On this day, Yao Maoyu rode and strolled along the bustling streets, enjoying the scenery along the way happily. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by a newly opened restaurant.

There was a huge crowd at the entrance of the restaurant, and it looked very lively.

Yao Maoyu touched his growling stomach and thought, I happen to be hungry too, so let's go and see what's so special about this restaurant.

He walked quickly to the restaurant and joined the queue.

While waiting, Yao Maoyu observed his surroundings. He found that the people queuing up were dressed in different styles. Some were dressed in rich clothes, showing elegance in their movements.

Some people are simply dressed but have simple smiles on their faces.

People's words and deeds are also different. Some people look anxiously from time to time and mutter to themselves.

Some people are leisurely and contented, chatting and laughing with the people around them, and burst into hearty laughter from time to time.

Finally, it was Yao Maoyu's turn.

He stepped into the restaurant and was immediately attracted by the spacious and bright space and antique decoration.

The waiter came up to us warmly and asked, "Guest sir, who are you?"

Yao Maoyu smiled and replied: "One person."

The waiter led Yao Maoyu to a seat by the window. It was a coincidence that he came because he had to leave the seat by the window just in time with the guests.

Outside the window is a bustling street scene, full of traffic and very lively.

Yao Maoyu sat down and after ordering, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

Master Sima has been in an extremely heavy mood these days, immersed in the grief of his father's death.

The housekeeper couldn't bear to see him so depressed, so he advised: "Master, go for a walk, maybe it can ease your mood." Master Sima hesitated for a moment, and finally followed the housekeeper's advice.

He rode his horse and wandered aimlessly for a long time.

Unknowingly, we have come very far.

A newly opened restaurant in Yuan caught his attention. There was a lot of people in front of the restaurant and it was very lively.

Master Sima thought that perhaps he could find some solace here.

However, when he walked into the restaurant, he found that it was already packed.

He looked around and happened to see that the seat opposite Yao Maoyu was empty, so he walked over and asked politely: "Brother, can I sit with you?"

Yao Maoyu raised his head, looked at Master Sima, smiled and nodded: "Please sit down."

After Master Sima sat down, the waiter greeted him enthusiastically: "Sir, what would you like to order?"

Master Sima replied absently: "Let's have some food and drinks."

Seeing this, Yao Maoyu said softly: "The braised carp and steamed pork ribs in this restaurant are both good and delicious."

Master Sima nodded slightly: "Then let's have these two dishes."

While waiting for the food and drinks, Master Sima and Yao Maoyu chatted.

Yao Maoyu smiled and said: "Looking at Xiongtai's expression, he seems to be a little troubled?"

Master Sima sighed softly: "My father has just passed away, so I am inevitably upset."

Yao Maoyu comforted: "Life and death are fateful, brother, don't be too sad. It's better to cherish the present and live a good life."

Master Sima glanced at him gratefully: "Thank you, brother, for enlightening me."

At this time, the wine and food were served. Master Sima looked at the delicious food on the table and his mood improved slightly.

He raised his glass and said to Yao Maoyu: "Brother, thank you for your company today. I'd like to toast you with this glass of wine."

Yao Maoyu raised his wine glass and drank it down with Master Sima.

Master Sima and Yao Maoyu seemed to hit it off and chatted happily. After a while, the food and wine were served, and the two of them chatted while eating.

Master Sima picked up a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully: "This fish is delicious and delicious, it's really good."

Yao Maoyu nodded in agreement: "Indeed, the cooking skills in this restaurant are quite exquisite."

At this time, the sunlight outside the window was just right, shining on the table, and the light and shadow intertwined.

Master Sima looked out the window and sighed: "With such good weather, it would be great if we could put aside our worries and indulge ourselves in the mountains and rivers."

Master Sima couldn't help but be curious and asked: "I wonder who Brother Yao is from? Where are you going?"

There was sincerity in his eyes, looking forward to Yao Maoyu's answer.

Yao Maoyu's eyes were a little dodgeful, and he said hesitantly: "I'm just a wandering person with no fixed place to go."

His tone seemed very vague, which made Master Sima feel a little uncomfortable.

Master Sima couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart. He felt that Yao Maoyu's answer was a bit strange.

He looked at Yao Maoyu and thought: "Why is this person so vague? Is there something unspeakable?"

At this time, the sunlight outside the window seemed to become a bit dazzling, shining on Master Sima's face, making his expression look more solemn.

Master Sima was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Brother Yao, if there is anything that is inconvenient to say, there is no need to force it. But I feel that there should be more sincerity between people."

Yao Maoyu frowned slightly, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

He sighed softly and said, "Brother Sima, there are some things that I don't want to say, but..." He hesitated, making Master Sima even more curious.

Forget it, since they won’t tell me, it’s better not to ask again.

After a while, Yao Maoyu became more and more drunk, his head gradually lowered, and his eyes became blurred.

At this time, Master Sima noticed the changes in Yao Maoyu, and his curiosity was completely aroused.

Master Sima stared at Yao Maoyu closely, with curiosity shining in his eyes.

He asked softly: "Brother Yao, who are you? What are you doing here?" There was a hint of urgency in his voice, as if he wanted to break the fog.

Yao Maoyu raised his head and looked at Master Sima with confusion in his eyes. His lips moved slightly, but he made an indistinct sound: "I...I am a soldier at Xi Yu's place...come...come...send...a letter of persuasion to surrender...to Cao Pi..."

Then he became weak.

Master Sima was shocked when he heard this, and a look of surprise appeared on his face. His eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He subconsciously took a step back, thinking to himself: "Send a letter to persuade Cao Pi to surrender? What is going on? Seeing Xi Yu, you want to persuade Cao Pi to surrender?"

"You said you were serving as a soldier at Xi Yu's place? And you came to deliver a letter of persuasion to surrender to Cao Pi? What on earth is going on?" Sima Shi's voice had a hint of urgency.

Yao Maoyu raised his head, looked at Master Sima with confused eyes, and murmured: "Brother Sima, it's a long story... I was originally a general under Xi Yu, and I came here with the mission of persuading Cao Pi to surrender. duty of……"

Master Sima frowned tightly. He lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked up at Yao Maoyu again and decided to continue questioning.

"What is the content of this surrender letter...? Why should it be given to Cao Pi?"

However, Yao Maoyu was already drunk and unconscious. His head hung heavily on the table and he stopped answering Sima Shi's questions.

A strong uneasiness surged in Master Sima's heart. He knew that this matter was definitely not simple.

Master Sima said to the waiter with a firm look: "Please find me a carriage, please hurry."

The waiter hurriedly responded: "Okay, please wait a moment, sir. I'll be here soon."

After a while, a carriage came slowly.

After Master Sima paid the money, he gently lifted Yao Maoyu up and put him on the carriage.

He looked at Yao Maoyu who was so drunk that he was unconscious, and thought secretly in his heart.

Master Sima carefully helped Yao Maoyu onto the carriage, and then told the driver: "Be sure to deliver him to my home safely. I will follow behind on horseback."

The coachman nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir."

The Sima Master watched the carriage move, got on his horse, waved his whip, and continued moving forward.

At this time, the streets were bustling with people, shouts and shouts came and went, and Master Sima's thoughts were surging like a tide.

A plan was brewing in his mind.

Back home, Master Sima placed Yao Maoyu in the guest room.

Looking at the sleeping Yao Maoyu, Master Sima showed an unpredictable smile on his face.

Sima Zhao hurriedly walked into Master Sima's room. When he saw a strange guest lying on the bed, he had a look of surprise on his face.

"Brother, who is this person? How come he is so drunk?"

At this time, Master Sima smiled and introduced to Sima Zhao: "This is the person I met in the restaurant, his name is Yao Maoyu."

Sima Zhao's eyes quickly swept over Yao Maoyu, with a trace of curiosity flashing in his eyes.

"Then who is this?"

Sima Zhao sat quietly aside, listening to Master Sima talk about what happened in the restaurant.

There was a hint of excitement in Master Sima's voice, as if he was full of expectations for what was about to happen.

Sima Zhao frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

Master Sima raised his lips slightly and said softly: "I have a plan. We can find someone to impersonate Cao Pi, write a fake letter to Yao Maoyu, and ask him to take it back."

Sima Zhao's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "What a great idea! In this way, we can disrupt their plan and never let Cao Pi surrender. Brother, there is indeed something exciting to watch now. However, we need to be cautious. .”

Master Sima smiled and nodded, his eyes revealing a sense of confidence and calmness.

The two brothers looked at each other with determination in their eyes. There was an atmosphere of tension and excitement in the room.

Master Sima took a deep breath and continued: "We need to carefully plan every detail to ensure that this plan can be successfully implemented."

Sima Zhao nodded and said, "I will fully cooperate with you, brother."

The two began to discuss the details of their plan in detail, their voices low and urgent.

Master Sima frowned and fell into deep thought: "But who should we find to impersonate Cao Pi? This requires someone with a similar appearance and a similar tone and demeanor." Sima Zhao also thought about it, and both of them were silent for a while. .

At this time, Master Sima's heart moved and he said, "I thought of a person, the gardener at home. His appearance is somewhat similar to Cao Pi."

Sima Zhao thought for a moment and nodded.

"Indeed, it might be feasible to let him try. I'll go find him right away."

With that said, Sima Zhao stood up and left in a hurry, leaving Master Sima in the room to continue thinking about the details of the plan.

Master Sima felt a little more relaxed, and he believed that this plan would be successful.

Sima Zhao led the gardener into the room, and Master Sima immediately greeted him.

Master Sima told the gardener the plan in detail, but the gardener's face turned pale and his whole body was trembling.

"Master, this... this is impossible! I am just a small gardener, how dare I pretend to be Cao Pi? If this is discovered, my life will be in danger!" The gardener's voice was filled with obvious fear.

Master Sima frowned. He understood the gardener's concerns, but the implementation of this plan required a suitable candidate.

He looked at the gardener and said earnestly: "You don't have to be too afraid. As long as you follow our instructions, there will be no danger."

The atmosphere in the room became tense. The gardener lowered his head and said nothing, seeming to be thinking about something.

Sima Zhao encouraged us: "You have to believe in us."

However, the gardener still shook his head and insisted: "You two young masters, forgive me for being unable to bear such a heavy responsibility. Please find someone else. I really don't dare to take risks."

Master Sima was thinking about how to solve the predicament at hand, when Sima Zhao suddenly sneered and broke the silence.

He slowly told the address of the gardener's family, and the gardener had a look of astonishment on his face.

Master Sima was shocked. Only then did he realize that his younger brother Sima Zhao had already known all the relevant information.

Regarding the gardener, he had just thought of it, and it was impossible for Sima Zhao to find out immediately. In other words, Sima Zhao already knew the information about many servants in the mansion.

He looked at Sima Zhao, a hint of admiration flashed in his eyes, but at the same time he was worried about his actions.

"Are you threatening him? Is this going too far?" There was a hint of dissatisfaction in Master Sima's voice.

Sima Zhao's eyes were firm and decisive, and he said: "Brother, this is a necessary means. If we want to achieve our goal, we can't have too many worries. Those who are not poisonous are not husbands, and those who do great things cannot look forward and backward."

The atmosphere in the room became increasingly tense, as if there was invisible pressure hanging over everyone.

Sima Zhao's words were like a cold wind, making people feel chilly.

Sima Shi was in a dilemma. He knew that Sima Zhao's method might be effective, but he was unwilling to use threats to force others.

He hesitated for a moment and finally said: "Let's think of other ways. Maybe there are other candidates."

However, Sima Zhao remained unmoved and insisted on his point of view.

"Brother, time is running out and we don't have many choices. If the gardener is unwilling to cooperate, we can only take tough measures. And he already knows our plan. If it is leaked, the consequences will be disastrous."

Sima Zhao stared at the gardener sharply and asked, "What on earth do you think? Now you have no way out."

The gardener sighed helplessly, knowing that he had no choice.

He raised his head, a hint of helplessness and determination in his eyes.

"Okay, I will do what you ask. But please keep my family safe."

A trace of guilt flashed across Master Sima's face, but he still nodded.

"Don't worry, as long as you follow the plan, your family will not be in any danger."

At this time, the atmosphere in the room relaxed a little. Sima Zhao said: "What you did today, our Sima family will never forget you."

The gardener nodded silently. Although his heart was full of fear and uneasiness, for the safety of his family, he could only choose to obey.

Seeing that the gardener agreed, Sima Zhao composed himself and said, "In that case, the matter is settled. We must prepare Cao Pi's clothes quickly now, without any flaws."

Master Sima nodded. He was also very familiar with Cao Pi's clothes.

"I know there is a tailor shop with superb craftsmanship. We can go to them to customize it."

With that said, the two brothers began to take action.

They asked the gardener to step back for the time being. This matter must be kept secret, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

After the gardener returned to the room, he still couldn't calm down. He sat on the edge of the bed, his eyes confused and his heart full of fear.

He remembered the address of his family that Sima Zhao had told. That was his weakness and a threat that he could not resist.

He knew that he had no choice but to follow the arrangements of Brother Sima.

"Am I really qualified for this task?" the gardener asked himself in his mind. "If I am discovered, not only will I be in danger, but my family will also be affected."

His hands clenched unconsciously, sweat dripping from his palms.

Various possible consequences kept popping up in the gardener's mind, and he felt his heart beating faster and faster, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

Brother Sima quickly arrived at the tailor shop. The light in the store was dim, and the sound of the sewing machine echoed in the air.

Master Sima walked into the shop, looked at the tailor shop owner eagerly, and said, "Boss, we want to customize a piece of clothing that Cao Pi wears. The style and size must be exactly the same."

The tailor shop owner was startled when he heard the name "Cao Pi". His eyes widened with a look of surprise on his face.

"You have to do..." The boss's voice was trembling.

Sima Zhao quickly said: "We have an urgent need, and the price is not an issue, as long as you can make it look good."

The boss hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, I will try my best. However, it will take some time."

Master Sima looked at the time and frowned: "Time is tight, we hope to get the clothes as soon as possible."

The boss thought for a while and said: "Then I will send more people and work overtime to make it. But the quality may be slightly inferior."

Sima Master and Sima Zhao looked at each other and finally agreed.

"Remember. Don't tell anyone about this, and don't ask about it, remember?"

The boss quickly agreed, and when the two brothers left, he was still sweating coldly.

Yes, it's better not to inquire and send people to do the work quickly.

The tailor shop worked overtime to make as many clothes as possible. The boss also told the employees that this matter must be kept confidential because the money paid by the two brothers was also very high.

Sima Zhao and Sima Zhao returned home.

"Brother, I didn't expect you to be so wise at such a young age. I really admire you."

Master Sima said with a smile.

"Brother, please don't say that. Do something for your family. This is what you should do." (End of chapter)

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