Xi Yu said calmly: "Then let me tell you, that person should be Sima Yi, who is Sima Yi's eldest son."

Although Xi Yu had no direct contact with Sima Yi.

But naturally he knew too much about Master Sima.

And counting this age, Sima Yi is now in his youth.

Of course, he also understood that Master Sima was inferior to Sima Zhao.

Although Master Sima's death gave Sima Zhao a chance, if he had lived, he might not be as capable as Sima Zhao.

Yao Maoyu just said yes, but after a few seconds, he suddenly became confused and looked at Xi Yu with wide eyes.

"Your Majesty, what did you say?"

Of course he knew who Sima Yi was, and he also knew that Sima Yi had just been killed by Cao Pi, and he actually got involved with reporter Sima Shi.

And now, because Cao Pi killed Sima Yi.

Therefore, the Sima family must have a special hatred for Cao Pi. In this case, how could they lead themselves to see Cao Pi?

Because Xi Yu attacked Cao Pi, this was a good thing for the Sima family.

They look forward to doing so.

At that time, I just thought that Mr. Sima was very capable and well-connected, so I asked him to meet Cao Pi.

But now it seems that I was completely fooled.

"How did you meet him? Tell me again, without even a single punctuation mark missing."

When Xi Yu finished speaking, Yao Maoyu didn't know what punctuation marks were, so he quickly asked.

"In short, what I mean is that it must be said in detail. The more detailed the better."

Yao Maoyu talked about the relevant situation, especially focusing on his drunkenness.

He understood that he must have said something he shouldn't have said when he was drunk, so Master Sima felt that he had an opportunity that he could take advantage of, so he brought him home.

After hearing this, he immediately knelt down in front of Xi Yu.

"Your Majesty, it's all the villain's fault. It seems that this letter may not have been written by the real Cao Pi."

Xiyu immediately asked him to read the letter.

"Read it yourself."

Yao Maoyu quickly took the letter and saw that the language written on it was so vicious.

He was very angry and cursed loudly: "Why is this thief Cao so vicious?"

But suddenly I remembered that this was probably not written by Cao Pi.

At this moment, he felt even more that he had been fooled.

"Your Majesty, if that's the case, it's better to let the younger one handle this matter. And kill that Young Master Sima."

Xi Yu didn't speak, but an angry expression appeared on his face.

Yao Maoyu suddenly sneered.

This Sima Master underestimated Xi Yu. Did Xi Yu really believe that this was written by Cao Pi? Why is this IQ so low?

Or is it that he was confused and didn't think about it that much?

"Your Majesty, I am willing to redeem myself for my sins."

Xi Yu said: "Originally, I could have asked the secret guards to do this. Then there wouldn't be so much trouble. I didn't want to use them. I didn't expect that there would be so many disturbances."

Yao Maoyu slapped himself.

"It's all the kid's fault. He shouldn't be greedy. If it weren't for the kid's greed, there wouldn't be such a thing."

Xi Yu didn't say anything, but he felt as if he was being tricked by Master Sima.

He couldn't swallow this breath, he had to take revenge.

Yao Maoyu sighed inwardly. He originally wanted to come to Xi Yu's camp to make contributions, but he didn't expect that he would encounter such a thing for the first time.

This time, not only was he laughed at by Xi Yu, but even the people in the military camp would probably laugh their heads off.

Xi Yu said: "Okay, I'll give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, but this time you and Qin Feng will have to go through."

Then, Xi Yu shouted loudly: "Qin Feng, come out quickly."

Suddenly, Qin Feng came to Yao Maoyu like a ghost.

Yao Maoyu was shocked because he didn't know the existence of the secret guard at all.

Xi Yu then said to Qin Feng: "You already understand the situation just now, right?"

"Yes, my subordinates already understand, so now you two have to go to Sima Mansion."

What Xi Yu meant was to confirm whether that person was Master Sima.

Qin Feng looked at Yao Maoyu and his face looked a little ugly. He felt that the other party was too stupid.

Yao Maoyu felt that his eyes were particularly scary.

I was too scared to say anything.

"Okay, Qin Feng, you two retreat, I want to rest for a while."

So, the two people quickly left Xinfeng and took Yao Maoyu to a corner.

Qin Feng stared and shouted angrily to Yao Maoyu: "You guy, can you use your brain when doing things! You drink all day long, how long do you think you can stay in the military camp?"

Yao Maoyu shrank his neck. Although he was unhappy, he did not dare to reply. He could only mutter secretly: "Who made me fail to get things done this time..."

The more Qin Feng talked, the angrier he became.

"Why do you think the king asked you to stay in the military camp? It's not for the sake of Mrs. Sun Shangxiang! If it had been anyone else, you would have been kicked out long ago!"

Yao Maoyu couldn't help mumbling.

"Then just attack Cao Pi directly. Why bother?"

When Qin Feng heard this, he became even more furious.

He pointed at Yao Maoyu's nose and said, "Can your Majesty's rules be questioned casually?"

Yao Maoyu stiffened his neck and said unconvinced: "But..."

Qin Feng waved his hand and interrupted him.

"No buts!"

Yao Maoyu was a little embarrassed by the words, but she still spoke harshly.

"I don't want to defeat Cao Pi quickly..."

Qin Feng sneered.

"What's the use of just being anxious? You just haven't done the king's job well, why are you still making excuses?"

Yao Maoyu nodded and said, "I understand, I will pay attention to it in the future."

Seeing that his attitude was quite sincere, Qin Feng softened his tone.

Zhao Yun and Zhou Yu came to Xi Yu because they saw Yao Maoyu coming back.

I wanted to know how Cao Pi wrote his reply.

"Cao Pi didn't receive the letter at all. The Sima family was involved in this matter."

Xi Yu explained the relevant situation.

Zhou Yu looked at the letter in his hand, frowned, and said angrily: "This Master Sima is really bullying people!"

Zhao Yun said: "Yes, they are so arrogant, they must be taught a lesson."

Zhou Yu turned to look at Zhao Yun, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes: "Zilong, you and I have the same idea. If we don't fight back, they will only become more aggressive."

Zhao Yun nodded slightly, clenched his fist with his right hand, and said firmly: "That's right, we can't sit still and wait for death."

Late at night, the moonlight was like silver, shining on the roof of Sima Mansion.

Yao Maoyu and Qin Feng finally arrived in front of Sima Mansion.

Qin Feng looked at the mansion in front of him carefully and said with certainty: "This is Sima Yi's home. You are such a fool, you actually fell into someone else's trap!"

There was a hint of imperceptible fatigue in his voice.

Yao Maoyu lowered his head, not daring to look into Qin Feng's eyes, and whispered: "I...I didn't know it would be like this..."

Qin Feng shook his head helplessly and sighed: "Okay, stop talking. Let's act quickly."

As he spoke, he carefully observed his surroundings.

The door of Sima Mansion was closed tightly, and the surroundings were quiet, without a trace of sound.

Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu quietly approached the door, preparing to look for opportunities to enter.

Qin Feng said softly to Yao Maoyu: "Just go to the inn to rest. I have everything here."

Yao Maoyu nodded quickly, secretly praying that this mission could be completed smoothly.

He knew that he must not become a burden to the other party, so he had no choice but to go to the inn quickly.

Qin Feng's figure flashed, like a cheetah in the dark night, strong and agile.

His steps were light, as if he were walking in the moonlight.

Like a black shadow, he quickly approached the wall of Sima Mansion. Under the moonlight, his figure looked particularly slender.

Qin Feng stretched out his hand and jumped onto the wall easily, with clean movements.

His figure was as elegant as a flying bird. The moment he climbed over the wall and entered, he seemed to have an invisible sense of ease.

At night, the moonlight is like water, shining in Xiyu's room.

He lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The letter in the name of Cao Pi lay quietly on the table.

Xiyu's eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, but his thoughts had already drifted back to his past life.

He remembered something.

There was a child who drew a picture.

Although the painting is not as good as the work of a professional painter, it is still full of innocence and imagination.

However, the accusations from netizens came like a flood, and those hurtful words were like sharp swords, piercing the children's hearts.

"How can these people say that? That child is obviously very good at painting!"

At that time, Xi Yu murmured to himself, his heart filled with indignation.

There was silence in the room, except for Xi Yu's breathing and the occasional sigh.

Xi Yu's hands clenched unconsciously, and he realized the problem with this letter.

If it weren't for his keen sense, someone else might really think it was written by Cao Pi, and might even become angry and sick.

"Cyberbullying is really terrible, it can easily destroy a person."

Thinking of what happened in his previous life, Xi Yu's eyes revealed a hint of helplessness.

Master Sima was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, when he suddenly felt a chill around him.

He shrank subconsciously, trying to find the warmth of the quilt.

At this time, he vaguely heard the sound of slight footsteps, as if someone was walking towards him.

Master Sima was shocked and thought he was hallucinating.

He widened his eyes, trying to see what was going on around him.

However, the room seemed dark and he could not see anything.

Master Sima panted nervously, feeling that his heartbeat was particularly clear in the silent night.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in front of his bed.

Master Sima was so frightened that he almost screamed, but the other party covered his mouth with his hand in time.

Of course Qin Feng has arrived.

Qin Feng told Master Sima directly.

"I am the secret guard sent by Xi Yu. Please cooperate with my plan and go out quickly. Otherwise, the consequences will be serious."

Master Sima was shocked and thought, could it be that the letter had been revealed?

His face instantly turned gloomy, and he asked coldly: "Are you a joking person? Why did he ask you to come to me?"

Qin Feng looked at Master Sima, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

"Master Sima, do you think that what you have done can be hidden from King Xiyu? The King already knows your plan, and now he asks me to take you away. If you don't cooperate, you will have unimaginable consequences."

Master Sima's heart sank, and he knew that he had no choice now.

He took a deep breath and said, "Okay, I'll go with you. But you have to ensure my safety."

Qin Feng told Master Sima that he was not qualified to negotiate terms with him now.

Master Sima had no choice but to follow Qin Feng and leave.

The two people came to the inn, and Yao Maoyu was staying in the room.

When Master Sima saw Yao Maoyu, everything became clear. It was indeed related to the letter.

When Yao Maoyu saw Master Sima, he immediately cursed loudly.

"Master Sima, you bastard! You actually lied to me!"

Master Sima lowered his head, not daring to look into Yao Maoyu's eyes.

He said softly: "Maoyu, I'm sorry, I...I was forced to have no choice. That's why I made friends with you."

Yao Maoyu said angrily: "Forced to have no choice? Do you think I will believe your lies? No one put a knife to your neck at that time. It was just your own evil intentions."

Master Sima raised his head and looked at Qin Feng, a trace of despair flashing in his eyes.

"What do you want? Kill me?"

Qin Feng sneered: "No, I won't let you die so easily. I will make your life worse than death."

Master Sima's face turned pale. He knew that he had fallen into a desperate situation and had no way out.

Qin Feng told Yao Maoyu to let Master Sima go tonight. After all, he was already very tired and would wait until tomorrow.

After hearing this, Yao Maoyu frowned slightly and said, "Let him go so easily? He has deceived us!"

Qin Feng said calmly: "There's no rush. Anyway, he is now our prisoner and can't escape from our hands. Everyone is tired today, so let's go to bed early. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."

Yao Maoyu thought for a while and felt that what Qin Feng said made sense, so he nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

So, Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu tied up Master Sima and threw him in the corner of the room.

Sima Shi's heart was filled with fear and despair. He didn't know what these two people would do to him.

I can only silently pray that I can spend tonight safely.

Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu slept in the room.

There was a tense atmosphere in the whole room, and there was no sound except the occasional moans from Master Sima.

As time passed by, Master Sima's psychological defense gradually collapsed.

Maybe they are safe now, but what about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? How on earth are they going to torture themselves?

And it doesn't matter if they just torture themselves, what if they torture their own brother?

He must not let others know that this matter has anything to do with his brother.

He began to regret why he used Yao Maoyu in the first place.

If he could choose again, he would definitely choose loyalty and cooperation.

Gradually, the sky began to get brighter.

Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu stood up and moved their bodies, then walked to Master Sima.

Qin Feng looked at Master Sima and said coldly: "Master Sima, do you have anything to say now?"

Master Sima raised his head and looked at Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu, his eyes full of regret and fear.

His voice trembled and he said: "I...I know I was wrong, please let me go..."

Qin Feng sneered and said, "Let you go? If the king hadn't been so clever in strategizing, I would have been fooled by you a long time ago."

Yao Maoyu also said: "Yes, you must pay the price for what you have done!"

After hearing this, Master Sima felt as if his heart was filled with despair. He knew that he had no hope and could only wait for death to come.

Yao Maoyu asked Qin Feng what to do next.

Qin Feng said: "Of course I have to go to Cao Pi and hand over this beast, and then I also have to hand over the letter."

When Master Sima heard this, his face turned pale with fear.

He quickly begged for mercy: "No, please don't hand me over to Cao Pi. I am willing to pay some price, such as compensation. As long as you let me go, I will agree to any conditions."

Qin Feng looked at Master Sima coldly and said, "Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate terms with me? This is simply ridiculous."

Yao Maoyu flew up and kicked Master Sima hard in the stomach, cursing: "You despicable and shameless villain, this time King Xiyu was merciful and didn't do anything to you, but you let me escape from the gate of hell." Once you leave, I will never let you go!"

Master Sima was kicked by Yao Maoyu until he fell to his knees, clutching his stomach and groaning in pain.

He raised his head and looked at Yao Maoyu, a trace of fear and despair flashing in his eyes.

At this time, the atmosphere in the room was very tense, as if a fierce battle would break out at any time.

Yao Maoyu's face was gloomy, while Master Sima's face was full of fear. The look between the two seemed to spark sparks.

Yao Maoyu couldn't understand the hatred in his heart and continued to beat the opponent, but Qin Feng did not stop him.

Master Sima finally couldn't bear it anymore and shouted loudly: "Let me go, let me go quickly."

It wasn't until he was almost dying that Qin Feng stopped.

"If you beat him to death, how can we bring him to Cao Pi?"

Sweat already appeared on Yao Maoyu's face.

"Even if I beat this beast to death, I still won't forgive him."

But despite saying that, he finally stopped.

Qin Feng directly picked up Master Sima and left.

When he walked to the counter, the waiter felt very surprised and asked the two people what was going on.

Qingfeng said coldly: "This matter has nothing to do with you, you'd better ignore it."

Seeing such a terrifying look on his face, the waiter was so frightened that he didn't dare to say anything else.

Just like that, the two people appeared on the street openly.

Yao Maoyu said in a low voice: "Will someone recognize Master Sima and inform the Sima family?"

Qin Feng glared at him, feeling that he was too stupid.

Even if he knows, so what, the purpose of his doing this is to let everyone know that what he is going to do now is to make the Sima family uneasy.

After receiving this look, Yao Maoyu immediately understood what it meant. (End of chapter)

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