Master Sima was imprisoned in a cold room in Cao Pi's house. Looking around, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

There was a faint smell of dust in the room, the windows were closed, and the sunlight was blocked by thick curtains, making the whole room look dark and depressing.

The paint on the walls has peeled off, revealing the mottled masonry, as if silently telling the vicissitudes of time. A simple bed was placed in the corner, and the bedding was messy, as if no one had made it for a long time.

There was a dim oil lamp placed on the table next to the bed, and the light flickered, adding a strange atmosphere to the whole room.

Master Sima felt an indescribable loneliness and loneliness.

It was almost dawn when Cao Pi woke up.

Cao Pi decided to have a good talk with Master Sima, and he secretly thought about how to start the conversation.

Cao Pi came to the door of the room where Sima Shi was detained. He took a deep breath and gently pushed open the old door. The door shaft creaked.

Cao Pi frowned and walked into the room where Master Sima was imprisoned. As soon as he entered, a strong musty smell hit his nostrils, and he couldn't help but wrinkle his nose.

I actually forgot that there was such a room in my house.

Cao Pi's sudden arrival surprised Master Sima. He rubbed his eyes, thinking he was hallucinating.

Master Sima was lying on the simple bed, looking tired, with a trace of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

Cao Pi looked at Master Sima and asked seriously: "Master Sima, what do you think about the letter pretending to be from me?"

Master Sima sneered, with a hint of helplessness in his voice: "I have said everything I should say. You can punish him however you want, so why bother asking?"

Cao Pi's eyes were stern and he said bluntly: "Master Sima, you have committed a capital crime this time. It is really an unpardonable crime."

However, Cao Pi had other plans in mind. He was well aware of Xi Yu's cunning. If he punished Sima Shi, wouldn't he fall into his trap?

As a result, Xi Yu must be snickering secretly.

Cao Pi's eyes were firm and he decided to let Master Sima go. He looked at Master Sima and said slowly: "Master Sima, although you made a big mistake this time, I decided to be lenient and let you go."

When Master Sima heard this, his eyes widened with disbelief on his face. This result was completely beyond his expectation. He originally thought that he would die.

But Master Sima was very smart and quickly understood Cao Pi's intention.

His eyes flickered and he said thoughtfully: "The reason why you don't kill me, Mr. Cao, is that you don't want to kill everyone. After all, you just killed my father Sima Yi, so you can't kill me easily again. On the other hand, you I don’t want to fall into Xiyu’s trap.”

Cao Pi nodded slightly, a hint of appreciation flashing in his eyes. At this time, the atmosphere in the room relaxed slightly.

"You are right. In fact, the reason is not important. What is important is that I decided to let you go."

Master Sima sneered: "What about you? Can you let me go? Aren't you afraid of Xi Yu?"

"It's very simple. I will create the illusion of a jailbreak." Next, Cao Pi told his plan.

Master Sima naturally wanted to be released quickly, but he smiled contemptuously.

"But it's impossible for me to be grateful to you."

"I don't need you to be grateful, I just need you to leave quickly."

"None of you can leave."

At this moment, the secret guard Qin Feng appeared at the door without warning like a ghost.

His appearance instantly made the already tense atmosphere even more solemn.

Qin Feng's figure looked particularly cold, like a messenger coming out of the darkness.

His eyes swept across Cao Pi and Sima Shi like sharp knives, and he said coldly: "No one can leave. In addition, Sima Zhao is under my control at this moment."

Cao Pi and Sima Shi were both shocked by this sudden situation. They looked at each other, not knowing how to deal with it for a while.

Qin Feng then told the two of them how to get Sima Zhao.

Cao Pi's face became extremely gloomy. He clenched his fists tightly and said in a low voice: "Qin Feng, this is a matter between me and Master Sima. Although Xi Yu wrote a letter of persuasion to surrender, I will never surrender. Even if I have to pay a huge price, I will fight Xiyu to the end!"

Master Sima felt uneasy in his heart, and he secretly thought about how to deal with it.

But under Qin Feng's cold gaze, his throat seemed to be blocked by something, and he was unable to speak for a while.

Qin Feng was disappointed with Cao Pi's attitude. He frowned with a hint of disdain in his tone: "Cao Pi, your decision may have disastrous consequences. The behavior of the Sima brothers has already affected King Xi Yu. They have to pay for it.”

A trace of determination flashed in Cao Pi's eyes. He straightened his body and responded without flinching: "I have my own sense of discretion and I don't need you to interfere."

Qin Feng sneered, and his voice echoed in the silent room: "In that case, I can only act according to the king's order. Cao Pi, I knew you would let Master Sima go privately." Qin Feng's voice was cold and cold. With a hint of sarcasm.

Cao Pi's face turned ugly. He didn't expect Qin Feng to understand his thoughts so well.

When Master Sima heard Qin Feng's words, he suddenly became furious. Not caring about anything else, he quickly caught up with Qin Feng and asked eagerly: "Where is my brother Sima Zhao?"

Qin Feng sneered and replied unhurriedly: "Wait here, I will naturally let you brothers meet during the day." After saying that, he turned and left, leaving Master Sima pacing anxiously.

Cao Pi was very angry, so he waved his sleeves.

"If he really deals with you brothers, I won't be able to do anything about it. You deserve this."

I don’t want to worry about it anymore, so I’d better go back and rest as soon as possible.

Soon, it dawned, and the sunlight penetrated the clouds and shone on the palace of Chang'an Palace.

The early morning sunshine also shines through the window and shines on Liu Xie's bedroom.

Liu Xie slowly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed. The young eunuchs on the side had been waiting for a long time. They quickly changed Liu Xie's clothes with skillful and gentle movements.

Liu Xie stepped out of the palace and walked towards the main hall.

At this time, the ministers were already waiting in the main hall. They stood respectfully aside, so quiet that they could even hear their breathing.

Liu Xie stepped onto the throne, glanced at the ministers, and then said: "I have decided to send troops to assist Xi Yu in attacking Cao Pi."

When the ministers heard this, their faces showed surprise. They did not expect Liu Association to openly support Xi Yu so directly.

A minister stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Xi Yu is like a god with his troops. This attack on Cao Pi may not require our assistance."

Liu Xie smiled slightly. Of course he knew Xi Yu's ability, but he still said firmly: "This is my decision, and it is also my way of expressing my attitude. And I have said it, and no one can object."

At this time, another minister stepped forward, lowered his head and said, "Your Majesty, is this move too risky? We need to consider it carefully."

Liu Xie's eyes became sharp. He patted the armrest of the dragon chair hard and said loudly: "I have made up my mind and there is no need to discuss it further."

The atmosphere in the hall became tense. The ministers exchanged glances, but no one dared to raise objections.

Then we started to study other issues.

After the morning court, the ministers walked out of the hall. They gathered in small groups and talked in low voices.

"Your Majesty's performance today is really different from the past." A minister said with emotion.

Another minister nodded and said: "Yes, in the past, His Majesty was always submissive here. After all, this is not a real palace, and the emperor lived in a miserable state. But it is different now. His Majesty has become very majestic."

At this time, a young minister came over and said: "Actually, I think the reason why His Majesty showed majesty is because he knew that his empire was about to end, so he wanted to gain some face for himself at the last moment."

This view resonated with other ministers, who all agreed.

However, some ministers held different views. They believed that it was a good thing for Liu Xie to become more dignified.

"I feel that His Majesty's majesty is not just to save face, but also to make us ministers fear him more and serve the country better," said an older minister.

But everyone disagreed with what this minister said.

The country will be gone soon, so what else do we need to serve? However, it’s enough to stop talking about some things, and don’t go too far.

Liu Xie immediately sent an army to assist Xi Yu.

After the troops left Chang'an, they marched on a rugged road with rolling mountains and vast grasslands on both sides. The mood of the soldiers was like this road, with ups and downs.

"Why should we help Xi Yu? Isn't he very powerful?" A soldier couldn't help complaining.

"That's right, we might just be used as cannon fodder and die." Another soldier agreed.

Such discussions arose one after another in the ranks, and the soldiers' hearts were filled with complaints.

At this time, a general came over on horseback.

He heard the soldiers' complaints clearly, and said loudly: "Brothers, although we may face danger during this expedition, it is also a good opportunity to make meritorious deeds. If we make great meritorious deeds, we may receive generous rewards." "

The general did not make his words too obvious, and I believe the soldiers can understand.

That is, Xi Yu will seize the country in the future, and they are doing things for Xi Yu now.

The general's words were like a shot in the arm, rekindling hope among the originally depressed soldiers.

"Yeah, maybe we can become famous in one battle!"

"For the reward, for the honor, we fight!"

The soldiers' emotions gradually rose, and their steps became more determined.

The general became happy when he heard them like this.

In the guest room of Cao Pi's house.

In the early morning, Qin Feng said to the secret guard and Yao Maoyu: "Take Sima Zhao out and leave openly and openly. When the time comes, send a message to Master Sima and ask him to come too." His voice was calm and firm.

Yao Maoyu nodded slightly, agreeing with Qin Feng's plan.

Qin Feng continued: "I will give a speech in the city and tell everyone that the king does not want war for the sake of peace and has chosen to let Cao Pi surrender. But Cao Pi is not happy at all, and the Sima family is also obstructing it."

A hint of cunning flashed in Qin Feng's eyes. He knew that such a speech would arouse the anger of the people and make them hate Cao Pi even more.

Yao Maoyu felt that Qin Feng had a good idea.

"Take Sima Zhao and let's leave quickly."

So, they took the unconscious Sima Zhao with them.

Anyway, the two secret guards were so powerful in martial arts that no one in the mansion could stop them.

They left Cao's Mansion and walked through the bustling streets. People on both sides of the street looked at them curiously.

Qin Feng and others came to a bustling market. The streets are lined with various stalls, and people are coming and going, shouting and bargaining.

Qin Feng saw that there were so many people here and it was a good place to give a speech.

He took a deep breath, and then said in a loud voice: "Fellow folks, I have something important to tell you."

His voice immediately attracted the attention of people around him, and people gathered around him.

Qin Feng first introduced his identity. He was the person next to Xi Yu. He was a secret guard. It was actually against common sense to appear in front of everyone like this.

Qin Feng continued: "For the sake of our peace, King Xiyu chose to surrender in the hope of avoiding war. However, Cao Pi rejected his kindness, which dashed our hopes for peace." His tone was full of regret and regret. anger.

Hearing this, there was a commotion in the crowd. Everyone had a look of dissatisfaction on their faces, and someone whispered: "How could Cao Pi do this? He really doesn't care about our lives."

Qin Feng continued: "What's even more disgusting is that the Sima family also messed with the letter of surrender. What they did was simply destroying peace."

He then told the whole story about the two brothers Sima who had deceived him.

These words were like adding fuel to the fire, and the people's emotions were completely ignited. They cursed the Sima family one after another, and some even raised their fists to express their anger.

Qin Feng pointed at Sima Zhao, who was carried by Yao Maoyu, and said, "This is Sima Zhao, we are going to take him away now."

After that, he left with Yao Maoyu.

People in the market were still talking about it.

Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu took Sima Zhao into a remote village. The village is surrounded by barren land and the houses are dilapidated, as if they have been forgotten by time.

The village's streets are narrow and bumpy, lined with low-slung adobe houses with peeling walls and broken windows.

The open space between the houses was overgrown with weeds and looked particularly desolate.

The village was deserted and silent, as if there were no traces of life.

They randomly selected a house and threw Sima Zhao to the ground.

The secret guard said: "You two stay here, I will go back and report to Master Sima and ask him to come here quickly."

After that, he left quickly.

After a night of tossing, Master Sima looked haggard, as if he had aged several years. His eyes revealed deep pain and despair.

He thought of Sima Zhao and tears fell down his cheeks. Master Sima's heart was filled with self-blame and regret. He regretted that he failed to protect his younger brother and let him fall into Qin Feng's hands.

Master Sima's body was trembling slightly, and his heart seemed to be pricked by thousands of needles.

He didn't know how to save his brother, and the helplessness and anxiety in his heart made him almost unbearable.

Just then, the secret guard arrived.

"If you want to see your brother Sima Zhao, then come with me."

Master Sima looked at him fiercely: "Are you also the person next to Xi Yu?"

The secret guard nodded, and Master Sima left with the secret guard. He didn't know what outcome was waiting for him.

In Cao Pi's room, a guard hurried over and reported to Cao Pi about Qin Feng's speech at the market.

"Cao Gong, the man named Qin Feng, gave a speech in the market, which aroused a lot of discussion. He said that Xi Yu wanted peace, but Cao Gong, you refused to surrender, and said that the Sima family was messing with letters. Now the people We all have a lot of criticism towards Duke Cao!" the guard said in fear.

After hearing this, Cao Pi's face instantly became gloomy. He slammed the table hard, stood up, and shouted violently: "This guy dares to confuse people's hearts! He is challenging my authority!"

He paced back and forth, anger burning in his eyes. The guards stood aside in fear, not daring to say a word.

Cao Pi suddenly stopped, grabbed a plate, and threw it to the ground. The plate immediately broke into countless pieces. He then grabbed another bowl, which also shattered.

Then, another guard came to report a piece of news, and he was a little overwhelmed by the scene in front of him.

And this guard is related to the spy in Chang'an.

So Cao Pi asked, "If you have any news, tell me quickly."

But the guard said that Liu Xie had sent a troop to assist Xi Yu.

Cao Pi's anger became more intense, his chest heaved violently, and his eyes revealed uncontrollable anger.

Of course he understood Liu Xie's intention, which was to publicly express his support for Xi Yu to the world.

This was undoubtedly a provocation and insult to him, which made him feel that his authority had been seriously violated.

Cao Pi secretly analyzed in his heart, and he knew that whether Liu Xie sent troops or not would not have a substantial impact on the situation. However, Liu Xie's move dealt him a heavy blow in public opinion and damaged his image in the hearts of the people.

Cao Pi's heart was filled with anger and unwillingness. He clenched his fists and dug his nails deeply into his palms.

"Get out of here immediately, I want to be quiet." Cao Pi roared loudly, and the guard who reported the news quickly walked out.

The room fell into silence. Although it was very bright outside, Cao Pi felt that he had fallen into a dark state. Why hasn't everything been going well recently?

Is God really going to destroy me?

He thought of his father.

People in the world called their father a thief, and some even called themselves a thief.

But they also had great ambitions at the beginning, and they also wanted to restore the Han Dynasty.

But why are all the scenes in front of us now disillusioned?

He really couldn't figure it out. He came to the door, looked at the sky, and kept asking in his heart. (End of chapter)

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