Xi Yu frowned slightly, with a hint of seriousness in his eyes. He said to Master Sima: "Listen to me, don't say anything for now."

Seeing this, Master Sima was puzzled, but he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Xi Yu paused and began to tell: "I will tell you about Wuhu Luanhua De. The world was in chaos and the people's lives were miserable. The barbarians' cavalry ravaged the Central Plains, and the Han people suffered endless suffering."

His voice was low and powerful, as if he was transported to that war-torn era.

He told the truth about what happened in history as he learned it.

Master Sima listened intently, his brows gradually furrowed, and he thought to himself: "What does this have to do with me?" He looked at Xi Yu doubtfully, waiting for his next words.

He had never heard of this, but in Xi Yu's place, it seemed like it really happened.

Xi Yu seemed to see through Master Sima's thoughts, and he continued: "Do you know that this Wuhu Rebellion is no accident. Behind it is the struggle for power and the greed of people, and these are not a reflection of the world today? "His eyes became deep and sharp, as if he could understand everything.

"But what does all this have to do with me?"

"Because all this will be caused by your Sima family."

Xi Yu's gaze seemed to be able to spit out a stream of flames, making Master Sima even more angry.

"Xi Yu, you are such a mouthful."

He really didn't expect that Xi Yu was so unreasonable.

"I know you think it's strange. You're going to die anyway. Let me tell you a secret." A smile appeared on Xiyu's lips.

Xi Yu plans to tell him the secret of time travel.

There was a mysterious aura in Xiyu's eyes, as if he could understand everything.

He said softly: "I will tell you a story now. It's called "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". There are Wei, Shu, and Wu... It was an era full of wars and disputes. Heroes emerged in large numbers, and they performed wonderful chapters on the stage of history. .”

Master Sima originally thought he was talking about other people's affairs, but as he listened, he realized that aren't these the same people today?

What does Xiyu mean? Are you making up a story?

Master Sima's eyes widened, shock written on his face.

His mouth opened slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but no sound came out.

His brows were furrowed, and his heart was full of confusion and doubt.

"Player, what do you mean?"

"Do you feel incredible? Let me tell you, these things have happened in another world."

Xi Yu understood that after saying this, Master Sima felt even more unbearable.

"Another world?"

Xi Yu decided to reveal the answer to the mystery.

"Master Sima, let me ask you, do you believe in another time and space?"

This time, Master Sima was even more confused.

"I'm very stupid. I hope you can tell me what's going on quickly." At this time, Master Sima was obviously unhappy.

He felt as if he had been tricked.

"Then let me tell you the truth, there are different times and spaces, and I am a time traveler."

And Xi Yu was afraid that he wouldn't understand, so he gave a general description of the time traveler's situation.

"And you should feel honored because you are the first person in the world to know this."

Master Sima looked at Xi Yu carefully and felt that Xi Yu didn't seem to be joking.

There are such incredible things in this world?

"Why am I smarter than you? Haven't you considered why?" Xi Yu asked.

Of course, if Sima Yi was still alive, his IQ might be able to understand what Xi Yu said.

Master Sima's IQ is still a little lower than his father.

"Okay, I have said everything that needs to be said. I hope you can digest it well."

After that, Xi Yu came to the window with his hands behind his back, looking into the distance.

He wanted to give Master Sima a chance to think.

This news was simply too shocking for Master Sima.

If Xi Yu hadn't known that there was no need to lie to him, he would have thought it was a story.

It was difficult for him to accept it for a while, but he had to accept it.

So that's what happened.

"Xi Yu, even if what you said is true, this matter..."

Xi Yu turned around and sneered.

"Why are you so stupid? As mentioned in the story just now, your Sima family wants to seize the country, and everyone knows Sima Zhao's intentions. Isn't it obvious?"

After Xi Yu's words, Master Sima completely understood.

Xi Yu didn't want something like this to happen again, so he wanted to cut off all the roots.

"I understand, now I completely understand."

Master Sima laughed, and his smile was so sad.

Master Sima's face was as pale as paper, and his eyes were full of shock and despair.

He clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms.

"How dare you?" Master Sima's voice was trembling.

"Now that you know this secret, it's impossible for you to leave alive."

Xi Yu sneered, his eyes cold and ruthless, "You all have to die. This is an unchangeable fact."

Master Sima's heart was filled with worries about his younger brother Sima Zhao, and he said eagerly: "My brother doesn't know anything! Please let him go! He will definitely be a good person in this life."

The corners of Xi Yu's mouth raised slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

"Don't be naive, Master Sima. You are all my enemies, and I can't let any of you go."

There was a surge of anger in Master Sima's heart.

He finally understood why Xi Yu wanted to deal with his father Sima Yi.

He glared at Xi Yu.

"Why are you so cruel? Don't you have any compassion?"

Xi Yu replied coldly: "Pity? Your Sima family should understand better that only the strong can survive."

Master Sima's eyes became firm.

"Even if I die, I won't let you succeed easily!"

He immediately spit at Xi Yu.

Xi Yu was angry and shouted: "Here comes someone."

Several soldiers came in immediately.

"Come here, throw Master Sima out, I will kill him to sacrifice the flag."

So, several servants took Master Sima out.

Master Sima was still yelling curses, his voice echoing in the camp.

His face was flushed, and his eyes were full of anger and despair.

"Shut up!" A soldier came forward and stuffed a piece of cloth into Sima Shi's mouth so that he could no longer make any sound.

At the same time, in another tent, Sima Zhao slowly opened his eyes.

He felt a splitting headache and the sight before his eyes was a little blurry.

Qin Feng stood in front of Sima Zhao, with a hint of indifference and threat on his face.

"Be honest with me when you wake up and don't try to play any tricks, otherwise I won't be polite."

Sima Zhao calmed down and looked at Qin Feng, his heart full of doubts and fear.

He tried to ask something, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, he understood that he had fallen into Xi Yu's hands.

There was a tense atmosphere in the camp, and there was silence all around, except for Sima Zhao's heavy breathing and Qin Feng's occasional warnings.

He suddenly heard his brother's cry but stopped.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

He looked at Qin Feng fiercely. But his face immediately turned worried.

You shouldn't look like this, but beg for mercy.

Sima Zhao endured the physical discomfort, and his voice was trembling.

"Please, let my brother go. I am willing to bear all the blame alone."

Qin Feng looked at Sima Zhao indifferently, with no sympathy in his eyes.

"It's not up to you. Both brothers of the Sima family must die. This is King Xiyu's order. I'm just following the order."

Sima Zhao's face turned pale, and his heart was filled with despair. He knew that he and his brother's fate could not be changed, but he was still unwilling to give up.

"Why? Why do you do this to us? What did we do wrong?" Sima Zhao's voice was filled with tears.

Qin Feng frowned slightly, and said impatiently: "Your Sima family is the enemy of the king, and this is your crime. Don't waste any more time, your death is approaching."

A trace of determination flashed in Sima Zhao's eyes.

"If someone must die, then let me do it. Please let my brother go. He also has a wife and children. He can't die like this."

Qin Feng shook his head.

"Unfortunately, what I just said is very clear. I cannot disobey Master Xiyu's order. Both of you brothers will inevitably die."

Sima Zhao's body was trembling slightly, and he knew that he and his brother had no way out.

"Is there no other way?" Sima Zhao's voice was full of helplessness.

Qin Feng was silent for a moment, and then said coldly: "Unless the king changes his mind, you will definitely die."

The last hope in Sima Zhao's heart was shattered. He closed his eyes and tears fell down his cheeks.

At this moment, Xi Yu came in and looked at Sima Zhao. This famous traitor in history.

But the other party is still young after all, so he hasn't shown that heroic spirit yet.

"Are you Xi Yu?" Sima Zhao said coldly.

Xiyu nodded.

"I am here to tell you why you must die?"

He planned to say to Sima Zhao what he said to Sima Shi.

Let them be sensible before they die.

Sima Zhao still begged his brother for mercy.

Xi Yu found a place to sit down and sneered: "You are really brothers, you all beg for mercy for each other. But it's useless, you must die. I will give you a reason now."

Before Sima Zhao could react, Xi Yu once again talked about time travel.

Qin Feng was also stunned for a while.

Xi Yu didn't want to avoid him anymore.

But Xi Yu immediately looked at Qin Feng and felt that Qin Feng didn't believe it at all and thought he was joking with Sima Zhao.

And Sima Zhao didn't believe it either.

"If you want to kill, just kill. Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

Xiyu was speechless. It was ridiculous that no one believed him when he told the truth.

Forget it if you don’t believe it.

"Xi Yu, I've heard your name before, but I didn't expect you to be a magician. What's the point of making up such a story? Because I'm a child, you can treat me like this?"

"Do you dare to say that you have no ambition? Don't you agree with what I just said?"

Because in the topic just now, Xi Yu also talked about Sima Zhao's ambition when he was a child.

At this time, Sima Zhao fell into silence.

It seems to make sense, but what happens next is still very strange.

Therefore, Sima Zhao still didn't believe it.

Qin Feng was wondering, why would the king make up such a story?

Soothing a child from crying?

Wouldn't it be better to kill him directly?

Then, Xi Yu immediately looked at him, as if to say, why didn't everyone believe it even though he mustered up the courage to tell the truth?

"Okay, Sima Zhao, after all, I have said so much for one purpose. Both of you deserve to die..."

"Wait a minute," Sima Zhao immediately interrupted Xi Yu, "Even if you are right, we are ambitious, but if you control us, we can't make any waves. So..."

"So I'm going to let you go, right? I've already said, don't have any illusions."

After saying this, Xiyu walked out.

Sima Shi was taken outside and beaten, which made the soldiers very tired.

Xiyu just asks the soldiers to stop.

Sima Shi had a cloth stuffed in his mouth, so he couldn't insult Xi Yu.

But his eyes made it clear.

Xi Yu said: "Let me consider another question, how should I let you die?"

Master Sima's eyes were even more filled with malice.

But Xi Yu said that he is still more compassionate.

"Before you die, you two can have a good reunion."

Xi Yu immediately started arranging the matter.

Give the two brothers half an hour.

A soldier asked: "Your Majesty, will it take too long?"

Xi Yu said: "It won't be long. It's hard for them to die once. It's easy for them to survive normally. Let them get together more often."

This sentence made many soldiers laugh.

I didn’t expect that the king has such a humorous side.

In this case, the two Sima brothers were taken to a camp.

Naturally, there were many soldiers guarding the place outside. As soon as the two brothers saw each other, they both started crying.

They immediately hugged each other.

"Brother, they are so cruel."

Seeing Sima Shi being beaten, Sima Zhao couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother, I'm fine. They didn't beat you, right?"

"I don't, brother, it seems we are bound to die."

Next, the two people shared what Xi Yu said about time travel.

"Brother, why did he make up such nonsense to deceive us?" After all, Sima Zhao still didn't believe it.

"I think what he said should be true." Master Sima sighed.

In fact, he found it unacceptable, but there seemed to be enough reasons for him to believe it.

"There's something different about him after all."

Sima Zhao was speechless. It turned out that his brother actually believed it.

However, if what happened was true, wouldn't my family be even more aggrieved?

According to Xi Yu, their Sima family should have made great achievements.

But now there is no chance.

Xi Yu started a meeting and decided to formally attack Cao Pi tomorrow.

Qin Feng had already told Cao Pi about the surrender letter.

Cao Pi made his position clear, so he no longer needed to have any mercy.

In Youzhou, Xifu.

Ouyang Linlin and other ladies were playing cards together.

After they were tired from playing, they discussed Xi Yu.

"I wonder when Dao Dao will come back?"

It was Sun Shangxiang who spoke first.

Her words were like waves in calm water.

"I don't know what's going on now?" Song Meijiao seemed a little worried.

"I pray for my husband every day, and he will definitely come back safely." Ouyang Linlin said.

Everyone's topics suddenly became a bit heavy.

Sun Shangxiang said: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this topic. It's all my fault."

"What are you doing? Why do you make the atmosphere like this? Your husband must have returned triumphantly from the war. This is a good thing. Why are you sad?" Xi Shi asked.

"Yes, why are we worried? We should continue playing cards."

Then, they stopped discussing this topic and continued to have fun.

On the other side, it was time for the two Sima brothers to meet.

Tears rolled down their cheeks. They never imagined that they would become prisoners.

"Okay, the time is up, you have to come out." The soldier came in immediately and said.

"Why so fast?" Sima Zhao was at a loss because of the threat of death.

After all, he is still a child.

Master Sima did not expect that time would go so quickly.

They still hugged each other tightly and wouldn't let go.

"I'm talking to you, don't you understand? If you don't get out quickly, I'll whip you."

Reluctantly, the brothers finally let go.

Sima Zhao shouted loudly: "Xi Yu, even if I become a ghost, I will never let you go."

Immediately, a soldier came over and whipped him.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you now."

But Sima Zhao didn't seem to care.

"You're going to die sooner or later anyway, so what if you die earlier?"

Master Sima sighed: "Please don't do this to my brother, okay?"

"Brother, we should have backbone, so why do you have to beg them for mercy?"

Sima Zhao behaved like a young man.

"Brother, we can't embarrass the Sima family. Even if we die, we must die in a grand manner."

Many soldiers were actually moved.

Xi Yu also watched from a distance. To be honest, he also felt a little admiration.

But he couldn't change his mind.

He talks like he's a hero, disgusting.

Could it be that I, Xi Yu, have become an aggressor?

Master Sima nodded, his brother was right, he must not beg for mercy, nor should he be afraid.

You have to die with a backbone.

"Yes, come on, Xi Yu will pay the price for his actions."

After that, Master Sima also looked up to the sky and roared.

Xi Yu came here and saw the soldiers beating Sima Shi.

Many soldiers were particularly curious, wondering how Xi Yu wanted them to die.

Xiyu didn't think it through either.

But now the time has come for him to decide.

"Just take them two to the river and drown them. Don't let them suffer too much."

The soldiers were ready to execute.

Master Sima also sighed, yes, this way of death can be regarded as not causing too much pain.

It can be considered that there is still some dignity before death.

The two of them followed the soldiers silently and left.

Because at this time, there is no use saying anything else.

But many soldiers are thinking about a problem.

Xi Yu seems to have some deep grudge against the Sima family, otherwise how could he kill them all? (End of chapter)

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