"You are so careless!" Xi Yu's voice was a bit scolding, "Among your subordinates, there are soldiers with broken shoes, and you didn't even see it! This is your dereliction of duty!"

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun listened silently, with looks of self-blame on their faces.

"Tomorrow, you must buy a new pair of shoes for this soldier." Xi Yu continued, "As generals, we must care about the details of every soldier's life. This is our responsibility."

Zhou Yu raised his head and said sincerely: "Your Majesty, we know we were wrong. We will definitely pay more attention to the situation of the soldiers in the future."

Zhao Yun also nodded quickly: "We were negligent. Thank you, Your Majesty, for reminding us."

At this time, the soldiers in the camp also began to talk about it.

"The king is so kind. He even cares about the little things of the soldiers."

"Yes, with such a great king, we will definitely win the battle!"

Xi Yu heard the soldiers' discussion and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

He knew that only by truly caring about soldiers could he win their trust and loyalty.

On this night, Xi Yu's actions made the soldiers feel warm and inspired, and also made Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun deeply aware of their responsibilities.

The next day, when the early morning sun shone on the earth, Xi Yu was already standing in front of the camp, solemnly ordering Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun: "Hurry up and buy shoes without any mistakes!"

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun did not dare to neglect and took the soldier to the market.

Along the way, the soldier kept expressing his gratitude to Xi Yu, his eyes shining with gratitude.

The market was bustling with people coming and going, and the sounds of hawking came and went. Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun talked with the soldiers while paying attention to the various shoes.

"Thanks to the king's concern this time, we must choose the best pair of shoes." Zhou Yu said.

"Yes, the king cares so much about everyone, we must not take it lightly." Zhao Yun agreed.

The three of them walked through the market and finally chose a pair of sturdy and durable shoes. The soldier put on his new shoes with a satisfied smile on his face.

At this time, the sun was warm and the breeze was blowing, as if they were also cheering for this warm scene.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at the soldiers' smiles, and their hearts were filled with emotion.

They understand that Xi Yu's concern is not just a pair of shoes, but also care and encouragement for the soldiers.

Under the leadership of such generals, their army will definitely be more united and move forward more courageously.

As the three of them were walking on the road to the camp, Zhao Yun suddenly felt something strange.

He looked around alertly and whispered to Zhou Yu: "I feel like someone is following us secretly."

Zhou Yu's eyes flashed with suspicion, and he responded softly: "I noticed it too, let's be more careful. Go to a remote place first and see if the other party will follow."

Zhao Yun clenched his fists nervously, his eyes scanning behind him from time to time, for fear of any danger coming.

Zhou Yu appeared relatively calm. He calmly analyzed the situation: "Don't be nervous. Maybe it's just our misunderstanding. But it's always right to stay vigilant."

They turned into a secluded alley, their footsteps echoing on the stone road. Zhao Yun's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he secretly prayed that no accident would happen.

While walking, Zhou Yu suddenly stopped and listened to something.

After a moment, he lowered his voice and said, "I seemed to hear something moving behind me."

A layer of sweat broke out on Zhao Yun's forehead. He nodded and signaled Zhou Yu to continue moving forward.

The three people's steps became more cautious, as if they were afraid of alerting the potential stalker.

At the end of the alley is an abandoned courtyard, overgrown with weeds and filled with an old smell. Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other and decided to observe the situation here.

They hid behind a dilapidated wall and waited quietly.

Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed from the corner, catching their attention.

Zhao Yun's eyes widened and he was ready to rush out to find out.

But Zhou Yu stretched out his hand to stop him, indicating to wait a moment.

Finally, the dark figure appeared again and gradually approached their hiding place.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun held their breath nervously, preparing to deal with possible dangers.

At this moment, the black shadow made a sound.

"Excuse me, are you from King Xiyu?"

Zhou Yu and the other three looked at each other, wondering who this person was.

The three people decided that they still wanted to see him.

They walked out of the courtyard and their eyes fell on the follower.

He is a slightly thin man, of medium height, wearing dark clothes, with small but very keen eyes.

Zhou Yu stared at that person sharply and asked, "Who are you?"

The man hurriedly bowed and replied: "This little man is Sun Shangxiang's distant cousin. Hearing that Xiyu's army was approaching, he came here to join the army."

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other, with a trace of suspicion flashing in their eyes.

Zhao Yun then asked: "Do you have anything to prove your identity?"

The man shook his head and said anxiously: "Everything I said is true, but there is really no evidence to prove it. But I sincerely hope to serve the king."

At this time, the surrounding environment seemed a little tense, as if the air had solidified. Zhou Yu fell into deep thought. He stared at the man's eyes, trying to find any flaws in them.

After a while, Zhou Yu said: "In that case, you can follow us back to the camp first, and we will make a decision after we investigate clearly."

The man nodded and said respectfully: "Thank you, general. I will definitely cooperate with you."

So, the three of them took the man back to the military camp.

Along the way, they remained vigilant, paying attention to the man's every move.

And the man followed silently.

Back at the military camp, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun reported to Xi Yu the matter of buying shoes.

"In addition, Your Majesty, there is someone who claims to be Sun Shangxiang's cousin and has come to join the army."

After hearing this, Xi Yu was slightly startled, with a trace of doubt flashing in his eyes.

Xi Yu frowned slightly and turned to ask Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun: "What do you think about this?"

Zhou Yu's eyes were solemn and he analyzed: "The current situation is turbulent and we have to be on guard. This person's origin is unknown. He may be a spy. We can't trust him easily."

Zhao Yun nodded in agreement: "What you say makes sense. Be careful when sailing a ten thousand year ship. You must be more prepared."

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Even if he is a spy, what's the problem? I would like to meet this person and find out what's going on." A hint of determination and confidence flashed in his eyes.

Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun looked at each other. Although they had doubts in their hearts, they also understood that Xi Yu's decision had his own considerations.

Xi Yu turned around and walked into the camp, sitting in the captain's seat. Soon, the man who claimed to be Sun Shangxiang's cousin was brought in.

Xi Yu looked at the man in front of him with burning eyes.

When the man saw Xi Yu, he immediately bowed and saluted and said, "I pay my respects to the king!"

Xi Yu looked at him, an imperceptible light flashing in his eyes.

Xi Yu asked: "You said you are Sun Shangxiang's cousin, is there anything to prove your identity?"

The man took out a letter from his arms, handed it to Xi Yu, and said, "This is the letter Sun Shangxiang once wrote to the villain."

Xi Yu took the letter and looked at it carefully.

The handwriting in the letter does belong to Sun Shangxiang. It seems that he may really be Sun Shangxiang's cousin.

"Why did you come to join the army?" Xi Yu's voice was calm and intimidating.

The man clasped his fists in salute and said loudly: "I have heard of the great king for a long time, and I am willing to work hard for the king." His eyes were firm and his tone was sincere.

Xi Yu nodded slightly and continued to ask: "What are your expertise?"

The man replied: "This little man has some knowledge of martial arts and military strategy. He is willing to advise the king and fight on the battlefield."

Xi Yu smiled, and the doubts in his eyes seemed to lighten a bit.

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, and then said: "You know, the discipline in the army is strict and it is not a child's play. Anyone who violates it will be severely punished." The man replied without hesitation: "You understand, I am willing to abide by military discipline and serve the general." !”

Xi Yu nodded, quite satisfied with the man's answer. He stood up, patted the man on the shoulder, and said, "In that case, you will be on probation in the military for a period of time. If you perform well, you will naturally be reused. However, if you tell lies, you will be severely punished."

The man burst into tears of gratitude and clasped his fists again.

"Thank you for your trust, General! I will try my best to fulfill my mission!"

"By the way, I haven't asked your name yet."

"The villain's name is Yao Maoyu."

"If you are really Sun Shangxiang's cousin, you can also be regarded as my king's cousin, but you must listen to my words in this camp."

Yao Maoyu smiled: "This is natural."

"Okay, there's nothing else to do, please step back first."

Yao Maoyu then retreated.

Xi Yu looked at the letter again.

But the handwriting may be fake, forget it, it doesn’t matter, just like what I said.

What does it matter if he is a spy?

Anyway, I won't be afraid.

After a while, Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu arranged for Yao Maoyu to practice.

The sun was shining on the ground, and Yao Maoyu stood tall and tall among the team. His performance was quite outstanding.

After Xi Yu found out, he was particularly complimentary.

In the next two days, the sky was exceptionally clear, with blue sky and white clouds, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The troops were getting farther and farther away, getting closer and closer to Luoyang, and everyone was full of expectations.

On this day, Xi Yu led the troops to continue setting up camp. He stood in front of the tent, looking firmly into the distance. Then, he turned around and walked into the camp, calling Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu in.

In the camp, Xi Yu sat on the main seat, and Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu sat down one after another.

Xi Yu said seriously: "Everyone, we are getting closer to Luoyang, and the next action is crucial."

Zhou Yu nodded and said: "What the king said is absolutely true. We must act with caution."

Zhao Yun continued: "Luoyang is a critical place, and we must be fully prepared."

Guan Yu was silent for a moment and said: "I will do my best to live up to the king's trust."

Xi Yu nodded slightly, expressing satisfaction with the three people's statements. He stood up, walked to the map, pointed to the location of Luoyang and said, "We need to formulate a detailed battle plan to ensure that nothing goes wrong."

Xi Yu also understood that although he was sure of winning if he sailed carefully, it would easily make the soldiers feel proud.

Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu stood up one after another, gathered around the map, and began to discuss.

They look attentive and put forward their opinions and suggestions from time to time. The entire camp was filled with a tense and serious atmosphere.

Xi Yu looked at Zhou Yu, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu firmly, and said slowly: "I want to write a surrender letter to Cao Pi. What do you think about this?"

Zhao Yun frowned and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, this move is probably in vain. How can Cao Pi surrender easily? I can't wait to kill him." There was a hint of anger in his voice.

He remembered being imprisoned by Cao Pi again.

Zhou Yu also echoed.

"What Zilong said is true, but this is unnecessary. Cao Pi is cunning by nature, and he will never fall because of a book."

However, Guan Yu had a different view.

Xi Yu also noticed it, so he turned his attention to him. He knew that Guan Yu had been pursuing the word "loyalty" throughout his life, so he would definitely have a different view.

He stroked his long beard gently and analyzed: "The king once served under Cao Cao and has a relationship with Cao Pi. Writing this book may not make him surrender, but it can show that the king is extremely benevolent and righteous."

Xi Yu nodded slightly, agreeing with Guan Yu's point of view.

"What Yun Chang said deeply touched my heart."

Seeing what Xi Yu said, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun stopped saying anything.

Then, Xi Yu asked the three people to leave, and he was now going to start writing a letter to persuade them to surrender.

Xi Yu sat in front of the case, penned a pen and meditated, and began to write a letter to persuade him to surrender.

His brushwork is full of emotion, as if he wants to integrate his expectations and sincerity into every word.

The surroundings were silent except for the sound of Xi Yu's pen rubbing against the paper.

He looked focused, and his eyes revealed a hint of expectation for Cao Pi.

"I once respected Cao Cao and served him. But now I come to attack, not for selfish desires, but for the sake of peace. I can't bear to see the lives of people in ruins."

Xi Yu writes firmly, and his helplessness towards war and desire for peace are revealed between the lines.

He continued: "I hope you can follow the trend and submit to me. If so, you will be able to share the blessing of peace."

Xi Yu knew that the road to persuading surrender would be difficult, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

Afterwards, Xi Yu sent someone to deliver a letter of persuasion to surrender to Cao Pi.

Just leave it to Yao Maoyu directly.

Of course, he also understands that many people may be dissatisfied and think that Yao Maoyu is a new recruit and should not accept such an important task.

But Xi Yu still decided so.

Yao Maoyu quickly walked into Xi Yu's tent.

When he learned that Xi Yu had written a letter to persuade him to surrender and asked him to deliver it in person, he felt as if he had been hit by an incredible force.

"Your Majesty, you actually trust me so much and entrust me with such an important task?"

There was a hint of excitement in Yao Maoyu's voice.

"I'm so messed up that I can't repay this kindness."

Xi Yu looked at Yao Maoyu with a smile.

"This is a sign of meritorious service for you."

Yao Maoyu nodded, but after the excitement, he suddenly felt that Xi Yu's meaning was not that simple.

Xi Yu definitely didn't believe in himself, so he let himself do these things.

Maybe he was just testing himself.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt that he had entered a trough.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will go all out to deliver this letter to Cao Pi." Yao Maoyu's voice was firm and powerful.

Xiyu nodded.

"In that case, let's leave quickly."

Yao Maoyu took the letter of persuasion to surrender and embarked on the journey to Cao Ying.

After a while, Guan Yu walked into the camp with steady steps. His figure looked tall and majestic under the candlelight.

There was a trace of eagerness in his eyes, and he walked straight to Xi Yu and asked, "Your Majesty, has the surrender letter been written?"

Xi Yu raised his head and answered with a smile.

"General Guan, the letter to persuade you to surrender has been written and someone has been sent to deliver it."

Guan Yu frowned slightly and asked, "Who sent it?"

Xi Yu replied lightly: "Yao Maoyu, a new soldier."

Guan Yu was shocked when he heard this. His eyes widened and his voice was filled with disbelief.

"Your Majesty, is this person trustworthy?"

Xi Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a sly smile.

"Just because he is a new recruit, we give him a chance to practice. Moreover, maybe he is really a spy. In this case, we can also take the opportunity to test him. Even if not, we will lose nothing."

Guan Yu's expression gradually became serious. After thinking for a moment, he nodded.

"Your Majesty, this plan is very clever. If he is really a spy, he will definitely reveal his flaws when he goes there."

"So, let's just wait and see what happens. What? You came to imprison me. Is there anything else you can do?"

Guan Yu shook his head. He mainly wanted to ask about this matter.

Now that the matter has been resolved, you can retreat.

Similarly, Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun also already knew about Yao Maoyu's delivery of the letter.

But the two people immediately guessed Xi Yu's thoughts.

Xi Yu thought carefully about Yao Maoyu's appearance and found that he was somewhat similar to Sun Shangxiang.

Maybe he's right.

The disadvantage of this ancient society is that there are no mobile phones, so there is no way to call for confirmation.

But it doesn't matter, no matter what his identity is.

At this moment, Luoyang already knew that Xi Yu was about to enter. This was the information reported by the secret agent.

When Cao Pi heard about this, he touched his beard.

"What is supposed to come will always come."

Of course he also understood that Xi Yu must have known the secret agent went to investigate, but he pretended not to know, just to get his people to come back and report the news to increase his fear.

But are you really afraid? impossible.

Cao Pi, wearing heavy armor and riding a tall horse, came to the military camp.

I want to give a speech here to boost morale.

Cao Pi shouted loudly: "My fellow soldiers, Xiyu is coming, we must brace ourselves and prepare for the battle!"

His voice echoed in the military camp, stirring the heartstrings of every soldier.

The soldiers responded one after another, waving their weapons and shouting: "I will swear allegiance to Your Majesty to the death!"

Cao Pi looked at the excited soldiers with satisfaction, and continued: "As long as we defeat Xi Yu, I will be able to dominate the Central Plains! By then, you will all be promoted to noble positions, and your glory will be unlimited!"

The soldiers cheered even more enthusiastically, and their blood was inspired by Cao Pi's words.

At this time, the sun shines on the soldiers' armor, shining with golden light.

"So everyone must be confident and practice hard next. Tell me, can we win?"

After Cao Pi finished speaking, everyone said in unison: "We will definitely win." (End of Chapter)

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