The meaning of Brother Sima is very obvious.

Sima Zhao, in particular, looked at Xu Lei firmly, and their opposition made Xu Lei feel powerless.

"There is no room for negotiation on this matter. You should please come back. We still have a lot of things to do." Master Sima's voice was cold and firm.

Normally, he would not order guests to be kicked out casually, but now he couldn't bear it anymore.

Xu Lei bit his lip, knowing that he could not convince the stubborn brothers. He shook his head helplessly, turned and left.

People have already made it so obvious. Isn't it too shameless to be shameless here?

"In that case, you two brothers can take care of yourself."

When he just walked to the door, Sima Zhao's voice came from behind.

"Xiyu is about to attack. General Xu is really free. He still has to worry about this kind of thing. Shouldn't he be thinking about how to deal with the enemy?"

Xu Lei turned around and saw that Sima Zhao was looking at him with a sarcastic look.

He snorted coldly, said nothing, and left immediately. However, the two brothers felt very heavy.

Master Sima clenched his fists and said, "Cao Pi is absolutely disgusting."

"Brother doesn't have to be like this villain. If nothing happens, I will go back to my room first."

Master Sima nodded, and Sima Zhao retreated.

The sunlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming patches of light.

Xu Lei's figure looked a little lonely and lost in the light spots.

He walked silently, with many thoughts in his mind.

He originally came up with such a good idea and thought it would be successful, but he never thought it would turn out like this. I guess everyone would laugh at him when he returned to the military camp.

At this time, a butterfly flew by, seeming to laugh at his embarrassment.

"Damn it!" Xu Lei cursed in a low voice and almost fell down due to distraction.

He stabilized his body and continued to move forward, but his steps became heavier and heavier.

When Xu Lei returned to the military camp, the soldiers immediately gathered around and asked about the relevant situation.

His silence and heavy expression made the soldiers' hearts sink, and they all exchanged worried looks.

He described the reactions of the two brothers, almost in every detail.

"Those brothers are so ungrateful!" A soldier with a straightforward personality broke the silence first, saying with an angry look on his face.

"General Xu is working for everyone's benefit, how can they be so ungrateful!" Another soldier echoed, his tone full of resentment.

However, some soldiers showed understanding. "Maybe they have their own considerations." An older soldier said thoughtfully.

Xu Lei glanced at him gratefully and nodded slightly.

In this atmosphere, some soldiers were emotional while others remained calm and thinking. The entire military camp seemed to be enveloped in a tense and complicated emotion.

"Forget it, this general has done his best, let's consider how to face the enemy."

Then, Xu Lei sent someone to check ahead, because according to the itinerary, Xi Yu should have arrived a long time ago. Why hasn't he come yet? Is there something fishy here?

As night fell, a bonfire was lit on the campground, lighting up the surrounding area.

On the other side, Cao Pi was still kneeling in front of Sima Yi, seemingly pious and persistent.

"Mr. Cao, you have been kneeling for a long time. It's better to get up and eat some food first." A soldier walked carefully to Cao Pi with the food in his hands.

Cao Pi shook his head and said firmly: "I want to show my sincerity to Mr. Sima."

"Mr. Cao, I believe Mr. Sima has understood your thoughts. We still have a lot to do."

Cao Pi stood up, took the food from the soldier's hands, and ate slowly.

The night wind carries a hint of coolness, blowing on people's faces.

Late at night, Cao Pi didn't stay here anymore. After all, he was almost done with his show work.

The early morning sun shone on the ground, and Xi Yu led the army on their way.

The soldiers were full of energy, talking and laughing, as if they were full of confidence in the upcoming battle.

"Your Majesty, I found that someone is observing us secretly." Zhao Yun approached Xi Yu and said softly.

Xi Yu smiled slightly and said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, it might be someone sent by Cao Pi."

"Should we take some measures?" Zhao Yun asked.

Xi Yu shook his head, "It doesn't matter, let them investigate. We can leave some loopholes deliberately."

A hint of cunning flashed in Xi Yu's eyes. He knew that war was not only a contest of force, but also a duel of wits.

The army marched on the official road in the early morning, with picturesque green mountains and green waters on both sides.

The morning breeze blew the flag lightly, making a hunting sound. The soldiers' steps were neat and powerful, showing their well-trained training.

Xi Yu stared into the distance, thinking about his next strategy. He believed that with careful planning, the enemy could be defeated.

On this day, they came to a small village. The village was silent and most of the houses were empty.

Xi Yu looked at the devastated village and asked Zhao Yun with a heavy heart: "How long will it take for us to reach Luoyang?"

Zhao Yun looked around, estimated the distance, and replied: "There are still about three days."

Xi Yu frowned slightly.

"Go and find out where all the villagers here have gone?"

So Zhao Yun asked a few soldiers to quickly investigate.

Soon several soldiers came back and said that there were only a few old people still living in the village, and most of the people had left or even died.

Because there had been wars here before, many people died.

"So that's it." Zhao Yun sighed.

Likewise, Xi Yu's mood was also very heavy.

Xi Yu stared into the distance and secretly vowed to end this war as soon as possible so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment.

Again, the war I started was in the hope that there would not be any more wars in the future.

In the village, a few old trees stand alone, as if telling of the past prosperity.

The wind blew and the leaves rustled, adding a bit of desolation.

At this moment, several frail old men slowly passed by.

Their clothes were shabby and stained with dust, as if the traces of time were deeply imprinted on them.

A white-haired old man said with a trembling voice: "You who are fighting bring only destruction and suffering. You are not good people. You should leave our village as soon as possible."

Another old man's eyes showed deep disgust: "We hate war, and you are the culprits! Although our village is so shabby, you are not welcome."

Many soldiers were unhappy. They glared at a few old people, and some even wanted to take action.

Xi Yu stopped them.

"Don't do anything, just listen to what the old man has to say."

Several old people continued to chatter, and they started to cry while they were talking, because one of their sons was lost in the war.

Xi Yu and others listened silently, their hearts filled with helplessness and guilt.

When the old men finally stopped talking, Xi Yu took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice as calm as possible.

"Old man, we don't want to see war happen, but some people have to do it. We hope to bring peace to everyone."

However, the old people's faces were still full of distrust.

"And the war we are going to launch this time is different from the wars you people have experienced before."

Xi Yu tried his best to keep himself calm.

Gradually, his words made several old people calm down a little.

But Xi Yu discovered that several old people knew nothing about world affairs. They didn't even know who they were or who Cao Pi was.

Xi Yu looked at the old people helplessly, feeling helpless in his heart. He tried to explain his purpose to them, but the old men just looked at him with hatred.

"Old man, we are not the bad people you think." Xi Yu said softly.

"You are all the same. All you bring is war." An old man said angrily.

Several old people who had calmed down became agitated again.

Xiyu sighed.

"I know you hate war, but our purpose is to restore peace to the world, because I myself hate war."

"Do you mean to buy peace with more lives?" another old man asked.

Xiyu was silent for a moment. He knew that it would be difficult to change the old people's views in a short time.

At this time, a gust of wind blew by and picked up a few fallen leaves. Xi Yu looked at the fallen leaves flying in the sky and sighed in his heart. He knew that it was not easy for these old people to understand his ideals.

Zhou Yu said: "Your Majesty, let's leave quickly."

Many people also hope that Xi Yu will leave quickly. It is impossible to communicate with these people at all.

Xi Yu had no choice but to leave. After they all talked for a long time, many soldiers started talking. These people were really disrespectful.

"You can't say that about them. After all, they have lost their loved ones. I can understand their feelings."

Suddenly, a sharp cry broke the silence.

Everyone looked in surprise and found a soldier crying. His cry was so sharp that it seemed to penetrate people's hearts.

Xi Yu frowned, walked to the soldier, and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Why are you so sad?"

The soldier raised his head, tears blurring his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the words of the old people reminded me of my past. My hometown was also ravaged by war, and many of my relatives were killed in the war..."

His voice was choked and he couldn't continue.

Xi Yu's heart felt sad, and he patted the soldier on the shoulder.

"We all feel the pain caused by the war. But we must firmly believe that our efforts are to prevent more people from experiencing such pain."

The soldier wiped the tears from his eyes and nodded firmly.

That night, Xi Yu led everyone to set up camp in an open area. Bonfires danced in the night, lighting up the surroundings.

The soldiers sat together, filled with anticipation of arriving in Luoyang.

And now it’s almost the Waking of Insects, so the weather is getting warmer and warmer, and my heart feels warm.

Xi Yu looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Tonight, I will tell you a story. I wonder if you are willing to listen?"

What? Your Majesty tells a story, that is something you really want to do. Many people feel very honored. How could they not be willing to listen?

"We would, we would love to."

"It is a great honor for us to be able to listen to the king tell stories."

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers all showed excited smiles and desperately moved closer to Xi Yu.

Zhou Yu stood up and said loudly: "Everyone must obey the order and don't crowd."

At this time, a breeze blew by, bringing a little coolness.

After everyone sat down again, Xi Yu began to tell stories.

"Don't be so happy yet. The story I told is actually a tragedy."

Xi Yu saw everyone's excitement and immediately reminded them.

Zhao Yun said: "Your Majesty, no matter what story you tell, we will listen."

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu believed that Xi Yu must have a profound meaning in doing this.

It’s impossible to tell a story just right.

Xi Yu's voice sounded clearly in the silent night, as if carrying a kind of magic power, attracting everyone's attention.

What Xi Yu wants to tell is the story of Wuhu Luanhua, which is a past event that later Han people were unwilling to mention.

After all, the scene was too tragic, and there was even a phenomenon of cannibalism. The Han people were not treated as human beings.

A burst of sadness surged in Xi Yu's heart. He knew the cruelty of this period of history.

But he also understood that when he traveled to this era, he was charged with the mission of changing history.

He secretly made up his mind to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.

However, he cannot express his thoughts directly, he must use stories to stimulate everyone's thinking.

Under the flickering firelight, Xi Yu's voice was deep and powerful, recounting that tragic history.

The soldiers listened in silence, expressions of shock and anger on their faces.

Hatred against the barbarians arose in their hearts.

Because he is well aware of his storytelling skills, Xi Yu is extremely sensational during the telling process.

He noticed the soldiers' reactions and knew his story had been a special success.

At the climax of the story, he stopped and looked at the solemn faces around him.

At this time, a soldier asked: "Your Majesty, where is this story? And when did it happen?"

This is exactly what many people are asking.

Xiyu took a deep breath and looked around.

"This is a place far away, a history we all hope will never be repeated."

There was a hint of heaviness in his voice.

Then, he asked: "Have you noticed that the story I told you feels very familiar?"

Many soldiers nodded, they indeed felt familiar.

"Let me tell you the truth, without me, this history would have happened to your descendants." These words were like a bolt from the blue, shocking many people present.

"Do you think I'm arrogant when I say something?" Xi Yu asked quickly, then looked around at everyone.

This sentence is like torture of the soul.

"No, Your Majesty, we believe you can change everything." Zhao Yun said immediately.

Many soldiers also echoed that it was indeed the case. If others said this, they might really think it was arrogant, but Xi Yu did have the ability to change everything.

Xi Yu said: "What I am telling you is practical. Let me tell you this, I have the ability to predict the future. If the Cao family is allowed to win the country, the country will eventually fall into the hands of Sima Yi, and then this period of history will also Toward the story I just told.”

After saying this, the scene became very quiet again.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu looked at each other and believed Xi Yu's words.

Because Xi Yu can tell many miracles.

No wonder Xiyu seems to be different from others.

Maybe he really has some super powers.

Zhou Yu took the lead and shouted: "Your Majesty was given by God to save us all. We are all blessed."

As a result, many people also cheered. Xi Yu thought of the words of those old people today, so he decided to tell such a story, so as to sow the seeds of peace in the hearts of the soldiers.

Of course, he couldn't control what Xi Yu would look like in the future once he captured the country.

Xi Yu is well aware of the laws of history.

He understood that when a dynasty is first established, it often draws on the experience of the previous dynasty, and the king is also willing to rest and recuperate with the people.

Therefore, the country will appear prosperous and prosperous.

However, after a few generations, the king's descendants began to enjoy their achievements and gradually lost the fighting spirit of their ancestors.

After a few generations, they will be deceived by the decadent life and begin to pursue pleasure and luxury. As a result, the country will gradually decline and will never reach the peak of prosperity again until it perishes.

When Xi Yu thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a surge of sadness and helplessness in his heart. He knew that human history has always repeated the same mistakes.

And all he has to do is do his best to change everything.

But he can only change himself, but how much can he change for future generations?

When he really gets the country, what can he do if his descendants repeat this historical pattern?

He suddenly realized that he had a lot to worry about. Maybe just focusing on the things in front of him was enough.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's take a rest. We will continue on the road tomorrow."

When everyone was returning to camp, Xi Yu suddenly noticed that a soldier was walking a little strangely, so he quickly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

"Go back to your Majesty, some of my little ones are numb. It's okay."

However, Xi Yu felt that he was lying, so he said, "I hope you will tell me the truth."

Everyone's eyes are also looking here.

The soldier immediately blushed and had no choice but to tell the truth. It turned out that there was a big hole in his shoes for a long time and he felt uncomfortable walking.

"In that case, why don't you change your shoes?"

But he lowered his head. After all, he was short of money, so he never changed it.

And Xi Yu immediately knew his embarrassment.

So, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu were called over. (End of chapter)

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