The next day, the early morning sunlight shone on Yao Maoyu's face through the window. He slowly opened his eyes and saw the unfamiliar environment around him, and his heart was full of doubts and uneasiness.

Master Sima saw Yao Maoyu waking up and walked over with a smile.

"You finally woke up. This is my home. You were drunk yesterday. I didn't trust you to go back alone, so I brought you back."

Yao Maoyu rubbed his eyes and tried to remember what happened last night.

He only remembered drinking with Master Sima, but what happened after that became blurry.

"Oh no, did I miss something important?" Yao Maoyu said, "Thank you."

Master Sima handed Yao Maoyu a glass of water.

"Drink some water first. It will make you feel better. If you still feel uncomfortable, I can ask the doctor to take a look."

Yao Maoyu took the water glass and drank a few sips, feeling that his throat was moist.

He looked at Master Sima and felt a surge of gratitude in his heart.

"Brother Sima, you are so kind. I must have caused you trouble yesterday." Yao Maoyu said.

Master Sima smiled.

"Don't say that. We hit it off right away. We are friends. Friends should take care of each other. Don't worry about your matter. I have a friend who knows Cao Pi and will arrange for you to meet at that time."

Yao Maoyu was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

"Is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true. Just rest here peacefully. Meals have been prepared for you."

Yao Maoyu was very happy.

Soon, a table of food stopped in front of him.

Since Master Sima wants to stay here to take care of Yao Maoyu, it can be regarded as monitoring him.

Therefore, Sima Zhao could only go to the tailor shop alone.

Sima Zhao hurried to the tailor shop, which was filled with the aroma of cloth and needlework.

"Young master, you are here, the things have been made."

The boss handed the packed clothes to Sima Zhao, and carefully held out a gorgeous python robe and an exquisite hat.

Sima Zhao took the clothes and inspected every detail carefully, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He asked his boss seriously again: "Have you disclosed this matter to anyone?"

The boss shook his head quickly and answered firmly.

"I promise not, young master. Your affairs are top secrets to me, and I will never tell anyone."

Sima Zhao nodded slightly, but there was still a trace of doubt in his eyes.

He knew that this matter was of great importance and could not tolerate any mistakes.

At this time, the atmosphere in the store seemed a little tense, like a tight string.

Sima Zhao was silent for a moment, and then said slowly: "Very good. If there is any mistake in this matter, you will know the consequences."

The boss nodded with sweat on his forehead.

"Please rest assured, sir, I will definitely keep my mouth shut and there will never be any mistakes."

Sima Zhao turned around and left, his steps firm and decisive.

The clothes in his hands seemed to be carrying a thousand pounds of weight, and every step seemed particularly heavy.

Sima Zhao found the gardener.

Sima Yi handed the clothes to the gardener and said firmly: "These are Cao Pi's clothes. When you put them on, you must be full of temperament and imitate his walking posture."

The gardener took the clothes and looked a little nervous.

"I...I don't know if I can do it."

Sima Zhao encouraged: "You can do it. Remember, take every step confidently and be as majestic as Cao Pi."

Then, Sima Yi taught the gardener in detail how to speak and have the temperament of a king.

He emphasized calmness of tone and simplicity of speech, which the gardener kept practicing.

The birds in the courtyard seemed to be attracted by their conversation and stopped on the branches to listen curiously.

Sima Yi looked at the gardener, a trace of expectation flashed in his eyes.

"You have to make people believe that you are Cao Pi, without any flaws. And time is extremely tight."

The gardener took a deep breath and nodded.

"Young Master, I will do my best."

"It's not about trying your best, it's about doing it."

Sima Zhao gave him an hour, and he must do it completely, otherwise he would think about his family.

The gardener then behaved well.

An hour passed. After continuous practice, the gardener finally reached a level that Sima Zhao was satisfied with.

At this time, Sima Zhao decided to let the gardener wait in the house for a while while he went to find Master Sima.

Sima Zhao hurriedly walked across the courtyard and towards Master Sima's room.

When Sima Zhao found Master Sima, his tone was filled with excitement.

"Brother, can you come out and speak?"

Master Sima nodded, and finally said to Yao Maoyu: "Then I'll excuse you now."

Yao Maoyu nodded.

The two brothers came to a pavilion outside.

"Brother, the gardener is ready. Let's go see how he performs."

Master Sima nodded slightly and followed Sima Zhao towards the house.

Entering the house, Sima Zhao motioned to the gardener to start the display.

The gardener took a deep breath, then took a confident step, imitating Cao Pi's posture.

His voice was low and magnetic, as if he had truly transformed into that majestic prince.

Sima Zhao and Master Sima watched quietly, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

They exchanged a look of satisfaction, feeling very satisfied with the gardener's performance.

Master Sima smiled, looked at the old gardener with satisfaction, and said, "Well done, I knew I was right. Your performance was outstanding!"

After hearing Master Sima's praise, the old gardener showed a happy smile on his face.

He said humbly: "Thank you for the compliment, young master. This is all due to the young master's good teaching."

Master Sima nodded and said with firm eyes: "Now we have to take action immediately. I am going to find a few servants to pretend to be soldiers, and we will go to the mountainside and wait."

After saying that, Master Sima turned around and walked out of the room quickly, staring at Yao Maoyu behind him.

Master Sima said: "Brother Yao, as far as I know, Cao Pi is going to take a few soldiers to the mountain to worship today. We might as well take this opportunity to go quickly."

After hearing this, Yao Maoyu's eyes flashed with excitement. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, let's go quickly. Thank you very much."

The people arranged by Master Sima had quietly taken up their positions on the mountainside. They were dressed in soldiers' uniforms and looked serious and alert.

Master Sima and Yao Maoyu were walking on the road leading to the mountainside. Master Sima deliberately slowed down.

As he walked, he observed the surrounding environment, as if thinking about something.

Yao Maoyu asked with some confusion: "Brother Sima, why don't we speed up the pace?"

Master Sima smiled and replied: "The scenery around here is so beautiful, why don't we take our time and enjoy the scenery?"

Yao Maoyu had no choice but to nod and agree to his request.

On the other side, Xi Yu and others continued to set up camp.

Around him were rows of soldiers in formation, weapons in hand, silently awaiting orders.

He said: "Brothers, wait for a moment and don't attack the city easily. We have to wait for news about Yao Maoyu, but we can't take it lightly. We must always be vigilant and be prepared for the enemy's attack!"

"Your Majesty, we know." A soldier replied immediately.

But Xi Yu always had a bad feeling.

He felt that Yao Maoyu might not be able to complete this matter.

Finally, Sima Shi and Yao Maoyu came to the hill, and the breeze blew the corners of their clothes.

The hills are surrounded by lush gardens, filled with flowers and scents.

Master Sima pointed to the gardener not far away and said softly to Yao Maoyu: "Look, that's Cao Pi."

Yao Maoyu looked in the direction of his finger and saw a majestic man there, surrounded by many soldiers-looking people.

Yao Maoyu hurriedly came to the fake Cao Pi, holding a letter of persuasion to surrender in his hand, looking nervous and determined.

Fake Cao Pi raised his head and looked at Yao Maoyu.

"You are Mr. Cao. I am here to deliver a letter to you on the order of King Xiyu."

Yao Maoyu took a deep breath and handed over the surrender letter.

"This is for you, I hope you will consider it seriously."

The fake Cao Pi took the surrender letter and slowly opened it.

"Oh, you are the person next to Xiyu"?

His expression began to change, gradually revealing an angry look.

Fake Cao Pi asked with a hint of anger in his voice: "What does this mean? Do you think I will surrender easily?"

His eyes were full of hostility, staring closely at Yao Maoyu.

Yao Maoyu straightened his body and responded without flinching.

"This is an opportunity for you to put down the fight and avoid more bloodshed and destruction." His voice was firm and steady, trying to persuade the fake Cao Pi.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze, and a tense atmosphere filled the air.

The sun shines on them through the gaps in the leaves, forming mottled light and shadow.

The fake Cao Pi crumpled the surrender letter into a ball and threw it on the ground: "I will never surrender! Stop your delusions!"

His anger was like a burning flame, making people feel an invisible pressure.

The few pretending soldiers nearby pretended to be very angry.

Yao Maoyu looked at the fake Cao Pi quietly, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

"Your stubbornness will only bring more pain. Don't you want to think about the people?" He tried to persuade people with reason and arouse the conscience of the fake Cao Pi.

Fake Cao Pi sneered.

"People? I will do whatever it takes for the greater goal!" His eyes were firm and decisive, and there seemed to be no possibility of wavering.

Yao Maoyu sighed secretly, knowing that facing such a determined opponent, the difficulty of persuasion would be greatly increased.

"In that case, just do it yourself."

Finally, he left with Master Sima.

Yao Maoyu originally turned around and planned to leave, but he heard Master Sima say: "Brother Yao, please go slowly. Why don't you go to the house and sit for a while, let's have a few drinks and have a good talk. You and I hit it off right away, and I can't bear to say goodbye like this." There was sincerity and enthusiasm in Master Sima's voice.

Yao Maoyu stopped and looked back at Master Sima, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

After thinking for a moment, he replied with a smile: "Since Brother Sima is so kind, I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

Master Sima led Yao Maoyu into the mansion, and the two chatted happily along the way.

Sima Shi ordered people to set up a banquet, and fine wine and delicacies were served one after another.

Yao Maoyu and Sima Shi sat opposite each other.

Master Sima filled a glass of wine for Yao Maoyu, raised the glass and said, "Brother Yao, this wine is a fine wine that I have treasured for a long time. It is really a pleasure to drink it with you today."

Yao Maoyu raised his glass and responded: "Brother Sima, you're welcome. It's an honor for me to get to know you."

In the cheerful atmosphere, they talked about world affairs and life ideals while sipping fine wine.

Master Sima did this, of course, to buy time for the fake Cao Pi.

Because Yao Maoyu must be asked to bring a fake letter back.

The fake Cao Pi, the real gardener, is now ordered by Master Sima to wait outside for a while.

Only after the matter is completely settled can he go back.

His own cultural level is limited, and writing letters is not easy for him.

In the study room of the mansion, Sima Zhao was writing furiously.

He wrote a letter full of insults and jokes in Cao Pi's tone.

The language is so ugly that it is staggering.

After writing the letter, Sima Zhao called a servant and whispered: "Go and tell my brother that it has been written, and he will understand what happened."

At this time, Sima Shi and Yao Maoyu were drinking happily in the banquet hall.

Laughter and laughter come and go. While Master Sima and Yao Maoyu were chatting happily, a servant quietly walked up to Master Sima, put his lips close to Master Sima's ear, and whispered something.

Master Sima's face instantly became serious.

He put down his wine glass and said to Yao Maoyu: "Sorry, Brother Yao, there is something important that I need to deal with."

Yao Maoyu nodded in understanding: "Brother Sima, please, I'll just wait here."

Master Sima came to Sima Zhao's room.

"Brother, have you finished writing it?"

Sima Zhao nodded and handed over the letter.

After reading the letter, Master Sima particularly admired his brother's literary talents.

"My brother's writing is so wonderful that it makes people admire him. My brother's literary talent shines like stars, which makes people admire him endlessly."

"Brother is overly praised, how could he be as good as you said?"

In fact, Sima Zhao was also very confident in his literary talent.

As Master Sima read this letter, he could feel the charm of the language on it.

If it were Xi Yu, his lungs would definitely burst with anger, and Xi Yu would hate Cao Pi even more.

They will definitely come to attack Cao Pi so that they can avenge their brothers.

They absolutely cannot let Xi Yu let Cao Pi go, so they must prevent Cao Pi from surrendering.

"Brother, wait, I will send the letter to Yao Maoyu right now."

Master Sima went back immediately. Of course he couldn't deliver the letter directly. He had to get Yao Maoyu drunk.

Master Sima immediately returned to the room and said with a smile: "Some things were delayed just now, let's continue drinking."

Yao Maoyu raised his glass and drank cup after cup with a satisfied smile on his face.

His love for wine is palpable.

Gradually, Yao Maoyu's eyes began to blur, and his body tilted involuntarily. Eventually, he collapsed on the table, unconscious.

When Master Sima saw this, he was overjoyed and quickly said to his servants: "Quickly, carry him to the room and place him properly."

He felt that this person was too easy to fool. I didn't expect to be fooled like this.

The servant obeyed the order and carefully lifted Yao Maoyu and carried him to the room.

Master Sima followed behind with a sly smile on his face.

Early the next morning, the sun shone on Yao Maoyu's face through the window. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling a splitting headache.

There was a person sitting beside the bed, it was Master Sima.

"Brother Yao, you were right not to leave yesterday. Cao Pi sent a letter last night."

Yao Maoyu rubbed his forehead and tried to remember what happened last night. He vaguely remembered that he drank a lot more and then fell unconscious.

He frowned and asked in confusion: "What did you say? Such a thing could happen? Where is the letter?"

Cao Pi handed over a letter, and Yao Maoyu took it and read it.

A trace of doubt arose in his heart, but he didn't think much about it.

Yao Maoyu stood up, straightened his clothes, and said, "Okay, I'll go back and resume my life right now."

He felt that he had done something great and Xi Yu would definitely praise him.

"If that's the case, then it's inconvenient for me to stay any longer."

In this way, Master Sima sent Yao Maoyu out.

Yao Maoyu left Sima Shi's mansion with the letter, and Sima Shi's plan went smoothly.

Master Sima came to Sima Zhao's room briskly, with a joyful smile on his face.

Seeing this, Sima Zhao asked: "Brother, is the matter done?"

Master Sima smiled proudly and said: "The matter is done, that guy Yao Maoyu is so stupid!"

After hearing this, Sima Zhao couldn't help but laugh: "Haha, Yao Maoyu was fooled so easily."

In the room, sunlight shines through the windows on the ground, forming patches of light and shadow.

Master Sima said: "I was worried that he would suspect something halfway through."

"Don't worry, brother, he is only thinking about meritorious service right now, so he probably won't react."

Master Sima thought that what his brother said seemed to make sense.

Next, the two people looked very embarrassed because they thought of their dead father Sima Yi at the same time.

They thought that Cao Pi's death was not a pity.

Yao Maoyu felt very happy. Not only did he get the job done this time, but he also met Sima Shi, a good brother.

By the way, even though I know his surname is Sima, I don’t know what his name is.

Why could I be so stupid? I didn't ask.

Forget it, what's the use of thinking about this now? We will see you again in the future.

As night falls, the city gate is brightly lit.

Yao Maoyu hurriedly hurried to the military camp with that important letter in his arms.

Walking into the military camp, the bonfire was blazing, lighting up the surrounding area.

Xi Yu stood by the firelight, studying the map intently.

Yao Maoyu stepped forward quickly, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Your Majesty, the matter is done." Yao Maoyu said with uncontrollable joy.

Xi Yu raised his head and his eyes fell on the letter in Yao Maoyu's hand.

"That's very good. Show me the letter quickly."

Yao Maoyu handed the letter to Xi Yu, filled with anticipation.

Xi Yu took the letter, moved closer to the campfire, and read every word carefully. His expression gradually became serious.

He did not expect that the language above was particularly bad. It shouldn't be, it's not like Cao Pi's style.

So, he looked at Yao Maoyu.

"Tell me the specific details."

Yao Maoyu talked about relevant things.

"To be more specific, who is Mr. Sima you are talking about?"

Xiyu seemed to realize something.

If I hadn't guessed, that person should be Master Sima.

"The villain only knows his surname is Sima, but he doesn't know his name." (End of chapter)

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