Brothers Sima Shi and Sima Zhao were eventually brought to a wide and fast river. The river is rushing and majestic, like a ferocious beast, roaring and running into the distance.

Sima Zhao looked at the raging river, his face turned pale, and his voice trembled as he said, "Brother, is this where our destiny ends?"

Master Sima's eyes were firm and calm, and he held Sima Zhao's hand tightly.

The river is rolling, and the splashing water sparkles with crystal light under the sunlight.

Sima Shi made a special request to the soldiers that they wanted to say goodbye to their father Sima Yi.

They should look towards the direction of their father's grave.

Of course there was no problem with this, and the soldiers agreed to it.

So the two brothers kowtowed in the direction of Sima Yi's grave. Then, Sima Yi shouted: "Father, I'm going."

He jumped into the river.

Sima Zhao followed closely behind, but the scene was in a tragic state.

But the few soldiers were not in a hurry to leave. They had to confirm that the two people were completely dead, so they had to stay here in case someone rescued them after they left, so after a certain time passed , it means that people can breathe freely.

They then went back and quickly reported the news to Xi Yu.

After Xi Yu heard the news, he felt very complicated.

"Okay, you have worked hard. Let's all take a rest. We are going to fight tomorrow."

After a while, Xiyu walked out.

He is the coach, so naturally no one has the right to question where he is going.

What no one expected was that Xi Yu would come to the river.

He seems to be worshiping Brother Sima, although he hates Brother Sima deeply.

It was because of his previous life that he hated the two brothers deeply.

In fact, what Sima Zhao said was not wrong. After all, everyone was their own master. Maybe he just couldn't stand it. Now that the two of them were dead, he felt a little pity for them.

But he knew that he couldn't be too soft-hearted, they really deserved to die.

But their righteousness before dying made me feel gratified.

Of course, killing them is the right thing to do.

Especially this Sima Zhao, keeping him would be a disaster.

He is like a bomb, who knows what will happen in the future?

Xi Yu stood in front of the river, feeling so excited that he couldn't help but think of Cao Cao's poem "Viewing the Sea" and recited it silently.

"To the east is Jieshi to view the sea.

Where is the water? The mountains and islands are standing tall.

There are many trees and lush grass.

The autumn wind is bleak and the waves are rising.

If the journey of the sun and the moon comes out of it;

The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it.

Fortunately, even singing praises one's aspirations. "

His voice echoed by the empty river, as if blending with the raging water.

Xi Yu stared into the distance, as if he could travel through time and space and see Cao Cao's heroic ambitions when he stood on Jieshi Mountain overlooking the sea.

I remember that in my previous life, when I was in middle school, I had to memorize this poem, so Xi Yu learned it relatively well.

Xi Yu felt the power and flow of the river, as if he had become a part of this magnificent scene.

Xi Yu couldn't help but lament the shortness and impermanence of life. Compared with the vastness of nature, he was so small.

Up to now, Xi Yu still feels that time travel is an incredible thing. He really never thought that he would one day time travel.

Just like the verse he memorized just now, he actually had close contact with Cao Cao. It's incredible to think about it now.

But no matter what, his plan to attack Cao Pi will never change.

He silently said to Cao Cao in his heart: "I'm sorry, I have to change everything, because I want to build a better world."

He just put his hands behind his back and looked at the river, the water kept flowing.

Below are the bodies of the two brothers Sima.

Gradually, as the night fell, Xi Yu slowly left the river.

His face was extremely heavy, as if he was carrying a heavy burden, making it difficult to understand his inner thoughts.

At the same time, in a secluded corner of Chang'an, a secret conspiracy was brewing.

A mysterious man with a white face and a beard is quietly gathering an army.

He has a fair face and a neatly trimmed beard.

There was a firmness and decisiveness in his eyes, as if he already knew his plan.

He is tall and strong, wearing a black uniform, which adds a bit of majesty and mystery.

A man with a white face and a beard stood in the darkness, holding a sharp sword in his hand.

His voice was low and powerful, and he said to his close associates: "The time has come, we must take action. Chang'an City will be under our control! Are you confident?"

Several people quickly said: "We are confident."

The faint moonlight shone on them, illuminating their expressions.

"In that case, let's set out, because the time has come for us to make great achievements."

After that, this white-faced and bearded man led everyone forward.

Liu Xie slept on the couch in the palace, immersed in a chaotic dream.

Suddenly, a loud shout broke the silence and woke him up from his sleep.

"Fire! Fire!" the eunuch outside screamed.

Liu Xie sat up in shock and looked out the window in horror.

I saw thick smoke billowing from a corner of the palace, and flames reaching into the sky. Immediately afterwards, there was a chaotic noise, and a troop took advantage of the situation and quickly broke into the palace.

The palace suddenly fell into chaos, and the two armies started fighting fiercely. The sound of swords clashing and the shouts of soldiers intertwined to form a thrilling battle symphony.

Liu Xie's heart was filled with fear and confusion. His eyes widened, his lips trembled, and he thought to himself: "What is going on? Why would someone break into the palace?"

His mind was like a mess and he couldn't sort out the situation in front of him.

The two armies fought fiercely, and Liu Xie's heartbeat accelerated rapidly, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

He felt that his life was under an unprecedented threat and couldn't help thinking: "How can I escape this crisis? Who can protect me?" Fear enveloped him, making it almost impossible for him to think.

The appearance of a young eunuch brought him a glimmer of hope.

Liu Xie was so frightened that his body was trembling. Seeing this, the young eunuch beside him hurriedly took his hand and said, "Your Majesty, go quickly! We must escape from here as soon as possible!"

They hurried through the palace corridors, their footsteps echoing hastily on the stone slabs. Liu Xie's heartbeat was like a drum, and his eyes were looking around, full of fear and confusion.

"Your Majesty, don't be afraid, my servant will protect your safety." The young eunuch comforted.

Liu Xie followed the young eunuch closely as they looked for an escape route in the chaos. The smoke was thick and their vision was blurry, but they did not dare to stop and ran forward desperately.

In the process of escaping, Liu Xie felt helpless and confused. He didn't know what his fate would be, and he didn't know what impact this sudden change would have on himself and the Han Dynasty. His heart was filled with worries and uneasiness about the future.

At the critical moment when Liu Xie and the young eunuch were desperately trying to escape, a group of enemy troops suddenly appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

Liu Xie's heartbeat accelerated instantly, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Who are you? Why are you here to make trouble?"

One of the soldiers stepped forward and replied loudly: "Emperor Dog, we are Liu Song's people!"

Liu Xie frowned, he was unfamiliar with the name Liu Song.

The young eunuch whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty, Liu Song's ancestor committed a crime and was exiled outside."

A trace of doubt arose in Liu Xie's heart, and he asked: "Why does Liu Song want to cause such trouble?"

The soldier's eyes flashed with resentment, and he said: "Our family has been exiled for many years and suffered a lot. Now, we want to take back everything that belongs to us! Besides, you, a fatuous emperor, are not worthy of being in this position."

Several soldiers said how incompetent Liu Xie was, and that Xi Yu's morale was getting stronger and stronger now. All of this was the result of Liu Xie's connivance.

At this time, the surrounding environment became tense and depressing. Under the firelight, Liu Xie could clearly see the cold light shining in the weapons in the hands of the soldiers.

Their eyes were full of determination and hostility, as if they were determined not to give up until they achieved their goals.

Liu Xie felt a chill coming over him, and he understood that he was in an extremely dangerous situation.

He took a deep breath, tried to keep himself calm, and said: "Liu Song's behavior will definitely cause chaos in the world and the people will suffer. Has he ever thought about this?"

The soldiers looked at each other and seemed to be touched by Liu Xie's words.

However, their determination did not waver. One of the leading soldiers said: "Stop being alarmist here."

At this moment, a Han army rushed over, and someone shouted: "Protect Your Majesty."

Someone immediately started shooting arrows at the enemy.

Finally, Liu Xie got a moment of respite.

Under the protection of soldiers and eunuchs, Liu Xie rushed out of the palace with all his strength. The little eunuch held his hand and ran wildly.

Their breathing was rapid and their clothes were soaked with sweat. They didn't stop until they reached a remote village and gasped for air, as if they had just experienced a life-and-death escape.

Liu Xie leaned against a tree, his face was pale, and he cursed angrily: "The rebellious Liu Song dares to act recklessly under the banner of correctness. It is simply unreasonable!" His voice was full of anger and disappointment.

The young eunuch echoed from the side: "Your Majesty, calm down and take care of the dragon body. That Liu Song is so cruel and unjust, he will be punished by God."

At this time, the village was quiet, with only the gentle breeze blowing and rustling the leaves. Liu Xie looked around and looked at this peaceful village, feeling a surge of emotion in his heart.

He sighed and said: "Why do all the people in the world deserve to suffer this calamity?"

The young eunuch took a moment to catch his breath and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, the enemy army is extremely vicious this time. It must be a dead end. They may send people to pursue them, and this place is not a place to stay for a long time. After resting for a while, Your Majesty will leave as soon as possible. That’s great.”

Liu Xie frowned, thinking in his heart.

Suddenly, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he said: "I want to take refuge in Xi Yu. At this moment, the only place that is safest is elsewhere."

When the young eunuch heard this, he looked troubled and raised objections.

"Your Majesty, the enemy's chaos is unlikely to be a great weapon. It is best to return to the palace tomorrow."

However, Liu Xie was determined and said firmly: "No, the situation in the palace is unclear and dangerous. Only by going to Youzhou can you keep me safe. Quickly prepare two fast horses for me, I want to leave immediately. "

Seeing that Liu Xie insisted on this, the young eunuch had no choice but to agree: "I will obey your Majesty's will."

After receiving the order, the young eunuch looked at Liu Xie worriedly and said, "Your Majesty, please take a rest here for the time being. I will try to find a way to get two horses." Liu Xie said, "Remember, you must find a way to buy them." Come on, don't take advantage of us by chance."

Late at night, the moonlight was like silver, shining on the tired body of the little eunuch.

After much trouble, he finally found two horses in a village.

It turned out that a family lived in extreme poverty, were facing financial difficulties, and were eager to sell their horses.

The appearance of the little eunuch illuminated their lives like a ray of dawn and brought hope.

The head of the household said gratefully to the young eunuch: "Thank you very much for your help."

The young eunuch handed what little money he had left to the head of the household.

The young eunuch anxiously led the two horses and hurried back to the place agreed with Liu Xie.

However, when he arrived, he was shocked to see that Liu Xie was missing. He suddenly panicked and his soul seemed to have left him.

He turned pale with fright, trembled all over, and immediately looked around for traces of Liu Xie.

Finally, in a secluded corner, he found Liu Xie. It turned out that Liu Xie had diarrhea due to physical discomfort.

Seeing this, the young eunuch hurriedly knelt down, tears flowing continuously.

"Your Majesty, my servant couldn't find you and was frightened. I finally found you."

When Liu Xie saw this, his heart softened, and he quickly helped the young eunuch and comforted him.

"There's no need to cry. Aren't I fine? I just have some stomach discomfort, but I'm much better now."

The little eunuch's sobs seemed particularly desolate in the quiet atmosphere.

"Okay, don't cry anymore. Let's hurry up and get on our way now, but you will have to suffer with us next."

But the young eunuch said that it was appropriate to suffer for His Majesty, and he felt honored.

After that, they moved forward quickly, one person and one horse.

In the palace, swords, swords and shadows clashed, and shouts of killing came and went. Liu Song's rebels fought a fierce battle with the Han army, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

Liu Song looked at the tragic situation on the battlefield and felt a sense of frustration in his heart. He realized that victory was impossible, so he decisively led the remaining troops and left in a hurry.

"Brothers, let's leave the green hills without fear of running out of firewood."

They came to the cave, which was their base camp. Liu Song looked gloomy and sat on a stone, his eyes showing great frustration.

"Many brothers are dead, but we still failed to kill Liu Xie." Liu Song muttered to himself, his voice full of annoyance.

His men sat around in silence, and the atmosphere was dull and oppressive.

At this time, there was a tense atmosphere filling the cave, as if even the air was frozen.

After a while, someone finally said to him: "Boss, the green hills you said are still there. We are not afraid of running out of firewood. We will definitely win."

Liu Song also knew that he should not be too negative in this situation, otherwise it would make his brothers even more negative.

"You're right, we absolutely can't just stay depressed like this."

This night was destined to be a sleepless night for them.

As for the palace, it also suffered a lot of trauma.

Many people found out that Liu Xie was no longer there, and some people became frightened. Was His Majesty killed?

Later, someone confirmed that he left with a young eunuch, which meant that His Majesty's life safety was guaranteed.

But some people are thinking, His Majesty should tell others, how can he leave quietly?

But some people think that in that kind of crisis situation, how can you tell others?

It was late at night, and Xue Xie and the eunuch were already very sleepy during the journey. Especially Liu Xie, when had he ever suffered like this?

They decided to find an inn, but Liu Xie told the eunuch to keep it secret and never reveal his identity.

"Your Majesty, even if you were not so rich, your slave would still do this."

After that, they finally found a small inn in a wilderness.

"Your Majesty, you have a good rest. Your servants will be guarding you today."

What he meant was that he would not sleep tonight and would protect Liu Xie.

Liu Xie said: "This is absolutely impossible. If you don't take a good rest, how will you be on the road tomorrow during the day? Don't you still have to ask me to protect you?"

The little eunuch thought about it and realized that this was indeed the case.

So I decided to have a good sleep.

"Besides, we don't need to worry so much. How could there be so many disasters?"

And Liu Xie wanted to cry in his heart.

Under such circumstances, the young eunuch still protected himself and never left him. How loyal he was.

It really corresponds to that sentence, and it becomes more and more popular over time.

I must treat this little eunuch favorably from now on.

The young eunuch saw Liu Xie in a daze, so he asked, "Your Majesty, don't be sad about these trivial matters anymore."

"I am not worried about those things, I am thinking of your loyalty, and I must treat you well."

When the young eunuch heard this, he immediately knelt down.

"Your Majesty, please don't say that. It is a great honor for me to protect you and follow you."

"Okay, don't kneel down. Remember to call me young master or young master outside. Don't let it slip."

The young eunuch got up immediately. After a few seconds, there was a sound outside. It was the waiter coming to bring them tea.

But the master and servant were frightened, fearing that some bad guy was coming.

They were relieved when they learned that they were here to deliver tea.

When the waiter saw their panicked expressions, he suddenly felt very strange.

I thought that these two people must be country bumpkins who have never seen the world, but they don't look alike. (End of chapter)

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