emotions.

He walked up to the soldier, reached out to help him up, and said slowly: "I will consider your suggestion, but apologizing is not easy. I need to think about how to handle it properly."

"Mr. Cao, you'd better think about it quickly and don't have too many nightmares at night."

Cao Pi nodded. He suddenly thought of Han Xin. In order to accomplish great things, wouldn't Han Xin be willing to be humiliated?

He knew that stabilizing the morale of the army was crucial, and it seemed that he really wanted to apologize for what happened to Sima Yi.

After that, Cao Pi asked the soldier to go out first, and he wanted to think carefully before talking.

He suddenly found that life was even more messy and made him anxious.

Unlike Cao Pi, who was in a state of stress, Xi Yu was particularly relaxed.

Among the green mountains and green waters, Xi Yu led the soldiers to walk among them.

They enjoyed the magnificent natural scenery and felt particularly happy.

Xi Yu said to the soldiers: "Don't be stressed, we are not neglecting our duties. Proper relaxation can make us feel happier, so that we can be more calm on the battlefield."

The soldiers nodded one after another, feeling Xi Yu's care and understanding.

In such an environment, they seemed to have forgotten that they were marching and fighting, but were instead taking a pleasant trip.

Xi Yu looked at the mountains in the distance, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

He knew in his heart that Cao Pi would be destroyed by him sooner or later, it was just a matter of time.

Anyway, the matter is not particularly urgent, it doesn't matter if it happens one day earlier or one day later.

His purpose in doing this is to prevent everyone from having too much pressure.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu stood quietly in a corner, talking in low voices.

"Our army has never reached Luoyang. Cao Pi must have started to wonder at this moment." Zhou Yu said softly.

He cast his gaze into the distance, as if he could see Cao Pi's confused expression.

Zhao Yun nodded.

"Yes, it was delayed by rain some time ago, otherwise we would have arrived long ago."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly.

"But this is good, just to make Cao Pi confused about our reality. When he relaxes his vigilance, we will launch a sudden attack and we will definitely defeat him in one fell swoop."

Xi Yu was also thinking about a problem while he was traveling around the mountains and rivers. Several ladies were waiting for his return at home.

They are all concerned about their own safety. I also hope to end this war quickly so I can leave, so I can continue playing.

But if there is no rain, don’t be too slow in the next step.

On this day, the sun shines on Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong through the windows of the temple in Xiyu Mansion.

They sat quietly in the small Buddhist hall and worshiped the Buddha.

The Buddhist hall is filled with a faint scent of sandalwood.

The image reflected a divine light.

After a while, Xiao Hong said softly: "Miss, I guess the king has arrived in Luoyang now and caught Cao Pi by surprise."

Ouyang Linlin's eyes still fell on the Buddha statue.

She frowned slightly and said softly: "I only hope that he can return safely, nothing else is important."

Ouyang Linlin and Xiaohong left the Buddhist hall and returned to the house. Sun Shangxiang happened to arrive, saying he came to chat with them to relieve their boredom.

Ouyang Linlin smiled and asked Sun Shangxiang to sit down.

"Did you two go to worship Buddha just now?" Sun Shangxiang asked quickly.

Xiao Hong was very surprised.

"Mrs. Sun, how did you know about this?"

"Because I smell the agarwood fragrance on your body." Sun Shangxiang couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, so he had such an association.

She said softly: "My mother Wu Guotai, she would burn incense and chant sutras in front of the Buddha every day. She was extremely pious. Even if someone stepped on an ant to death, she would feel particularly heartbroken."

Ouyang Linlin was overjoyed when she heard this, her eyes shining with excitement.

She said eagerly: "Really? I really hope to have the opportunity to meet Wu Guotai in the future. I want to have a good discussion with her about worshiping Buddha."

Sun Shangxiang smiled and nodded.

"I believe there will be opportunities in the future."

She even wrote to her mother a few days ago and learned that her mother was in particularly good health.

Speaking of my mother, I thought of my hometown and the situation in Jiangnan. At that time, I was an eldest lady, uninvited and unreasonable, and her temper was particularly arrogant and unreasonable.

Just like when she was about to marry Xi Yu, she still had to do it because she didn't like it, but she didn't expect that she had completely changed her mind now.

They quickly brought the topic to Xi Yu.

"By the way, my husband has returned triumphantly. I have to ask him to let me go. I want to go back and see my mother." Sun Shangxiang said.

Ouyang Linlin looked a little ugly, because Sun Shangxiang still had relatives, but she no longer had them.

Seeing the change in the other party's expression, Sun Shangxiang immediately understood what was going on.

"Then... let's change the topic again. By the way, should we play poker?"

Ouyang Linlin also had this intention.

"Then call your maid here, and the four of us can play together."

Sun Shangxiang said to Xiaohong: "Go to my room and call him over. Let's play cards together."

Xiaohong went happily.

So after a while, laughter and laughter came from Ouyang Linlin's room.

Another late night came, and Cao Pi was lying on the bed, but his mood could not be calm.

His thoughts were troubled by Sima Yi's shadow, and he could not escape the condemnation of his conscience.

Cao Pi tossed and turned, closed his eyes, and tried to fall asleep.

However, he was afraid that Sima Yi would enter his dream.

During the day, the soldier said he wanted to apologize, but he never plucked up the courage to do so, even though he also understood that a man does things informally.

But he knew that it was very meaningful to do this, and he had to do it tomorrow.

Or maybe when you finish doing this, you won't be troubled by nightmares anymore.

In Cao Pi's military camp, the soldiers sat together and talked about it. They were all wondering why Xi Yu hadn't arrived yet.

"Why hasn't Xi Yu arrived yet? Hasn't he already set off?" a soldier asked.

"Who knows? Maybe he encountered something on the way and was delayed," another soldier replied.

"Xi Yu didn't come, but that's not why he was afraid. He must be brewing a bigger conspiracy." A soldier interjected.

"Yes, maybe he wants to take advantage of us and give us a surprise attack."

The next day, Cao Pi began to train troops again. However, this time the training had a special meaning.

He wanted to take this opportunity to show everyone his regret and pain.

Although he didn't mean it, he still had to do such a thing to boost morale.

With an expression of pain and remorse on Cao Pi's face, he stood on the general stage and said to the soldiers in the audience: "Fellow soldiers, I want to apologize to everyone today."

The soldiers were very surprised when they heard Cao Pi's words.

They didn't know why Cao Pi suddenly apologized.

And what's the point of apologizing for?

Cao Pi continued: "I know that I once made a big mistake, that is, killing Sima Yi."

When the soldiers heard this, they couldn't help but think about it.

They did not expect that Cao Pi would publicly admit his mistakes at this time.

Cao Pi continued: "Actually, the matter between me and Sima Yi was planned by others. And the culprit is Xi Yu. He deliberately provoked the conflict between me and Sima Yi and made us kill each other. But he himself was snickering from the sidelines. I was blinded by his rhetoric and did not see his true face clearly, so I fell into his trap."

Many soldiers were a little moved, especially those who looked towards Sima Yi in their hearts, and Cao Pi was naturally scanning these people as he spoke.

"Sima Yi once assassinated me but failed, but he also fell into Xi Yu's trap. Although he assassinated me and I should have killed him, I still regret it very much now."

Cao Pi continued: "I know that my apology cannot make up for my fault, but I hope everyone can forgive me. From today on, I will work harder to train our troops to make our army stronger and no longer be beaten by anyone." People take advantage of it.”

The soldiers were deeply moved after hearing Cao Pi's words.

"Okay, let's start training now. After training, everyone will follow me to defeat Sima Yi."

At the same time, he sent people to prepare some sacrificial gifts.

This time, Cao Pi also observed that the morale of many soldiers had indeed begun to rise.

It seemed that I had made the right decision this time. The advice given to me by the close soldier was very good.

After the military training was over, Cao Pi led everyone to worship Sima Yi.

In the study room of Sima Mansion, candlelight flickered, and the faint light illuminated the serious faces of brothers Sima Master and Sima Zhao.

Sima Zhao clenched his fists, his eyes revealing determination and anger.

He said in a low voice: "Brother, we must avenge our father! I suggest finding a killer to assassinate Cao Pi."

Master Sima frowned. He understood Sima Zhao's mood, but he also knew the risks and difficulty of this plan.

He stared silently at the candlelight on the table, as if to find the answer from the flickering flame.

Although his younger brother is still a child, he knows that his younger brother has grown up, and that his younger brother is smarter and more independent than himself.

And the younger brother really inherited many of his father's characteristics in some aspects.

Seeing that he was silent, Sima Zhao became anxious, stood up, and said emotionally: "Brother, you must be ruthless in doing things, be brave and decisive, and not be timid! We have already lost our father, and we cannot lose more!"

His voice was filled with sorrow and anger, as if he wanted to release the pain and anger in his heart.

Master Sima looked at Sima Zhao, his heart full of contradictions and helplessness.

He knew Sima Zhao's determination, but he was also worried that his impulsiveness would bring greater danger.

Master Sima sighed and said slowly: "We need to think calmly and formulate a thorough plan. Revenge is not something that can be accomplished overnight. We must consider all factors."

His voice was calm and firm, trying to calm Sima Zhao's emotions.

After listening to Master Sima's words, Sima Zhao calmed down a little.

He sat down and lost himself in thought.

Master Sima analyzed calmly: "Father also sent assassins to assassinate Cao Pi, but the result ended in failure. If we repeat the same mistake, we may not be able to succeed." There was a hint of worry in his tone.

Sima Zhao nodded, looking ashamed.

"My brother is still experienced and thoughtful. I am young and ignorant. I was impulsive just now and almost made a big mistake."

"My brother is serious. He is also doing it for the good of this family." Master Sima looked at Sima Zhao and said sincerely, "Although my father is gone, we brothers must unite as one, and we can defeat gold. Only by working together can we survive in this troubled world."

Sima Zhao puffed out his chest and his eyes were firm.

"What my brother said is absolutely true. We will work hand in hand and work hard for the future of the Sima family. In this way, my father's spirit in heaven will also feel very happy."

After that, Sima Zhao left Master Sima's room.

I talked with my brother for a while. The anger in his heart finally calmed down a bit.

But Master Sima sighed.

Why doesn't he want to take revenge? But he is not a young boy. He is as careless as his younger brother. He also believes that his younger brother will mature in the future.

When he looked outside, he found that the sky was already a little gloomy.

Now they all hope that Xi Yu will attack quickly and kill Cao Pi.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a sound of footsteps. It turned out that his brother was back again.

"Brother, I suddenly remembered that we were simply worrying in vain, because Xi Yu is about to attack. By then, we can directly kill Cao Pi, which will save us the trouble."

"Brother, you and your brother thought about it together. My brother thought the same way just now."

What they needed was for Cao Pi to die quickly, and it didn't matter whether they could do it themselves.

Sima Zhao looked sharply at the sky and sneered.

"Cao Pi's good days are coming to an end soon, and he may be worried now. He simply deserves it." (End of Chapter)

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