Master Sima followed the secret guard to the small village.

The secret guard took him to that house.

Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu are both guarding here.

He walked into the house anxiously, and when he saw his brother unconscious, tears burst into his eyes.

Yao Maoyu sneered and said, "Master Sima, tell us what happened first."

Master Sima wiped his tears and said helplessly: "That letter was indeed written by my brother, and the person pretending to be Cao Pi was a gardener in our family."

In this case, he could only tell the truth.

Yao Maoyu frowned and asked, "Be more specific."

Master Sima took a deep breath and slowly told the whole story...

After that, Master Sima said firmly: "I have told you the true situation. I am willing to bear all the blame alone. I hope you will let my brother Sima Zhao go."

Qin Feng responded indifferently: "Do you think this is enough? You must kneel on the street and tell everyone about this matter, so that everyone will know your ugly behavior."

After hearing this, Master Sima had an embarrassed look on his face. He bit his lip, not wanting to easily agree to Qin Feng's request.

It would be a real shame if you did that.

"What? Don't you want to do it? Do you have anything else to rely on?" Qin Feng slapped him.

Master Sima felt his face burning. This was the first time he was slapped by a stranger.

"How dare you, these heartless people, hit me."

"Mr. Sima, what you have done is outraged by both humans and gods, and you actually accuse others of being so unconscionable?"

"I don't think I did anything wrong. We are all our own masters." Master Sima continued to quibble.

Yao Maoyu quickly kicked him.

"You are right, everyone has their own master, but after all, you lost and we won."

"Okay, don't talk nonsense to him. Give him at most one stick of incense. If he still can't make the right choice, he will bear the consequences."

Time passed like this little by little.

After some hard thinking and discussions with Qin Feng, Master Sima finally gave in.

"I can do as you say, but you must let my brother Sima Zhao go."

Qin Feng was unmoved and said with a sneer: "You are not qualified to make terms with me now. If you don't agree, we will turn Sima Zhao into a dead man. And if you do it obediently, maybe we can make him Become a disabled person.”

Master Sima's eyes became angry and desperate, and he cursed angrily at Qin Feng and others: "You are so heartless! You are not as good as a pig or a dog."

His voice echoed in the silent room, full of grief, anger and helplessness.

But Qin Feng looked determined and said without giving in: "That's the way it is, Master Sima, make your choice quickly!"

Master Sima's face turned pale, his knees bent involuntarily, and finally he knelt down and begged Qin Feng for mercy: "Please, take back your life!"

However, Qin Feng remained unmoved, his eyes were cold and ruthless.

Master Sima felt extremely helpless and desperate. He knew he had no choice.

"Okay, I promise you."

So, he slowly stood up and came to the street as Qin Feng asked.

The three men followed behind with Sima Zhao.

We came to a busy street. Master Sima knelt on his knees, his body trembling slightly, looking so small and fragile in the bustling crowd.

This surprised many people.

His voice was filled with fear and helplessness, and he told everyone what happened with a trembling voice.

Everyone's eyes were filled with anger and suspicion, like burning flames, burning Sima Shi's soul.

Some people glared at him and cursed fiercely: "You beast! If it wasn't you or Cao Pi who had surrendered, maybe we would have let Xi Yu rule here and live a good life."

"Why do you have the nerve to talk here!"

Some people even rushed forward, punched and kicked him, and cursed him while beating him: "It would be better to kill this pig and dog."

s things. "

Sima Shi's body endured attacks like raindrops, and fists fell on him like a storm. He twisted in pain, trying to avoid these ruthless blows.

The saliva and vegetable leaves rained down on his face, accompanied by curses.

"You despicable bastard!"

"Get out of our sight!"

Master Sima's face was filled with pain and humiliation, and tears and sweat mixed together and flowed down his cheeks. His eyes revealed despair and helplessness, as if the whole world was against him.

At this moment, Master Sima felt that his dignity had been ruthlessly trampled on. His heart was filled with confusion and sadness, and the physical pain made him almost unbearable.

When Qin Feng and others saw this scene, they felt particularly happy.

And soon, someone reported what happened on the street to Cao Pi.

After Cao Pi heard about this incident, he felt very complicated.

On the one hand, he wanted Sima Shi to be punished because he was angry and disappointed with what Sima Shi had done. However, when he thought that Xi Yu was punishing Master Sima, the anger in his heart burst out like a volcano.

He clenched his fists tightly and thought through gritted teeth: "How dare people like Xi Yu treat Master Sima like this? What qualifications do they have to punish him?"

If you want to be punished, you should punish yourself.

And they just went to their own ground to punish him.

Cao Pi's heart was full of contradictions and struggles, and he didn't know how to face this situation.

He not only hoped that Master Sima could take responsibility for his actions, but also did not want to see him being treated unfairly.

This complex emotion made Cao Pi feel very painful and helpless.

In Xiyu's military camp.

The soldiers on guard saw a troop approaching in the distance, and couldn't help feeling nervous.

"Is there someone coming to attack from the front?"

They have been preparing for Cao Pi's opportunity.

Because they have not attacked Cao Pi, maybe Cao Pi will not be able to resist and come to attack.

"They'd better report to the king quickly."

They thought it was Cao Pi's troops coming to attack, so they quickly reported to Xi Yu.

Xi Yu's heart tightened, and he immediately summoned his generals and soldiers to prepare for a possible battle.

"It seems that Cao Pi finally couldn't bear it anymore and came forward on his own initiative. Naturally, he was going to be beaten to death."

Xi Yu went there in person. At this time, the army was getting closer and closer to them.

However, when they saw the flags and uniforms of the incoming troops, they realized that they were not Cao Pi's troops.

"No, this doesn't look like Cao Pi's soldiers." Xi Yu said.

Xiyu breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time he also felt a little confused.

He didn't know the purpose of this force.

"Don't be afraid, Your Majesty, we are sent by His Majesty." The leading general shouted loudly.

This is exactly the troops sent by Liu Xie.

Xi Yu didn't expect Liu Association to send troops, but he understood immediately.

They come to show an attitude.

In fact, his own military strength is completely sufficient.

It doesn't matter whether someone from the outside comes to help.

But Liu Xie still used this method to express his attitude, that is, he stood on the same position as himself.

This is a show of support and concern for him.

Gradually, the army began to move closer.

After the leading general met with Xi Yu, he conveyed Liu Xie's wishes.

"Although His Majesty is deep in the palace, he has always been thinking about the king, so he specially sent us to help."

Xi Yu naturally also said some kind words.

"Thank you so much, Your Majesty. Your arrival has really made this place even more powerful. We are very encouraged by His Majesty's concern and support."

The two parties had a brief exchange, and Xi Yu introduced the current situation to the general and discussed the next plan with him.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense. Come back to the camp quickly."

After the troops returned to camp, Xi Yu asked everyone to warm up to them.

The generals felt they were being treated well and were flattered.

On the other side, Master Sima was still parading on his knees.

At this time, Yao Maoyu felt a little unbearable.

Qin Feng immediately looked at him mockingly.

"What's wrong? Are you a little soft-hearted now?"

Yao Maoyu nodded.

Qin Feng sneered and said: "Fortunately, I didn't ask you to be a secret guard, otherwise you wouldn't be able to be so emotional."

Yao Maoyu felt a little dissatisfied. Why should he be a secret guard?

This metaphor is too inappropriate. But he didn't refute.

"What should we do next? Let him kneel here all the time?"

"Bring these two brothers to the king in a moment, and the king will deal with them."

But Yao Maoyu obviously disagrees with this opinion.

"Is this necessary? For such a small matter, the king needs to personally take action. Can't we just solve them directly?"

Qin Feng glared at him.

"Is this a small matter?"

After half an hour, Qin Feng asked Master Sima to stop.

Master Sima also breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally I can stop being tortured.

But Yao Maoyu said that he was dirty now and had to find a place to wash himself.

Qin Feng asked everyone to stop and stop hitting Master Sima.

Many people are also very obedient. Qin Feng has observed on the road that there is a small river in one place, so let Master Sima go there to wash it.

Half an hour later, everyone accompanied Sima Shi to the river. For Sima Shi, it was really dirty and thirsty.

So when he saw the river, it was like seeing a savior.

He immediately jumped inside. He didn't hesitate to get his clothes soaked through. When he came up, he was like a water duck.

Sima Zhao was still in a coma.

Master Sima asked: "When will my brother wake up?"

"He is in a coma now and doesn't know anything. Isn't this a happy thing? Why do you ask more?" Qin Feng said.

Master Sima thought for a moment and realized that this was also the case.

Yes, if you can't wake up, you won't have any worries.

He still wanted to continue begging for mercy, but he knew that it would be of no use.

"Okay, don't say anything. I'll follow you."

This time he became very well-behaved.

Chang'an Palace.

It rained today.

Liu Xie looked at the sky in the corridor.

The sky was covered with dark clouds. He remembered his decision and sent troops to help Xi Yu.

It is estimated that this time should have arrived.

His uncompromising performance on this issue was not only incredible to the ministers, but also to himself.

He used to be submissive, but he finally became a man for once.

Why is he struggling to his death tomorrow?

He knew that his country was about to be destroyed, so he just looked for some dignity.

Is he deceiving himself?

Also, those soldiers who are sent out, I believe some people will insult them.

Because he created a chance for them to die.

But it doesn't matter. He is the emperor and he must speak the truth.

At this moment, a young eunuch came to him.

"Your Majesty, you should go back to your room and rest. After all, you will inevitably catch a cold if it rains."

Liu Xie quickly returned to the room and shook his head bitterly.

"It's impossible for me to catch a cold. After all, spring has arrived."

"Your Majesty, although it is spring, I have heard an idiom called spring is cold and cold."

The little eunuch said the idiom, which really surprised Liu Xie.

"I didn't expect you know a lot."

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty." The young eunuch smiled.

Next, Liu Xie talked about the topic of spring.

"Although spring has come, I don't know how much spring is left?"

As he spoke, he looked outside and saw the rain hitting the flowers and grass.

The young eunuch understood very well that he was talking about his own career as an emperor and the problems of the Han Dynasty.

The air seems to have become particularly oppressive.

"Your Majesty, don't be sad. In fact, you once said that a constitutional monarchy means that there will be spring for you."

Liu Xie felt a little complicated after hearing this.

What this little eunuch said seems to make sense.

"I didn't expect that you know so much. After listening to your words, I felt particularly gratified."

On the other side, Qin Feng and Yao Maoyu brought the two Sima Zhao brothers to Xi Yu.

This is the first encounter between Sima Shi and Xi Yu.

They were all sizing each other up.

Master Sima didn't understand why there was such a big gap between them even though they were almost the same age.

Xi Yu asked: "Master Sima, I heard that you have been doing business some time ago. If you do your business well, nothing may happen."

The implication has been made very clear.

His fate today was all caused by himself.

"My late father told me when he was still alive that I must shoulder the responsibilities of the family. Today I fall into your hands, and I have nothing to say. But I hope you can let my brother Sima Zhao go."

In Sima Shi's view, Xi Yu is a heroic figure, and he will definitely not be the same as Qin Feng.

If you beg Xi Yu for mercy, maybe he will agree.

Xiyu sneered.

"You can't ask for help from my king's secret guards. Do you think you can ask for help from me?"

At this time, Xi Yu's face looked particularly ugly.

At this moment, Master Sima fell into despair.

But he would never give up just like that, he would still seize an opportunity.

"Xi Yu, everyone says that you are as kind as a Bodhisattva. I didn't expect that you are also so cruel. What is the difference between you and Cao Pi?"

After hearing this, Yao Maoyu kicked him.

"Bastard, who do you think you are? You actually talk like this. Are you able to evaluate the king's decision?"

Xi Yu asked Yao Maoyu not to be impulsive.

"Okay, you all go out, I want to talk to him alone."

Yao Maoyu didn't want to leave. He said, what if Master Sima is rude to Xi Yu?

"How can he be rude to me now that he is tied with ropes all over his body? Just go out."

Yao Maoyu then walked out. Zhuge Liang happened to come here and asked him what the situation was.

Yao Maoyu told Zhuge Liang the relevant situation.

"These two brothers from the Sima family have really done their best. They really deserve to be treated like this."

Zhuge Liang expressed his satisfaction.

There were only two people left in the camp, Sima Shi and Xi Yu.

"Xi Yu, why do you have to kill them all? My brother Sima Zhao is just a child."

Master Sima shed tears. He said that he could not kneel down because he was tied up, otherwise he would have to kowtow to Xi Yu.

"It's useless for you to kowtow to me. He is a child. Why doesn't he look like a child at all when he does this?"

Besides, even if he is a child, you, Master Sima, are still a child. You are clearly indulging him.

"He is smarter than you, and his mind is higher than yours, so if you say he is a child and ask me to forgive him, I will never accept it."

Master Sima's face was very ferocious, and he had prepared a lot of insults and insults for Yu.

But when he was about to say it, he suddenly felt frozen, making it impossible for him to say it.

He also knew that even if he cursed and vented, it would be of no use.

He is completely disillusioned now.

"The reason why I stayed alone with you is to tell you a story. There is an allusion called Sima Zhao's heart. Everyone knows it. But I know you have never heard of it."

Master Sima was stunned immediately. When was this an allusion?

Who spread this sentence?

Indeed he had never heard of it.

Besides, although my brother is somewhat smart, he is just a child. How could he have a bad heart?

"Xi Xiyu, I have never heard this sentence before, I don't know why you arranged it like this, brother"?

He thought that even if Xi Yu really wanted to execute Sima Zhao, there was nothing he could do, but why would he call it a crime?

"You don't have to look at me in surprise, this is what will happen in the future."

After Xi Yu finished saying this, Monk Fang Zhanger was even more confused.

"Xi Yu, what on earth do you want to say? Why do I think your words are so weird?"

"Don't be anxious and listen to me slowly." I just said that this is what will happen in the future, but now that I have intervened in this matter, you have no future. "

Xi Yu said it categorically.

Master Sima looked at Xi Yu fiercely.

He found that he was too naive and that those who do great things are ruthless.

He shouldn't have had any illusions about Xi Yu.

"It's easy for you to kill us, but you made some weird accusations that I can't accept." (End of chapter)

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