On this day, the sun shone brightly on the earth, and Xi Yu led his troops and marched forward with firm steps.

The soldiers were wearing heavy armor and holding sharp weapons. Their eyes showed a determination to face death.

Xi Yu is riding a powerful war horse, and his figure is tall and mighty.

He raised the sword in his hand and shouted to the soldiers: "Warriors! Today is the moment for us to show off with Cao Pi! We must fight for justice and glory!"

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Follow the king to the death!" Their voices were thunderous and majestic.

Xi Yu's troops advanced in an orderly manner, their steps steady and powerful, as if the earth was trembling for them.

Under the sunlight, their armor shone with dazzling light, forming a magnificent scene.

Xi Yu stared forward, his eyes full of determination and confidence.

He knew that this was a life and death battle, but he believed in his soldiers, their courage and strength.

At this time, a general rode up to Xi Yu's side and reported: "Your Majesty, Cao Pi's army has been spotted ahead!"

Xi Yu nodded slightly, his voice calm and firm: "Get ready to fight! Let us use courage and wisdom to defeat the enemy!"

The soldiers clenched their weapons one after another, their breathing became rapid, and the desire to fight burned in their hearts.

The atmosphere on the battlefield was tense and solemn, as if a storm was coming.

Xi Yu leads his troops and prepares for this fateful battle. They firmly believe that victory will belong to them and to the righteous side.

Xi Yu's eyes were as bright as a torch, staring at the enemy lines in the distance. He waved the sword in his hand and shouted loudly: "Warriors, today's battle is a matter of life and death! We must rush to the enemy with fearless courage and let them see our advantages and disadvantages!"

The soldiers responded passionately, and their shouts echoed on the battlefield, stirring everyone's hearts.

Following Xi Yu's order, the troops rushed forward like a raging torrent.

The sound of horse hooves resounded through the sky, and the figures of the soldiers were looming in the hustle and bustle.

Similarly, Cao Pi also encouraged the soldiers in the early morning, and the soldiers were full of confidence.

Cao Pi's army did not show any weakness. They met Xi Yu's attack with tight defense.

"Xi Yu has arrived. We must not be polite and keep our spirits up. Brothers, are you confident?"

"Mr. Cao, we are confident."

"Xi Yu not only used a stratagem to cause me to kill Sima Yi by mistake, but also killed two Sima brothers. We have to avenge this blood feud."

Cao Pi thought to himself that since many people were leaning toward Sima Yi, he would certainly be able to inspire people by talking about Sima Yi's story.

But this time, many soldiers really felt like they had been given blood. They regarded Xi Yu as their number one enemy, and they felt aggrieved.

That's right, it directly caused the demise of the Sima family.

This guy Xi Yu is really disgusting.

Soldiers from both sides met in close combat, and in an instant, the sound of metal clashing and fighting resounded throughout the battlefield.

Xi Yu leads the way, his sword skills are extremely sharp, and every swing of his sword carries a fatal threat.

His figure is like the arrival of the God of War, inspiring the soldiers to fight bravely.

During the fierce battle, Xi Yu encountered an enemy general.

"You are Cao Pi's lackey! Today is the day you die!" Xi Yu shouted angrily.

"I am a loyal general of Duke Cao, and I will definitely challenge you! Who do you think you are?" The other party responded.

The two engaged in a thrilling duel, with swords going back and forth, refusing to give in to each other.

However, Xi Yu's combat experience and superb skills gradually gave him the upper hand. He caught a flaw in the opponent's body and stabbed out with his sword, accurately hitting the opponent's vital part.

The enemy general fell in a pool of blood, and Xi Yu's victory boosted the morale of the soldiers.

They fought the enemy more bravely and were determined to achieve final victory.

On the battlefield, blood dyed the land red, and gunpowder smoke filled the entire space.

But Xi Yu and his troops did not flinch, and they moved firmly towards victory.

After a fierce battle, Xi Yu's troops finally broke through Cao Pi's defense line. The enemy began to collapse and fled backwards.

Seeing this, Xi Yu raised his sword high and shouted again: "Pursue! Don't let the enemy have a chance to breathe!"

The soldiers responded to his call and launched a rapid pursuit. Their cheers echoed across the battlefield, symbolizing the approaching victory.

Cao Pi stood on the chariot with a gloomy face, looking at the low morale of his army, and the anger in his heart burned like a flame.

He widened his eyes, glared at Xi Yu in the distance, and said through gritted teeth: "Xi Yu, you traitor! You originally followed my father, Cao Cao, but now you are starting a new business. Your behavior is simply a betrayal of my father!"

When Xi Yu heard Cao Pi's accusation, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a disdainful smile.

He straightened up, the long sword in his hand flashed with cold light, and responded: "Cao Pi, you used to call me uncle now you call me by my name directly. I am not a traitor. Although Cao Cao is a hero, his era has passed. Now. , what the people of the world long for is peace and stability, but you have brought war and pain. I just follow the people's will and fight for the people of the world."

At this time, the wind and sand on the battlefield became more violent, causing the flags to roar.

Cao Pi's face became more ferocious. He pointed at Xi Yu, with a hint of despair in his voice: "Don't use the so-called people's support to defend yourself! This is all your conspiracy!"

Xi Yu looked at Cao Pi quietly, his eyes showing determination and confidence. He said slowly: "What the people want is the general trend. If you don't understand the current situation and go against the trend, you will only lead to destruction."

Cao Pi's heart was full of unwillingness and helplessness. He knew that his army was at a disadvantage, but he still refused to give up easily.

He held the reins tightly in his hands and shouted: "I will not give in! I will fight you to the death!"

Xi Yu shook his head slightly and sighed: "You are struggling to your death, it is meaningless. Only by letting go of your obsession and following the trend can you give the people a peaceful future. I still hope that you can surrender. At any time, my door will open It’s all open for you.”

To be honest, Xi Yu didn't hate Cao Pi, not just because Cao Pi was a tycoon in his previous life.

In this life, Xi Yu also had some feelings for Cao Pi.

Cao Pi's face turned pale. He stared blankly at the chaos on the battlefield, feeling a sting in his heart.

He once thought that he might fail, but when he actually faced the reality of failure, the uncomfortable feeling still flooded into his heart.

He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice to the generals around him: "We can't just retreat! We still have a chance. As long as we persist, we may be able to turn the tide of the war!"

The generals looked at Cao Pi with a hint of helplessness and confusion in their eyes.

They knew that the situation was already very critical, but out of loyalty to Cao Pi, they still responded one after another.

Under Cao Pi's order, the soldiers of Cao's army reluctantly cheered up. They clenched their weapons and continued to fight against Xi Yu's army.

However, their hearts are filled with fear.

Xi Yu shouted loudly to his soldiers: "Brothers, Cao's army has reached its end, but we cannot take it lightly. Give them a final blow and let them know our strength!"

The soldiers responded in unison, their morale burning like fire. They rushed towards Cao Jun with fearless courage and launched the final decisive battle.

On the battlefield, the sounds of killing and shouts intertwined to form a tragic symphony.

Cao Pi watched his soldiers fall one by one, his heart filled with pain and despair. He realized that this war was irreversible.

In the end, Cao's army's defense line was completely broken through, and they began to flee in all directions. Cao Pi stared at all this blankly, his heart full of helplessness and regret.

Xi Yu looked at Cao Pi in front of him, a trace of pity flashing in his eyes. He knew that this former opponent had reached the end of his rope, but he still maintained his last dignity.

Xi Yu said softly: "Cao Pi, now that the overall situation has been decided, are you still unwilling to surrender?"

Cao Pi raised his head, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said: "A scholar cannot be killed but cannot be humiliated. As Cao Cao's son, I will never surrender to you!"

Xi Yu sighed. He knew that Cao Pi was a stubborn person, but he didn't want to kill him easily.

Xi Yu said: "Cao Pi, you are a talented person. If you are willing to surrender to me, I can guarantee your life safety and give you a chance to display your talents."

Cao Pi smiled. He knew Xi Yu was giving him a step down, but he still insisted on his position.

Cao Pi said: "Xi Yu, you don't need to say any more. I have already decided that I would rather die than surrender to you."

Xi Yu was silent for a moment, knowing that Cao Pi had made his choice.

Xi Yu said: "In that case, I can only respect your choice."

After speaking, Xi Yu waved his hand and signaled the soldiers to take Cao Pi away.

Cao Pi was escorted out of the camp by the soldiers. His face was pale, but his eyes were always firm.

At this time, it suddenly started to rain in the sky, and the rain hit Cao Pi's body, making him feel a chill.

Cao Pi raised his head and looked at the sky, filled with emotions. He knew that this might be the last time he saw the sky.

Xi Yu stood at the door of the camp, looking at Cao Pi's back as he was being taken away, and couldn't help but feel a little regretful in his heart.

Xi Yu said: "Cao Pi, you are a respectable opponent. If you were not Cao Cao's son, maybe we could become friends."

After saying that, Xi Yu turned around and walked into the camp. He knew that the war was over, but his mission was not yet completed. He wants to bring true peace and tranquility to the people of the world.

Xi Yu looked at the remaining soldiers of Cao's army and shouted loudly: "Those who are willing to surrender can submit to me; those who are unwilling to surrender are free to go home."

Cao's soldiers were very surprised when they heard this. They looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Is this true? We are free to go home?" one soldier asked doubtfully.

Xi Yu nodded and said in a firm tone: "I, Xi Yu, have said what I said, and it is hard to chase after you. As long as you really want to go home, I will never interfere."

At this time, several soldiers hesitated, slowly put down their weapons, and walked towards home.

Xi Yu watched them leave quietly and did not stop them.

Seeing this scene, more soldiers began to feel excited. They laid down their weapons one after another and joined the team heading home.

"Let's go home, too. This war has cost us too much," one soldier said.

"Yeah, it's good to go home, see your family, and live a peaceful life." Another soldier agreed.

However, some soldiers chose to surrender. They walked up to Xi Yu and expressed their willingness to follow him.

"I believe in you, Your Majesty. We are willing to serve you." said one of the surrendering soldiers.

Xi Yu looked at them with a smile, a hint of relief flashing in his eyes. "Very well, you are welcome to join my team. From today on, we will work together for peace."

At this time, the sky gradually cleared, and the sun shone on the soldiers, illuminating their faces.

Xi Yu looked at the soldiers who left and those who stayed behind, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He knew that no matter what choices these soldiers made, they needed a new beginning.

In this war-torn era, everyone is looking for their own destination. And Xi Yu hopes that he can give these soldiers a real home, a peaceful and tranquil world.

Afterwards, Xi Yu stood on the towering tower, the wind blowing his shirt.

His eyes were firm and steady, overlooking the people below.

"Folks!" Xi Yu shouted loudly, his voice clear and loud, echoing over Luoyang City, "Luoyang is now officially under the jurisdiction of my king! I will definitely treat the people well."

Before he finished speaking, the people rushed forward one after another, their faces filled with excitement and anticipation.

Xi Yu's arrival seems to have brought them new hope.

"Welcome, Your Majesty!" someone in the crowd shouted.

"Your Majesty, you will definitely let us live a stable life!" another person said.

Xi Yu smiled and waved to the people, his eyes full of confidence and determination.

However, among the crowd, some people were talking privately.

"He is plotting to usurp the throne!" a person whispered.

"You can't say that. The Cao family is cruel and unkind, and the world has been suffering for a long time. Maybe Xi Yu can bring us a better life." Another person retorted.

These comments did not reach Xi Yu's ears.

Xi Yu turned around and said to the generals around him: "We must restore Luoyang's vitality as soon as possible so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment."

The generals nodded.

The sun shone on Xi Yu's body, giving him a golden glow.

He looked into the distance, feeling a surge of pride and ambition in his heart. The future of Luoyang will be written by him and his army.

In the following days, Xi Yu decided to retain people to actively govern Luoyang.

He will promulgate a series of policies to benefit the people, reduce the burden on the people, and at the same time strengthen the city's defense to ensure the safety of the place.

Soon, Xi Yu arrived at Cao Mansion.

He found a place to sit down. Although he had said that he would kill Cao Pi, he finally decided to just take Cao Pi back to Youzhou.

He couldn't really kill Cao Pi. Let's put Cao Pi under house arrest first.

As for everything in the Cao Mansion, it will also be confiscated.

Xi Yu suddenly frowned and suddenly realized that there was a question that he had ignored.

"Who should be allowed to govern Luoyang?" he said to himself.

He thought for a while, and suddenly a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Come here!" Xi Yu shouted.

A soldier came in in response.

"Pass my order to invite Sun Quan to Luoyang immediately." Xi Yu said.

The soldiers took the order and left, Xi Yu felt a little more at ease.

"Sun Quan is a rare talent. Letting him manage Luoyang may be a good choice." Xi Yu thought to himself.

As for the business association in Youzhou, Xi Yu decided to change it to another person to manage it.

Xi Yu decided to stay in Luoyang for a few more days to observe the situation in the city and also think about the next plan.

"Come here." Xi Yu called softly.

A soldier hurried forward and saluted respectfully.

"You return to Youzhou immediately and tell the ladies that I have captured Luoyang." Xi Yu said firmly, "Let them not worry, I am fine."

After receiving the order, the soldiers quickly left. Xi Yu looked at his retreating figure, feeling longing for his family in his heart.

At night in Luoyang, the lights are brilliant.

Xiyu strolled on the street, feeling the unique atmosphere here.

The streets and alleys are filled with the aroma of delicious food, and the cries of vendors come and go.

Xi Yu came to a restaurant and found a seat by the window to sit down. While enjoying the delicious food and wine, he observed the crowd around him.

"Have you heard? Xiyu has occupied Luoyang!" People at the next table were talking excitedly.

"Hopefully he can give us a better life," said another.

Listening to their conversation, Xi Yu couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility in his heart. He knows that he shoulders the expectations of the people and must work hard to make this city a better place.

A few days passed quickly. During Xi Yu's time in Luoyang, he gained a deep understanding of the city's customs and customs.

On this day, the soldier who was responsible for reporting the news finally came to Youzhou and met several ladies.

The ladies were all very happy to learn that Xi Yu was safe and sound and had arrived in Luoyang.

They celebrate by playing poker these days.

But another soldier rushed to the Youzhou Chamber of Commerce to find Sun Quan.

Sun Quan was also very happy to learn that Xi Yu had arrived in Luoyang.

But why did Xiyu let him go? Will a chamber of commerce be established there?

So he asked the soldier who reported the news what he wanted to do?

The soldier immediately shook his head.

"I don't know clearly, Mr. Sun, please hurry over."

Sun Quan nodded, and finally explained some things to the Chamber of Commerce, then packed up his things and hurried to Luoyang.

Soon, Wenxuan also learned about Xi Yu's victory in Youzhou College.

However, she didn't feel particularly happy.

At noon that day, many teachers were discussing this matter. Everyone was in high spirits, but Lu Su found that Wenxuan was not particularly excited.

"The king is about to seize the entire Central Plains. Don't you think this is a good thing? Teacher Wenxuan." (End of chapter)

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